America in the bible

Originally posted by TheVisitor

No thank you..............I go to the WORD and the TRUTH.
The Testimony of JESUS CHRIST. From the beginning of time.
Whosoever believeth in me loves the TRUTH. The WORD is revealed to
those that are his. It is so simple. All of it is there. Everything foretold
from the beginning of time.

Since you say out of one side of your mouth you are not a prophet and out of the other you insinuate you are.......
There are strong warnings for those who prophecy and are not in the spirit of TRUTH and lead Gods faithful astray..............
Isaiah 4:1 - And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.

To anyone who has an ear, the pre-lude "In that Day", always refers to the "Lords Day'', this is today, and these are the "Christian churches" ...called by His name, "Christ" -ian. But eating thier own bread.......(teaching part word mixed with creeds and false doctrine), and wear own apparel......(thier own rightousness instead of Christ's).......

These are against the True Vine, which when the tree puts forth another will be the same life as the first.

Revelation 13 is the United States, with the "Christian Churches"

11 And I beheld another beast (The U.S.A.)coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns(Civil and ecclesiastical powers) like a lamb, (a Christian nation - a lamb)and he spake as a dragon(Satan, lies mixed with truth, as from the begining). 12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast(Rome) before him,

God has Judged this nation, which was once of God..
She rejected the prophet He sent her.
She has had a space of 40 years to repent.

"Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come."
A hour in God's time is aproximatly 40 years.
A day to God, is a thousand years. 1000 % 24 = 41.666 years.
Many nations in the bible were given a visitation from God and then destroyed about 40 years latter...Ninaveh, Jerusalam, ect...

After rejecting God, theres nothing left but judgement.
Here is the true picture of the ripened false vine, false spirit, false church people.

"I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of My mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of Me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear: and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see."

No words ever spelled out a more bitter denunciation, and no proud and arrogant religious people ever deserved it more.

Yet in Revelations 3 verse 21, "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His throne," we find the true vine, true Spirit, true Church people exalted to the very throne of God with the highest compliment ever paid to a humble, steadfast Spiritual group.
People have ripped apart your theory point by point in this thread. What was your reason for simply reposting the same shit yet again, when you don't listen to or address anybody's comments.
Persol said:
People have ripped apart your theory point by point in this thread.

Nobody proved anything I stated was wrong...I have yet to see one piece of "evidence to support your claims of error.
Besides....the people you refer to are yourself ( A self-proclaimed antagonist)....and a young man being mis-led by his mother.(God don't have grandchildren, you have to know Him for yourself)

What was your reason for simply reposting the same shit yet again
Nearly half of my last post you are refering to (above), is new material, but you wouldn't have noticed that because you just "skim" over posts looking for things to contradict.....and with this being the case, few people had a chance to share comments on the original post because it was constantly distracted from by one-liner critics such as yourself.

You said
when you don't listen to or address anybody's comments

I addressed all your responces I had time for , you just didn't like the answers...sorry.
So many were wrong, I could get to them just distacts from the thread....if you show the willingness to listen to any of the first 100 of your criticisms I did respond to, I might have spent more time with the others......I did mean to get to some and forgot though...such as:

I posted;
Jesus said, flesh and blood...(the human mind and spirit and it's ability to reason with the meaning of My Words)..
you said
"flesh and blood' would not include the spirit.
You talk about needing the 'ability to reason', but have demonstrated none.

You said "flesh and blood" would not include the Spirit.
Yes it the types laid out all through the scriptures, "Flesh" of the son of man, or God, means "the Word"
The bread from eat, the words to eternal life.
"Blood" means "spirit", my blood is drink indeed, jesus said: unless you drink the blood of the son of man, you'll have no life.
The life is in the blood. He poured out His blood upon the earth, ...His Spirit is poured out to come back upon mankind...(Adam was from the dust of the "earth")
But this scripture is saying "mans"flesh and blood...did not reveal the identity of God to Peter, but The Father in heaven revealed it to him......this revelation from God to his children is the basis that gives them strength, and knowledge of Him, and seperates them from the children of the world who do not receive this revelation

I posted;
Flesh and Blood hath not revealed this to you., but my Father in heaven has revealed it....(Spiritual Revelation)
you said
"So it comes down to a voice in your head telling you the 'meaning', and you not realizing that the voice is either nuts or lying. "

This is the way God speaks to man deny this and say this "voice" is nuts just proves it's not by your "flesh or blood"
these things can be understood...You have just proved my point.
You have to come through a process laid out in the scriptures to be born in the spirit and receive revelation.
All power lies in the Word.
God will not release the power that lies in this revelation to those who "mock" His Words...the revelation is "sealed" to them and always will be, unless they can repent.
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People have ripped apart your theory point by point in this thread.
Nobody proved anything I stated was wrong...I have yet to see one piece of "evidence to support your claims of error.
Besides....the people you refer to are yourself ( A self-proclaimed antagonist)....and a young man being mis-led by his mother.(God don't have grandchildren, you have to know Him for yourself)

I would suggest getting in contact with whatever spirit is revealing things to you about me and ask for a refund, you aren't even close to a mark here.............I am not being mislead by anyone. I find it funny that because I don't believe your line of Revelation that you state I am obviously being mislead...............
God reveals to whom he wants.

You have to come through a process laid out in the scriptures to be born in the spirit and receive revelation.

No!!! are born in the spirit through a change in your heart NOT through a process in reading the scripture...........I don't have to quote a parable to people for them to understand what this means...........doing works denotes a change of heart, feeding or helping those less fortunate than yourself denotes a change of heart, not being part of murderous slander of another's spirit but standing up for what is right in the face of unpopularity is a change of heart...........I could go on and on but there is no point.............this doesn't have to be done on a massive scale but in everyday life. God reveals the TRUTH to those that are his and it doesn't matter how long they have studied scripture.
You prophecy lies mixed with truth...............
the babylon wiill not be america, the world wil be the kingdom it's self. the antichrist will rule and will have 10 "governers". The beast will utter great blasphemies and boasts agaisnt god and will have authority to act for 3 years.
Mystery Babylon, The Mother of Harlots, and Abominations of the Earth.

This is a brief history.

Let us go back to the beginning. In the original physical creation as we know it today, God made everything in pairs, male and female. There were two chickens--rooster and hen. There were two cattle, the cow and the bull. And right down the line. But when it came to man, there was only one. They were not a pair. Adam had been made in the image of God. He was a son of God. As a son of God he could not be tempted and fall. That would be impossible. So God took a byproduct of man to cause the fall. Woman never stepped fresh from the hand of God as a true product of God. She was produced from man. And when God caused her to be brought forth from man she was vastly different from the other females He had created. She was able to be seduced. No other female in creation can be immoral; but the human female may be touched at almost any time. And that weakness in her allowed Satan to seduce her by way of the serpent, and has brought the woman to very peculiar position before God and His Word. She is the type of all things vulgar, foul and loathsome on the one hand, and on the other hand she is the type of all things clean and beautiful, and holy as the receptacle of the Spirit and blessings of God. On the one hand she is called the whore who is drunk with the wine of her fornications. On the other she is called the Bride of Christ. On one hand she is called Mystery Babylon, the abomination before God; and on the other hand she is called New Jerusalem, our mother. On the one hand she is so foul and wicked and lewd that she is summarily cast into the lake of fire as the only fit place for her; and on the other hand she is exalted to heaven, sharing the very throne of God as the only place befitting such a queen.

And in this Thyatirean Church age she is a DOMINATING FEMALE. She is Mystery Babylon. She is the great whore. She is Jezebel the false prophetess. WHY? Because the true female is submissive to God. Christ is her head. She has no word but His, no thoughts but His, no leadership but His. But what about this church? She has cast out the Word, destroyed the Bibles and worthy essays of the godly. She has slain those who would preach the truth. She has taken over kings, princes and nations-- controls armies and insists that she is the true body of Christ and that her popes are the vicars of Christ. She is entirely seduced by the devil until she in turn has become the seducer of others. She is the bride of Satan and has produced his bastard-child religions.
All through the Dark Ages she has dominated. For over nine hundred years she plundered and destroyed. She killed the arts, destroyed the sciences, produced nothing but death until the light of the Truth was almost entirely gone and only the barest sliver of light remained. The oil and the wine had almost ceased to flow; but though she dominated the world kingdoms and demanded that all men find their citizenship in her, there was a little group who belonged to God and their citizenship was in heaven, and them she could not destroy. God kept His little flock; they could not be destroyed. The Thyatirean Age lasted the longest of them all, about 900 years, from 606 to 1520.

Now remember, it was Imperial Pagan Rome that fell by the sword. But she was healed of her death stroke when she joined to the nominal Christian church of Rome and incorporated paganism and Christianity, and thereby became the Holy Roman Empire which was to endure until Jesus came and destroyed her. But Rome is not going it alone. Her daughters are right with her and she will take over absolute authority by the World Council of Churches. This may seem far fetched to some but actually it is very plain for all to see because right now the churches are controlling politics and at the opportune time will manifest exactly how great is that control. This ecumenical move will end up with Rome at the head even though the people did not envision it that way. This is so because in Revelation 17:3-6 it states that the whore, Mystery Babylon is seated on the beast. She is controlling the last, or fourth empire. This Roman Church is doing that. With the world church system under her Rome will be controlling, and this image (church system) will be obedient to Rome because Rome controls the gold of the world. Thus all the people have to belong to the world church system or be at the mercy of the elements for they cannot buy or sell without the mark of the beast in the hand or head. This mark in the head means that they will have to take the doctrine of the world church system which is trinitarianism, etc., and the mark in the hand which means to do the will of the world church. With this great power the church systems will persecute the true bride. This image will try to keep the bride from preaching and teaching, etc. Her ministers will be forbidden to give comfort and truth to the people who need it. But before the antichrist (in person) takes over this complete world system of churches the true church will be taken away from this world to be with the Lord. God will catch away His bride for the great Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
Now as this concluding chapter was given in order to trace the two churches and two spirits from Pentecost to their consummation, we will take this final time to show this in the Laodicean Age.
This age started just after the turn of the twentieth century. As it was to be the age in which the true church would return to being the bride she was at Pentecost, we know that there must of necessity be a return of dynamic power. The believers sensed this in their spirits and began crying to God for a new outpouring such as was in the first century. What seemed to be the answer came as many began to speak in tongues and manifest gifts of the Spirit. It was then believed that this was indeed the long awaited RESTORATION. It was not, for the latter rain can come only after the former rain which is the spring or TEACHING rain. The latter rain, then, is the HARVEST rain. How could this be the real thing when the Teaching Rain had not come? The Prophet-Messenger who was to be sent to TEACH the people and turn the hearts of the children back to the Pentecostal fathers had not yet come. Thus what was thought to be the restoration and the final quickening unto the rapture had not come. In it was a mixture of the unrighteous partaking of Spiritual blessing and manifesting in the Holy Ghost as we have kept pointing out to you. In it also was devil power as men were under the control of devils, yet no one seemed to realize it. Then, to prove that it was not the REAL, these people (even before a second generation had appeared) organized, and wrote their unscriptural doctrines and built their own fences as every other group ahead of them did.
Remember, while Jesus was upon earth so was Judas. Each came from a different spirit, and upon death each went to his own place. The Spirit of Christ later came back upon the true church, and the spirit of Judas came back upon the false church. It is right there in Rev. 6:1-8, "And I saw, and behold a white horse; and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering and to conquer. And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And Power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with the sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth." See how that Judas spirit came back as a rider on a white horse. It was white. So close to the real, just as Judas was so close to Jesus. A crown was given to him (white horse rider). How? That spirit was now in the leader of the Nicolaitane system and he was a triple crowned pope who sat as God in his temple, calling himself the vicar of Christ. If vicar of Christ means `instead of Christ' or `in place of' or `on behalf of God' then the pope was calling himself the Holy Ghost, or deposing the Holy Ghost, acting for Him. That was the Judas spirit in him doing that. See how he conquered--going forth conquering and to conquer. Christ did not do that. The only ones that came to Him were already predestinated by the Father. And so on and on went that spirit and one day it will become truly incarnate in a man who will head up the World Council of Churches, just as we have been saying. And by his gold (remember Judas held the bag) he will control the whole world, and that antichrist system will own everything and try to control everybody. But Jesus will come back and destroy them all with the brightness of His coming. And their end will be the lake of fire.
Babylon according to the Bible

Apart from Israel, Babylon is the most frequently mentioned name in the Bible. In every instance of this name, it refers to a city in the land of the Chaldeans ........ of the geographical area of Mesopotamia where the Euphrates river flows. The Bible leaves no doubt about which location it's referring. All the Old Testament prophecies leave no doubt, whatsoever, that it is referring to the location from where Nebuchadnezzar reigned. All the self-proclaimed prophets have interpreted the Bible to indicate that Babylon is Rome. The Bible, when it refers to Babylon, means the Babylon of old! The Bible uses symbolism. But whenever symbolism is used, the Bible clarifies it. It is not for private interpretation to determine the meaning. If it cannot be clarified in the Bible it is BULL! The responsibility of all true Christians is to believe the word of God......... the Bible! The Bible reveals all, and its from the Bible that we will get our understanding of all prophecy.

Babylon is described as a harlot woman in the prophecies. This Great Harlot is destined to come to great prominence in Babylon. Iraq today, is often referred to in the Bible as Babylon or the Babylonian Empire. The Bible is the final arbitrator not man. It's the Bible........the Word of God.........that reveals its secrets to God's servants. God has made provision to thoroughly identify this Great Harlot. Zech 5:5 "Then the angel that talked with me went forth and said unto me, "Lift up now thine eyes and see what is this that goeth forth. 6: And I said what is it? And he said "This is an ephah that goeth forth." He said moreover, this is their resemblance through all the earth.7: And behold, there was lifted up a talent of lead: and this is a woman that sitteth in the midst of the ephah. 8: And he said, This is wickedness. And he cast it into the midst of the ephah; and he cast the weight of lead upon the mouth thereof. 9: Then lifted I up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came out two women, and the wind was in their wings; for they had wings like the wings of a stork: and they lifted up the ephah between the earth and the heaven. 10: Then said I to the angel that talked to me, Whither do these bear the ephah? 11: And he said unto me,To build it an house in the land of Shinar: and when it is prepared she shall be set there in her own place. ( Shinar look it's Iraq) The basket or ephah is a measuring device used by the ancients. This woman represented full measure. In short, "This is the full measure of the iniquity of the people throughout the whole land."
The lead cover was lifted briefly, and then pushed down again to cover its mouth. The word "mouth" is used, to indicate that this evil woman is to remain silent until "a house is built for it." And where is the house to be built for it? Is it the Vatican? No, it refers to another house that is to be built in "the land of Babylonia" or the land of Shinar - where the tower of Babel was built by Nimrod (Gen 11:2). When this house is built, the basket and the woman will be "set there in it's place".
hmmmmmmm..........even more about Babylon Rev 18:2 3, 10, 11, 16, 17- 21 2:And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the Great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. 3: For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, And the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich by the power of her wantonness. 10: Standing afar off for the fear of her torment saying: Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour is thy judgement come! And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise anymore... 16: And saying Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones and pearls! (by the way this is how Kings were described) 17: For in one hour so great riches has come to nought! And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, the sailors, and as many who trade by sea, stood afar off. 18: And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning saying, What city is like unto this great city? 19:And they cast dust on their heads, and cried and weeping and wailing, saying , Alas, alas that great city, wherin were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! For in one hour is she made desolate! 20: Rejoice over her, thou heaven and ye saints and apostles and prophets! For God hath avenged you on her. 21: And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and cast it into the sea, saying Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.
Jeremiah also prophesied of the destruction of this city, and recorded this event: Jer 51:61 "He said to Seraiah, "When thou comest to Babylon, and shalt see and shalt read all these words; Then shalt thou say, O Lord, thou hast spoken against this place, to cut it off, that none shall remain in it, neither man nor beast, but it shall be desolate forever. And it shall be, when thou hast made an end of reading this book, that thou shalt bind a stone to it and cast it into the midst of Euphrates. (hmmmmmm I didn't know the Euphrates was by the Vatican???) And thou shalt say, Thus shall Babylon sink, and shall not rise from the evil that I will bring upon her: and they shall be weary. This scripture is speaking of a city called Babylon near the Euphrates river. It means the actual city that has been featured in so many prophecies throughout the Bible. In fact I would suggest reading all of chapter 50 and 51.
There is nothing in the scriptures that identify Rome or the Vatican with the city of Babylon! Every assumption made to this effect is made by human reasoning that is not in accordance with the Bible. Jeremiah prophesies, that like the stone thrown in the Euphrates river, Babylon will sink........ and it will rise no more! The old city of Babylon wasn't ever utterly destroyed....... and it certainly hasn't sunk like a stone! Did Babylon sink when Alexander the Great destroyed it. NO!!! the city continued to be inhabited. The Apostle Peter mentions that his wife, and his son Mark, were in Babylon at the time he wrote the epistle (1Pet 5:13).
Rev 17. It describes a woman sitting on a beast. This woman also sits on many waters 1: which are peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues 15: The beast she sits on, which is a separate entity, is described as: Rev 17:8 The beast that thou sawest, was, and is not, and shall ascend out of the Abyss and go into perdition. This beast that had once existed, did not at that time exist! So the beast that did not exist in the days of John is not the Roman Empire which did exist at that time! This woman, who sits on the beast with seven heads, is described as Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth. Of the seven heads she sits on, the Bible has this to say: Rev 17:9 "This calls for a mind that has wisdom. The seven heads are seven hills (mountains) on which the woman sits. They are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come." Of the seven kings or kingdoms, five had already fallen, and one still existed, at the time of John. But the beast did not! Only one of the heads of the beast she sat on existed at that time. The woman who sat on this beast did exist at that time, and had existed for a long time prior to this. This woman, Babylon, and all that it entails, is guilty of all deaths: (hmmmm wonder where that Garden of Eden was located?) Rev 18:24 "In her was found the blood of prophets and of the saints, and of all who have been killed (slain, slaughtered by violence) on earth."
This scripture alone, rules out the Roman Catholic Church as being the great harlot. The Roman Catholic Church did not come into existence for hundreds of years after John penned the book of Revelation. In the days of Christ, this woman was already active. It had already infiltrated the ranks of the seed of God. The basis of God's seed was concentrated in the tribe of Judah at that time. John makes mention of this: Rev 12:1 "And there appeared a great wonder in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of twelve stars . And she being with child (with God's seed) cried travailing in birth and pained to be delivered ." This is speaking about the tribe of Israel that had a crown of 12 stars on her head. This was the tribe of Judah, and more importantly, the seed of David from whom Christ was born. In AD 70, this same woman fled into the wilderness for exactly 1260 days or 31/2 years.

Habakkuk, Zechariah, Malachi, Joel, Amos, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel and Ezekiel all Old Testament Prophets who spoke of endtime events.........
This scripture alone, rules out the Roman Catholic Church as being the great harlot. The Roman Catholic Church did not come into existence for hundreds of years after John penned the book of Revelation. In the days of Christ, this woman was already active. It had already infiltrated the ranks of the seed of God.


Rome is the city which "sitteth" on seven hills.

The anti-christ spirit had begun it's work in Pauls day, the deeds of the "nicolatians" which means to concour the laiety.

John said "and I was in the "Spirit" on the Lord's Day.

This is the seventh day.....the day of the Lord, the millienium.
John heard a voice as of a trumpet....BEHIND HIM.

Backwards from the day of the Lord in time, and this "voice" that speaks with him begins to describe all the things that would happen from Christs first coming till the end of the world.

To say that John could not know of the Catholic Church is just carnal reasoning without the Spirit of God.

And it is descibed as being the MOTHER of harlots and abominations of the earth.
The Catholic Church has always admited it's position as the "Mother" church.

Who's she the "Mother" of....?

The protestants who came out of her.

Of course the catholics and protestants who are the Image erected to the Beast, have had plenty of time to come up with some carnal mis-interpretatin of the scriptures to dis-miss their connection to the Great Harlot in Rev. 18 and other scriptures.

They have had to answer the questions of their people concerning theses things, many times in the past no doubt...
Of course the catholics and protestants who are the Image erected to the Beast, have had plenty of time to come up with some carnal mis-interpretatin of the scriptures to dis-miss their connection to the Great Harlot in Rev. 18 and other scriptures.
You are yet again tramping around with you branham speak, which has no biblical reference but which you treat as such. The 'references' that you do quote usually have nothing to do with what you are trying to prove. It is not a matter of misinterpretation, but of you taking a mans word over that of the bible... and then denying it.
Branham (1909-1965) was a vindicated prophet of God.
His ministry forerun and introdued the ministry today of the revelation of Jesus Christ as the Son of man.
Just as John the Baptist's ministry forerun Jesus Christ's first coming, William Branham's ministry forerun Jesus Christ's second coming......Malachi 4, Rev 10:7, and hundreds of other scriptures foretold this ministry.

The idea of two babylons was in existance before William Branham however, and that is the subject at hand here.

Read the Book, The Two babylons.......or Foxe's book of Martyrs.
50 years in the church of Rome.
The works of Martin Luther or John Wesley.......
These also were great men of God used to carry a message in their day.
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Rome is the city which "sitteth" on seven hills.
This requires wisdom to understand..... Rev 17:9 "This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains ( oros ) on which the woman Sits." Rev 17:1 tells us that the woman sits on many waters and identifies these as peoples, multitudes, nations and languages . The waters and the mountains are where the woman sits, and they are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages. The woman and the beast she rides, represent two beasts; one who arises from the sea Rev 13:1 and the other that arises from the earth Rev 13:11

The anti-christ spirit had begun it's work in Pauls day, the deeds of the "nicolatians" which means to concour the laiety.
The Nicolaitaines were followers of Nicolas (A Jewish leader in one of the 7 temples) The basis of them was overindulgence in everything.

John said "and I was in the "Spirit" on the Lord's Day.

This is the seventh day.....the day of the Lord, the millienium.
John heard a voice as of a trumpet....BEHIND HIM.

Backwards from the day of the Lord in time, and this "voice" that speaks with him begins to describe all the things that would happen from Christs first coming till the end of the world.

That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. You are in your mind!!

To say that John could not know of the Catholic Church is just carnal reasoning without the Spirit of God.
You are the carnal minded one!! nothing you discuss can be shown in the Bible!! and there is a reason we have the Bible..........The Bible clarifies so that we know who is a liar and speaks words of deceit..........the Bible is very clear!!

And it is descibed as being the MOTHER of harlots and abominations of the earth.
The Catholic Church has always admited it's position as the "Mother" church.

Who's she the "Mother" of....?

The protestants who came out of her.

Everyone and there dog expects the Catholic Church to be the Harlot..........this is the GREAT LIE!!! The scripture talks of amazement at this Harlot......hmmmmmmm no one would be amazed if the Catholic Church were the Harlot. The Bible clearly shows who this Harlot is over and over in many prophecies not just one sentence out of the Bible

Of course the catholics and protestants who are the Image erected to the Beast, have had plenty of time to come up with some carnal mis-interpretatin of the scriptures to dis-miss their connection to the Great Harlot in Rev. 18 and other scriptures.
You might want to study up on some Jewish History or basic history of the Middle East for you have completely missed the boat.
Branham (1909-1965) was a vindicated prophet of God.
His ministry forerun and introdued the ministry today of the revelation of Jesus Christ as the Son of man.
Just as John the Baptist's ministry forerun Jesus Christ's first coming, William Branham's ministry forerun Jesus Christ's second coming......Malachi 4, Rev 10:7, and hundreds of other scriptures foretold this ministry.

They foretold a ministry alright but it wasn't his..........
This is a Lie and I will find the scriptures that show it's a lie...............
(coming soon)

The idea of two babylons was in existance before William Branham however, and that is the subject at hand here.
Read the Book, The Two babylons.......or Foxe's book of Martyrs.

Yes this was propagated by the worthless shepherd and spread by many.
I would forget reading more of mens ideas and mens books and go back to the WORD OF GOD.
The word "Nicolaitane" In the Greek lexicon; "Nicolaitane" come from the word of Nicko, N-i-c-k-o ....which means "to conquer or to overthrow." Nico-laitanes, "overthrow or conquer the laity."

What they were doing here was to take the church where God had pastors, and the Spirit of God moving by gifts in the church of the living God, and start a doctrine in which they were going to have some priests, and bishops, and popes, and so forth. That God said He hated. He hates it yet today.

Nico-laitanes (Nico, "overcome") or, "overthrow the laity."
The laity is the church.

"Overthrow or conquer, or take place of the laity..."
In other words, take all of the sacredness, all of the power from the church, and put it over on the priests; "Let the congregation live the way it wants to, but the priest is the holy one."
Taking the Holy Ghost away from the people with signs and wonders following them, and take that away and give them a holy priesthood: taking away the Holy Ghost and swapping It for a priesthood. You see what it was?

In the church here first it was deeds; and then it become a doctrine; and it took over.
Who's supposed to be the head of God's church but He Himself? The Holy Ghost was sent to rule the church, not just the preacher, the whole congregation. Just the preacher be holy? It's all the church has the Holy Ghost.
And instead of that, instead of having the Spirit to make it, they've taken a little wafer, and a cracker, and some wine, and call it "the holy Eucharist" which means "Holy Spirit."
How can a cracker and a piece of wine be a spirit?

Now, if that's the way it's supposed to be, then you have to read Acts 2 like this: "When the day of Pentecost was fully come, here came a Roman priest up the road, and he said, 'Lick out your tongue,' and he laid the wafer on him; he drank the wine, said, 'Now, you got the Holy Ghost.'"
But that's not what Acts 2 says is it now.....?

Now, let's take the Baptists.
If you ask them, "what do we do"? they'll tell you ...."If thou will confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, you're saved."
The devil believes He's the Son of God and trembles at it; probably believes it more than a lot of church members does. The devil believes the same thing and trembles, because he knows he's doomed.

Now, we take it the Methodist form. Then they say that John did not baptize, that he sprinkled. Said, "There was a lot of gophers in the country, and the water come up in the places.
And he (John) had a muscle shell and scraped out a gopher hole." "And got some water this muscle shell, out of the gopher hole, and sprinkled the people." Why, what nonsense.
They actually preach that.

These Protestant Denominations say; "Give me the right hand of fellowship, and we'll put your name on the book."
That don't sound right, does it? You couldn't get that in an almanac; they know better than that. The old Ladies Birthday Almanac is more correct than that would be.
Well, what's caused that then? The Nicolaitane bringing in a bunch of men to twist up the Scripture and make a denomination that can't let God move in it. It dies right there.
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Originally posted by TheVisitor
The word "Nicolaitane" In the Greek lexicon; "Nicolaitane" come from the word of Nicko, N-i-c-k-o ....which means "to conquer or to overthrow." Nico-laitanes, "overthrow or conquer the laity." [/B]

From the Strongs Concordance:
3531 Nikolaites nik-ol-ah-ee'-tace from 3532; a Nicolaite, i.e. adherent of Nicolaus:--Nicolaitane.

Who was Nicolaus.........He was a Jewish priest
I have been talking about the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, as mentioned in Rev. 2:6
"But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate."
Originally posted by TheVisitor
I have been talking about the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, as mentioned in Rev. 2:6
"But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate."

Yes I know you think you are but the reference to the Nicolaitaines is specific and this man called Nicolaus was a priest of the 7 temples and what I have read on them is that they were overindulgence of everything..........not simple overindulgence or occasional overindulgence but extreme, they worshipped the flesh not the spirit..........the ones who followed this doctrine were called Nicolaitaines.............what you have said in essence about the church above is absolutely right on but this is not the doctrine of the Nicolaitaines. If I can find the historical reference to the followers of Nicolaus I will post it.

The Strongs concordance says "of Nicolaus" so in order to understand the doctrine of the Nicolaitaines you need to know who Nicolaus was and what was his indoctrination.
If Christ had meant conqueror the Greek word would have been Nikon or Ho Nikon not a reference to Nicolaus.
Nikolaites is the Greek word used here.
Nikolaos is the word you are referring to. This is victory over the people
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Nicolaitaines the 3 probabilities

It appears I was wrong here for there is much more to there doctrine than I remember reading...........while they were overindulgent there were other things about there indoctrination that was just as bad.....

There are 3 suggestions for this Doctrine I personally think the Doctrine was something known at the time and agree with number one.

One: A sect of the followers of Nicolaus of Antioch

Nicolaus of Antioch who is one of the seven original deacons, is a Jewish proselyte (Acts 6:5). The explanation that takes the Nicolaitans to be composed of followers of Nicolaus of Antioch has strong support in the early church. Added to Irenaeus are the testimonies of Tertullian, Hippolytus, Dorotheus of Tyre, Jerome, Augustine and Eusebius. They all say this was a sect of licentious antinomian Gnostics who lapsed into their antinomian license because of an over-strained asceticism. Hippolytus adds that Nicolaus was the forerunner of Hymenaeus and Philetus who are condemned in 2 Timothy 2:17. Eusebius adds that after the group was censured by John in the Apocalypse, the sect disappeared in a very short time.
What is Gnosticism? The Gnostics claimed to have information superior to that of the apostles. Some of the Gnostics denied the true humanity of Christ. They taught that the Christ was a divine influence that came out from God and rested upon the man, Jesus, at His baptism. They further taught that the Christ left Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, just before His crucifixion. The result was that Jesus died, but the Christ did not die, according to them.
Certain branches of Gnosticism taught that between God and matter there were various grades of spirit beings. They adopted this view in an effort to explain the origin of evil. They assume that God is good and yet there is evil in existence. Their theory was that evil is inherent in matter. And yet the good God could not create evil matter. So they postulated a series of Emanations, aeons, spirits, angels that came in between God and matter. The idea was that one aeon came from God, another aeon from this aeon, and so on till there was one far enough away from God for God not to be contaminated by the creation of evil matter and yet close enough to have power to do the work.
Believing that the body was inherently sinful, the Gnostics practiced asceticism, a system of self-torture or self-denial, in an effort to attain a higher spiritual state. Antinomianism is the teaching that a person under grace needs not practice self-control but may give full satisfaction to his bodily appetites and passions.
These problems were threatening the church at Colosse (Colossians 1:1-14). All the errors which existed in the Apostolic Age are still with us today. Antinomianism is characteristic of all who say that because we are under grace, we can live as we please. It is commonly happened in various false cults.
Of the three possible explanations for the origin of the Nicolaitan sect, this suggestion is the most persuasive due to the testimony of the early church fathers as I have mentioned above.

Two: A sect who encouraged Christians to engage in idolatry and immorality

The second approach is to identify Nicolaus of Antioch as a dangerously lax teacher who encouraged Christians to engage in idolatry and immorality. It is considered as a licentious sect advocating complete freedom in Christian conduct including participation in heathen feasts and free love. It seems rather clear from the letter to Pergamos (2:14-15) that the Nicolaitanes resembled Balaam in teaching that it was permissible for God's people to engage in idolatry and immorality. The doctrine of Balaam was recorded in the Old Testament (Numbers 25:1, 2; 31:14-16). This point of view is not so convincing because there is no historical evidence to verify such proposition.

Suggestion Three: The forerunners of the clerical system in the church

A third way of explaining the Nicolaitans says nothing about Nicolaus of Antioch, but bases their identification on the etymology of the Greek word. The two components are nikos (i.e. victory) and laos (i.e. people), resulting in the meaning "conqueror of the people." This idea is similar to the meaning of the Hebrew word for "Balaam" which means "swallowers of the people." The mystical interpretation of "the teaching of Balaam" in 2:14 is said to point to the "teaching of the Nicolaitans" in 2:15, providing support for this identification.
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