another reason why the Christian bible is false

They offered prayers of thanks when things went right, such as a good harvest, but if things went wrong they blamed it on bad luck or their own shortcomings.

This is a common affair amongst religious people, and I personally find it sickening. It devalues human ability. When good things are done, god takes the credit.. but when bad things are done, humans do.

From the minds of religious people, humans seem to be of less worth than pubic lice.

You'll probably be familiar with those rescue programmes on television. 100 firemen, coastguards and policemen work solidly for 3 days to help rescue a child stuck up a tree, (as an example). Eventually, after all their efforts, the child is saved. The parents turn around and say: "thank god for saving our child". They completely ignore the fact that god did nothing, 100 firemen did.

It is in my top 10 of things I absolutely detest.

Maybe that's why our prayers go unanswered. We have no right to dictate to god

To my knowledge, a prayer is a request - not dictation. While there are some here, (Lori/Woody), that believe god does indeed answer prayers, any reason that he wouldn't would surely come under 'free will' issues?

Lori for instance said that god got some guy to steal some testicle cream and leave it outside her house for her. Such an action would have negated the guy's free will.

Woody claimed that god helped him get a job - which again negates a lot of human free will, (many other people would have not got that job because god made sure woody did instead).

Of course, it is most probable that prayers go unanswered because when you pray, you are indeed talking to yourself - and only yourself.

I can't imagine telling my dad "I want a Corvette" and having him hop up out of his chair and going and getting me one.

I suppose he doesn't have to, but from your earlier statements - we can't really say that you're dictating to him what to do, but asking him if he will.


God is still everywhere but people no longer recognize him with the word God.

So this being that is "everywhere", (a sickening thought), is still completely invisible and completely undetectable - which means his being "everywhere" doesn't actually mean much. Humans can only do things and comprehend things from a human perspective, (because we're humans). This god dude floating around completely invisible and undetectable is of no worth to a human. If he wants us to know he is there, he would need to do things that will work for humans.

Of course this also means there is absolutely no evidence for your claim. Kindly back it up with something.

Some atheists have also seen him but without knowing it was what religions call "God"

Care to give me their names or are you just making baseless statements? Of course you could help us find out which atheists have seen god by telling us what god looks like - and then we can decide whether we've seen him or not.

There are many people who call themselves atheists who follow God without knowing it

Again, care to give me some names of these apparent atheist god followers?

All humans can walk on water and cure blind because God is within us.

You must seemingly always drag a discussion into the realms of lunacy - which is why I asked you not to respond to my posts. I deal with this shit every day, I really don't need it on my time off.

Tell you what though, pm me your address, I'll come over and we can find a local lake and test your claim. You're going first. If you succeed I'll eat my hat.

We're all parts of him, the body of Christ.

To this day you have still failed to provide any substance for this claim.

My name is YHWH.

I can think of many names for you, yhwh isn't one of them.
SnakeLord said:
So this being that is "everywhere", (a sickening thought), is still completely invisible and completely undetectable - which means his being "everywhere" doesn't actually mean much.

I have said it before: God is the being (existence) itself. We know it as the self, and the self is in all of us. When you learn more about yourself, your view of God will change. Your view of God has changed, that's why you don't believe in it, but later, you will understand what it really is, so you will believe in yourself.

Again, care to give me some names of these apparent atheist god followers?

If you are a nice person, you follow God, because it means that you're not lying to yourself (God), you are what you are, and then you are like God. What we say don't affect the reality. We can say we are nice people, bad people, atheists, Christians... but only God knows what we are.

Tell you what though, pm me your address, I'll come over and we can find a local lake and test your claim. You're going first. If you succeed I'll eat my hat.

I don't mean that I could walk on water NOW, but in the future we will be able to do it. But some people can levitate even today.

I deal with this shit every day, I really don't need it on my time off.

You don't have to deal with it if you don't want to.

To this day you have still failed to provide any substance for this claim.

The self is in all of us.

I can think of many names for you, yhwh isn't one of them.

YHWH means "I am what I am." If you are what you are, you are YHWH.
I would like to point out two things:

1. regarding christian religion: "and God said : let there be light, and there was
light.and God saw the light, that it was good." Genesis 1:3,4. So God didn`t know
how light was..
2. seriously now... One believes what one is told by persons that he trusts. You
all believed your parents, teaching you about God and light and time and space and
football. So did Einstein, but he challenged some of those beliefs and he was right.
the differece is that Einstein could prove what he said. and you all cannot.
The existence of God is a cojecture. as is the existence of Santa for children
under 5. personaly, I cannot belive in an old gray-haird man living on some cloud.
And i don`t think God is a conscient beeing. I think God i a priciple. God could be a
mathematical formula. the formula that dictates the evolution of any system.
Reality is governed by subjectivity.... I wrote a book about theese things once...
i`m not sure a gave a coherent speech. i didn`t really read all the posts and i don`t
kwon at what point the discussion was.
Anyway, pax vobiscum !
ps: do you know the purpose of meaning ? :p
I have said it before: God is the being (existence) itself

So, then there's no need to be on a religious subforum or use the word god. You might aswell just go around saying existence is everywhere. Further to that, you can now change your statement: "some atheists have seen god..", to "some atheists have seen existence..". In actuality the statement is kinda daft either way you cut it.

Your view of God has changed, that's why you don't believe in it

My view concerning gods has not changed since I was born. I didn't believe in them then, and I don't now.

If you are a nice person, you follow God

Your statement does not answer my question.

I don't mean that I could walk on water NOW

Oh no? Let me requote: "All humans can walk on water". That is what you said. Now I've called you on it, you crumble.

YHWH means "I am what I am."

In your case, what "you are" is a weirdo.
I think God i a priciple. God could be a
mathematical formula. the formula that dictates the evolution of any system.
Reality is governed by subjectivity....

Doesn't this conclude god is a jerk? the same jerk that lets subjective delusionists/religiosity survive contrary to reality and even shape civilization and the future at atrocious cost? Interesting...that explains everything. god is a half-visionary, convoluted, messy joke that doesn't know where its going and we're supposed to figure out. :D
SnakeLord said:
So, then there's no need to be on a religious subforum or use the word god. You might aswell just go around saying existence is everywhere. Further to that, you can now change your statement: "some atheists have seen god..", to "some atheists have seen existence..". In actuality the statement is kinda daft either way you cut it.

Of course, but I want to show you that God exists, you just don't know what it is!

But now you no longer have to say that God doesn't exist, because all religions are talking about my God, which is the self, the only real existence!

If you believe in yourself, you believe in God, but I'm not talking about the person or body, but the self!

My view concerning gods has not changed since I was born. I didn't believe in them then, and I don't now.

I meant your view on gods in your past life!

Your statement does not answer my question.

It does! I'm sure you know some nice atheists...

Oh no? Let me requote: "All humans can walk on water". That is what you said. Now I've called you on it, you crumble.

Yes! All humans can walk on water... later!

In your case, what "you are" is a weirdo.

No, I'm you! But I'm not really myself yet...
EmptyForceOfChi said:
heaven and hell,

if there were a christian god as the bible describes "him", then he would not send people to hell, because he forgives all. so if god has forgiven you why would he send you to hell, he is all loving and all caring, so as biblical "logic" goes, a hell wouldent exist, the almighty would just let everyone into heaven because having someone suffering in an eternal fire pit of pain and hardship, isnt really the actions of an almighty loving god bieng is it now, if somebody were to eat to much cake or pizza he would sin with gloutony, therefore without repenting his sin, would be banished to the fires of hell, (just for eating some cake?) thats a little harsh for the all loving god right?.


Christianity is not false. You're just too stupid to understand it. You should be lucky black girl if it wasn't for Christianity you would all probably be slaves. and called Subhuman.
Of course, but I want to show you that God exists, you just don't know what it is!

Seemingly 'god' is what ever other word you use. Let me explain what you're doing, because it's stupid.

You first take a word with a current definition. For example let's say: 'fish'. You then say: "god means fish, so anyone that has ever met a fish has met god".

In short: you're talking utter bollocks.

If you believe in yourself, you believe in God, but I'm not talking about the person or body, but the self!

So.. if you believe in yourself, you still don't believe in god, (which has an actual definition of it's own), but in yourself. Why be a prick about it? Just say: "you believe in yourself". There is no justified reason to bring the word 'god' into the equation.

I meant your view on gods in your past life!

Please.. fucking go away from me. You're a twat.

Yes! All humans can walk on water... later!

So in short: No humans can walk on water.
Original quote by Muslim
Christianity is not false. You're just too stupid to understand it.

No, christianity is utterly stupid. She is just trying to understand it on terms and premise of sanity, reason, reality, objectivity, and truth. Minus bias, prejudice, delusion, corruption, insanity, egoism, dogma, christianity would not exist.
Ricky Houy said:
What? No, you cannot use this as proof the lord doesn't exist. This is purely speculation.

Listen to this carefully.

God set up morals for humans to live by. So that we could live in peace. He also setup a punishment for them so people would follow his word. For instance would he be an all loving god if he let someone like...lets say Hitler into heaven? Would this be just for the people who spent their lives following his word? I don't quite think you are thinking this through.

If you where God would you setup a moral standard for people to live by? If you say no that would be a very foolish thing to do.

No, I would allow them to develop morals on their own, that is, if I also allowed free will.

If you did setup these morals what would you use to make people follow them?

Free will.

God is omniscient could you really judge his decisions? They would always be correct.

If always correct, why such an imperfect world?

The very first line you stated is only somewhat of how he is described. He is also described as just, vengeful, and omniscient.

But as YOU say, that's pure speculation.

You are simply misunderstanding the meaning of hell. It's a punishment.

Lets take something else in example of this. Lets say you met the nicest police officer in the world. But still arrested criminals and sent them to prison. Would this affect him being nice?

And no matter what one does in his life to achieve all that is good and right, according to your morals, he is punished to an afterlife of eternal damnation, merely for not believing in anothers god.
Muslim said:
Christianity is not false. You're just too stupid to understand it. You should be lucky black girl if it wasn't for Christianity you would all probably be slaves. and called Subhuman.

Spoken from the mouth of Allah? Muhammud? Or you?
SnakeLord said:
You first take a word with a current definition. For example let's say: 'fish'. You then say: "god means fish, so anyone that has ever met a fish has met god".

There were lots of talk about fish in the New testament, because "Fish" is an aspect of the Zodiac (the faces of God) But God is not just the fish, it's the self, the unity, where all signs radiate.

So.. if you believe in yourself, you still don't believe in god, (which has an actual definition of it's own), but in yourself. Why be a prick about it? Just say: "you believe in yourself". There is no justified reason to bring the word 'god' into the equation.

In ancient times people used the word God when they talked about the higher self, but today we (ordinary non-religious people) only say that we believe in ourselves, instead of "god".

They had to use the word god because people didn't understand. But in other cultures, in Buddhism, there is no God, there is only the self, because they understood. The words are different but the meaning is the same.

The belief in God is a subconscious belief in ourself. We have crucified our higher self in our body, in matter, so we no longer fully understand what it is.

Please.. fucking go away from me. You're a twat.

Impossible, I'm a part of you. The only way I can go away is if you limit your infinity and ignore this part of yourself.

So in short: No humans can walk on water.

Learn to read between the lines.
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Muslim said:
SankeLord, you should change your username to GayLord.

Yeah. And allah should change his name to "I WHO AM OMNIPOTENT AND CAN THEREFORE SUCK MY OWN DICK".