another reason why the Christian bible is false

TheVisitor said:
Actually, His children were by that time all poluted hybrids with the bloodline of animals,
Yeah, except that it is physiologically impossible for humans to mate with animals of other species. Not even with chimps, which share 99% the same DNA. It is impossible. Care to tell us any more Tales from the Bottom of the Beer Bottle(TM)? :p
"Marrying into a people of unbelief was always forbidden to God's pepole and Israel and was a primary reason they became cursed later on."

* Religion=Division
Hapsburg said:
Yeah, except that it is physiologically impossible for humans to mate with animals of other species. Not even with chimps, which share 99% the same DNA. It is impossible. Care to tell us any more Tales from the Bottom of the Beer Bottle(TM)? :p

The "serpent" was the missing link between man and ape.
It was the only species close enough to do it and latter in the cursing from God it was changed remember....? had it's legs took off and turned into a reptile.
Science will never find it. they aren't supposed to if God hid it for a purpose.

Have a nice day :)
SnakeLord said:
The "missing link" was the serpent.

Later in the cursing from God it was changed remember....? had it's legs took off and turned into a reptile.
Science will never find it... they aren't supposed to if God hid it for a purpose.
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stretched said:
"Marrying into a people of unbelief was always forbidden to God's pepole and Israel and was a primary reason they became cursed later on."

* Religion=Division

In this case, I am glad that religion causes division.

I wouldn't want to be married to someone who continually looks down on me, continually belittles all my efforts to grow, and treats me like a little child that needs to be remprimanded all the time.
The "missing link" was the serpent.

Later in the cursing from God it was changed remember....? had it's legs took off and turned into a reptile.
Science will never find it... they aren't supposed to if God hid it for a purpose.

TheVisitor said:
The "missing link" was the serpent.

Later in the cursing from God it was changed remember....? had it's legs took off and turned into a reptile.
Science will never find it... they aren't supposed to if God hid it for a purpose.

the word used for serpent in genesis is "nachash". it can mean "shining spirit" or "enlightened person" as well as serpent.

your point is ridiculous.
The Devil Inside said:
the word used for serpent in genesis is "nachash". it can mean "shining spirit" or "enlightened person" as well as serpent.

your point is ridiculous.

In some aramaic, or arabic (I forget which to be sure)....dialects, serpent still translates as "ape"
So there!
Maybe it's time for your bannana....
Because if you don't see it,after having it explained by the scriptures and being spelled out for you in infinite detail, that tells me what lineage your from.
You see, the serpents' offspring were used as hosts for evil spirits.
"The Devil Inside" is very fitting, as the case may be, for someone with your "outlook" on things.
I hope that can change yet someday for your sake.
Have a nice day :)
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EmptyForceOfChi said:
if there were a christian god as the bible describes "him", then he would not send people to hell, because he forgives all. so if god has forgiven you why would he send you to hell, he is all loving and all caring, so as biblical "logic" goes, a hell wouldent exist, the almighty would just let everyone into heaven because having someone suffering in an eternal fire pit of pain and hardship, isnt really the actions of an almighty loving god bieng is it now, if somebody were to eat to much cake or pizza he would sin with gloutony, therefore without repenting his sin, would be banished to the fires of hell, (just for eating some cake?) thats a little harsh for the all loving god right?
God sends no-one to hell.
Actually, hell was created for the devil and his angels....
But it's gates have been widened for those that won't accept the salvation of the Lord.
He does send people to hell.
"don't fear him that can kill the body only, but fear Him that can kill the body and the spirit in the second death."
The scripture goes something like that....thats the best I could do off the "top" of my head.
You might want to look it up to be sure.
TheVisitor said:
Actually, hell was created for the devil and his angels....
But it's gates have been widened for those that won't accept the salvation of the Lord.
He does send people to hell.
"don't fear him that can kill the body only, but fear Him that can kill the body and the spirit in the second death."
The scripture goes something like that....thats the best I could do off the "top" of my head.
You might want to look it up to be sure.
Only the ignorance of man accounts to an ignorant god.
No. God doesn't send people to hell. Much less because they didn't ""accept" the "Lord"". :rolleyes:
TheVisitor said:
The "missing link" was the serpent.

Later in the cursing from God it was changed remember....? had it's legs took off and turned into a reptile.
Science will never find it... they aren't supposed to if God hid it for a purpose.
By "evidence", he mean't "explain your bullshit or STFU" not "repeat your bullshit instead of providing proof".
Way to fail.
Evidence, evidence.....

You people couldn't accept the evidence.
It's too profound for you to handle.
Hapsburg, is hoping theres no hell...
It has to do will "hosts" and "vessels"
You obviously don't understand the concept, yet you try and debate it.
"That which you lend your members to serve, the same becomes your master"
No, Visitor, please. When we ask for "evidence", what we are asking for is some backing for your opinion about the serpent other than an unsubstantiated claim about arabic dialect words for ape. What is the basis for your belief that the serpent is the missing link? In other words, where did you learn this fact and what convinced you of its validity? If you just thought it up on your own, then kindly say so.
Silas said:
No, Visitor, please. When we ask for "evidence", what we are asking for is some backing for your opinion about the serpent other than an unsubstantiated claim about arabic dialect words for ape. What is the basis for your belief that the serpent is the missing link? In other words, where did you learn this fact and what convinced you of its validity? If you just thought it up on your own, then kindly say so.

I'm not asking you to take my word for it.
No I didn't come up with it on my own.
As I've said countless will have to find the evidence for yourself,
then and only then will you understand what your up against and who it is you really need on your side.
Pray for revelation. Don't ask for something you can't have....
You'll need a spiritual mind to understand the answer.
But untill you have that, you can't even ask the question.
Your just debating ideas and theologies....through total guesswork.
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TruthSeeker said:
They are asking for tangible evidence...

Since God ordered the execution of the giants in Moses' day, and except for a few that were finnished off by Davids' group of warriors about 1000 b.c,.... the evidence of a seperate species is pretty slim.
I'd try these burial mounds, if I were looking for "tangible" evidence, that have been reported right here in America of the 12' giant humoniods with double rows of dentition, low slopeing foreheads, and I'd suspect...6 fingers on each and toes on their feet.
It was a seperate species.
The pits were found during road and building construction all through the 1880's to 1970's in many U.S. states.
The remains are only less than 1000 yeas old, and Indian legends say they banded together to wipe them out about 500 years ago or so.

A pro-creation natural history museum in Texas claims to have the thigh-bone of a giant man that coresponds with a height of over 30 feet.
Also it has dinosaur remains that are so recent they aren't even fosilized yet.

Theres a clue...... go for it.
TheVisitor said:
I'm not asking you to take my word for it.
No I didn't come up with it on my own.
As I've said countless will have to find the evidence for yourself,
then and only then will you understand what your up against and who it is you really need on your side.
Pray for revelation. Don't ask for something you can't have....
You'll need a spiritual mind to understand the answer.
But untill you have that, you can't even ask the question.
Your just debating ideas and theologies....through total guesswork.
Debating ideas and theologies is our birthright. You have made non-Biblical claims about Biblical matters, and I'd like to know where you got those ideas. If you read and re-read the Bible, pondered, prayed and got a revelation - that the serpent was an ape-form "missing link" - then as far as the rest of us are concerned that is the functional equivalent of your having "come up with it yourself".

Always remember, not only do we not have insight into each other's individual life experiences, we do not even know each other personally, except through our words. Statements of apparently bald fact have to be backed up with some kind of referencible evidence. I'm not saying the statement has to be proved, but I don't believe any of us have ever heard that theory before, so it's really up to you to back it up. Otherwise, how can you hope, if not to win the argument, then at least to teach something, even if we reject that teaching?
You have made non-Biblical claims about Biblical matters and I'd like to know where you got those ideas. If you read and re-read the Bible, pondered, prayed and got a revelation - that the serpent was an ape-form "missing link" - then as far as the rest of us are concerned that is the functional equivalent of your having "come up with it yourself".
The serpent's seed mystery is one of keys to unlocking the rest of the scriptures...Eve was seduced by the serpent, Jesus called the pharisee's the children of the devil, offspring of the serpent, so did john the baptist, so did paul recognize and refer to it.
It is one of the "mysteries of the kingdom of heaven"
So I don't expect anyone but a son to see it....the others won't.
Thats not "us vs. them" theology, it's the way it is.

Everything I said about it is in the bible , sealed in the bible...between the lines.
You can't add too or take from, that means if futher revelation is to come, it had to be there all along....just overlooked or mis-read.
To teach anything less than the "true" which is a whole or perfect revelation as opposed to a partial would be taking away from the truth.
Paul said "now we see in part as through a glass darkly, then (when..? when He returns and we are taught of God at His feet)...we shall see face to face.

Where did I get this revelation?------------
From Jesus Christ the Son of His return to His people.
He is the one that is here teaching these things.
He has returned.
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