A solution to child rape

Oh I can see it now. Michael Jackson is convicted for raping a child and he is forced to have sex with Bubbles. (The chimp that he use to own) :D
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Under my system he would already have been doing Bubbles. It has to be emphasized that people will do this instead of, and before ever doing children.
Can this not become any clearer? Let's focus on punishment, and strictly punishment for now.

You are proposing that a child rapist, who's made a child or children's lives hell, who's scarred them for life by abusing and raping them, simply be let loose, without any punishment and to be able to continue his disgusting habit on harmless animals?

Where is the justice in that? A man who has done that, a man who has murdered, or raped or molested children should not walk the streets. What if that man does not want to boink animals? He could merely go and repeat his disgusting act on more innocent little kids. People like that DESERVE only the strictest torture and execution, 'nuff said.
No, I will not focus on punishment. Punishment does not solve things like this and the people who sell punishment refuse to recognize this basic fact.
Animal rights people are perfectly willing to sacrifice humans to save animals, but I think that they just want to sacrifice humans. At least we still know that when we are hungry for food, we eat animals and not human babies.
Is it that you realize you are giving those who would rape children an incentive to murder them as well, and you find this fact irrelevant, or are you able to assure yourself that this would not be the result of such a policy? Or do you feel death is preferable to going through life dealing with the trauma of having been raped as a child? Because there is no doubt in my mind that the law of unintended consequences would immediately strike if such a policy were enacted.

If the punishment is the same for both, why wouldn't such a man murder the child, since it would greatly reduce his chances of being caught?
Maybe if we put them in a treatment center and not jail, they won't kill any kids at all!
yeah, whatever.
But rapists who murder their victims in order to avoid the threat of a live witness are much more difficult to catch. You must really hate kids.

You don't have to insult her just because she doesn't agree with you.
Is it that you realize you are giving those who would rape children an incentive to murder them as well, and you find this fact irrelevant, or are you able to assure yourself that this would not be the result of such a policy? Or do you feel death is preferable to going through life dealing with the trauma of having been raped as a child? Because there is no doubt in my mind that the law of unintended consequences would immediately strike if such a policy were enacted.

If the punishment is the same for both, why wouldn't such a man murder the child, since it would greatly reduce his chances of being caught?

Unintended consequences are rarely unintended.
Maybe if we put them in a treatment center and not jail, they won't kill any kids at all!
yeah, whatever.

I presented this as a pre-emptive strategy. Let the potential offender self-identify and then choose an alternate. Let those who choose the alternative be praised for making a responsible choice. Allow the person the ability to make this choice without having to actually offend against a child.
Rape is wrong and I see no logic killing the perps is wronger, after-all why let them suffer knowing what they did, instead we can remove them from the Earth and let them reincarnate into new hosts, bravo!
agreed, let them repent to god, kill them and they can have everlasting life in heaven or they can reincarnate.
MetaKron apparantly wants mass rapists to walk the streets, giving them a cow to fuck but what happens when they don't want to? And the victims, forever to be forgotten and never to be justified? It is ridiculous even the prospect of letting rapists,the worst types of criminals, walk the streets freely and not suffer punishment, and not receive what they gave to others. Shove a stick of their ass! That'll teach 'em, it'll show them that rape isn't fun. Let them get clawed...woops I mean raped by a bear and let's see how fun it is for them.
You don't have to insult her just because she doesn't agree with you.

If someone loves children, why on earth would they give a low life a good reason to kill a child they have raped? Setting aside the wrongness/rightness of capital punishment, and the unstated assumption that it reduces crime, if the punishment for rape and murder is the same as it is for rape, why would the rapist allow his victim to live? Capital punishment is the worst punishment there is, you cannot add anything to it. Dead victims tell no tales. I can't believe that anyone in this thread is deluded enough to think that making child rape a capital offense would end it once and for all. It hasn't had that effect on any other offenses made punishable by death.

So I'm forced to conclude that people who advocate this are more fond of revenge more than they are of children.
MetaKron apparantly wants mass rapists to walk the streets, giving them a cow to fuck but what happens when they don't want to? And the victims, forever to be forgotten and never to be justified? It is ridiculous even the prospect of letting rapists,the worst types of criminals, walk the streets freely and not suffer punishment, and not receive what they gave to others. Shove a stick of their ass! That'll teach 'em, it'll show them that rape isn't fun. Let them get clawed...woops I mean raped by a bear and let's see how fun it is for them.

If they don't want to, then deal with them using a justice system that is fit for a civilized country. This is IF they actually commit a crime, not if you think they might.