another reason why the Christian bible is false

SnakeLord said:
And died.. just like everyone else at the time. Lol.

Well sort of. He died worse than most, and was resurrected according to the bible.
Ophiolite said:
Ricky doesn't have such a hot education, Hapsburg. Though I understand he has a very high GPA.

Hapsburg went to junior high. :eek:
Well sort of. He died worse than most, and was resurrected according to the bible.

A) You're really in no position to say "worse than most". Personally I'd see a 5 year old child dying of leukemia as far worse, but I guess it's all about perspective. When you're dying I guess you can make that call.

B) His death instantly becomes meaningless. He is, according to you, god - and thus what is pain or death to an eternal omnipotent being? It's nothing.. It's like a bee sting you got 45 years ago.

C) Seeings as jesus is god, it would be accurate to state that he never actually died, (unless you're going to claim that for those 3 days god was completely non-existant.

I am somewhat disgusted that you'd even try giving it the "poor old jesus" speech given my above statements. A little less concern over an eternal non-killable being, and a little more compassion for real humans that really suffer heh? How about it? Can you find it in that loving christian heart of yours?
SnakeLord said:
A) You're really in no position to say "worse than most". Personally I'd see a 5 year old child dying of leukemia as far worse, but I guess it's all about perspective. When you're dying I guess you can make that call.

From a pain and suffering point of view, it doesn't get much worse than a crucifiction hence the term excruciating pain. At least that's what a physician told me -- I'll take his word for it. There are pain-killers for cancer patients. Jesus didn't get anything like that.

B) His death instantly becomes meaningless. He is, according to you, god - and thus what is pain or death to an eternal omnipotent being? It's nothing.. It's like a bee sting you got 45 years ago.

Well, let's take a look at Jesus and see. No sweat for God eternal ehh! Actually, he sweated droplets of blood in the Garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22:44). A lot of people say that proves the bible is a lie -- because that's not even possible. But medically speaking the phenomena is called hematidrosis. You gotta remember this is the only time in eternity that Jesus had to give up immortality and be separated from the Father with sin placed on him. So now that the medical profession has progressed far enough it is better understood. Luke himself was a physician, and the book of Luke was addressed directly from him (Luke1:3,4):

It seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.

Of course you can say it was all just made up, but somebody was pretty creative when they came up with the sweat drops of blood. The medical profession was rather primative back then you know.

C) Seeings as jesus is god, it would be accurate to state that he never actually died, (unless you're going to claim that for those 3 days god was completely non-existant.

He died physically, but spiritually he never died. He immediately released the dead saints and took them with him. When he came out he brought the keys of hell and the grave.

I am somewhat disgusted that you'd even try giving it the "poor old jesus" speech given my above statements. A little less concern over an eternal non-killable being, and a little more compassion for real humans that really suffer heh? How about it? Can you find it in that loving christian heart of yours?

Well I know you don't feel sorry for Jesus's pain and suffering. Didn't you say he got what he deserved?
Woody said:
Well I know you don't feel sorry for Jesus's pain and suffering. Didn't you say he got what he deserved?

LOL ! millions of peoples have suffered MORE then him because of his religion.
From a pain and suffering point of view, it doesn't get much worse than a crucifiction

Have you ever been crucified or are you just guessing?

Further to which, how much pain is crucifiction to an omnipotent, eternal, unkillable being? Well?

At least that's what a physician told me -- I'll take his word for it.

The physician had been crucified? Is the physician an unkillable, eternal, omnipotent being? Well?

There are pain-killers for cancer patients. Jesus didn't get anything like that.

There is omnipotence for jesus. cancer patients don't get that.

Well, let's take a look at Jesus and see. No sweat for God eternal ehh! Actually, he sweated droplets of blood in the Garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22:44)

And what exactly is a droplet of blood to an omnipotent, unkillable, eternal being? Well?

You gotta remember this is the only time in eternity that Jesus had to give up immortality and be separated from the Father with sin placed on him.

So.. jesus is not god? Well?

Of course you can say it was all just made up, but somebody was pretty creative when they came up with the sweat drops of blood.

Where is the relevance to my post? Well?

He died physically, but spiritually he never died.

Thus confirming my statement that he is an eternal, unkillable, omnipotent being? Well?

Well I know you don't feel sorry for Jesus's pain and suffering.

For an eternal, unkillable, omnipotent being? Of course not... only a dickhead would.

Didn't you say he got what he deserved?

What difference would it make to an eternal, unkillable, omnipotent being? Well?
Ricky Houy said:
What is to say the effects would be different from what's happened in the past with acts of racism, or genocide. But your claims make it to be so absolute. How do you know this plan would actually work. What if the destruction of religion cause so much of a problem, that world war 3 happened. How can you be sure the destruction of religion will not be the end of the world? We as humans have shown no signs of being evolved enough to do this.

Try pretending, even for a moment, that gods don't exist and then ask yourself if the plan would work. It's really very simple.

Please provide evidence to any war every waged that was a direct result of the non-belief in deists?

The destruction of religion may very well be the end of the world? But how?

We are evolved, we all have to accept it first.
SL said,

Have you ever been crucified or are you just guessing?

Further to which, how much pain is crucifiction to an omnipotent, eternal, unkillable being? Well?

The physician had been crucified? Is the physician an unkillable, eternal, omnipotent being? Well?

Main Entry: ex·cru·ci·ate Pronunciation: ik-'skrü-shE-"At
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -at·ed; -at·ing
Etymology: Latin excruciatus, past participle of excruciare, from ex- + cruciare to crucify, from cruc-, crux cross
1 : to inflict intense pain on : TORTURE
2 : to subject to intense mental distress
- ex·cru·ci·a·tion /-"skrü-shE-'A-sh&n, -sE-/ noun

Come on snake, are you going to re-write the english language? Crucifiction is agonizing pain and mental distress by definition.

And concerning physicians -- they are licensed to prescribe pain-killers, wouldn't you suppose they have some expertise on human anatomy? Well, maybe you wouldn't think so.

There is omnipotence for jesus. cancer patients don't get that.

Yeah, and Jesus knew exactly what was coming before he died. I hope I'm spared that kind of knowledge.

And what exactly is a droplet of blood to an omnipotent, unkillable, eternal being? Well?

It's a rare condition that only occurs under extreme stress -- you could read about it as well as I can. If you think Jesus didn't suffer on the cross, then you are off the rocker.

So what do you think, snake? Did Jesus enjoy His stay on the cross? Perhaps he was just bored with it all, and couldn't think of anything better to do than just hang around.


Am I hearing an echo? And I hope you are well, well, well, well too. :D
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Woody said:
I certainly wouldn't try it that way, but I think I understand what you are trying to say. You are telling me you don't want me to follow Jesus, but that's too bad. I'll follow Him anyway. :cool:
No, I'm saying you are too confused with Christian nonsense to understand what he really preached, and you seem to have little curiosity about it.
Hapsburg said:
A janitor at my school is also named "Jesus". Does that mean the janitor is omnipotent? :D

Is it elementary school or junior high?
Come on snake, are you going to re-write the english language?

Are you going to continue to ignore what I actually say while responding with something not only irrelevant, but also stupid?

I'll try again:

What is pain - excruciating or otherwise - to an unkillable, omnipotant, eternal being? Does poor little jesus boy need a bandage? Aww..

And concerning physicians -- they are licensed to prescribe pain-killers, wouldn't you suppose they have some expertise on human anatomy?

Well, I'm licensed to tell people all about their mental issues, so why don't you pay attention when I tell you you're a delusional crackpot?

Yeah, and Jesus knew exactly what was coming before he died. I hope I'm spared that kind of knowledge.

You mean.. you don't already know that you're going to die?

But then I suppose you get some comfort from the belief that you're going to live again straight after. Now let's look at poor little jesus boy who knew he was totally unkillable and knew he would still be flying around on clouds in a gazillion bajillion millenniums from now.

It's a rare condition that only occurs under extreme stress -- you could read about it as well as I can. If you think Jesus didn't suffer on the cross, then you are off the rocker.

What are you blithering on about? My question is not asking for any names for specific ailments, but asking what a bit of blood and sweat means to something that can never die and is omnipotent. Try reading the question for a change heh.

So what do you think, snake? Did Jesus enjoy His stay on the cross?

I didn't imply that he enjoyed himself, much like I didn't like my last visit to the dentist - but much like in 10 years time I wont even remember the pain I suffered at the dentist or even remember being there, what is a day of pain to something that is eternal, omnipotent and UNKILLABLE?

You know, you could really make things easier by reading the questions before responding to them. It saves me having to keep retyping them. K?
SL said:

What is pain - excruciating or otherwise - to an unkillable, omnipotant, eternal being? Does poor little jesus boy need a bandage? Aww..

No bandages -- he'll wear the scars for all to see. John 20:27:

Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing.

Humanity put the scars there, and much of humanity isn't sorry (just like you).

You mean.. you don't already know that you're going to die?

I don't know when I'm going to die, and neither do you.

What are you blithering on about?

I say to you likewise. Sweating blood drops is a known medical condition, just like pain. There is a cause which you choose to ignore.

I didn't imply that he enjoyed himself, much like I didn't like my last visit to the dentist - but much like in 10 years time I wont even remember the pain I suffered at the dentist or even remember being there, what is a day of pain to something that is eternal, omnipotent and UNKILLABLE?

Like a woman forgets what childbirth is like. Love washes away the memory of pain faster than time. Then they turn around and want another baby. My wife said it feels at least 100 times worse than total constipation. Your wife would probably agree.

You know, you could really make things easier by reading the questions before responding to them. It saves me having to keep retyping them. K?

I could make things easier for you if I didn't answer at all. I feel like I'm increasing your own condemnation on judgement day. :(
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Further to which, how much pain is crucifiction to an omnipotent, eternal, unkillable being? Well?
The body was cappable of death when seperated from Gods' spirit.
This happened before he died.
It was just His physical body that died.
And when he resurected the physical body was a "glorified form"
Cappable of walking through walls,flying ect...
I see you still refuse to answer Snakes's question Woody. Do you still have me on Ignore? Here it is anyway:

What is a day of pain to something that is eternal, omnipotent and UNKILLABLE?

Now you have three options:
1) Answer the question as honestly as you are able.
2) Ignore it completely, thus revealing yourself as an intellectual scumbag.
3) Provide irrelevant answers to peripheral questions, while avoiding the central one, thus revealing yourself as an intellectual scumbag.
4) Make a series of powerful statements around the topic area, which is pretty much the same as 2) and thus reveals yourself as an intellectual scumbag.

I trust you are going to go for option 1). In case you have forgotten, here is the question again.

What is a day of pain to something that is eternal, omnipotent and UNKILLABLE?
Thank you Ophi, although I'm going to repeat it because these things need to be mentioned more than once when it comes to Woody.

No bandages -- he'll wear the scars for all to see. John 20:27:

While that's certainly wonderful, I wonder why you chose to post that while happily ignoring the actual question - the question that I have now asked some 20 times.

Humanity put the scars there, and much of humanity isn't sorry (just like you)

And those gods you worship put many a scar on humans - drowned them, sends them to hell, sulphur bombed them etc etc etc with the same level of care you would show an ant. Hypocrites... all of them.

I say to you likewise. Sweating blood drops is a known medical condition, just like pain. There is a cause which you choose to ignore.

Wtf? Who cares about sweating blood drops? Where is it's relevance? WAKE UP Woody.

Like a woman forgets what childbirth is like. Love washes away the memory of pain faster than time. Then they turn around and want another baby. My wife said it feels at least 100 times worse than total constipation. Your wife would probably agree.

jesus fucking h christ on roller skates. Who cares about your wife? Answer the bloody question.

Having said that, your above statement does indeed imply that pain, excruicating or otherwise, is infact completely meaningless to an eternal, unkillable, omnipotent being. There you have it.

I could make things easier for you if I didn't answer at all.

You haven't. I submit that you can't, and that you're afraid to because it would kill any argument you actually have - which it clearly does. Coward.

I feel like I'm increasing your own condemnation on judgement day.


The body was cappable of death when seperated from Gods' spirit.
This happened before he died.
It was just His physical body that died.
And when he resurected the physical body was a "glorified form"
Cappable of walking through walls,flying ect...

So what you are indeed agreeing to Visitor, in your own words, is that god never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever actually died. Right?
How about the following possible explanation - but not I'm not a Christian, I just like thinking about this stuff and trying to argue for viewpoints I don't hold just because it's good mental exercise....and it's fun....

Suppose Jesus is the human version of Christ but is not given full knowledge of who he really is. He just has a suspiscion - but he is not sure. That way, the sacrifice is quite real, the pain is real and horrific, etc.

This is why I really liked the film The Last Temptation of Christ - he was potrayed as being unsure of who he was, and of having to make a decision at the end - to endure the sacrifice, which might all be in vain, or to live a normal life with Mary as his wife.

The problem this raises is - if Jesus didn't know he was the son of God, then -

Why did he go around proclaiming that he was?

How could it actually be him? For instance if I was to download my brain into a computer simulation such I would be altered enough so that in the sim I didn't know that I was *actually* a being outside the sim, would it still be me in there??
Why did he go around proclaiming that he was?

I don't think he claimed exclusivity, it was a metaphor. Just like when Buddhists say someone is a Buddha, it describes a level of spiritual development.