another reason why the Christian bible is false

EmptyForceOfChi said:
heaven and hell,

if there were a christian god as the bible describes "him", then he would not send people to hell, because he forgives all. so if god has forgiven you why would he send you to hell, he is all loving and all caring, so as biblical "logic" goes, a hell wouldent exist, the almighty would just let everyone into heaven because having someone suffering in an eternal fire pit of pain and hardship, isnt really the actions of an almighty loving god bieng is it now, if somebody were to eat to much cake or pizza he would sin with gloutony, therefore without repenting his sin, would be banished to the fires of hell, (just for eating some cake?) thats a little harsh for the all loving god right?.

Read the rules of Christianity. God only forgives those that believe in Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and are trying to not commit sin.
If you don't believe, or if you don't repent of sin, then you are not forgiven.
God will not allow evil men into heaven, because by their evil deeds they would spoil heaven for everyone else. Men are going to be tested on Earth first to see if they are worthy to go to heaven. The unworthy will not go there. God's universe shows the principle of balance. Heat is balanced against cold, light against darkness, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. God is balancing eternal happiness, for Christian believers that repent, against eternal punishment for non Christian unbelievers that practice sin and disobey His laws. [For balance; to give the righteous eternal happiness, then the evil must have eternal misery.!]
Acually the scriptures talk of surfeiting and eating and drinking with the drunken as sinful. Surfeiting involves over indulgence in food and drink. In both these cases drinking is involved and it says drunkards will not go to heaven. Thinking that glutony alone is a sin, might not be correct; those scriptures might be more about getting drunk as a sin.
Your example of eating too much cake being a sin, might not be a correct example at all.
ghost7584 said:
[For balance; to give the righteous eternal happiness, then the evil must have eternal misery.!]

Jesus H. Christ on a spit! You are really a horrible person. And moronic. Did I mention moronic?
superluminal said:
Jesus H. Christ on a spit! You are really a horrible person. And moronic. Did I mention moronic?

Exodus 20:7 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

You know, it is good evidence that devils do control what evil men say and do. It is completely irrational to use the name of Jesus the way you did in your statement. It was done because the devils want people to break God's commandments, and devils have telepathic access to the mind of men. God is allowing them to have this power to test men to see if they will do good or evil, to see who is worthy to go to heaven and who is not worthy.

Do you ever hear people taking the name of budha in vain, in their speech, or the name of Mohamed, or the name of Krisha? No. Taking their name in vain is not a sin. Devils want people to sin, so they take the name of the Lord Jesus in vain, or the name of God the father in vain.

Watch scare tactics on the sci fi channel and see whose name gets blasphemed and taken in vain when people get scared. --not budha!!!

Think you are in control of what comes into your mind, do you?? --Think again about it!!!
superluminal said:
Do you know how stupid you are? Dosen't it scare you?


Goddamn motherfucking jesus humper.

If at some future date, your evil gets too extreme, and you think you need an excorcism, I recommend going to an assembly of God church, or a Church of God in Christ church, or a church of God church, to have the excorcism and be set free from demonic power.
Those churches cast out devils in the name of Jesus.
Just a slightly harmless question here: do you know how goddamn motherf***ing UGLY wolves glaring their teeth are?

I'm going to kindly ask you to replace that truly disgusting avatar you have with a picture of either a puppy or a kitten. Or turtle. Or turtledove.

Let's make 2006 a year of positive, uplifting changes!

Hallelujah! Slavery is NOT a sin!

Leviticus 25:44 - Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves.

Therefore, get thee down to Mexico and getteth thyself a little slave boy or girl. :)
Giambattista said:
Just a slightly harmless question here: do you know how goddamn motherf***ing UGLY wolves glaring their teeth are?

I'm going to kindly ask you to replace that truly disgusting avatar you have with a picture of either a puppy or a kitten. Or turtle. Or turtledove.

Let's make 2006 a year of positive, uplifting changes!


You know what? Because I respect you, I'll replace my avatar.
ghost7584 said:
If at some future date, your evil gets too extreme, and you think you need an excorcism, I recommend going to an assembly of God church, or a Church of God in Christ church, or a church of God church, to have the excorcism and be set free from demonic power.
Those churches cast out devils in the name of Jesus.

What makes you think I could ever get too evilly extreme? And if I did why would I want to get rid of it if the demons were convincing me to do it anyway? Don't you watch movies jesus boy? The demons are the fun ones. Nobody goes to the movies to watch a bunch of benign blowhards have a jesus suck-fest. Festering boils on my ass.
(Q) said:
No, I would allow them to develop morals on their own, that is, if I also allowed free will.

How, arn't humans imperfect? They would make good morals. But if you were the creator wouldn't you want some say in what people should do? But in any case he gives you the choice to follow his morals or not.

(Q) said:
If you did setup these morals what would you use to make people follow them?

A punishment like hell.

(Q) said:
If always correct, why such an imperfect world?

Because of free will.

(Q) said:
But as YOU say, that's pure speculation.

No, I said you cannot use this as proof God doesn't exist. I believe you have misread what I meant.

(Q) said:
And no matter what one does in his life to achieve all that is good and right, according to your morals, he is punished to an afterlife of eternal damnation, merely for not believing in anothers god.

If you were a god and someone refused to believe you existed. Would you allow him into heaven? Possibly. But God has chosen not to.
Ricky Houy said:
How, arn't humans imperfect? They would make good morals. But if you were the creator wouldn't you want some say in what people should do? But in any case he gives you the choice to follow his morals or not.

That's a contradiction. There cannot be free will in your system, there can only be free will if we are allowed to create our own morals.

A punishment like hell.

Therein lies the problem, its all or nothing. You choose to live your life with your own moral values, never causing harm to anyone, yet are relegated to an afterlife of eternal damnation. How is that a just system?

Because of free will.

There can be no free will in your system if a god chooses your morals for you.

No, I said you cannot use this as proof God doesn't exist. I believe you have misread what I meant.

No, I haven't misread anything. I am drawing the obvious conclusion that if one claims or refutes something about gods, it is ALL pure speculation, whether it is you or anyone else.

If you were a god and someone refused to believe you existed. Would you allow him into heaven? Possibly. But God has chosen not to.

I would allow anyone into heaven if they led a life of never intentionally doing harm to someone else. Isn't that the best moral life to lead, regardless of what one believes?

If your god chooses not to do so, he is an egomaniac who does not deserve worship.

Using your logic, I should allow murderers and rapists who repent their sins and believe in me, into heaven.
EmptyForceOfChi said:
heaven and hell,

if there were a christian god as the bible describes "him", then he would not send people to hell, because he forgives all. so if god has forgiven you why would he send you to hell, he is all loving and all caring, so as biblical "logic" goes, a hell wouldent exist, the almighty would just let everyone into heaven because having someone suffering in an eternal fire pit of pain and hardship, isnt really the actions of an almighty loving god bieng is it now, if somebody were to eat to much cake or pizza he would sin with gloutony, therefore without repenting his sin, would be banished to the fires of hell, (just for eating some cake?) thats a little harsh for the all loving god right?.


Yeah, we're all going to heaven -- then heaven would be uh well -- just like earth, except all the jails would be opened and nobody could be punished for doing wrong. Everybody is free to do whatever they want to. Sounds wonderful doesn't it? I'd like to know -- who gets to live next to Jim Jones and Jack the Ripper?

What a wonderful world that will be! (Woody sings song)
(Q) said:
That's a contradiction. There cannot be free will in your system, there can only be free will if we are allowed to create our own morals.

That's not a contradiction. There can be free will in the system. God does not force us to follow any of his morals. He gives us the choice. What's so hard to grasp about that?

(Q) said:
Therein lies the problem, its all or nothing. You choose to live your life with your own moral values, never causing harm to anyone, yet are relegated to an afterlife of eternal damnation. How is that a just system?

Ask God, not me. I can only answer this question with this. Because they'renonbelievers. They cannot be forgiven for their sins if they don't believe. In fact most christians believe you get into heaven with your faith alone.

(Q) said:
There can be no free will in your system if a god chooses your morals for you.

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

There is free will. But you've blinded yourself to this. God has given us the choice to follow his morals. He has set them up as simple guidelines. Then said choose wisely. How is that not free will? I am beggining to think you don't know much of any religion.

(Q) said:
No, I haven't misread anything. I am drawing the obvious conclusion that if one claims or refutes something about gods, it is ALL pure speculation, whether it is you or anyone else.

So far you've misread alot.

(Q) said:
I would allow anyone into heaven if they led a life of never intentionally doing harm to someone else. Isn't that the best moral life to lead, regardless of what one believes?

I suppose. It's a very good way of looking at this. But not Gods way. So is it relavent?

(Q) said:
If your god chooses not to do so, he is an egomaniac who does not deserve worship.

Well, I do not have much to say to this. It's your opinion. Not mine.

(Q) said:
Using your logic, I should allow murderers and rapists who repent their sins and believe in me, into heaven.

That's Christian logic. Besides they have to be truthful of their repention. A sin cannot be forgiven in my opinion if the sinner does not think what he has done is wrong, if it's wrong in the eyes of God.
RH said,

That's not a contradiction. There can be free will in the system. God does not force us to follow any of his morals. He gives us the choice. What's so hard to grasp about that?

The hard part is that it makes somebody accountable for what they do. If morals don't permit free will, then God doesn't even have a free will.

Q said,

There can be no free will in your system if a god chooses your morals for you.

So when the government passes a law that says you can't kill somebody, that doesn't stop murderers. They have a free will, but they will pay a penalty if they get caught.

Q said,

Using your logic, I should allow murderers and rapists who repent their sins and believe in me, into heaven.

To God all sin is the same, all men are sinners, and all need repentence -- there is no difference, though we (people) see a difference between the worst of humanity versus your average person. Anybody is capable of just about any sin given the right conditions. You usually hear nice things about somebody that later became a total criminal. Addictions can do this.
Ricky Houy said:
That's not a contradiction. There can be free will in the system. God does not force us to follow any of his morals. He gives us the choice. What's so hard to grasp about that?

I only wanted to hear it from you straight, that you believe your god only provides guidelines and does not interfere in any way, he allows the individual to choose. What if the inidividual chooses morals higher than what your god can offer? There are other religions with varying rewards.

Ask God, not me.

Gods don't answer questions, if they did, I wouldn't be asking you.

Because they'renonbelievers. They cannot be forgiven for their sins if they don't believe. In fact most christians believe you get into heaven with your faith alone.

And that is very sad indeed. Anyone could go on a killing spree and as long as they had faith and repented their sins, they got a ticket to ride. Yet, someone living a good life with no beliefs is damned.

Can you not see how utterly ridiculous that is?

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

There is free will. But you've blinded yourself to this. God has given us the choice to follow his morals. He has set them up as simple guidelines. Then said choose wisely. How is that not free will? I am beggining to think you don't know much of any religion.

In other words, YOU don't believe in a personal god. I assumed you did. My bad.

I suppose. It's a very good way of looking at this. But not Gods way. So is it relavent?

VERY relevant! If his way is based strickly on faith and not how one leads their lives, your god is unjust and is not worthy of worship.

Well, I do not have much to say to this. It's your opinion. Not mine.

Then, you must agree.

That's Christian logic. Besides they have to be truthful of their repention. A sin cannot be forgiven in my opinion if the sinner does not think what he has done is wrong, if it's wrong in the eyes of God.

Then, it isn't logic at all. It doesn't matter a rats patootie whether the sinner thinks its wrong or not - that's not the point. The point is that your god would actually accept those kind of people in heaven, yet discard to an eternity of hellfire, those who lived good decent lives but choose not to have a faith, or they choose not to have YOUR faith.

It is utterly dispicable and you would be blind not to see that.
(Q) said:
I only wanted to hear it from you straight, that you believe your god only provides guidelines and does not interfere in any way, he allows the individual to choose. What if the inidividual chooses morals higher than what your god can offer? There are other religions with varying rewards.

Well, then convert. If the person finds something better then they need not waste the time on this. They've got plenty of religions that have changed the morals of gods.

(Q) said:
Gods don't answer questions, if they did, I wouldn't be asking you.

God's have answered the question before you have asked it. You simply have not looked hard enough. But I'm the most up-to-date on the matter.

(Q) said:
And that is very sad indeed. Anyone could go on a killing spree and as long as they had faith and repented their sins, they got a ticket to ride. Yet, someone living a good life with no beliefs is damned.

Well you see this is a very good point. I like your ideals. But to a christian the perferct sacrifice has been made. The Crucifixtion of Christ. Before that it was animal sacrifices. Don't you see. Here in lies your question on why have a hell. Because it helps keep people from commiting horrid sins, such as murder, stealing, and whatever you consider a harsh sin. Then the sacrifices are an attempt to reach God to show him that you would like to be forgiven for your mistakes. That you have faith in the Lord and his word. But if you do not then you pay the ultimate. Hint; Gods vengeance.

(Q) said:
Can you not see how utterly ridiculous that is?


(Q) said:
In other words, YOU don't believe in a personal god. I assumed you did. My bad.
I believe in a God. I'm Jewish. But I've studied multiple religions.

(Q) said:
VERY relevant! If his way is based strickly on faith and not how one leads their lives, your god is unjust and is not worthy of worship.

It's a little of both. Some Christians believe it's faith, others believe it is your moral pursuit. But moral faith is a result of your faith, not a requirement of our faith. You're righteous because of your faith. We are seen righteous because of your faith in Christ.

In the Old Testaments a sacrifice was required. This was provided an atonement for sin. See you're given the choice to repent your sins. But Have you ever heard of the seven deadly sins?

(Q) said:
Then, you must agree.
No, I do not. I just cannot argue your opinion.

(Q) said:
Then, it isn't logic at all. It doesn't matter a rats patootie whether the sinner thinks its wrong or not - that's not the point. The point is that your god would actually accept those kind of people in heaven, yet discard to an eternity of hellfire, those who lived good decent lives but choose not to have a faith, or they choose not to have YOUR faith.

You haven't listened entirely to much to me have you?

(Q) said:
It is utterly dispicable and you would be blind not to see that.

You see it would be utterly dispicable to think this. Because a person who has never heard of the Lord is given his right into heaven by his morals, as long as he followed the morals of where he lived. Others who do have the right to believe God didn't repent their sins. So they receive the ultimate punishment.