Absurd things Christians say...

Actually it's not; religion wins, hands down.
One word: Crusades.

Check it out. Still the top of the list for mass murder.

Just playing devil's advocate here (kind of), but consider the perspective of the Christian apologist:

The Crusades had nothing to do with Christianity, they were Church politics and, in that the course of action was in violation of tenets of Christianity, they were not Christian actions (though they were committed by Christians. Heh.).
Conceded. But I'd have to say it's the psychopaths in either case, i.e. religion as religious sentiment--leaving the church bullshit out of it--is not destructive in itself.

What I meant was that both religion and science are tools.
One can use a hammer to drive a nail or one can use it to bash someones head in. No one ever holds the hammer responsible for either, right?
The only one responsible is the one using the tool.
Fuck religious people. You don't hear me asking them for shit, do you? Except for some verses every now and again, at atheists request, to back up things I already know from experience, and they most likely don't know from experience. They just read it.
Fuck this, fuck that.. I think you need to calm down.
I'll let the following speak for itself:

See a pattern?

Yes I do. Apparently there are many psychopaths in the world, and they're running it straight into oblivion! Great. Cause when they finally do, I'm taking over.
What I meant was that both religion and science are tools.
One can use a hammer to drive a nail or one can use it to bash someones head in. No one ever holds the hammer responsible for either, right?
The only one responsible is the one using the tool.

But that was my point also, as regards both science and religion itself.
Just playing devil's advocate here (kind of), but consider the perspective of the Christian apologist:

The Crusades had nothing to do with Christianity, they were Church politics and, in that the course of action was in violation of tenets of Christianity, they were not Christian actions (though they were committed by Christians. Heh.).

Religion certainly didn't have nothing to do with it, and the Church wouldn't exist without the religion it spreads and nurtures. Who says what Christian actions are? I say all acts done in the name of Christian ideas deserve scrutiny, even if done outside of some version of orthodoxy.
One of my favorites....

"(T)he feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians." –Pat Robertson
Fuck this, fuck that.. I think you need to calm down.

Are you offended by that word? I told you its one of my favorites. I'm very calm right now, and still, I use the word "fuck". Because I like it. :)

But I will refrain if it honestly offends you.
One of my favorites....

"(T)he feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians." –Pat Robertson

Ha. I love the propaganda effect. Nice. :D
Religion certainly didn't have nothing to do with it, and the Church wouldn't exist without the religion it spreads and nurtures. Who says what Christian actions are? I say all acts done in the name of Christian ideas deserve scrutiny, even if done outside of some version of orthodoxy.

I'm not the apologist, I was just giving the apologist's perspective. :p

It's just that one can say the same of science, i.e. certain brands of neo-Luddites (who, incidentally, totally misconstrue Ludditism, but that's another subject): scientific progress will inevitably breed those psychopaths who use it to destructive ends, but is science itself to blame?
Are you offended by that word? I told you its one of my favorites. I'm very calm right now, and still, I use the word "fuck". Because I like it. :)

But I will refrain if it honestly offends you.

It doesn't offend me in the slightest. But it does tell me something about your state of mind. You say you are calm.. I don't buy it.
Actually it's not; religion wins, hands down.
One word: Crusades.

Check it out. Still the top of the list for mass murder.

Global warming. Thousands of species lost to extinction every day. I still say it's a toss up.
Psychopaths ? No, just regular people like you and me.

You are taking over?
What the hell are you talking about?

Look around at the suffering in this world. Apparently "regular people" are psychopaths.

I'm talking about the kingdom of christ. I am part of that. And when the "regular people" are done destroying themselves, we will prevail.
Global warming. Thousands of species lost to extinction every day. I still say it's a toss up.

Something I've noticed.. it seems religious people on average care less about nature than areligious people. Not something you'd expect.