Absurd things Christians say...

Aren`t Christians supposed to refrain from swearing?

No. That's just one of the silly myths that atheists believe.

Its not good to offend though. Are your little virgin religion soaked hypocritical ears offended?

The foundation of science is observation. Of course, some ignorance is required, but we don't know everything, it would be arrogant to say we did. Anyway, sinning is not the cause of death, but rather the nature of evolution, which I suppose you think God thought up. So God created death when he created life. Eastern philosophies would not separate the two. Every other human tendency can also be considered virtues in some context or other. Sloth is efficiency (discouraged in the agricultural societies where monotheism originated), greed is also ambition, wrath- well - God taught us everything about wrath in the Bible. Religion serves these tendencies as well, just look at the Popes in all their finery. Knowledge is power. If you want humans to stay powerless, then stay ignorant. If you think that God gave us all these talents for figuring out His creation but that His plan for us doesn't involve using them, I wonder what they are for?

Because science is responsible for more strife, destruction, disorder, mayhem, war and murder than Religion........


If it weren't for science, religion would not have a means.

Cool how you didn't reference the reference the rest of what I said.

Religion is shit. I'm pretty sure its only purpose is to provide atheists with an easy scapegoat.
The foundation of science is observation. Of course, some ignorance is required, but we don't know everything, it would be arrogant to say we did. Anyway, sinning is not the cause of death, but rather the nature of evolution, which I suppose you think God thought up. So God created death when he created life. Eastern philosophies would not separate the two. Every other human tendency can also be considered virtues in some context or other. Sloth is efficiency (discouraged in the agricultural societies where monotheism originated), greed is also ambition, wrath- well - God taught us everything about wrath in the Bible. Religion serves these tendencies as well, just look at the Popes in all their finery. Knowledge is power. If you want humans to stay powerless, then stay ignorant. If you think that God gave us all these talents for figuring out His creation but that His plan for us doesn't involve using them, I wonder what they are for?

To learn that it has not bettered us in any way. Its our intentions that are flawed. Science makes them more lethal.

Fuck the pope. Fuck him. How's that for a quote?
The foundation of science is observation. Of course, some ignorance is required, but we don't know everything, it would be arrogant to say we did. Anyway, sinning is not the cause of death, but rather the nature of evolution, which I suppose you think God thought up. So God created death when he created life. Eastern philosophies would not separate the two. Every other human tendency can also be considered virtues in some context or other. Sloth is efficiency (discouraged in the agricultural societies where monotheism originated), greed is also ambition, wrath- well - God taught us everything about wrath in the Bible. Religion serves these tendencies as well, just look at the Popes in all their finery. Knowledge is power. If you want humans to stay powerless, then stay ignorant. If you think that God gave us all these talents for figuring out His creation but that His plan for us doesn't involve using them, I wonder what they are for?

I'm glad you posted that. I'd never even thought about about sloth being efficiency. Ha. i'm going to call my lazy friends 'efficient' from now on.
I'll let the following speak for itself:

See a pattern?

Conceded. But I'd have to say it's the psychopaths in either case, i.e. religion as religious sentiment--leaving the church bullshit out of it--is not destructive in itself.
You think? You better ask religious people..

Fuck religious people. You don't hear me asking them for shit, do you? Except for some verses every now and again, at atheists request, to back up things I already know from experience, and they most likely don't know from experience. They just read it.