A Must see for all Christians

You mean 'God'? Human action is not evidence of an omnipotent life form.
omnipotent life form? :rolleyes: No -I was refering to this- "the ultimate push towards an event predicted by the ultimate delusion" (i.e. making Revelations reality)

My first consideration is skepticism of the information presented above anything else.
I wouldn’t consider that a bad approach. Unless of course it morphed itself into a closed minded ideology rendering it’s occupant incapable of exploring new ideals or gaining new knowledge and leading to a life of hostility and intolerance for anyone standing outside it’s confinement. But surely that’s not you, is it? :jason:
I watched the whole thing last night.......and found it QUITE interesting!

Btw I am not Christian or Religious at all.
omnipotent life form? :rolleyes: No -I was refering to this- "the ultimate push towards an event predicted by the ultimate delusion" (i.e. making Revelations reality)

Then you'll have to clarify what your original statement meant because it's not clear how it applies to the statement quoted above.

I wouldn’t consider that a bad approach. Unless of course it morphed itself into a closed minded ideology rendering it’s occupant incapable of exploring new ideals or gaining new knowledge and leading to a life of hostility and intolerance for anyone standing outside it’s confinement. But surely that’s not you, is it? :jason:

It's interesting that nowhere in that 'judgement' was truth an implied value.
Its too bad about the last two thirds of the video. I really enjoyed the religion part and i agreed with it.

the 9/11 part, im not too sure. I generally think conspiracy theories are crap, and i havent researched 9/11 enough to really know. I mean for starters why should i listen to them saying that the government made up and skewed facts, when im sure the government said the same about their facts. why should i trust them any more? I can't really draw a conclusion since i don't personally know the facts, and although it seems a little suspicious, i find it a little hard to swallow.

the federal reserve part, complete crap. the federal reserve is a vital and necessary tool in the economy. Now maybe it has been abused sometimes, but its function is vital in the economy. Their argument about debt is stupid because the money they loan creates more money in the form of investment via the multiplier effect. If gold was the only value in society, yes, the system would be awful. But value can be created, and is created, daily, in greater quantities than the debt, which is why our gdp grows faster than teh debt or inflation, so that teh actual value of our country, adjusted for inflation and all that, is growing.
Ok-one more time just for you
If such is the case you really couldn't call it a delusion anymore could you, we wouldn't want that would we?
Meaning~if John’s revelation about a one world government and a cashless society actually came to pass, as you suggested with "making Revelations reality" then it would not be a delusion it would be reality!:D
The " we wouldn't want that" part was sarcasm aimed at your distaste for the “Christian elite” simple enough right?

It's interesting that nowhere in that 'judgement' was truth an implied value.
You’re absolutely right it was purely an intimidation tactic designed to get you to come back and possibly engage in a debate about the subject matter at hand.
Allow me to ask again~ Is it possible in your opinion that on any other planet out there that produced intelligent life, that a computerized cashless society and a single planet wide governing system would likely come to pass? If not, why?
Ok-one more time just for you

Meaning~if John’s revelation about a one world government and a cashless society actually came to pass, as you suggested with "making Revelations reality" then it would not be a delusion it would be reality!:D

I see. That wasn't the delusion I was referring to. Christianity was the implied delusion and the one world government with all the trimmings is a prediction of the delusion (vs. the delusion itself).

I don't know enough about human psychology and its relationship with economics to know if that kind of behavior naturally occurs, is some kind of self-fufilling prohphecy, or something else.

The " we wouldn't want that" part was sarcasm aimed at your distaste for the “Christian elite” simple enough right?

I didn't realize I had stated I held distate for the Christian 'Elite':

"...it seem like the movie is trying to show that the Christian 'Elite' are purposefully manipulating people into making Revelations reality..."

You’re absolutely right it was purely an intimidation tactic designed to get you to come back and possibly engage in a debate about the subject matter at hand.

I see. It might be hard as I don't hold any positions on the film.

Allow me to ask again~ Is it possible in your opinion that on any other planet out there that produced intelligent life, that a computerized cashless society and a single planet wide governing system would likely come to pass? If not, why?

I don't know.
the federal reserve part, complete crap.

Yep Jeff 152
everything is just peachy keen
I'm rolling in dough $ ... you must be too :rolleyes:

even if you didn't believe any of the conspericy theory of 911 or the world bank fraud
was anybody paying attention to the speech that kennedy gave over 45 years ago
jee I can't imagine why I never heard that speech before
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"...it seems like the movie is trying to show that the Christian 'Elite' are purposefully manipulating people into making Revelations reality..."

The perfect sinister plan
convince them to kill each other with
I don't know ...Maybe like ......a holy war in the middle east
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Allow me to ask again~ Is it possible in your opinion that on any other planet out there that produced intelligent life, that a computerized cashless society and a single planet wide governing system would likely come to pass? If not, why?

It is the only way, may be the best way. its worth a shot.
"...it seem like the movie is trying to show that the Christian 'Elite' are purposefully manipulating people into making Revelations reality..."

Interesting statement.

Now the book of Revelations clearly states that the movement to a cashless society and the mark of the beast would be moved by forces of the anti-christ.

So the above statement cannot by definition be true. Because no true Christian would take part in implementing this system because doing so would make them out as working for satan.

Of course false christians would have no trouble doing such a thing. But as i already know false christians are not Christians.

Now we come to the fact that the world is moving exactly the right way to fulfilling the prophecies of the Book of Revelation. One day people will be given two options. Worship the image of the beast and receive the Mark of the beast to buy and sell and live. Or refuse to worship the beast and be beheaded.

Now when that day comes just remember. Upon the moment you worship and receive the mark of the beast you will have lost any chance of eternity with God.

The prophecy is coming true and it does not matter who is working to fulfil it. All those working to bring about the day of the Lord are doomed to be consumed in the terror of the day of the Lord.

Amos 5
18 Woe to you who desire the day of the LORD! For what good is the day of the LORD to you? It will be darkness, and not light.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Because no true Christian would take part in implementing this system because doing so would make them out as working for satan.

I don't get it. Why would satan or god give two shits over how people buy and sell groceries? Does it honestly piss god off if I use a credit card instead of £5 notes? Is using a credit card "worship of the beast"?

Should I be trembling because I purchased a pack of smokes using a cheque book?

Honestly, it's such idiocy I can't help but laugh.

You know, a cashless society isn't specifically a bad thing:

1) Money is probably the largest bacteria carrier on the face of the earth. The amount of hands it goes through, the amount of testicles it has sat next to, the amount of people that pick their noses or scratch their bums and then hand over a note to someone else that does exactly the same thing.

2) The amount of paper, (trees) and ink that would be saved is incredible.

3) In England alone they estimate that there are several million pounds worth of pennies sitting on the floor - discarded or dropped.

4) It saves pissing around looking for correct change.

Tell me adstar, why would satan or god care whether we use coins or thumbprints or retina scans or body tags?

How would a cashless society equal "worship of the beast"?

I'm going to be "consumed in terror" because I buy my loaf of bread in a more convenient, hygienic, resource saving manner?

Ok adstar, ok.
I don't get it. Why would satan or god give two shits over how people buy and sell groceries? Does it honestly piss god off if I use a credit card instead of £5 notes? Is using a credit card "worship of the beast"?

Should I be trembling because I purchased a pack of smokes using a cheque book?

Honestly, it's such idiocy I can't help but laugh.

You know, a cashless society isn't specifically a bad thing:

1) Money is probably the largest bacteria carrier on the face of the earth. The amount of hands it goes through, the amount of testicles it has sat next to, the amount of people that pick their noses or scratch their bums and then hand over a note to someone else that does exactly the same thing.

2) The amount of paper, (trees) and ink that would be saved is incredible.

3) In England alone they estimate that there are several million pounds worth of pennies sitting on the floor - discarded or dropped.

4) It saves pissing around looking for correct change.

Tell me adstar, why would satan or god care whether we use coins or thumbprints or retina scans or body tags?

How would a cashless society equal "worship of the beast"?

I'm going to be "consumed in terror" because I buy my loaf of bread in a more convenient, hygienic, resource saving manner?

Ok adstar, ok.

Now i am going to quote myself and i want you to read it again verrry carefully. This time i will bold and underline what i said, before i said, receive the mark of the beast.

Now we come to the fact that the world is moving exactly the right way to fulfilling the prophecies of the Book of Revelation. One day people will be given two options. Worship the image of the beast and receive the Mark of the beast to buy and sell and live. Or refuse to worship the beast and be beheaded.

Now scripture says that all whom worship the image of the beast will receive the Mark. So i believe that receiving the Mark of the beast will be a reward for those who worship the image of the beast. I believe that it is worshiping the image of the beast that will condemn one to eternity in the lake of fire.

So one will either agree to worship the image and Get the Mark.
Or they will refuse to worship the image and get the chop.

Both options will come from ones decision about worshipping the image of the beast.

Now you might say, "hey i am an athiest i don't believe in gods and stuff so i will never worship anything" But i say to you that the forces of the anti-christ will have the power to preform great signs and wonders, Miracles that will see to it that atheists will cease to exist. All the atheists who keep on demanding undeniable miracles will get them one day and they will believe that Jesus has returned. There will be no atheists in the days of the Anti-christ. Because that is the goal of satan. To be accepted as the returned Messiah and to be worshipped as God on earth.

A great deception indeed.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
1) Money is probably the largest bacteria carrier on the face of the earth. The amount of hands it goes through, the amount of testicles it has sat next to, the amount of people that pick their noses or scratch their bums and then hand over a note to someone else that does exactly the same thing.

2) The amount of paper, (trees) and ink that would be saved is incredible.

3) In England alone they estimate that there are several million pounds worth of pennies sitting on the floor - discarded or dropped.

4) It saves pissing around looking for correct change.

Oh there are more advantages than these.

You forgot that a chip imbedded into the skull on the forehead or imbedded in the hand is something that is very hard to steal. Not like credit cards today.

This cashless system is so superior to the wasteful and expensive to run cash system that it is inevitable that the powers that be will step by step move people into the cashless system which is the digital infrastructure ready for the final touch. And that is the implantable Mark of the beast.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Oh there are more advantages than these.

You forgot that a chip imbedded into the skull on the forehead or imbedded in the hand is something that is very hard to steal. Not like credit cards today.

This cashless system is so superior to the wasteful and expensive to run cash system that it is inevitable that the powers that be will step by step move people into the cashless system which is the digital infrastructure ready for the final touch. And that is the implantable Mark of the beast.
M*W: Just so we will be sure not to worship this Beast you speak of, could you please post an image of said Beast?
This time i will bold and underline what i said, before i said, receive the mark of the beast.

Yeah, I got that.

Which means that anyone going into a cashless system - which will invariably be everyone, will receive the 'mark of the beast', (an implant). The whole thing to me seems daft. Can't this beast just possess people, (as it has apparently always done), or get them to worship it in an easier manner than waiting until society becomes cashless?

So one will either agree to worship the image and Get the Mark.

There's the thing though, nobody is worshipping anything, they would simply be making life easier. It's just groceries ffs, calm down.

Now you might say, "hey i am an athiest i don't believe in gods and stuff so i will never worship anything"

Hey, I'm an atheist - I don't worship fictional beings.

But i say to you that the forces of the anti-christ will have the power to preform great signs and wonders

OOOoooooh... Out of interest I can only wonder where it got that power from.

All the atheists who keep on demanding undeniable miracles will get them one day and they will believe that Jesus has returned.

Why jesus? Why not gilgamesh?

There will be no atheists in the days of the Anti-christ.

And the world shall then descend into utter stupidity.

Because that is the goal of satan. To be accepted as the returned Messiah and to be worshipped as God on earth.

You know, out of all the beings that seem self centered, this satan guy has got nothing on god.

Still, whatever drivelling horseshit you believe is fine I guess. Just after satan takes over the universe, mary the fairy will throw a party with cupcakes and balloons and everyone is invited including santa claus, the tooth fairy and the little mermaid. Fuck I'm too tired to listen to idiocy come out of the mouths of apparent grown ups. Grow up.
This cashless system is so superior to the wasteful and expensive to run cash system that it is inevitable that the powers that be will step by step move people into the cashless system which is the digital infrastructure ready for the final touch. And that is the implantable Mark of the beast.
According to whom?
Can you prove (or even demonstrate) that this implant (which has not even been mooted so far here) actually IS the "mark of the beast"?
Is your problem that you feel people lied to you about them? don't hold a grudge. Did you really ever think Casper was real?