A solution to child rape

Do you have evidence for this?

Do you have any evidence that people are born rapists and murderers? You're making the absurd claims in small hopes of retaining some dignity after falling far short of expectations for your performance in this thread.

I'm glad its not my decision to make. :shrug:

We're not so different, you and I. You want to chop off genitals, and I want to chop off heads. What's the difference?
Do you have any evidence that people are born rapists and murderers? You're making the absurd claims in small hopes of retaining some dignity after falling far short of expectations for your performance in this thread.

We're not so different, you and I. You want to chop off genitals, and I want to chop off heads. What's the difference?

Giving a hormone injection is vastly different from chopping off a head. For one thing, it is reversible in case of error.

As for genetics, there is some evidence that pedophilia may run in families, but it is hard to separate out the effects of psychic trauma from genetic predisposition. In short, we simply don't know.
Giving a hormone injection is vastly different from chopping off a head. For one thing, it is reversible in case of error.

You're right. Castration is vastly worse than death. Castration is a type of torture that ruins the life of the subject. It costs money to execute and sustain. It also does absolutely nothing to prevent the person from raping (in other ways) or killing people again. Also, the death penalty is only established through concrete evidence, so there is little or no room for error.

In short, we simply don't know.

Then don't boast as if you do.
Assuming there is a defined correlation between rape cases and explicit accounts of abuse, of course. Still, though...abuse is not so bad as to drive people to rape and murder others.

I suppose it depends on the severity of the abuse, although I'm still not sold on that idea.

Kadark, I have no idea how anyone decides that abuse cannot be bad enough to drive people to rape and murder others. The idea that there can be no reason, or no abuse bad enough, where does that come from? That's a lot more weird than the idea that a person can be abused, day in and day out, enough that he or she turns to violence and rape as a solution. There are even belief systems out there that say that men as groups have to rape women.

You are still saying that you would use force against something that you don't understand. This idea that it can't be that bad is something that you have been taught to impose on others, not what is real.
You're right. Castration is vastly worse than death. Castration is a type of torture that ruins the life of the subject. It costs money to execute and sustain. It also does absolutely nothing to prevent the person from raping (in other ways) or killing people again. Also, the death penalty is only established through concrete evidence, so there is little or no room for error.

Depends on how much you know at a particular time.

Given the choice, you may choose death over castration. But should you be making the choice for others?

And the death penalty is not inviolate

Then don't boast as if you do.

I do know that we do not know. I was not the one with the emphatic yes.:p
But you are comparing two differen things with cheerleaders and criminals. The cheerleaders simply believe their choice of color lead to the victory. However, what I am saying is that improved secuirity and punishment would lead to far less crime, wouldn't you agree?

Since you don't seem to be getting it, correlation does not imply causation

No, I would not. Crime is a complex problem that defies simple solutions. Many in the U.S. think that solving terrorism is best done by killing all of the terrorists (some even advocate killing all in the M.E.). Do you agree?
Depends on how much you know at a particular time.

Given the choice, you may choose death over castration. But should you be making the choice for others?

People don't choose their own punishments, Sam. This is common logic.

"So, it's been confirmed that you're responsible for six separate accounts of rape, mutilation, and murder. What punishment are you going to choose?"

"Hmm...I'll take community service."

I do know that we do not know. I was not the one with the emphatic yes.:p

lol, whatever. Nice reply, I will admit.
People don't choose their own punishments, Sam. This is common logic.

"So, it's been confirmed that you're responsible for six separate accounts of rape, mutilation, and murder. What punishment are you going to choose?"

"Hmm...I'll take community service."

Ever hear of plea bargains?:p

lol, whatever. Nice reply, I will admit.

Good luck arranging that after you rape and kill someone's child.

Umm I don't know about kill (dramatic are we not?) but it is already used for child rapists. As is chemical castration.
SAM, I wouldn't even group most pedophiles in with those who would forcibly rape pre-pubescent children. I have to give Governor Blunt a little credit because he actually distinguishes between forcible rape and statutory rape. Most pedophiles seduce, and even more don't actually penetrate. I wish that I knew how many were put in the big house for simply fondling.

The death penalty for forcible rape of a child makes more sense if they are actually distinguishing between forcible rape and seduction. That's not saying much, but at least it shows a little bit of thinking.

At one time the discussion was more about the physical ability of the child involved to tolerate what was done to him or her. But shortly after it became firmly established as a crime to penetrate a child who would be physically damaged by penetration, it seems like a whole crop of false accusations came up. A little redness like diaper rash meant digital penetration. Some people have spent years in jail on charges of full penetration on small girls who showed no physical signs of abuse whatsoever. It seems like all that was accomplished was to establish a thing to lie about to hurt people.

My suggestion includes the idea of allowing would-be pedophiles to self treat as long as they keep their mitts off of children. There may be some who are reasonable enough to decide that animals instead of children, with no stigma, is the way to go. Get them before they become habituated to children as a sexual outlet, and if we can get them to identify themselves, their own tendencies, then we don't have to pry into private lives and guess at it and force stigma on the undeserving.

To me there is a pyramid. At the top are the ones who actually forcibly rape and maybe murder too. They are the fewest. Then there are a few more who seduce and while they have penetration, it is consensual, if not legally consensual. Even more fondle. Then there are those who might be identified as having tendencies. They are at the ground floor of the pyramid, where the base is buried in the sand. The vast majority of those who have tendencies will never act out and will wash their hands if they accidentally feel pleasure at the touch of a child or young teen.

Some people would have us killing or jailing those who simply have tendencies. They would have us forcing them to live their lives predicated on a tendency that they may not know that they have and that is just the same as a normal man's tendency to seek heterosexual intercourse with someone his own age. People as young as 12 have been taken to jail for having sex with people age 12 to 14, even for having sex with people who are older than they are. This kind of insanity is just sick. One of the excuses for doing this is that the children don't know what they are doing. That is the fault of those who would keep them in ignorance. There is no good reason that people can't be taught, in a sane and reasonable fashion, the facts of life by the time they are eight.
Are raped?!

Sorry. Are molested

Statistics on pedophilia are as difficult to come by as anecdotes are easy. The definition itself is misunderstood and often ill-used. Pedophilia is a mental disorder that belongs to a larger group known as paraphilias: sexual lust that is not connected to adult romantic love. Pedophilia is sexual contact between an adult and a child who hasn't reached puberty. Another disorder in the paraphilias group is ephebophilia — intense sexual interest in teenagers. According to the FBI, 61% of rape victims are under age 18, and 29% are younger than 11. Generally accepted academic studies say one out of every four women was sexually molested by an adult before she was 18. For men: 1 out of 10. Yet only one out of every 10 cases of child sexual abuse is reported to law enforcement, the FBI reports.

SAM, when you do it, it's an honest mistake. I have trouble believing that as many as the USAToday link says were actually forcibly raped or even penetrated when you get to the under 11 people. They also obviously define it as a molestation if anyone under 18 was sexually touched. When I was 14 I knew 14 year old girls who actively pursued sex with adults. It's why I stay away from 14 year old girls.

The stats are obviously inflated by willfully dishonest people. I refuse to believe any definition of molestation or any stats based on anything but interactions with people who are pre-pubescent, or 13 for an arbitrary age cutoff. Once again I see in that article that they are linking sex with teenagers with sex with pre-pubescents and calling it all child molestation. What's next? An age of consent of 30?

It's only been a few years since whoever does these things was so nasty about all sex. What they really want is total control, or the ability to punish anyone they want.
The figures are anyway underreported, any comparison with (and some experience of hospital work) will tell you that reports to law enforcement are far far below what doctors deal with. And what doctors deal with is only the cases that are bad enough to require medical attention.
The figures are anyway underreported, any comparison with (and some experience of hospital work) will tell you that reports to law enforcement are far far below what doctors deal with. And what doctors deal with is only the cases that are bad enough to require medical attention.

To really understand that I need more information that is more reliable. How do you get proper statistics out of reports of emergency room visits? Cities with 10,000 people have one hospital with one emergency room and that emergency room is empty more than half the time. Some emergency rooms and hospitals serve a much larger population. Did anyone compile a report of what doctors deal with?

Either we're being fed inflated statistics or this "problem" may be one that can't be treated as a disease or as criminality.