Absurd things Christians say...

The story of Jesus tells me that we have a genetic defect that hinders communion and causes suffering and death, and that we can be cleansed of that defect.
The story of Jesus tells me that he was a man with all man's body and did what men of his time did . The rest is blah, blah, blah......and blah....;) .
Well then why are you alarmed by a word?

I don't know about your culture. Maybe dutch only use that word when they're upset.
So what's the purpose of using the word in your case?
Are you denying that when you say "Fuck the Pope" that you are at least kind of upset with the Pope? And if you do, what meaning does the word 'fuck' have in that sentence?
Even so, it's honestly somewhat difficult for me to generalize as regards this.

Certainly, when I think of the U.S. I would have no problem making such an assertion. But when I consider the various brands of Christians outside of the U.S., it's not so clear (and I'm thinking, for this purpose, of the present day--not necessarily of Christians over the preceding two thousand years). From my personal experience, at least, Christians/Catholics/etc. in Europe, Central and South America, and in the parts of Asia and the Middle East I've experienced, do not seem all that distinguishable in behaviors and attitudes (in this respect) from non-Christians.

And all I can say to the other part is that I have a very decided distaste for positivistic thinkers. Heh.
Thing is I don't know of all those people whether or not they go to church every Sunday. I just know that they believe in the biblical god.
From my experience, the bible is the word of god and should not be followed verbatim.

It says in the scripture itself that the meaning is hidden. It is translated only on a personal level by its author, the spirit.

And before you contest, I have had a spirit channel writing through me, so I'm very aware of how it happens.

Now see... I just don't buy that.
.It says in the scripture itself that the meaning is hidden.

If that scripture was written by a Christian, and even if it wasn't, then it is quite possibly the most brilliant thing ever penned. An absolute stroke of genius. Not only does it perpetuate the myth but the meaning of God's written word will always conform to Christian fundamentals and beliefs, no matter how stupid it sounds.

Then again, it could be the dumbest thing ever written.
Thing is I don't know of all those people whether or not they go to church every Sunday. I just know that they believe in the biblical god.

Good point. Not gonna look up a statistic, but I do believe that churchgoing Christians are relatively few in Europe, at least, as compared with the U.S. But in Central and South America, they are most definitely churchgoing types--likewise for the ones in Asia and the Middle East.

As re: the "word" confusion (psychopath, right?). Americans, more than any other Anglos or Europeans--but definitely not more than Arabs and Indians--speak in crazy hyperbole. Ever heard the expression: "I'm absolutely famished"? Oh, really?
Good point. Not gonna look up a statistic, but I do believe that churchgoing Christians are relatively few in Europe, at least, as compared with the U.S. But in Central and South America, they are most definitely churchgoing types--likewise for the ones in Asia and the Middle East.
Yea, I know. I hear the Christians are really hardcore in the US.

As re: the "word" confusion (psychopath, right?). Americans, more than any other Anglos or Europeans--but definitely not more than Arabs and Indians--speak in crazy hyperbole. Ever heard the expression: "I'm absolutely famished"? Oh, really?
Lori is suggesting that everyone that isn't a child of god is a psychopath.
Lori is suggesting that everyone that isn't a child of god is a psychopath.

That's what I mean though: I don't think she really means psychopath, but rather just an inconsiderate and possibly not the kindest person (I think?).

But yeah, I think that's a load of crap either way.
That's what I mean though: I don't think she really means psychopath, but rather just an inconsiderate and possibly not the kindest person (I think?).

But yeah, I think that's a load of crap either way.

Yup, that's what I thought she meant as well. But she won't have it..
The story of jesus tells me that we have a genetic defect that hinders communion and causes suffering and death, and that we can be cleansed of that defect.

Interesting. Which part of the story tells you that? Can I find it in the bible?
That's completely arbitrary enmos. I use that word a lot. Its versatile and emphatic. You know its my fave! You're being religious. I'll give you some slack for being dutch and all, but here in the states, we like fuck. Well, except for the religious hypocrites, cause they're too good for that word.

I would smack the pope down.

Y such feelings toward the Pope? What did he ever do to you?
No. That's just one of the silly myths that atheists believe.

Its not good to offend though. Are your little virgin religion soaked hypocritical ears offended?


Hm. That`s a little rough for just asking. :m:
I once said told a Muslim guy I used to work with about the Christian ex who strongly believed the world was 6000 years old and he laughed and said probably the pyramids are that old! I said but that Qur'an says the earth is 40,000 years old. And he stops right there (before we were joking around) and dead seriously says to me: Then it is.

I laughed and said "You're as crazy as her" he didn't think it was funny and started trying to convert me! THIS incident alone is sole reason I ended up looking something up and stumbling across Sciforms.

Anyway.... I was up for the last 3 nights from 6am to 2am working and FINALLY I can almost take a break (just have to work tomorrow) but at least I will go home and have some beer watch some anime (maybe play GHWT) and get to bed early :)
So what's the purpose of using the word in your case?
Are you denying that when you say "Fuck the Pope" that you are at least kind of upset with the Pope? And if you do, what meaning does the word 'fuck' have in that sentence?

It means (emphatically) ignore the pope.