Absurd things Christians say...

Oh, really?

How is it that people are always using that ignorant excuse?
Fuck that. Does that excuse make it easier for you?
Science is possible due to what, takethewarhome?

It's just there, isn't it? For no reason? Huh?

There's a beginning and an end to everything. Always a creator.

And this ISN'T judgemental?
And this ISN'T judgemental?


No surprise there.

'Holier than thou' much?

That's one thing that really irks me about the deluded, and in particular the Christian subset: they refuse to even pay attention to their own regulations...

In any case, to answer the OP: ultimately, given that the notion of a supernatural deity is an essential element of their belief structure, it follows that everything a Christian say will to one degree or another, be absurd.

No surprise there.

'Holier than thou' much?

That's one thing that really irks me about the deluded, and in particular the Christian subset: they refuse to even pay attention to their own regulations...

In any case, to answer the OP: ultimately, given that the notion of a supernatural deity is an essential element of their belief structure, it follows that everything a Christian say will to one degree or another, be absurd.


Whatever happened to live and let live?

Too many people starting too many fights. And then they wonder why others have a problem with them.

If you're a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist, Pagan, or believe in talking frogs and flying cows... I don't care and it doesn't matter. I don't understand why people care so much about someone else's beliefs; as if either side is able to provide any facts to credit or discredit ANY set of beliefs.

It doesn't matter what you believe. It really doesn't, even if the beliefs make absolutely no sense to you. The only thing that matters is how you treat yourself and the world around you.

Learn to let things go and let people believe whatever they want, if anything at all. Nobody is right and nobody is wrong because there is no way to prove anything when it comes to religious/spiritual beliefs. So just live you're own life and stop worrying about others.
Aw, MZ... I'm really wasn't trying to pick fights with this thread. I was actually trying to poke fun at all of us collectively, theists and atheists alike.

I spare no one in my quest for a laugh.
And how are you, anyway? Long-a time-a noa talk-a.
Aw, MZ... I'm really wasn't trying to pick fights with this thread. I was actually trying to poke fun at all of us collectively, theists and atheists alike.

I spare no one in my quest for a laugh.
And how are you, anyway? Long-a time-a noa talk-a.

lol I wasn't referring to anyone in particular so don't worry.

I'm alright here, hanging in there. Trying to keep busy with work. The financial situation is slightly improving but will be many many months before I'm back on my feet. As I've said before, you'd be amazed how expensive it gets when someone dies with little or no forewarning.

When I'm not working, I'm either reading or sleeping so I figured I'd try to spice it up a little and spend what time I can on here.

Emotionally things are OK, though if it weren't for my best friend being here I'd probably have lost my mind by now. Its good to have a shoulder to cry on when I need it.

But anywho, back on topic lol.
Lets start with:

"Everyone is born with a birth defect that hinders communion with god and everyone suffers from everyones defect."

yeah you're right, that is so absurd. because in reality, we all know very well that there is nothing inherently wrong with humanity...we all live in perfect harmony with the universe and each other, and there is no suffering, sickness, or death. we christians are just making that shit up. things like greed, gluttony, sloth, lust, pride, envy and wrath are really wonderful things with no negative consequences whatsoever. *pat pat on the head* now go back to sleep.
i just got done reading a romance novel with all kinds of sex in it. All the 'jesus christ!!' and "god dammit!!" had been whited out. Apparently someone who loved reading sex scenes, but didn't like the lord's name taken in vain had read the book before me.

omg lol!
I have concluded myself to Christianity due to all of my mental and physical experiences.

That demonstrates nothing other than delusions or mental illness.

It would be ridiculous not to have faith. I was just born this way.
I'm not scared either. Nor was I brainwashed. Nor am I hypocritical.
I have ran through glass on my way to self-discovery, and even after all of that, I never forgot Jesus.

So, you were indoctrinated into the Christian cult from childhood. Nothing special there, most Christians were indoctrinated.

It would be like living for nothing, having no meaning to my life.

In other words, you haven't the capability to create your own meaning to life and have to resort to a cult to give you meaning.

We are all miracles. Can't you see that?

No, I don't see any miracles whatsoever. I see humans that evolved from simple beginnings to complex beings. Where are these miracles you speak of?

Even the most hated person on earth was meant to be loved..
And when everyone has turned against you, God will always be there.

Preachy gibberish that has no meaning whatsoever. Clearly, you haven't a leg to stand on other than you were indoctrinated into the Christian cult and are now completely brain-washed and ignorant of the world around you.
Science is possible due to what, takethewarhome?

Science brought you and everyone else out of caves. Of course, if you prefer a cave dwelling in favor of what science has brought you, please move back to one immediately.
Not lumping all Christians together just some loopy ones I've met.
"Homosexuality is a disease that those who are afflicted with it must suffer through, just like I suffer with epilepsy. If I indulge in my disease and don't try to prevent it I'll die. Just as the homosexuals will die. They must learn to care for the disease that God has given them. So they can be like me and try to live normal and happy lives. They can't be happy if they aren't treating their illness, just like I'm not happy when I don't treat mine."
Oh and another one of my favorites. "Hanging around with gay men just makes Jesus think you're a whore." LOL
And this ISN'T judgmental?

No, I am simply just standing up for what I believe in...
Allow me to make myself more clear. I meant to judge others.
I was not judging you. More so a personal judgment upon myself.
And I couldn't help but notice how you changed your first post.

[I am a proud atheist]
[I am an atheist]

Are we not proud any longer?
That demonstrates nothing other than delusions or mental illness.

Not even. Not at all. Just faith.
I think you are delusional and sick. And that is why you see that way.

So, you were indoctrinated into the Christian cult from childhood. Nothing special there, most Christians were indoctrinated.

So, I suppose you were indoctrinated into Atheism?
I was not taught to believe in Christ. I just do.

In other words, you haven't the capability to create your own meaning to life and have to resort to a cult to give you meaning.

No, I have created my own meaning of life but, I recognize the fact that without the creator of life, I could not create my own meaning.

No, I don't see any miracles whatsoever. I see humans that evolved from simple beginnings to complex beings. Where are these miracles you speak of?

You are a miracle. Simply amazing.
All of this earth and sky was perfectly made for us.

Preachy gibberish that has no meaning whatsoever. Clearly, you haven't a leg to stand on other than you were indoctrinated into the Christian cult and are now completely brain-washed and ignorant of the world around you.

You haven't any leg to stand on.
I'm not brain washed or ignorant.
I see too much of the world. And all I see is my proof.
Not even. Not at all. Just faith.
I think you are delusional and sick. And that is why you see that way.

Having faith in something doesn't make it true or exist.

I'm not the one who believes in magic, mystery and things that go bump in the night. I wonder how that makes me delusional and sick?

So, I suppose you were indoctrinated into Atheism?

That would demonstrate that you don't know what atheism is about.

I was not taught to believe in Christ. I just do.

That is a lie.

No, I have created my own meaning of life but, I recognize the fact that without the creator of life, I could not create my own meaning.

A creator is not a fact, it is pure speculation formed without a single observation or iota of evidence. Anyone can create their own meaning to life without the need of god delusions. In fact, those who don't need gods actually have meaning in their lives.

You are a miracle. Simply amazing.
All of this earth and sky was perfectly made for us.

That is an answer of ignorance of the world around us and has no meaning to reality.

You haven't any leg to stand on.
I'm not brain washed or ignorant.
I see too much of the world. And all I see is my proof.

You have zero evidence and zero proof. Please stop lying.
I would prefer a cave, thank you.

Then, you need to get rid of your computer, internet connection, house, car, medicines, and everything else SCIENCE has provided you. You'll obviously be no longer visiting this forum or any other. Will you be saying your goodbyes now?