Absurd things Christians say...

Look around at the suffering in this world. Apparently "regular people" are psychopaths.
No, the word psychopath has a specific meaning.
As a result, regular people are not psychopathic.

I'm talking about the kingdom of christ. I am part of that. And when the "regular people" are done destroying themselves, we will prevail.
A bit arrogant, wouldn't you say?
So what kind of person are you.. ? I mean, since you claim not to be a regular person.
Something I've noticed.. it seems religious people on average care less about nature than areligious people. Not something you'd expect.

Ahh, but how are you defining religious people? I know you're a Nederlander, but consider the U.S. Would you consider the 70 odd percent (I don't know what it is, but it's obscenely up there) of folks who describe themselves as Christian, say? Or the ones who are quite active in their church? If so, I'd be inclined to agree.

But, were you to mean those who have a true religious sentiment, of a sort (even if they are disinclined to name it as such, out of a desire to disassociate themselves with the other sorts)? Then, I don't know.
It doesn't offend me in the slightest. But it does tell me something about your state of mind. You say you are calm.. I don't buy it.

That's completely arbitrary enmos. I use that word a lot. Its versatile and emphatic. You know its my fave! You're being religious. I'll give you some slack for being dutch and all, but here in the states, we like fuck. Well, except for the religious hypocrites, cause they're too good for that word.

I would smack the pope down.
Ahh, but how are you defining religious people? I know you're a Nederlander, but consider the U.S. Would you consider the 70 odd percent (I don't know what it is, but it's obscenely up there) of folks who describe themselves as Christian, say? Or the ones who are quite active in their church? If so, I'd be inclined to agree.

But, were you to mean those who have a true religious sentiment, of a sort (even if they are disinclined to name it as such, out of a desire to disassociate themselves with the other sorts)? Then, I don't know.

I meant to include anyone that identifies him- or herself with a religion.
I did say "on average".
That's completely arbitrary enmos. I use that word a lot. Its versatile and emphatic. You know its my fave! You're being religious. I'll give you some slack for being dutch and all, but here in the states, we like fuck. Well, except for the religious hypocrites, cause they're too good for that word.

I would smack the pope down.

You cut me some slack for being Dutch? :rolleyes:
I just got done reading a romance novel with all kinds of sex in it. All the 'Jesus Christ!!' and "God Dammit!!" had been whited out. Apparently someone who loved reading sex scenes, but didn't like the lord's name taken in vain had read the book before me.
Maybe he was a pries or she was a nun....;).
No, the word psychopath has a specific meaning.
As a result, regular people are not psychopathic.

A bit arrogant, wouldn't you say?
So what kind of person are you.. ? I mean, since you claim not to be a regular person.

Paradigm alert!

"regular people" treat each other horribly and barbarically every day. You don't see that mr. "here be monsters"?

I am a child of god. And god rules, regardless of what ego and fear may tell you.
That's completely arbitrary enmos. I use that word a lot. Its versatile and emphatic. You know its my fave! You're being religious. I'll give you some slack for being dutch and all, but here in the states, we like fuck. Well, except for the religious hypocrites, cause they're too good for that word.

I would smack the pope down.

You never answered my question: Whether you believe the bible is the word of god and should be followed verbatim?
Paradigm alert!

"regular people" treat each other horribly and barbarically every day. You don't see that mr. "here be monsters"?

I am a child of god. And god rules, regardless of what ego and fear may tell you.

Yes, they do. and you're one of them, visceral and greedy and wrathful. We all are. You won't ever be 'above it'.
Paradigm alert!

"regular people" treat each other horribly and barbarically every day. You don't see that mr. "here be monsters"?
Well, yes.. but that doesn't make them psychopaths.
Besides, my user title isn't referring to that at all.

I am a child of god. And god rules, regardless of what ego and fear may tell you.
God rules? So is everything going according to plan or did he loose control?
I meant to include anyone that identifies him- or herself with a religion.
I did say "on average".

Again, I agree. But I think one has to keep in mind that while religion as a product of "the church," i.e. structured, hierarchical, dogmatic, etc., is indeed problematic (to say the least). it ought not be conflated with or confused for religious beliefs or thinking.
Again, I agree. But I think one has to keep in mind that while religion as a product of "the church," i.e. structured, hierarchical, dogmatic, etc., ought not be conflated with religious beliefs or thinking.
Frankly, I don't care about the difference too much in this context, as it suffices to lump them all together ;)
I don't know if you consider yourself religious (but I didn't think so), so please note that I said "on average".
You never answered my question: Whether you believe the bible is the word of god and should be followed verbatim?

From my experience, the bible is the word of god and should not be followed verbatim.

It says in the scripture itself that the meaning is hidden. It is translated only on a personal level by its author, the spirit.

And before you contest, I have had a spirit channel writing through me, so I'm very aware of how it happens.
Every religion has contradictions .
I find it weird that the Christinians believe that their Jesus is a man who lived a man's life, a God, a son of God, a king.....etc. They would argues with straight faces that their belief is true and accurate !!!.
Jesus' life shows that he was just a simple man and no more than that .
I don't need the benefit of the doubt. And in what actually?

Well then why are you alarmed by a word?

I don't know about your culture. Maybe dutch only use that word when they're upset.
Frankly, I don't care about the difference too much in this context, as it suffices to lump them all together ;)
I don't know if you consider yourself religious (but I didn't think so), so please note that I said "on average".

Even so, it's honestly somewhat difficult for me to generalize as regards this.

Certainly, when I think of the U.S. I would have no problem making such an assertion. But when I consider the various brands of Christians outside of the U.S., it's not so clear (and I'm thinking, for this purpose, of the present day--not necessarily of Christians over the preceding two thousand years). From my personal experience, at least, Christians/Catholics/etc. in Europe, Central and South America, and in the parts of Asia and the Middle East I've experienced, do not seem all that distinguishable in behaviors and attitudes (in this respect) from non-Christians.

And all I can say to the other part is that I have a very decided distaste for positivistic thinkers. Heh.
Every religion has contradictions .
I find it weird that the Christinians believe that their Jesus is a man who lived a man's life, a God, a son of God, a king.....etc. They would argues with straight faces that their belief is true and accurate !!!.
Jesus' life shows that he was just a simple man and no more than that .

The story of jesus tells me that we have a genetic defect that hinders communion and causes suffering and death, and that we can be cleansed of that defect.