another reason why the Christian bible is false

Ricky Houy said:
The bible was based directly from the word of god.
No, it was based directly from the incoherent ramblings and hallucinations of a few drunk and heat-stricken morons in the middle of the desert in 110 degree heat.
Hapsburg said:
No, it was based directly from the incoherent ramblings and hallucinations of a few drunk and heat-stricken morons in the middle of the desert in 110 degree heat.

It's hardlly that hot in most places the bible was set in.
Ricky Houy said:
Well, let me begin by saying this. Why are you discriminating something you don't know enough about?

I probably know far more about it than you.

Enough to base most American, and English laws off of Christianity.

Good point. And those legal systems are working very well, are they?

Well, I suppose that makes some level of sense. But isn't that the point of faith? What's the point of debunking someones religious crutch?

In order to irradicate all religion, of course. Religion is and will be mankinds downfall.
Ricky Houy said:
It's hardlly that hot in most places the bible was set in.
The Sudan is not hot? Egypt is not hot? Look on a map, you dick, both are part of the greater Sahara and Subsaharan savannah regions. Both can get very hot, and very dry, leading to delirious hallucinatory ramblings caused by nutrient deprivation, dehydration, and heat stroke.
Originally posted by Ricky Houy
Well you see this is a very good point. I like your ideals. But to a christian the perferct sacrifice has been made. The Crucifixtion of Christ. Before that it was animal sacrifices. Don't you see. Here in lies your question on why have a hell. Because it helps keep people from commiting horrid sins, such as murder, stealing, and whatever you consider a harsh sin.

This is rarely acknowledged or noticed. This really obvious deception. The crucifixion of jesus christ is the symbolism of a scapegoat. What kind of religion uses a scapegoat so that a whole bunch of assholes can be free from the responsiblities of their sins? Jesus took on the sins of the world, one poor guy so that a bunch of nondeserving jerks could get into heaven?? How convenient. But not surprising how the most evil setup is painted as good and pure. What a scary and pitiful creature humans are, worse than animals. Considering we have the ability to be better than that if we really tried and put forth the effort. I don't live by those standards and I believe others should recycle their own garbage and take personal responsiblity for their 'sins' as well as be accountable for them just as I should. This is the only way to realistically produce a healthier society not by excusing and passing the buck onto an imaginary being thereby delusionally relieving ourselves of our own faults so that we do not have to change, make corrections, or improve ourselves or be responsible to others. Maybe in a million years from now, our descendants will look back in disbelief, shame and mockery at the heinous, atrocious, primitive, insane foundation we kept building our castles upon.
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Hapsburg said:
The Sudan is not hot? Egypt is not hot? Look on a map, you dick, both are part of the greater Sahara and Subsaharan savannah regions. Both can get very hot, and very dry, leading to delirious hallucinatory ramblings caused by nutrient deprivation, dehydration, and heat stroke.

Well granted that there are some hot places, look where alot of it happen. Where some of the most influencing verses come from. They all come from Israel, which stays at a pretty moderate temperature.
(Q) said:
I probably know far more about it than you.

Then so be it. But I am learning.

(Q) said:
Good point. And those legal systems are working very well, are they?
I like to believe so. But is it the legal system, or the people in the legal systems fault?

(Q) said:
In order to irradicate all religion, of course. Religion is and will be mankinds downfall.

I think it would more or less be from a direct cause. Man, and his inabilty to evolve enough to not have racial views, or any discriminations against another person. Which I guess a solution to this would be to end religion. But I'm sure there is a better way. Perhaps worrying about such things, and who is right could be ended, but that would be as ridiculous to ask to stop as to stop religon. It's almost facist to do so. The same idea came along with Hitler and the Jews. I don't think this has ever actually worked to well for society, because we will find something else wrong.
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iam said:
This is rarely acknowledged or noticed. This really obvious deception. The crucifixion of jesus christ is the symbolism of a scapegoat.
What comes to mind when I hear this is Catholism.

iam said:
What kind of religion uses a scapegoat so that a whole bunch of assholes can be free from the responsiblities of their sins? Jesus took on the sins of the world, one poor guy so that a bunch of nondeserving jerks could get into heaven?? How convenient. But not surprising how the most evil setup is painted as good and pure. What a scary and pitiful creature humans are, worse than animals.

I believe Jesse Ventura once said "People who use religion are weak, they use it as a religious crutch" This is a rough translation of it. I heard this quote months ago, and it's a little sketchy in my mind. But regardless that is the main point of what he said. I think you would agree with this. I think some people need religion aswell. But if they are dependent on religion perhaps they can be dependent on other things.
iam said:
Considering we have the ability to be better than that if we really tried and put forth the effort. I don't live by those standards and I believe others should recycle their own garbage and take personal responsiblity for their 'sins' as well as be accountable for them just as I should. This is the only way to realistically produce a healthier society not by excusing and passing the buck onto an imaginary being thereby delusionally relieving ourselves of our own faults so that we do not have to change, make corrections, or improve ourselves or be responsible to others.

This would take a very long time. Not to mention i don't think many would support this idea. But a good idea i must admitt. I believe the human race needs to evolve enough to be able to accept something for what it is before we can began something on this level.

iam said:
Maybe in a million years from now, our descendants will look back in disbelief, shame and mockery at the heinous, atrocious, primitive, insane foundation we kept building our castles upon.

I would hope so to.
Ophiolite said:
Ricky doesn't have such a hot education, Hapsburg. Though I understand he has a very high GPA.
Hey, I'm like...the opposite. I'm real fuckin smart, but I'm just too lazy to do the work.

And Rick- everything written in the bible came from the ridiculous ramblings of desert drifters, simple as that.
Ricky Houy said:
I like to believe so. But is it the legal system, or the people in the legal systems fault?

We still swear an oath on a bible.

I think it would more or less be from a direct cause. Man, and his inabilty to evolve enough to not have racial views, or any discriminations against another person. Which I guess a solution to this would be to end religion. But I'm sure there is a better way. Perhaps worrying about such things, and who is right could be ended, but that would be as ridiculous to ask to stop as to stop religon. It's almost facist to do so. The same idea came along with Hitler and the Jews. I don't think this has ever actually worked to well for society, because we will find something else wrong.

I'm not talking about racism or genocide. I'm talking about religion.

If we were to remove the belief in the supernatural, we could concentrate on the problems of the world rather than the make believe.
If we were to remove the belief in the supernatural, we could concentrate on the problems of the world rather than the make believe.

Perfecto. Nailed it. Concise, precise and true in a nutshell.
(Q) said:
We still swear an oath on a bible.

I'm not talking about racism or genocide. I'm talking about religion.

If we were to remove the belief in the supernatural, we could concentrate on the problems of the world rather than the make believe.

What is to say the effects would be different from what's happened in the past with acts of racism, or genocide. But your claims make it to be so absolute. How do you know this plan would actually work. What if the destruction of religion cause so much of a problem, that world war 3 happened. How can you be sure the destruction of religion will not be the end of the world? We as humans have shown no signs of being evolved enough to do this.
Q said:

If we were to remove the belief in the supernatural, we could concentrate on the problems of the world rather than the make believe.

The biblical antichrist will promote that view, and deceive many (I Thes 5:3):

For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

Mankind can do a pretty good job of destroying himself without anyone's help and without religion(Mat 24:21-22):

For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
You've seen movies of Superman flying around New York City. Since New York city exists that makes Superman real and can fly?

Jesus existing is a moot point to me. Either way, donkey's don't talk, snakes don't turn into wood, and human flesh does not survive rigor mortis. Jesus existed? So what.
Mythbuster said:
You've seen movies of Superman flying around New York City. Since New York city exists that makes Superman real and can fly?

Jesus existing is a moot point to me. Either way, donkey's don't talk, snakes don't turn into wood, and human flesh does not survive rigor mortis. Jesus existed? So what.

Christopher Reeve died like everyone else, so he wasn't really superman. Jesus on the otherhand was Jesus.
Woody, you couldn't follow Jesus if you were on rollerblades and he was stapled to your prick.
spidergoat said:
Woody, you couldn't follow Jesus if you were on rollerblades and he was stapled to your prick.

I certainly wouldn't try it that way, but I think I understand what you are trying to say. You are telling me you don't want me to follow Jesus, but that's too bad. I'll follow Him anyway. :cool: