another reason why the Christian bible is false

Ricky Houy said:
Well, then convert. If the person finds something better then they need not waste the time on this. They've got plenty of religions that have changed the morals of gods.

Thanks, but so far I've not seen a single religion that offers anything of value. They all condone violence and preach ignorance.

God's have answered the question before you have asked it. You simply have not looked hard enough. But I'm the most up-to-date on the matter.

That is a crock. Many have searched their whole lives and found nothing. What makes you so special?

Well you see this is a very good point. I like your ideals. But to a christian the perferct sacrifice has been made. The Crucifixtion of Christ. Before that it was animal sacrifices. Don't you see. Here in lies your question on why have a hell. Because it helps keep people from commiting horrid sins, such as murder, stealing, and whatever you consider a harsh sin.

The prisons are full of god-fearing Christians, many who have commited the most heinous of crimes. The system is seriously flawed.They will simply repent their sins and join you in heaven - won't that make for pleasant company?

You haven't listened entirely to much to me have you?

Yes, I have read carefully your every word. Much of what you believe is too fantastic to comprehend, it truly boggles the mind.

You see it would be utterly dispicable to think this. Because a person who has never heard of the Lord is given his right into heaven by his morals, as long as he followed the morals of where he lived.

Then there is nothing to worry about, I can go on living the life I live not wasting my time with religion and get into heaven, if it does in fact exist.

And I'm not surprised that you wouldn't find that scenario utterly dispicable, as most theists could care less how much violence people do while they're alive, as long as they repent in the end and believe in a god, they're set in heaven.

Of course, to the rational mind, it is putridly unfathomable.
(Q) said:
Thanks, but so far I've not seen a single religion that offers anything of value. They all condone violence and preach ignorance.

Are you sure of this?

(Q) said:
That is a crock. Many have searched their whole lives and found nothing. What makes you so special?
perhaps they where asking the wrong questions? I never claimed to know the answer. So nothing makes me so special.

(Q) said:
The prisons are full of god-fearing Christians, many who have commited the most heinous of crimes. The system is seriously flawed.They will simply repent their sins and join you in heaven - won't that make for pleasant company?

Just because you repent does not mean you are automatically in heaven. But it sure does help.

(Q) said:
Yes, I have read carefully your every word. Much of what you believe is too fantastic to comprehend, it truly boggles the mind.

It appears so.

(Q) said:
Then there is nothing to worry about, I can go on living the life I live not wasting my time with religion and get into heaven, if it does in fact exist.

Alright. But that is a bad outlook on it. Have you read the bible?

(Q) said:
And I'm not surprised that you wouldn't find that scenario utterly dispicable, as most theists could care less how much violence people do while they're alive, as long as they repent in the end and believe in a god, they're set in heaven.

I perhaps should have made this clear. You are forgiven for your sins. But in no way does it mean you will not go to hell.
superluminal said:
It's genetic, idiot. Maybe you should learn to use punctuation? Just maybe?

Dude I asked him/her a question. Don't try to be smart. And this isn't an English class, so I don't need to sort my syntax out.
Ricky Houy said:
Are you sure of this?


perhaps they where asking the wrong questions? I never claimed to know the answer. So nothing makes me so special.

You're quite special if you have some sort of pipeline to a god. No one else does. No one has ever received an answer from a god, if they claim they did, they are lying.

Just because you repent does not mean you are automatically in heaven. But it sure does help.

So, what exactly are the guidelines for getting into heaven?

Alright. But that is a bad outlook on it. Have you read the bible?

So, living a good life never doing harm to anyone is a bad outlook? Yes, I've read the bible, it is only just slightly less believable than two other books I've read; Grimms and Aesop.

I perhaps should have made this clear. You are forgiven for your sins. But in no way does it mean you will not go to hell.

How can you possibly know that?
(Q) said:

Your views are very altered on the Church by the people in the Church then.

(Q) said:
You're quite special if you have some sort of pipeline to a god. No one else does. No one has ever received an answer from a god, if they claim they did, they are lying.

When did I say I have a pipeline to God, or did you assume I did? When did i claim to know the answer?

(Q) said:
So, what exactly are the guidelines for getting into heaven?
You would know if you actually read the Bible.

(Q) said:
So, living a good life never doing harm to anyone is a bad outlook? Yes, I've read the bible, it is only just slightly less believable than two other books I've read; Grimms and Aesop.

That's not what I meant. I meant it's not the way to view it. Not that that what you are looking at is a bad outlook.

(Q) said:
How can you possibly know that?

How can you know that it's not?
Ricky Houy said:
Your views are very altered on the Church by the people in the Church then.

My views on religion are based on evidence.

When did I say I have a pipeline to God, or did you assume I did? When did i claim to know the answer?

You didn't say that, but I assumed you did if you asked me to ask your god a question. Does he answer you?

You would know if you actually read the Bible.

Sorry, that information is not available, please point it out.

That's not what I meant. I meant it's not the way to view it. Not that that what you are looking at is a bad outlook.

A bad outlook on life would happen if I were to take up a religion, since my priorities would shift to the afterlife.

How can you know that it's not?

Haha, cute. I could say the same thing about the invisible pink dragon living in your attic. How do you know he's not there?
(Q) said:
My views on religion are based on evidence.

Alright, I'll believe you. Although I've never heard of any church supporting violence.

(Q) said:
You didn't say that, but I assumed you did if you asked me to ask your god a question. Does he answer you?

No, he doesn't answer me. But, then again he may be answering me in ways I am not looking for.

(Q) said:
Sorry, that information is not available, please point it out.

It's throughout the whole entire Bible. I think you must have an really odd thought process, or something of that sort. To point out the guidles in the bible would take so much writing, but read proverbs for a start.

(Q) said:
A bad outlook on life would happen if I were to take up a religion, since my priorities would shift to the afterlife.

I did not say a bad outlook on life. I said a bad outlook on how god views this. You're very confused or your head must be clouded.

(Q) said:
Haha, cute. I could say the same thing about the invisible pink dragon living in your attic. How do you know he's not there?

My house has been dragon free since the middle ages.
Ricky Houy said:
Although I've never heard of any church supporting violence.
Are you truly serious? Setting aside the fact that (Q) is talking about most (all?) religions, not just Christianity, does the little issue of the Crusades mean nothing to you? The Knights Templar? Ricky, you badly need an education.
Ophiolite said:
Are you truly serious? Setting aside the fact that (Q) is talking about most (all?) religions, not just Christianity, does the little issue of the Crusades mean nothing to you? The Knights Templar? Ricky, you badly need an education.

I'm speaking of churches in present time. Not Catholic churches of a past time.
Ricky Houy said:
Alright, I'll believe you. Although I've never heard of any church supporting violence.

Read the bible. It is chock full of violence, condoned by your god.

No, he doesn't answer me. But, then again he may be answering me in ways I am not looking for.

Or, there are no answers because there is no god. And you expected me to ask your god questions???

It's throughout the whole entire Bible. I think you must have an really odd thought process, or something of that sort. To point out the guidles in the bible would take so much writing, but read proverbs for a start.

Ok, Ill start there and get back to you.

I did not say a bad outlook on life. I said a bad outlook on how god views this. You're very confused or your head must be clouded.

Why should I care what your god thinks of my outlook?

My house has been dragon free since the middle ages.

He's invisible, but he is most certainly there. I believe it, and thats proof enough. :D
This no longer seems reasonable for me to respond to. I'm sorry, but this has simply turned into wanting to argue religion. I suggest you actually read the bible. I don't think you have done so. I am most certain of this actually. If you have read the bible you would not be asking such questions. But regardless you're an intelligent person, so I feel if nothing else you would read the bible for some of its stories.
Ricky Houy said:
This no longer seems reasonable for me to respond to. I'm sorry, but this has simply turned into wanting to argue religion. I suggest you actually read the bible. I don't think you have done so. I am most certain of this actually. If you have read the bible you would not be asking such questions. But regardless you're an intelligent person, so I feel if nothing else you would read the bible for some of its stories.

You may be certain, but you are wrong.

I'm asking those questions because every theist has a different answer to the same questions about their faith, as do you.

Have you forgotten the title to this thread? Yes, we ARE arguing about religion.

Except of course the violence condoned by God, I will admit there is some of that.

Correction, there is a lot of that, not just some.

And now that you admit that your god condones violence, how can you possibly continue to worship him?

I don't condone violence, so your god is beneath me when it comes to moral values.
(Q) said:
I'm asking those questions because every theist has a different answer to the same questions about their faith, as do you.

Alright, well my answers are limited due to the fact i'm still learning.
(Q) said:
Have you forgotten the title to this thread? Yes, we ARE arguing about religion.

Not in a sense, I feel you want to argue with me because i support God.

(Q) said:
Correction, there is a lot of that, not just some.

Read more into the violence though. It's some what just.

I don't condone violence, so your god is beneath me when it comes to moral values.[/QUOTE]

It's purely speculation.
Ricky Houy said:
Alright, well my answers are limited due to the fact i'm still learning.

What is there to learn?

Not in a sense, I feel you want to argue with me because i support God.

You support your version of a god. There are many gods according to the thousands of religions out there.

It's purely speculation.

Absolutely everything you say about your god is pure speculation. I argue from a stance firmly rooted in reality.
(Q) said:
What is there to learn?

There is alot of things to learn. That is a bad attitute to have about religion. I even study hinduism, even though it was based off of a drug trip.

(Q) said:
Absolutely everything you say about your god is pure speculation. I argue from a stance firmly rooted in reality.

True very true. But from my point of view you arn't arguing from a strong point of reality with dragons. :p
Ricky Houy said:
There is alot of things to learn. That is a bad attitute to have about religion. I even study hinduism, even though it was based off of a drug trip.

Bad attitude? Hardly. Religion has and continues to be the cause of many problems in the world. What have we learned so far?

True very true. But from my point of view you arn't arguing from a strong point of reality with dragons. :p

I'm only trying to relate to you on your level, that of believing in that which has never been shown to exist. ;)
(Q) said:
Bad attitude? Hardly. Religion has and continues to be the cause of many problems in the world.

Well, let me begin by saying this. Why are you discriminating something you don't know enough about?

(Q) said:
What have we learned so far?

Enough to base most American, and English laws off of Christianity.

(Q) said:
I'm only trying to relate to you on your level, that of believing in that which has never been shown to exist. ;)

Well, I suppose that makes some level of sense. But isn't that the point of faith? What's the point of debunking someones religious crutch?