An approach to spirituality without God

The book of revelations speaks of Jesus and says every knee will bow and every tongue will swear allegiance.

And Jesus didn't write it. By that time, it had already degenerated into a power struggle between different interpretations of the gospels.

mike47 said:
I do not see a real spirituality without believing in a creator .
Belief prevents one from being open to the new. I interpret spirituality to mean a new way of looking at one's existence, including your relationship to everything else. When we call the universe a creator, that is literally true, but it usually means a personality. Personalities are an illusion (from the greek word for mask). The entire universe itself is so much more than a personality, that the comparison becomes ridiculous. Most language fails and appears ridiculous in light of the ALL. I think Jesus was one of many people who felt something like this, probably in an altered state of consciousness produced by fasting and meditation, and interpreted it in the terms of the culture, which meant God. I think his secret was that even that term, with all it's baggage and preconceptions, is not necessary. He probably didn't tell that to too many disciples.
By that time, it had already degenerated into a power struggle between different interpretations of the gospels.

Not true, the gospels all agree in proclaiming Jesus as the Messiah thereby establishing him Lord and King of everything.
What we end up with is accepting a human sacrifice as righteous and holy. No different than the Aztec's beliefs.
Not true, the gospels all agree in proclaiming Jesus as the Messiah thereby establishing him Lord and King of everything.

Which gospels? The ones picked and chosen by the Church of Rome? Because those aren't the only ones.
Which gospels? The ones picked and chosen by the Church of Rome? Because those aren't the only ones.

I'm talking about Mathew, Mark, Luke and John the four gospels in the New Testament.

Which gospels are your referring to? Maybe the gospel of Judus?
Which gospels? The ones picked and chosen by the Church of Rome? Because those aren't the only ones.

Here is a link to the English Bible Versions. Who decided which books should be in the Bible? What is the difference between the NIV and King James? Why does the Catholic Bible have more books? This can be a very confusing issue to some people.
There were many of them. The early churches were not as unified as the modern church would have us believe. I speak of The Gospel of Thomas, The Gospel of Philip, The Apocryphon of John, The Apocryphon of James, The Apocalypse of Peter, The Apocalypse of Paul, The Apocalypse of Adam, The Gospel of Truth, The Dialogue of the Savior, The Hypostasis of the Archons, The Sophia (Wisdom) of Jesus Christ, The Tripartite Tractate...
There were many of them. The early churches were not as unified as the modern church would have us believe. I speak of The Gospel of Thomas, The Gospel of Philip, The Apocryphon of John, The Apocryphon of James, The Apocalypse of Peter, The Apocalypse of Paul, The Apocalypse of Adam, The Gospel of Truth, The Dialogue of the Savior, The Hypostasis of the Archons, The Sophia (Wisdom) of Jesus Christ, The Tripartite Tractate...

I doubt you are going to find in most of the books you listed disagreeing with the christian teachings spelling out Jesus as lord and master.

Possible the gnostic gospels go off in a direction away from mainstream beliefs.
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In what sense though- that is the question. It has been turned into shallow idol worship by the mainstream church, while other gospels spell out a more philosophical approach. It's all about the interpretation.
In what sense though- that is the question. It has been turned into shallow idol worship by the mainstream church, while other gospels spell out a more philosophical approach. It's all about the interpretation.

Yes, there are several different denominations. All have the same basic theme and its about Jesus and how he sits on the throne of heaven wearing the crown of a king. No one higher or having more power other than the two remaining parts of Jehovah making up the trinity.
I do not how many times you have been near death or you have seen people dying.

More than I care for, yet luckily not that often.

I can only describe what I have seen.

And if you had bothered to pay attention in school you would know why that is meaningless, for the reasons outlined.

Like I said. You are obviously unfit to aid atheists who are facing death.

Interesting what you latched onto and what you ignored.
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We aren't seperate you know. Sure this particular fuiting body has only been around for a few decades, but the acutal being has beeing around for all 3.5 billion years.

A cancerous growth is also part of the body.
Terrorism is a tactic but not the driver you implied in your first post. Ideology is the driver, IMO.

One of them, even a common one, but anything which leads to desperation and frustration against an implacable and superior force can result in terrorism.
When it comes to give comfort to someone who has lost a loved one, I believe being eager to crushing all hope is a sign of cruelty and lack of empathy.

What does that have to do with the question?

If a child is dying of cancer and wants to believe that a purple dragon will come and cure him, I can assure you I will insist on him to continue believing on it and reject any interference from any speudo intellectual that insists on the contrary.

What does that have to do with the question I asked? Do you actually read posts?

All you've stated is that you'd happily lie through your teeth. We already know that.
What does that have to do with the question?

What does that have to do with the question I asked? Do you actually read posts?

All you've stated is that you'd happily lie through your teeth. We already know that.

Yes, Q I am a liar, you win!! :)
More than I care for, yet luckily not that often.

And if you had bothered to pay attention in school you would know why that is meaningless, for the reasons outlined.

Like I said. You are obviously unfit to aid atheists who are facing death.

Interesting what you latched onto and what you ignored.

I do not have to prove anything to you, I did not go to your thread and tell you my opinion about atheists. You came here and interfere on an answer I give to Mike47. If you do not like what I wrote, you do not have to come here.

Your posts have more aggressiveness than anything else and therefore no intelligent discussion can be sustained with you. And I do not have time to waste....