America in the bible

Originally posted by TruthSeeker

Whoever is filled with the Holy Spirit understands His parables. We are filled with it, so we understand it. You are not alone in that. However, if you don't rely in the Holy Spirit to teach you the meaning of the parable, you might get a "private interpretation" as SanDolphin61 pointed out, because you are relying in your own understanding.

You said it much better than I......thanks
SanDolphin61 said:

What makes you think that God didn't lead me there...

If you prophecy a lie and I know the TRUTH I will reveal it.


-For one, your reliance on the Greek.

-Secondly, your mis-interpretation of scripture.

-Third, your "need to prove me wrong to make yourself feel right......

-Fourth, stating things I never said - such as "I said I'm the only one who understands"....(I never said any such thing)....

-Fifth...What lie have I as you say...."prophecied"..?

You don't have to murder your brother in this day, Jesus said......
To hate your brother - without a cause, you've killed him your heart ..Jesus said.
You can "kill" a persons influence by speaking against him.........

If that person is speaking the Word, and you hate him for the Word he spoke....then who's influence are you trying to "kill"...?

I am familiar with the various doctrines of the denominational have said nothing about what you beleive, all you have done is constantly claim I am wrong without any substance to back it up......

Your taking a crash course on the bible you've crashed alright. You have a demoninational spirt on you.

You can't learn of God in a school or religion....
What school did Jesus ever go to.......?
What school did John the baptist go to....?
He was to be raised a priest, but at 9 years old instead went into the wilderness to be schooled of God.

The scriptures say in the last days God will raise up His elect...and they would all be taught of God...
Not in a school or in their own ideas....

Tell me what you believe about the Word,
And I can probably tell you what denomination has influenced you.

What is you stand on baptism, the God-head, predestination , justification , the restoration of the gifts, apostles creed, the trinity, miracles, sanctification, mariage and divorce....prophets
Who Jesus is....what the book of life is, what angels are.....ect...ect....

A sign of wisdom would be if you aren't sure what your talking about, you listen and learn, untill you grow into a mature christian and are able to discern the two spirits within the frame work of the church...

"Fools tred with hob-nailed shoes, where angels fear to trod..."

You have said I'm wrong , repeatedly......
If I'm wrong and your right ....I'm all ears.....:)
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This like this thread. I used to be a Christian but strayed away and now I'm remembering all the things I learned in Bible School. It's all interesting! :)

-For one, your reliance on the Greek.
I see no problem in that. In fact, it is a HUGE advantage. Why do you think there are Interlinear Bibles?

-Secondly, your mis-interpretation of scripture.
His interpretation seem to be in harmony with all the scriptures. Yours is not that stable. Besides, his reliance on Greek makes it even more accurate.

-Third, your "need to prove me wrong to make yourself feel right......
Or maybe it is you that is doing that. It highly depends on the perspective you take. Or maybe not at all what you said and he is just telling you what he knows, and just his own perspective.

-Fourth, stating things I never said - such as "I said I'm the only one who understands"....(I never said any such thing)....
According to you, we are both wrong.... Since you are only discussing with the two of us, it is seems quite clear that you think that way.

The scriptures say in the last days God will raise up His elect...and they would all be taught of God...
I was taught by God when I was a kid and I don't agree with any denomination, but I don't agree with you either. I think a whole lot more people will be saved. Besides, there is a HUGE reformation coming up that will unify the body of Christ like never before and the Gospel of Love will begin to be teached. I know that, cause that prophecy is talking about me. :eek:

Actually, there will be more people doing the same thing... but I will be in the front lines of that battle... :p

And the prophecy is already confirmed... :)

And I can probably tell you what denomination has influenced you.
Let me tell you yours... you are mostly inflenced by Calvinism.

What the Word of God really tells us is that God is Love and He wants all of us to be saved. Love is the only "mystery" and this "mystery" will be revealed when we see Him face to face. Until then, Love will be beyond our understanding. That doesn't mean that we cannot learn how to Love, or that God cannot Love through us, that only means that we cannot understand It with our earthly minds.
-For one, your reliance on the Greek.

I will continue to clarify anything in scripture with the Greek or Hebrew and I personally don't care if you like it or not.

-Secondly, your mis-interpretation of scripture.?

and where have I been wrong in the scripture I have talked about?

-Third, your "need to prove me wrong to make yourself feel right......

This is more about you than it is me.......

-Fourth, stating things I never said - such as "I said I'm the only one who understands"....(I never said any such thing)....

You have claimed to be one of Gods Prophets........I never have. Anyone reading your responses and your claims knows this and I will go get direct quotes from your other messages if you keep it up. In fact it seems to me this has already been done to you once before.

-Fifth...What lie have I as you say...."prophecied"..?

The amount of people who would be saved in the tribulation. (look at prior message to Truthseeker)
That the sons of God have already had the spirit poured out on them and they are prophecying to the world and that you are one of these. This is a lie! It has not happened yet.

Christ gave details of the endtime and the events that would immediately precede His return. He said there would be wars, wars and rumours of wars. He told His followers not to be troubled by these for the end is still not due. He then said, "Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginnings of sorrows." (Matt 24:6-8).
Christ continues: "THEN (at this very time) YOU (true Christians) will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and YOU (true Christians) will be hated BY ALL NATIONS because of Me." Has this happened yet? Remember Christ is speaking about the end and the time of His return!
"And this Gospel shall be preached in all the world, as a testimony to all nations, and then the end shall come." So just BEFORE the end and the return of Christ, and AFTER the wholesale slaughter of the saints, the Gospel will be preached in all the world.

You don't have to murder your brother in this day, Jesus said......
To hate your brother - without a cause, you've killed him your heart ..Jesus said.
You can "kill" a persons influence by speaking against him.........

Why you would assume I hate you because I disagree with you and said you prophecied a lie is beyond me. Quit mirroring yourself in me. Your killing your own influence by your insults and demeaning attitude.

If that person is speaking the Word, and you hate him for the Word he spoke....then who's influence are you trying to "kill"...?

Who said I hated you? I disagree with you and don't believe some of the things you have said are the Word.

I am familiar with the various doctrines of the denominational have said nothing about what you beleive, all you have done is constantly claim I am wrong without any substance to back it up......

I am of no religious doctrination, wasn't brought up in any religion. All I have is an old Bible my Grandmother gave me that funny enough was my Grandfathers. I believe Christ was the word come in the flesh. The Messiah. I have not constantly claimed you were wrong and in fact have thought you were right on the mark a lot of the time, but the things I have disagreed with you about I still stand by.

Your taking a crash course on the bible you've crashed alright. You have a demoninational spirt on you.
You were the one who said I was taking a crash course in the Bible.
You seem to have a real problem with anyone disagreeing with you.........your many passive aggresive insults to me have proven that.

You can't learn of God in a school or religion....

There you go making judgements and assumptions about me.

The scriptures say in the last days God will raise up His elect...and they would all be taught of God...
Not in a school or in their own ideas....

Another judgement.............

Tell me what you believe about the Word,
And I can probably tell you what denomination has influenced you.

Your no different than anyone else......looking for an angle to attack?
The word is revealed through Christ

What is you stand on baptism,

The water Baptism represents a willingness to repent........but Christ will Baptise with the fire and the Holy Spirit. I don't believe you have to have the water baptism to be saved. God cares more about whats in your heart and what you do in your life not whether you splashed water on your head. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit will show where peoples hearts really are.

the God-head

You must think me an educated religious person. I will guess that you are talking about the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They are one in the same.

predestination , justification

of what? Be more specific......

the restoration of the gifts, apostles creed

I have read this but it has been sometime and would need to reread before I commented on this.

the trinity

Isn't this Catholicism?


In my life or the miracles in the Bible? Be more specific.......which miracles or what are you wanting to know about miracles.


What specifically are you wanting to know?

mariage and divorce

I am not the judge of what people do in their life.......this is Gods place and his personal opinion not judgement: Marriage is a lifetime commitment that should not be walked into lightly, However there are some who should never be together and a divorce is there solution.


Be more specific

Who Jesus is....

Jesus is Lord

what the book of life is

It is the book that holds what we have done in our life and we will be judged by it.

what angels are.....ect...ect....

Which ones???

A sign of wisdom would be if you aren't sure what your talking about, you listen and learn, untill you grow into a mature christian and are able to discern the two spirits within the frame work of the church...

I have spoken up about the things I knew were false...........I will continue to speak up if I know the truth and I hear a lie. (key word being "if I know")

"Fools tred with hob-nailed shoes, where angels fear to trod..."

Insult number 14

You have said I'm wrong , repeatedly......
If I'm wrong and your right ....I'm all ears.....:)

I have said where I think you are wrong...........if it is reverberating in your head I can't help that................
Originally posted by wesmorrisbabe
This like this thread. I used to be a Christian but strayed away and now I'm remembering all the things I learned in Bible School. It's all interesting! :)

Well jump right in :D
Originally posted by TruthSeeker

What the Word of God really tells us is that God is Love and He wants all of us to be saved. Love is the only "mystery" and this "mystery" will be revealed when we see Him face to face. Until then, Love will be beyond our understanding. That doesn't mean that we cannot learn how to Love, or that God cannot Love through us, that only means that we cannot understand It with our earthly minds.
Love is the most important thing my friend..........
Originally posted by SanDolphin61
Love is the most important thing my friend..........

Can't you see that it only is if you think it is? HE DOES NOT. His opinion has to be valid if you give anyone but yourself any respect. In that case, you've nullified your own perspective regarding love... at least in the case of people who don't agree with you. :D Is it ethical then, to attempt to persuade someone that your "most important thing" should be identical to their "most important thing"?
You say your of no paticular denomination...

Sounds like your telling the best you know.
I liked your answers, except for the ones against me, that is.....
But I'm used to it. I forgive you.

But when we're born into the kingdom of God, we are just spirit babes......weaning on milk ...the simple things of the Word,

Later on we become mature, able to discern both Good and Evil, by reason of having our senses exercised.
And we eat the strong meat of the Word.

You should not critize things you really have no knowledge of, yet.
Your answers show your unsure of the meaning of Justifcation, sanctifcation, the restoration of the Gifts, prophets, baptism,
ect.. very basic doctrine we have to understand to be correct,
The bride I mean..........the church out there could care less about being correct. They've got there own thing they are doing.
Read the parable of the 7 women.

(Now the got/guessed that one right, it is a catholic inspired false doctrine, but most of the protestant churches still hold to it to)

I never said I was a prophet....I have denied this more than once now.

I believe the scriptures do say it is nessesary to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. The other way (father, son ,holy ghost) is a catholic mis-interpretation taking away from the Word of God.
There are no contradictions so,..... Jesus did say "baptise in the Name(singular) of the father, son, holy ghost"....He gave the keys to Peter, and by revelation, Peter said that Name is The Lord Jesus Christ.
That name has to be used......The other way baptises you into the catholic church......they started it.

I never said how many people were going to be "saved in the Great tribulation".....I believe the true Bride of Christ will be God incarnated in His people, and be an invincible army, when we return.......But as to how many "foolish virgin" (Gentiles) there are wil be hunted down like animals by those with the mark of the beast for their stand on Jesus and the Word.....I can't say.

The bible says 144,000 Jews will be converted by two prophets which are sent to them to witness Jesus Christ, just as we Gentiles just had one here to "visit us"., and introduce Christ to His Bride, and He (Christ) reveals to us that which we have need of to make ourselves ready. The rest of the"church world" misses this event.....They are missing it now. I can only hint to you the reality of whats really transpiring right now.....the revelation has to come from God. His intention is to hide this from the "world"
He comes as a thief in the night.

Those in the " Nominal" church, or their own ideas who miss whats going on right now, will go through the "Tribulation".
I never said only a few would be saved, but the scriptures point to the fact in many places it will be a small group, not a large one in this day.
The multitudes seen in that scripture in Revelations are the Bride that lived for Christ out of all the ages, for 2000 years standing there together.
This says nothing it that scipture about how many are from this day...Read it
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This like this thread. I used to be a Christian but strayed away and now I'm remembering all the things I learned in Bible School. It's all interesting!
Indeed.... I Love discussing stuff during Bible Study... :p
But you are always a Christian, always a part of the family. Just because you walked away, that doesn't mean that you are not a Christian anymore, in the same way that just because I don't live with my parents anymore that doesn't mean they are not my parents anymore. You are still a part of the family and you can come back whenever you want. :)

Rolling on Floor Laughing
Ohh... that's what THAT means... :p

Love is the most important thing my friend..........
Do you understand this:

1 Corinthians 13:9-10
"9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part;
10 but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away."

... the same way I do...? ;)

Oh... and of course...

Ephesians 3:19
"19 and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God. "

Colossians 3:14
"14 Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity. "

Galatians 5:6
"6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but faith working through love. "

1 Corinthians 16:14
"14 Let all that you do be done in love. "

1 Peter 4:8
"8 Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins. "

A Revelation


Can't you see that it only is if you think it is? HE DOES NOT. His opinion has to be valid if you give anyone but yourself any respect. In that case, you've nullified your own perspective regarding love... at least in the case of people who don't agree with you. Is it ethical then, to attempt to persuade someone that your "most important thing" should be identical to their "most important thing"?
It is written that Love is the most important thing. Unfortunatly, most Christians prefer to put themselves out of the equation and see 1 Corinthians 13 as an explanation of when God comes to live among us. In Truth, 1 Corinthians 13 talks about THE gift. The gift is God living in us, and He Loves people through us, although we do not understand His Love.

1 Corinthians 13 says that everything is totally worthless without Love:

1 Corinthians 13:1-3
"1 If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
2 If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
3 And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing."

And then, it continues describing Love:

1 Corinthians 13:4-7
"4 Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant,
5 does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered,
6 does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth;
7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. "

And then, Its importance:

1 Corinthians 13:8-10
"8 Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away.
9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part;
10 but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away. "

And finally, the attainement of Love:

1 Corinthians 13:11-13
"11 When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.
12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.
13 But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love. "

Attaining Love is not an easy thing. You have to really believe that God lives in you and act on it. Then, you will be walking by the Spirit and you will have the same power that Jesus has and you wll attain perfection.

What Christians don't think about is that God gives us whatever we ask, and He wants to bless us in every way. If He can give us salvation a sa gift, why wouldn't He give us His Love and make our lives meaningful? Because without Love, life is totally meaningless.

That's the revelation I'm bringing to this world. I don't know if I'm the only one, but that is my job. I'll be preaching the Gospel of Love. This will bring a HUGE power and unity to the church.

Those are the other scriptures that talk about this revelation:

John 17:23
"23 I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me."

1 John 2:4-6
"4 The one who says, "I have come to know Him," and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him;
5 but whoever keeps His word, in him the love of God has truly been perfected. By this we know that we are in Him:
6 the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked. "

1 John 4:12
"12 No one has seen God at any time; if we love one another, God abides in us, and His love is perfected in us."

And those are some of the consequences of this revelation:

End of fear:
1 John 4:18
"18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. "

Unity of the church (no denominations anymore):
Colossians 3:14
"14 Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity. "

Power to the Church:
Galatians 5:6
"6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but faith working through love. "
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But when we're born into the kingdom of God, we are just spirit babes......weaning on milk ...the simple things of the Word,
Of course. Anyone can go and feed 5000 people with two breads if this person don't even know that Jesus did that before. There is a process of growing...

Later on we become mature, able to discern both Good and Evil, by reason of having our senses exercised.
Whatever is of Love is good, and whatever is not of Love is evil. That's a pretty easy one... I've known that throughout my whole life... pretty much. Maturity really comes when you start walking in the Spirit and doing the things which do not please the flesh, but plase the Spirit. Maturity is expressed in self-control, discipline and walking in the freedom that was given to us, the freedom from sin.

You should not critize things you really have no knowledge of, yet.
I do not criticize the things which I don't know, I just interpret your words in the light of what I already know.

Your answers show your unsure of the meaning of Justifcation, sanctifcation, the restoration of the Gifts, prophets, baptism,
I do know those things... besides "restoration of gifts". I never heard about that. But it all comes down to Love and becoming like Him.

The bride I mean..........the church out there could care less about being correct. They've got there own thing they are doing.
Read the parable of the 7 women.
Unity can be restored. There will be a time that people will be filled with the Spirit of Truth and attain full maturity instantly. This time is coming.

(Now the got/guessed that one right, it is a catholic inspired false doctrine, but most of the protestant churches still hold to it to)
I know that. In fact, many denominations believe in the trinity to some extent.

I never said I was a prophet....I have denied this more than once now.
If you are not a prophet, then how can you present such a different message that was ever heard before? Isn't a prophet the one that speaks the very Words of God? If you are not a prophet, then your words are not in agreement with God's Word. So then, it is quite irresponsible to discuss those things in the manner you do.

I believe the scriptures do say it is nessesary to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. The other way (father, son ,holy ghost) is a catholic mis-interpretation taking away from the Word of God.
There are no contradictions so,..... Jesus did say "baptise in the Name(singular) of the father, son, holy ghost"....He gave the keys to Peter, and by revelation, Peter said that Name is The Lord Jesus Christ.
That name has to be used......The other way baptises you into the catholic church......they started it.
True... to some extent...

I have to continue later...
Going to church now... ;)
Sounds like your telling the best you know.
Can you say anything without a demeaning and judgemental statement attached to it?

I liked your answers, except for the ones against me, that is.....
But I'm used to it. I forgive you.

I never believe someone forgives when they go on to demean the other person they have supposedly forgiven.

You should not critize things you really have no knowledge of, yet.
If I know the TRUTH I will say it if someone prophecy a lie.

Your answers show your unsure of the meaning of Justifcation, sanctifcation, the restoration of the Gifts, prophets, baptism,
ect.. very basic doctrine we have to understand to be correct,

You made overgeneralized statements........I asked you to be more specific and as I can see you did not. I stand by what I said on the Baptism.

(Now the got/guessed that one right, it is a catholic inspired false doctrine, but most of the protestant churches still hold to it to)
Once again you are alluding to the fact that I guessed. another demeaning statement.

I never said I was a prophet....I have denied this more than once now.
you have alluded to the fact that you are one of the sons of God sent to prophecy to the many messages.

I believe the scriptures do say it is nessesary to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. The other way (father, son ,holy ghost) is a catholic mis-interpretation taking away from the Word of God.
Show me where it says this...........I have never seen this.

I never said how many people were going to be "saved in the Great tribulation".....I believe the true Bride of Christ will be God incarnated in His people, and be an invincible army, when we return.......
You have said the number was very small and made comparisons of Noah and the 8 people.

But as to how many "foolish virgin" (Gentiles) there are wil be hunted down like animals by those with the mark of the beast for their stand on Jesus and the Word.....I can't say.
Rev. 7 9:After this I beheld, and, lo, a great number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands.
Verse 13 and 14 go on to clarify who this multitude is.
13:And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence they came?
14: And I said unto him, Sir thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
I stand by the Word...........

just as we Gentiles just had one here to "visit us"., I can only hint to you the reality of whats really transpiring right now.....
This is your indoctrination not mine........your belief not mine. I know what is transpiring............I say to you God will not lose one of his, not one.

Those in the " Nominal" church, or their own ideas who miss whats going on right now, will go through the "Tribulation".
I don't believe in the rapture..............

I never said only a few would be saved, but the scriptures point to the fact in many places it will be a small group, not a large one in this day.
You have alluded to this many times. Show where the scripture says this................

The multitudes seen in that scripture in Revelations are the Bride that lived for Christ out of all the ages, for 2000 years standing there together.
The scripture clearly identifies this multitude................"They came out of Great Tribulation."
Chapter 4 describes another sea of glass and a great number. These are those who died before.

This says nothing it that scipture about how many are from this day...Read it
I have quoted the scripture for you above and it says plenty and it says it clearly. I stand on what the Word says.........if you don't like what it says or it doesn't coincide with your beliefs thats your problem not mine.

I never said how many people were going to be "saved in the Great tribulation".....I believe the true Bride of Christ will be God incarnated in His people, and be an invincible army, when we return.......But as to how many "foolish virgin" (Gentiles) there are wil be hunted down like animals by those with the mark of the beast for their stand on Jesus and the Word.....I can't say.
God "incarnated"...? Well... God lives in us. But that doesn't mean that He won't come here as He said... As I stated above in my first post in this page, God lives in us and we should take that more into consideration. However, that doesn't mean that He won't come back and live with us.

The bible says 144,000 Jews will be converted by two prophets which are sent to them to witness Jesus Christ, just as we Gentiles just had one here to "visit us"., and introduce Christ to His Bride, and He (Christ) reveals to us that which we have need of to make ourselves ready. The rest of the"church world" misses this event.....They are missing it now. I can only hint to you the reality of whats really transpiring right now.....the revelation has to come from God. His intention is to hide this from the "world"
I would God try to hide that from us? And where did you get that two prophets would convert 144000 Jews.

He comes as a thief in the night.
Don't take this out of context....

Those in the " Nominal" church, or their own ideas who miss whats going on right now, will go through the "Tribulation".
I never said only a few would be saved, but the scriptures point to the fact in many places it will be a small group, not a large one in this day.
The multitudes seen in that scripture in Revelations are the Bride that lived for Christ out of all the ages, for 2000 years standing there together.
This says nothing it that scipture about how many are from this day...Read it
What exactly is going on right now?