An approach to spirituality without God

Yes, you found another one like you to gang up with against other people. Are you happy? I wonder what do you do in your lives to help people? Have you ever helped another human being in your life?
Besides finding pride on harrassing people, what else are you proud of. Where are you values? I do not think you really have an idea of good and bad, right and wrong. If you do it is good, if other do it is bad, right swarm?
I honestly feel sorry for you guys you are young, and have already fallen in the traps of the culture where is all about winning, no matter what, all day living in a computer, no idea of the real world, unable to interact with others,(unless is by bullying). What kind of parents are you going to be one day? what are you going to teach your children? :rolleyes:

So out of controll...

But since you almost asked, my family is doing fine again.

Its been a hard year though. Mom, who was their favorite grandma and to whom my sweetie was closer than her own mom, died unexpectedly. Luckily we were able to drop everything and hurry down to say good bye. My niece unfortunately lives farther away and came the morning after she died.

Then my sister's sweety was in an industrial explosion that burned him over 40% of his body. It was a bit touch and go, but he pulled through. Luckily he was in full wielding gear and it protected key areas of his body.

Then a couple months ago one of our cats dashed in front of a pickup for no apparent reason, right in front of the kids, and was killed.

So we've been talking about life and death and sharing grief and comfort. For a while my son wanted to carry our cat across the street when we went on walks, but he came to understand that this was more likely to cause him to panic. So sniffy is back on his own recognizance. Our girl is no longer afraid we will die if we leave to do something. I think raising a caterpillar helped a lot there.

They are an up beat and resilient bunch and have weathered the year none the worse for the ware. In fact I think it helped my son mature. He was having some trouble in school the last two years but has been doing much better this year.

We just had a big pirate birthday and every one seemed back to their normal selves.

I hope your family is doing well also.

Did you really think I'm young? I'm flattered. I'm actually 48. Mom was 80 and lived a good full life. The kids are 9, 5 and 2. How about yourself?
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Yes swarm I thought you were young, and inexperienced, I really thought you needed help!. As some of my friends have children in their age 23-21 with kind of the same attitude, but they have accomplished less in their lives than you have. They still live under the wing of their parents.
So i guess your attitude with me was not due to the innexperience of youth. It is just your personality set in its ways by now.
I am surrounded by either patients or people who are very passionate about caring for others, the nurses or social workers are after us to make sure we do the right thing, say the right words. On the other hand with my colleagues, everything we say must be written somewhere and if we do not know for sure we make sure we let everybody know we are not sure about it. We will never go after anyone just because we think differently (we have to have a research to prove us) and unless is a life or death situation for a patient. We are used to being proven wrong again and again as science evolves.
I am not used to dealing with people who are not into this and I guess this is why your attitude seemed so wrong to me!! Well since you are not a young kid who need to shape up, I feel much better, I do not have to lecture you any longer, what a relief!!!....:)
The OP requested this thread be deleted. The answer is no. Too many people spent time posting to send their work to the trash. I'm not even going to close it for now, for the same reason.
the spirituality without god

is the Human spirit

which is the most important spirituality of all , bare none
Everyone may claim to be an "spiritual" man or woman

Spirit \Spir"it\, n. [OF. espirit, esperit, F. esprit, L. spiritus, from spirare to breathe, to blow. Cf. Conspire, Expire, Esprit, Sprite.]

For anyone who knew what "god" means, he or she cannot have spirituality without god. Why?

remember that "god" is taken from

"God \God\ (g[o^]d), n. [AS. god; akin to OS. & D. god, OHG. got, G. gott, Icel. gu[eth], go[eth], Sw. & Dan. gud, Goth. gup, prob. orig. a p. p. from a root appearing in Skr. h[=u], p.p. h[=u]ta, to call upon, invoke, implore. (source

So, if taken through etymologies, there is a relationship with the words "spirit" and "god".

"to breath," or "to blow" with "to call upon."

For your and the rest of your cohorts, you can have spirituality without god? So you can breath or blow without or outside calling upon? You mean you just breath but then you don't call upon?
If taken through etymologies, there is a relationship with the words "god" and "cocaine."

So what?