A Must see for all Christians

A glimmer of hope after all

I just watched a show on the history channel
about the Mayan calender......

The most accurate calender in human history ....
it ends on Dec 21st 2012.............
of course many sheeple fear the worse ..:eek:

The maya believed that this was just the end of a long cycle

They said their study showed that the maya believed this to be

"" The end of the time of the word of God ""


Im keeping my fingers crossed :D

A glimmer of hope after all

I just watched a show on the history channel
about the Mayan calender......

The most accurate calender in human history ....
it ends on Dec 21st 2012.............
of course many sheeple fear the worse ..

The maya believed that this was just the end of a long cycle

They said their study showed that the maya believed this to be

"" The end of the time of the word of God ""


Im keeping my fingers crossed :D


:scratchin:...and uh, where are the Mayans NOW?:D
...and uh, where are the Mayans NOW?

Well Duh.....

Of course they're all in the boiling bowels of hell
being poked and prodded for all of eternity

All created and approved of by yours truely

The great sky fairy
Well Duh.....

Of course they're all in the boiling bowels of hell
being poked and prodded for all of eternity

All created and approved of by yours truely

The great sky fairy

it would be best to put your faith in civilizations that have actually survived don't you think?

Well whatever happened i guess they should not have said this:

They said their study showed that the maya believed this to be

"" The end of the time of the word of God ""



The Maya "collapse"

Main article: Maya collapse

For reasons that are still debated, the Maya centers of the southern lowlands went into decline during the 8th and 9th centuries and were abandoned shortly thereafter. This decline was coupled with a cessation of monumental inscriptions and large-scale architectural construction.[8] Although there is no universally accepted theory to explain this “collapse,” current theories fall into two categories: non-ecological and ecological.

Non-ecological theories of Maya decline are divided into several subcategories, such as foreign invasion, peasant revolt, and the collapse of key trade routes. Ecological hypotheses include environmental disaster, epidemic disease, and climate change.

here here !

this film is outstanding.
and i just want to thank Uncle christ for making it available here.
i watched it "for the first time" late at night and ended up laying awake for the rest of the night un-able to sleep..
i wish they would air it on P.B.S. or something so that it could be seen
by more people...but i'm sure there are forces at work,that will not let that happen......
i for one believe it.
we all have been, and are being played.
and the sooner enough of us realize it.
the sooner we can do something to change it......

thanks again Unclechrist...
george bush...lol...jk..
i will be passing this film along..
Here is what it says about Horace:

@ TC= 13:51


From hieroglyphics we know.

Broadly speaking the story of Horace is as follows-

Born on Dec. 25th
Born of a virgin
Star in the East
Adorned by 3 kings
Teacher at 12
Baptised/Ministry at 30
12 disciples
performed miracles
Dead for 3 days

Does anyone know specifically where this information comes from. If only from hieroglyphics are there any links?

Horace .vs Set :D, that's funny.

How about Attis? 1200BC, same as above. Where does this information come from?

@ TC 18:25 i feel as though my intelligence is being mainpulated, at this point i am being transformed into childlike state. The EVIL darkness....woooo
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If proof is not given (post #86) in a timely manner then this thread should be locked for being obsolete.
Curious to know what Skinwalker thinks of this.

Edit: Oh hell, they started out interesting with the religious stuff, but then it went straight into the crapper Loose Change style.

I agree with you about the conspiracy nutter angle. Even the religious part in the beginning was based on misinformation. Many of the things that were mentioned about Mithras, Horus, and Dionysus are repeated on many sites around the internet, but I've yet to see the citations to primary research that reveals the actual texts that demonstrate each of the specific things mentioned.

Some of the information regarding these earlier gods is accurate, but some of it seems to be simply filled in by anti-Christian apologists that seek to present hard arguments to the Christian claim that Jesus is an original character.

Its a pity because there's enough real data that exists to do this without having to repeat unsupported claims. I'll have to dig a little to find the actual criticisms of the Horus/Mythras/Dionysus comparisons which show some of the similarities to be unfounded.
Is believing this film reveals any valid information really that out of the question
considering everything that is going on around us all right now :bugeye:

please watch this clip

just incase you haven't checked this out


It's important to point out that there is a tendency to simply disbelieve things that are
counter to our understanding, without the necessary research performed.
For example, some information contained in Part 1 and Part 3, specifically, is not obtained
by simple keyword searches on the Internet. You have to dig deeper. For instance,
very often people who look up "Horus" or "The Federal Reserve" on the Internet
draw their conclusions from very general or biased sources. Online encyclopedias or text book
Encyclopedias often do not contain the information contained in Zeitgeist. However, if one takes
the time to read the sources provided, they will find that what is being presented is
based on documented evidence.

That being said, It is my hope that people will not take what is said
in the film as the truth, but find out for themselves, for truth is not told, it is realized.
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the Bay of Tomkin incident

this is a well documented case of the government using less than honest tactics to manipule our way of seeing things...they do it because they know that it works..i would like to add that this practice is a verry old one and the U.S government is not its inventor by any stretch...any way..
it is curiouse to me that a huge portion of the population can allow themselves to believe in things they have never seen ,ie.jesus,angels,gods,heaven,.hell,these things millions find no difficulty in believing,but they some how can't see or won't see things that are going on right in front of their eyes....does no one else find this somewhat disturbing?

"There was the sinking of the Lusitania, which America blamed on Germany and used as justification for entering WWI. There was the alleged sinking of the U.S. naval ship in the Bay of Tomkin, an incident which is now proven never to have occurred, but was announced by Lyndon Johnson nonetheless, as it provided America with justification to go to war in Vietnam. In addition, there is the Northwoods Memorandum a top-secret document, which I have managed to acquire as a result of access of information laws. This document, issued by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, recommended the shooting down of a mockup of a passenger airliner in order to justify America going to war on Cuba. Thankfully, the strategy was never implemented. The strategy of attacking your own civilian targets to justify a reprisal against any imagined enemy is an ancient technique practiced at least since Roman times and may have been implemented once again on September 11th."
every thing mentioned in the above quote can be easily researched.and is proven to be true...for me, it is enough to know that our government does not seem shy when it comes to manipulation.
it is simple..when they have decided that they want to accomplish something,and they perceive that we won't want to do it..then work begins on ways to sway our opinions....thank you
Is believing this film reveals any valid information really that out of the question considering everything that is going on around us all right now

It does reveal valid information. But it also creates disinformation as well. The 9/11 nonsense has been thoroughly refuted. There is no need to introduce "explosive devices" and question whether or not these planes actually existed or impacted the buildings or the Pentagon. The evidence, if nothing else, is the missing passengers, whose families are morning their loss. Moreover, the physics behind the impacts checks out. Other sources have treated this fairly well, so I'll not get into it here, but the very existence of the thoroughly debunked 9/11 conspiracy nutter nonsense in the "documentary" calls into question the veracity of the remainder.

My expertise is in ancient civilizations and belief systems, so I'll comment more on the 1st part of the movie later. I recognize some truthful elements, and I think the person(s) who produced the movie were genuine in what they perceive, but I also think they haven't done a very good job fact-checking and vetting the truth vs. fabrication. If I get the chance, I'll post on this more and list references.

just incase you haven't checked this out


The problem, of course, is that, while these are decent sources (the ones I recognize), there isn't any effort to assign a source to individual facts within the movie. Which source provides the Mithras information? Which provides the Horus? Where is the original translations of the texts on the walls and columns of Luxor? Etc.
I can appreciate your position Skinwalker
I have my doubts aswell regarding the many different ideas

But !

thoroughly debunked 9/11 conspiracy nutter nonsense

when you say thoroughly debunked

You are not referring to the 911/commision report ...Are you ?
or that piece of crap article in popular mechanics by any chance ?

I have heard people say this has been debunked many times ......

But I have yet to see this vital information that debunks all these unanswered questions

They didn't even mention tower 7 in the 911/report
at the very least... this was an insurance scam .....
....business as usaul ......right

I have yet to see these answers
Skinwalker could you please
provide some links or references for me


I'm talking about conspiracy nutters like the proponents of Loose Change. But since this is a Religion subforum, perhaps that would be a thread best started in Pseudoscience.
If proof is not given (post #86) in a timely manner then this thread should be locked for being obsolete.


I bet your own beliefs don't even hold up to this scrutiny
I'm talking about conspiracy nutters like the proponents of Loose Change. But since this is a Religion subforum, perhaps that would be a thread best started in Pseudoscience.

Well I think the religous part 1 is the real gem in this film

I came across another film that shares the same view

unfortunately they are a little to harsh on their delivery
for the people who have had a life long relationship with JC :(

What part of the film are you referring to here ?
but the very existence of the thoroughly debunked 9/11 conspiracy nutter nonsense in the "documentary"

and what information lead you to this conclusion ?
the physics behind the impacts checks out. Other sources have treated this fairly well

Thanks ;)
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What part of the film are you referring to here ?

The part that goes on about how there was no plane that hit the Pentagon, suggesting that the government confiscated all video footage so no one would be able to prove there wasn't, etc; the part where they go on and on about how there were "devices" planted in the building rather than airliners hitting them; etc.

I actually stopped watching and kept jumping ahead in the movie to see if there was anything else worth watching and found nothing. Near the end they were going on about the conspiracy behind RFID chips and such and the pain from my eyes rolling into the back of my head forced a mouse click to stop it.
The part that goes on about how there was no plane that hit the Pentagon

Ya their are some far out theories out there
but still some missing facts that should have been addressed

the pain from my eyes rolling into the back of my head forced a mouse click to stop it.


So the old...... things are crazy wrong on all fronts obviously
but nobody seems to be accountable stance I take it ???:rolleyes:

"devices" planted in the building rather than airliners hitting them;

and you just pulled that one right out of your arss ;) good one
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I bet your own beliefs don't even hold up to this scrutiny

I believe whatever i want to, remember what that was like?

I made a valid on topic post. No one responded to it, except with an insult, and now all of a sudden the whole movie is BS?
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