A Must see for all Christians

Edit: misread your post.

You didn't respond to it directly. I don't think you can, i do think it is odd to take this stuff at face value.
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Now i am going to quote myself and i want you to read it again verrry carefully. This time i will bold and underline what i said, before i said, receive the mark of the beast.

Now scripture says that all whom worship the image of the beast will receive the Mark. So i believe that receiving the Mark of the beast will be a reward for those who worship the image of the beast. I believe that it is worshiping the image of the beast that will condemn one to eternity in the lake of fire.

So one will either agree to worship the image and Get the Mark.
Or they will refuse to worship the image and get the chop.

Both options will come from ones decision about worshipping the image of the beast.

Now you might say, "hey i am an athiest i don't believe in gods and stuff so i will never worship anything" But i say to you that the forces of the anti-christ will have the power to preform great signs and wonders, Miracles that will see to it that atheists will cease to exist. All the atheists who keep on demanding undeniable miracles will get them one day and they will believe that Jesus has returned. There will be no atheists in the days of the Anti-christ. Because that is the goal of satan. To be accepted as the returned Messiah and to be worshipped as God on earth.

A great deception indeed.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
hey didnt the romans do that already?..the inqisition...lets just get rid of all who oppose us...."fear" a nother powerfull tool... Are there Biblical precedents for Inquisitions designed to root out heresy?
There certainly are:

Ex 32:1-35, This is the story of Moses and the Golden Calf incident. I will paraphrase instead of recounting this lengthy story. Moses came down from the mountain with the stone tablets (15) and found that his people had made for themselves a Golden Calf and they were worshiping it (19). They had become Heretics. Moses asked who was still loyal to the Lord and the Levites responded (26). Then Moses commanded the Levites to slay the ones who were not loyal to the Lord, and they did (27-29). This chapter is a clear message to ferret out Heretics from the midst of believers.
After the first minute, I feel like I'm being brainwashed, lol.
only becuase u r seeing this for the first time, and in truth u have been, being brainwashed your entire life. now we all must wake, up and open our eyes to the truth.. here is also somthing to take into concideration (Occam's Razor) which is: All things being equal, the simplest explanation is usually the correct one.
You didn't respond to it directly. I don't think you can, i do think it is odd to take this stuff at face value.


I did respond directly by giving you the sources list

And a nice little spew from the movies producer
regarding most peoples lack of proper research

Do you want me to do the research for you to.....:bawl:

I am investigating it the best I can
And I just keep coming up with lemons for your team
the debunkies

Late early morning sunday night of course
when most sheeple are fast asleep
C-Span2 booktv.org had a great program on

"Michael Weinstein"s

New book
" With God On Our Side "

He is a Christian that is in quite a panic about our countries
current situation

Their is a very nice video clip of it here

Please watch .....jump ahead about 50 minutes in
and listen to what this christain is saying about our government

You might need to download RealPlayer to watch it
I downloaded it and it works great

After listening to this guy Michael Weinstein

and Seeing way to much garbage like this in my lifetime
please watch

We better start connecting the dots here people

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no, i want the actual evidence that should be freely available. not a list of credits.

Freely available like right here where you demand it now :cool:

do the research yourself :bugeye:
maybe read a book

you can start here

It is my hope that people will not take what is said
in the film as the truth, but find out for themselves, for truth is not told, it is realized.
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Freely available like right here where you demand it now :cool:

do the research yourself :bugeye:
maybe read a book

you can start here

You make a thread saying you would like to hear what other have to say THEN when questions are asked you say 'do your own research' or 'go read a book'

NOW while doing your own resesrch you found this:

It is my hope that people will not take what is said
in the film as the truth, but find out for themselves, for truth is not told, it is realized.

I dont need a lesson on the truth by people trying to deceive and when i see a legitimate documentary it does not require me to read the fine print.

That quote can only appeal to a child. The truth is not told so i will make a movie with lies in it?:bugeye: This movie IS 'big brother' just not to me.
when i see a legitimate documentary

How do you tell it's "legitimate" without doing research by yourself? As such the comment quoted and indeed unclechrists comments were valid.
hey didnt the romans do that already?..the inqisition...lets just get rid of all who oppose us...."fear" a nother powerfull tool... Are there Biblical precedents for Inquisitions designed to root out heresy?
There certainly are:

Ex 32:1-35, This is the story of Moses and the Golden Calf incident. I will paraphrase instead of recounting this lengthy story. Moses came down from the mountain with the stone tablets (15) and found that his people had made for themselves a Golden Calf and they were worshiping it (19). They had become Heretics. Moses asked who was still loyal to the Lord and the Levites responded (26). Then Moses commanded the Levites to slay the ones who were not loyal to the Lord, and they did (27-29). This chapter is a clear message to ferret out Heretics from the midst of believers.

The inquisition does not fully cover the prophecy of the mark of the beast. While the catholics did persecute Christians they never had a system where one needed a mark to be able to buy and sell anything.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The inquisition does not fully cover the prophecy of the mark of the beast. While the catholics did persecute Christians they never had a system where one needed a mark to be able to buy and sell anything.
M*W: No prophecies from the blibel have yet been fulfilled.

It was the Romans (not catholics) who allegedly persecuted the early christians, but this is just a myth anyway. This myth arose when Jesus/God=the Sun was in the Sign of Leo=Lions. Everything can be explained simply by astro-theology.

Christianity is just a myth.
M*W: No prophecies from the blibel have yet been fulfilled.

It was the Romans (not catholics) who allegedly persecuted the early christians, but this is just a myth anyway. This myth arose when Jesus/God=the Sun was in the Sign of Leo=Lions. Everything can be explained simply by astro-theology.

Christianity is just a myth.
MW, you seem to be pretty versed in astro-theology. An earlier post mentioned something about finding real, actual sources for some of the assertions. Example, Helios, Krishna and the other enlightened figures all have the same b-day as Jesus. They all died for three days and were resurrected. They all had 12 followers/brothers, etc. Do you know of or have access to bonafide sources to back up those assertions the film made? It seems to me that if all the attributes of those historical figures can be proven, then it's easy to dismiss Christianity as a myth.
This myth arose when Jesus/God=the Sun was in the Sign of Leo=Lions. Everything can be explained simply by astro-theology.

How did you come to this conclusion? I used google to find anything to support that assertion but the most compelling support was at stormfront forum post by some dude calling himself slimJim.

Jesus=Sun...and thats it M*W? Give us something profound.
An earlier post mentioned something about finding real, actual sources for some of the assertions. Example, Helios, Krishna and the other enlightened figures all have the same b-day as Jesus. They all died for three days and were resurrected. They all had 12 followers/brothers, etc. Do you know of or have access to bonafide sources to back up those assertions the film made? It seems to me that if all the attributes of those historical figures can be proven, then it's easy to dismiss Christianity as a myth.

AND i am still waiting for that. The best the apologists can come up with is that NOW the Zeigeist movie is fraudulent.
AND i am still waiting for that. The best the apologists can come up with is that NOW the Zeigeist movie is fraudulent.

Here's a source that I found on Mithra, another one of the ancient figures with Dec 25th as a birthday.
I mean, if the civilizations that worshipped these figures way back in the day designated their(Helios, Krishna, Mithra) birthdays on Dec 25, centuries before Christ was born, you'd have to be a fool to not realize what's going on.


Mithra, the Light of the World, is an ancient sun god born on December 25th who resembled Jesus Christ in many ways.

Mithra or Mitra is even worshipped as Itu (Mitra-Mitu-Itu) in every house of the Hindus in India. Itu (derivative of Mitu or Mitra) is considered as the Vegetation-deity. This Mithra or Mitra (Sun-God) is believed to be a Mediator between God and man, between the Sky and the Earth. It is said that Mithra or [the] Sun took birth in the Cave on December 25th. It is also the belief of the Christian world that Mithra or the Sun-God was born of [a] Virgin. He travelled far and wide. He has twelve satellites, which are taken as the Sun's disciples....

Any Christian apology for this would be just like Baghdad Bob on TV telling reporters that Americans had not invaded Iraq when you could see the convoy of American trucks rolling right behind where he was standing.
I see the point about religion and pagan symbolism but the one-world government negative spin is thier interpretation.

As long as their is division between countries there will always be war, death and suffering.

I see the one world government represented by different unions as the lesser of two evils. The chip itself is good for accountability. Why would anyone in society think they are not accountable in the society they live in amongst others. Why would they be afraid to be tracked? No one deserves or has total freedom and even without chips we still don't and are monitored.

Actually this could be revolutionary as this has never happened before, possibly a leap in human evolution instead of repeating and using the same old ideas of the past.
That hurt to watch that and I think of all those broken hearts dead, in the past and today. I really think the bottomline is a one-world government is better because division and xenophobia through history has always ended up in wars and countless suffering based on religion, race, class etc.

Stupid people are as much capable of supporting evil and therefore can't be trusted either so a one-world government is best. I hope the world gets better and on a better track.