A solution to child rape

So people are unsafe in Europe than in the ME :p?

No, Europe I'd say is quite safe, but the ME is safer, in terms of crime. But you must take into consideration things like culture. European and ME'ern culture is alot cleaner than American culture.
No, Europe I'd say is quite safe, but the ME is safer, in terms of crime. But you must take into consideration things like culture. European and ME'ern culture is alot cleaner than American culture.

Yeah, I don't understand why American cities tend to be so filthy. Maybe it's all the poor people. Paris was pretty dirty when I was there, while Chicago was quite clean.
Roman, I meant "clean" cultures, not literally clean.

I find the American obsession with sterility quite fascinating. For some reason it makes me think they have kinky sexual practices. :D

"Out darn spot!!!"
That's fucking disgusting. It's like how retarded school children in America get lots of attention, while the really smart ones are ignored.
Guess the squeaky wheels get the grease.

If it's effective, that's what counts. Also, retarded school children usually DO get lots of attention because they are "funny" and "cool" to the young kids. Intelligence isn't very funny, but smart kids do get attention from colleges and so forth. So, yes, "funny" kids get attention from other stupid kids, and smart children get attention from academic sources pretty much.
And I don't get the corrolation between cheerleaders and criminals.

The connection between the style of "justice" you advocate, and low a low rate of crime is far from certain, just as it was rather unlikely that the choice of color of the ribbon the cheerleaders wore is unlikely to be the reason why the players won the game. Correlation does not equal cause and effect.

The number one thing I've noticed in common among career criminals that I've read about is their ability to convince themselves that they will not get caught. In their minds, this makes the severity of the punishment of little consequence.

The example of the Saudis is in line with Dawkin's essay. Rather than punish them, show them that there is another way. Fix the problem, don't just bury it away for later by incarcerating them. And you can be sure that there are a great many Americans who believe the correct way of dealing with those men is execution. They are just as certain that would be the correct solution as you are about using it to solve other forms of crime.
But you are comparing two differen things with cheerleaders and criminals. The cheerleaders simply believe their choice of color lead to the victory. However, what I am saying is that improved secuirity and punishment would lead to far less crime, wouldn't you agree?

Look, yes criminals might think they won't get caught. But that doesn't matter for some open crimes, where police should be allowed to use deadly force (drug deals, robbery, etc). And why "show them the way". So a man who has murdered ten children can go through some program and continue to live in peace and happiness while ten families greave over their loss? I think not.
You sure are desperate.

This example is not of rapists and murderers, as those types of crimes are punished (always) by execution, especially in ultraconservative Saudi Arabia. Your link talks about Jihadis, who I think should be praised rather than jailed and put through therapy.

Terrorism is haraaba, not jihad.
Yeh, by killing their own people because of some backwards book and their miserable brains - braindead morons.
Jihad (Arabic: جهاد IPA: [ ʤi'haːd]), meaning "to strive" or "to struggle", in Arabic, is an Islamic term and a duty for Muslims. It appears frequently in the Qur'an and common usage as the idiomatic expression "striving in the way of God (al-jihad fi sabil Allah)".[1][2] A person engaged in jihad is called a mujahid, the plural is mujahideen.

The term "Jihad" used without any qualifiers is generally understood to be referring to war on behalf of Islam.[5] In broader usage and interpretation, the term has accrued both violent and non-violent meanings. It can imply striving to live a moral and virtuous life, spreading and defending Islam as well as fighting injustice and oppression, among other things.[8] The relative importance of these two forms of jihad is a matter of controversy.

I know the definition of Jihad. Thanks anyway.

What I'm trying to say is, the different factions in Iraq aren't fighting each other over differing interpretations of religion, as you would erroneously imply. Simply politics.
Yeah, and, among other things, killing women which don't wear a stupid dress. Quite political.