A solution to child rape

To really understand that I need more information that is more reliable. How do you get proper statistics out of reports of emergency room visits? Cities with 10,000 people have one hospital with one emergency room and that emergency room is empty more than half the time. Some emergency rooms and hospitals serve a much larger population. Did anyone compile a report of what doctors deal with?

Either we're being fed inflated statistics or this "problem" may be one that can't be treated as a disease or as criminality.

Honestly, I don't know the details for child abuse. I will look it up though, it is necessary information.
Robots. The japanese have made incredible strides in realistic "Love Dolls". They're about $6000.00 or $7000.00 a pop. And some japanese entrepeneurs are starting to rent them out.

Why not just make a law that requires they use a robot? Make them widely available.

:eek: I see a problem with renting. Or any long term use... :p
I'll be the first one to say that wildspread child sexual abuse is evidence of a system-wide pathology. However, it seems like there are powerful forces that are completely set on forcing one interpretation on the manifestations and one kind of solution. The interpretation is that humanity is somehow just "bad" and that the mass of humanity needs adult supervision, by the segment of society that tortured puppies as children and committed more than their share of anal rape on their compatriots. If that is "all that we have" then there is no use in fighting it at all.

On the other hand, instead of fighting, we can learn how to do things in a way that people simply don't want to molest children anymore. Or do we even need that? Is there even any point in trying to prevent children from having sex with anyone? Does it actually help them or society? Now I'm not talking about forcible rape. I'm talking about just plain sexual activity, which too many people equate with forcible rape. Andrea Dworkin even said that "all sex is rape."

Do we even know what problem we are trying to solve and why?
I'll be the first one to say that wildspread child sexual abuse is evidence of a system-wide pathology. However, it seems like there are powerful forces that are completely set on forcing one interpretation on the manifestations and one kind of solution. The interpretation is that humanity is somehow just "bad" and that the mass of humanity needs adult supervision, by the segment of society that tortured puppies as children and committed more than their share of anal rape on their compatriots. If that is "all that we have" then there is no use in fighting it at all.

On the other hand, instead of fighting, we can learn how to do things in a way that people simply don't want to molest children anymore. Or do we even need that? Is there even any point in trying to prevent children from having sex with anyone? Does it actually help them or society? Now I'm not talking about forcible rape. I'm talking about just plain sexual activity, which too many people equate with forcible rape. Andrea Dworkin even said that "all sex is rape."

Do we even know what problem we are trying to solve and why?

I agree with all your points.
If I decide that cutting the heads off of child molesters is the only solution that we have, or the best solution, I will happily have them cut my own head off first. This is because it will prove that I have no use for my brains.
If I decide that cutting the heads off of child molesters is the only solution that we have, or the best solution, I will happily have them cut my own head off first. This is because it will prove that I have no use for my brains.

Sure you would.
Governor Matthew Blunt of Missouri, USA wants to kill people who forcibly rape children. At the root of Governor Blunt's problem is that violent solutions to problems shut out solutions that have a better chance of working. Violent solutions appeal to the lowest common denominator of thinking, which means that the thinking involved in handling the problem of sex offenses is less complex and competent than the thinking that it takes to wipe one's own backside. This makes for a penal system that is led by people who cannot truly be trusted to be housebroken. In other words, if it can be run by an idiot only an idiot would want to use it.

Here's a real solution and I do advocate it: Anyone who would rape a child might as well have sex with animals. If we're not going to leave them in jail forever or kill them, make it plain to them that they will always have this kind of sexual outlet and they can run wild with it. They can live in a trailer park and have community goats, sheep, and cattle. Every time they have the urge they will be mandated, by law, to take it out on something that is not human. People will be taught that if they have the urge to rape a child, they must run, not walk, to the nearest place where they can use a sheep. The funny thing is that a lot of people who are like this, if they could think it, would rather do anything but rape a child if they can get rid of their urge for a while. And if they get hooked on animals, then they can stay there till they rot.

I think that the game of labeling people and simply playing with them, just using them as targets for our own self-hatred and inability to properly socialized, this game has become so horribly institutionalized, so much a part of us, that most of us cannot and will not abandon that game even to prevent children from rape. Any solution that offers a way out of this game, people reject. Even if it works they will reject it because there is some minor thing wrong with it, even when that minor thing is far less troubling than the rape of a child.

Or do we actually value children less than we do animals or minor violations of morality that involve animals? We have no trouble understanding that if we had to choose between eating a pig and eating a child, we should eat the pig. If a person who is mentally unbalanced wants to force sex upon a child, he or she should go with an animal instead, just as any of us who is hungry would eat the meat of a sheep or a goat. If any of us even thinks we're going to harm a child, go out and do a cow. This practice should be protected by law.

This is serious. I don't want people going around having sex with children. I had a fucked-up childhood, and if that sounds tongue in cheek, well, I don't have a better way to say it. When I turn it around and look at how "they" advocate that we take care of such problems, I can't believe that they are serious. Give a person no sexual outlet at all then expect him to simply restrain himself? Most people can barely be trusted to wipe their asses and you can't trust them to wash their hands and understand why. People just save child molesters and cherish them as eternal targets to vent hate upon. Child molestation is actually a gift to these people, more coveted than their entire taped collection of extreme wrestling. Child molestation leads to more child molestation and more rewards for people who hate.

So give the perverts a way to vent their frustrations and to stay away from children. Like I said, most of them would do anything to stay away from children, and most of society would do anything to keep them away from children, so how about a thing that is this simple?

I agree with some of the things that you wrote, but child molesters fucking animals? Is that supposed to be joke? Why would a child molester want to fuck an animal? Is someone going to force the child molesters to fuck the animals? I am going to give you my solutions to the problem, but first I am going to separate the real pedophiles from the so-called statutory rapists.

For legal purposed I would say that any adult (18 years or older) that engages in sexual activity with a child under the age of 12 should be imprisoned for life unless a panel of psychiatrists assigned to the person’s case have determined that it is highly unlikely that the person will re-offend. I also believe that the legal age of consent for minors should be 16 with a 5 or 2 year exception. For example, in my country (Canada) the current age of consent is 14, but the government wants to change it to 16 with a 5 year exception that would allow a person that is 19 years of age to have sex with someone that is 14. It is also legal for a minor that is 14 years old to have sex with someone that is 12 years old, as long as there is no more than a 2 year age difference between them.

I think there is a present day solution, and a futuristic solution to the problem. The present say solution should involve imprisoning real child molesters for life and giving them the opportunity to obtain most of the things that they desire. I would like to see the creation of large prisons that really focused on rehabilitation instead of punishment. Something like a small maximum security fenced off town where violent criminals that followed all of the rules would have the opportunity to pursue some of their hopes and dreams. Factories and business offices could be built within the town. It could be a very profitable business if the prisoners are forced to work for every privilege that they have. The pedophiles that work hard and follow all of the prison rules should have the option to live out the rest of their days in a small comfortable apartment where they would have access to all of the child pornography that they want.

A futuristic solution to the problem could involve things like sexbots, virtual reality, and new medical procedures that could alter a person’s personality and sexual desires. I can imagine a situation where an inmate in the prison town that I described would go to work in the morning and come home their child sexbot or hook themselves up to a virtual reality where they could experience anything that they want. I can also imagine virtual simulations that would be designed to change a person’s deviant sexual desires.
Yes, I am serious about training people to have sex with animals if they feel the urge to boink children. If they can stay away from children there should be no penalty. In fact there should be massive approval of just this thing. Let's include the idea of having experts train them to attend to the comfort of the animal. I feel that this is much more civilized than the idea of pointing fingers at anyone who even looks like they might diddle a child and accusing them and ruining their lives. I also think that "satanic panic" cases show how stupid groups of people can be.

This could be a thing that will get a pedophile into a pattern that totally excludes sex with children. Suppose he doesn't even need the child pornography anymore and suppose that he can completely switch away from children? Suppose this starts when the desire to have sex with children starts and the program substitutes the more acceptable outlet?

Part of our problem is that we really don't know who is going to rape a child. They don't know themselves. The practice is common enough that we can't isolate that many people. We can't remove that many people from society. I'm not going to be paranoid about something that is like lightning, impossible to really control until you find out that you can decide where most of the lightning will strike.

Won't someone whose sexuality runs out of control for some reason tend to seek something that will actually give them a sexual outlet? I for one think that even a normal person would find the backside of a horse or a sheep to be far more attractive than that of a pre-pubescent child, and in any case, no prosecution to worry about, no loss of job, family, or freedom to worry about, just unlimited sex for the potential pervert.