A solution to child rape

You know MetaKron, when you're not advocating some kind of wacky paranormal conspiracy theory you have some excellent thoughts. I hope we can see this side of you more often.
Well, it works in the vet field on dogs, horses, cats, etc so male humans should also experience something similar, once that nasty hormone stops working -these days there are chemical means available; what about females who resort to sexual abuse of children, that's testosterone too?
ok lets all go back to hitler and what he did, castration is just one step from the over whelming hitler regime
ok lets all go back to hitler and what he did, castration is just one step from the over whelming hitler regime

It is easier to put up with the problems than to deal with that kind of regime. Stop asking government to solve our problems for us. Ask it to stay out of the way.
so is this an example of your solution?

Davis County, UTAH — A 14-year-old Utah boy has been charged with bestiality and lewdness for allegedly raping a dog, according to local affiliate FOX 13.

If convicted, the teen could face up to one year in jail and a fine of $2,500 under state law, which classifies cruelty to animals as a misdemeanor offense.

FOX 13 spoke with Cheryl Smith, executive director of the Utah Animal Adoption Center, about the case. She urged lawmakers to pass stricter laws against people who intentionally harm animals.

"These crimes are getting more and more common. And it’s very disturbing," she said.

Smith said the dog had been molested in "unspeakable ways," but that it was in good care now and adjusting well to its new surroundings, according to FOX 13.

She said she learned of the case after a concerned neighbor called to report a dog was being abused. The owners then released the dog to authorities.
Any real science behind that?

For that matter, is there any real science behind the idea that child molestation is that bad for children? Or is it the usual stuff that we get when scientists are only permitted to give the answers that they are told to give?

Surely, you are aware of the fact, that people rape children or young girls simply for the thrill? They get off to the fact that they scream, kick, cry, or worse.

Realistically, whether you give them a sheep, a cow, a horse, a doll.. or even a dead body... it's not going to end child rape.

There are a lot of sick people out there. Unfortunately, the best thing to do is let the law take care of it the best they know how. It sucks, and it's not fair. But, you had the RIGHT question earlier... "What else can we do?" The answer: Nothing.

I do like the castration idea, though. No man, willing to rape anyone or anything, is man enough to have a penis. Take away their mojo, take away their 'urge'...

Putting an animal out there is just sick. But if I thought for one second, it'd actually FIX our society as far as child rape goes... I'd be all for it. As long as dogs are banned, plz. There should be a weight/size regulation. :/ It's just disturbing.
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