A Must see for all Christians

I think that the original point I was trying to make is that it is real easy to see from where we are sitting now that a cashless society and a one world governing system are both things that are very likely to come to pass. And while those ancient manuscripts do seem to fore- tell those very things, jumping on the bandwagon of religious hocus-pocus probably isn’t warranted.

If they do harbor any validity in foretelling the future it would most likely be in the form of simple pattern recognition. So leaving out the hocus-pocus of antichrists and the chopping off of heads for a moment, lets assume that the natural flow of a developing planet with sentient life does usually lead to a one world cashless society.

If the system that gets us there, in this case the “every man for himself capitalistic system” is in the end going to fail, what would be the next logical step for human kind?
And an even more pertinent question may be how and who already knows this pattern?
I don’t think God is the right answer.

M*W: Just so we will be sure not to worship this Beast you speak of, could you please post an image of said Beast?

No come on MW you know that i do not know who the beast is. I have my favourites but that is speculation untill the beast reveals Himself by his acts.

I will give you my two current faviourites.


Prince Charles


Javier Solana

But once again i do not KNOW who the beast is or even if he has been born yet.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Yeah, I got that.

Which means that anyone going into a cashless system - which will invariably be everyone, will receive the 'mark of the beast', (an implant). The whole thing to me seems daft. Can't this beast just possess people, (as it has apparently always done), or get them to worship it in an easier manner than waiting until society becomes cashless?

No some people will refuse to worship the image of the beast and also refuse the Mark of the beast. They will either be in hiding or they will be beheaded.

And for many the world is already cashless. It is possible in some parts of the world to live without touching cash at all. The system is already in place all that is needed is the dropping of the old system and the finishing touches to the new system namely the Mark of The Beast.

Hey, I'm an atheist - I don't worship fictional beings.

This being will not be fictional at all. He will be alive and do wonders before your very eyes.

OOOoooooh... Out of interest I can only wonder where it got that power from.

Power granted by God.

Why jesus? Why not gilgamesh?

Because satan wants to deceive the people who believe in the God of Abraham and the Messiah. People who believe in other religions are already deceived so he does not have to work on them.

And the world shall then descend into utter stupidity.

The world has been in that state for a long time.

Still, whatever drivelling horseshit you believe is fine I guess. Just after satan takes over the universe, mary the fairy will throw a party with cupcakes and balloons and everyone is invited including santa claus, the tooth fairy and the little mermaid. Fuck I'm too tired to listen to idiocy come out of the mouths of apparent grown ups. Grow up.

Yeah yeah yeah. But you do listen don't you. Your obsessed with this stuff arn't you. Your little tantrum does not hide your real motives.

LOL I am grown up. :) Believe what you wish to believe, accept what you wish to accept, reject what you wish to reject.

But remember all decisions have consequences.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
No come on MW you know that i do not know who the beast is. I have my favourites but that is speculation untill the beast reveals Himself by his acts.

I will give you my two current faviourites.


Prince Charles


Javier Solana

But once again i do not KNOW who the beast is or even if he has been born yet.
M*W: Oh, come on now, Adstar. Prince Charlie is a beast of another kind. In fact, he married a beast, but he's no real threat to anyone beside his Momarchy (new word, just created another name for QEII-but not the ship).

Solana is just a phonyvangelist (new word, just created it to categorize all evangelists)and probably a rich one at that, since a lot of poor idiots worship him.

BTW, according to some bookvangelists (new word, just created it for evangelists who write), wasn't the antichrist supposed to have been born in the 1960s? That would put him in his 40s and in his prime.

My guess is the antichrist as we will know him is Osama bin Laden.
And for many the world is already cashless. It is possible in some parts of the world to live without touching cash at all. The system is already in place all that is needed is the dropping of the old system and the finishing touches to the new system namely the Mark of The Beast.

I am asking you how having a cashless system in any way reflects beasts, or any implants reflect beasts or demons or invisible crocodiles.

He will be alive and do wonders before your very eyes.

What's he gonna do, conjure up an intelligent theist?

Anyway, yes.. I'm crapping my pants.

Power granted by God.

Who's the bastard in this story?

Because satan wants to deceive the people who believe in the God of Abraham and the Messiah.

And a cashless system helps him accomplish this... how? Can't he just deceive people? If he was apparently doing just that several thousand years ago, couldn't he have just done it to everyone and got it over with?

People who believe in other religions are already deceived so he does not have to work on them.

Hey dude, that's between you and them. They'll say the same about you, you'lll say it about them and I'll just sit by noting what a pair of idiots you are.

The world has been in that state for a long time.

Since the dawn of religion.

But you do listen don't you. Your obsessed with this stuff arn't you. Your little tantrum does not hide your real motives.

Obsessed with what stuff?

But remember all decisions have consequences.

M*W: Oh, come on now, Adstar. Prince Charlie is a beast of another kind. In fact, he married a beast, but he's no real threat to anyone beside his Momarchy (new word, just created another name for QEII-but not the ship)

Charles image has been a usefull cover for him. But he has far more influence behind the scenes that you realise.

Solana is just a phonyvangelist (new word, just created it to categorize all evangelists)and probably a rich one at that, since a lot of poor idiots worship him.

Do you know who Solana is?

He is not an evangelist he is the EEC's Top Forign relations represantative. He is the guy who is expanding the EEC's influance to the east and to the south and towards the Holy Land.

BTW, according to some bookvangelists (new word, just created it for evangelists who write), wasn't the antichrist supposed to have been born in the 1960s? That would put him in his 40s and in his prime.

I never heard of such theories. I have heard a theory that the Anti-Christ would come when the Jews returned to Israel. The modern state of Israel was declared on May 14, 1948. The same year that prince Charles was born. lol

My guess is the antichrist as we will know him is Osama bin Laden.

No. Osama is not the anti-christ for the same reason George bush is not the anti-christ. Both men are hated by too many people, they are both focal points of division and conflict, not unity and coexistence. The true Anti-christ will be a person who will work to bring the world together. The true Anti-christ will be respected and will come to be loved by the vast majority of the worlds population.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I am asking you how having a cashless system in any way reflects beasts, or any implants reflect beasts or demons or invisible crocodiles.

Now i have answered your question but your not satisfied with the answer. You can ask the same question 10 times but your still going to get the same answer.

And a cashless system helps him accomplish this... how?

Who said the cashless system will help him accomplish this? The cashless system with the mark of the beast is a marker. A sign for us.

Can't he just deceive people? If he was apparently doing just that several thousand years ago, couldn't he have just done it to everyone and got it over with?

He has got most of the world deceived already and it's been that way for quite some time. But he is a perfectionist and most is not good enough for him. He wants everyone. But he will not get everyone but that does not stop him doing his best.

Hey dude, that's between you and them. They'll say the same about you, you'lll say it about them and I'll just sit by noting what a pair of idiots you are.

Are you that scared? Is that why you are reacting like this?

Obsessed with what stuff?


LOL your in denial buddy. Your emotional response reveals more than your words seek to cover.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The cashless system with the mark of the beast is a marker. A sign for us.

I see. A sign for you to do what exactly?

He has got most of the world deceived already

If only a being existed that could stop him deceiving mankind.. lol.

Are you that scared? Is that why you are reacting like this?

C'mon, I can't honestly believe you are that naive.

LOL your in denial buddy. Your emotional response reveals more than your words seek to cover.

Same as above.
Charles image has been a usefull cover for him. But he has far more influence behind the scenes that you realise.
M*W: Naw, I just can't see it. He's such a wimp and will never be king, thanks to his sexual addictions. He's weak. He'll never be strong or any authority figure. He's the black sheep of the royals (there were many). His sons are decent lads. I adored their mother. I think the momarchy had her murdered. But, then, I'm just a commoner, although my grandfather's uncle was PM William Ewart Gladstone during Queen Victoria. He was actually suspected to be a Jack the Ripper, but apparently had an alibi. Interestingly, the medical case those Jacks used was called a "Gladstone bag!"

Do you know who Solana is?
M*W: No, I think not. I thought I heard about him on TV calling himself Jesus Christo or something. Maybe that was some other televangelist. I believe he may have been right here in Texas.

He is not an evangelist he is the EEC's Top Forign relations represantative. He is the guy who is expanding the EEC's influance to the east and to the south and towards the Holy Land.
M*W: But is that really a bad thing? I don't think the antichrist was supposed to be Hispanic. I'm sure I've read christian material that said their antichrist would be born in Israel or Mideast.

I never heard of such theories. I have heard a theory that the Anti-Christ would come when the Jews returned to Israel. The modern state of Israel was declared on May 14, 1948. The same year that prince Charles was born. lol
M*W: Prince Charles has more German Nazi Aryan blood than Semite blood. He may be a bumbling idiot, but he's no antichrist.

No. Osama is not the anti-christ for the same reason George bush is not the anti-christ. Both men are hated by too many people, they are both focal points of division and conflict, not unity and coexistence. The true Anti-christ will be a person who will work to bring the world together. The true Anti-christ will be respected and will come to be loved by the vast majority of the worlds population.
M*W: Well, I guess that let's both Bush and Osama off the hook. But Prince Charles isn't doing anything for world peace. Princess Di did more of that! Look what they did to her! I bet they thought Dodi was the antichrist. Yeah, that's the ticket!

I'm not anti-Semitic, but I think the USA's connection to Israel might not be a good thing, politically speaking. I know why we support them, it's because of the Jewish vote in America. Not that that's a bad thing. I wish everyone would vote. I just don't agree with political affiliation, even if it is a necessary evil.

Can you recommend anything to read that might implicate Charles as the antichrist? I really don't have to worry, because I'm not waiting for an antichrist, since I profess to be one myself. You know.
I have heard a theory that the Anti-Christ would come when the Jews returned to Israel. The modern state of Israel was declared on May 14, 1948. The same year that prince Charles was born. lol

And that's certainly just cause to accuse Prince Charles. I mean c'mon, we all know nobody else was born in 1948. :bugeye:
And that's certainly just cause to accuse Prince Charles. I mean c'mon, we all know nobody else was born in 1948. :bugeye:
M*W: My gawd, that was even before my time! Does that mean that I'm really, really not the antichrist after all? Rats!
M*W: But is that really a bad thing? I don't think the antichrist was supposed to be Hispanic. I'm sure I've read christian material that said their antichrist would be born in Israel or Mideast.

The anti-christ known as the little horn will rise up amongst 10 kings/Kingdoms and subdue 3 of them and use those the power of those kingdoms. Solana comes from Spain a nation that is a part of the central military organization that is exclusive to the EEC it is called the WEU and it has 10 members. These members include:

United Kingdom

You may say that NATO is the prime military organisation. That would change very quickly with the destruction of the USA. It is also interesting to note that Prince charles is the sole remaining ligitimate claimant to the thrones of England France and Germany. 3 of the nations. The big 3 in fact.

M*W: Prince Charles has more German Nazi Aryan blood than Semite blood. He may be a bumbling idiot, but he's no antichrist.

Prince Charles and the English royal family claim to be decendants of king David and therefore he has a claim t0 the throne of David. Think this is a joke? Nope here is the detailed family history that the english royal family lays claim too.

JUDAH begat Phares,

Phares begat Esrom,

Esrom begat Aram,

Aram begat Aminadab,

Aminadab begat Nashon,

Nashon begat Salmon,

Salmon begat Boaz,

Boaz begat Obed,

Obed begat Jesse,

Jesse begat DAVID,


SOLOMON begat Rehoboam,

Rehboam begat Abijah,

Abijah begat Asa,

Asa begat Jehosaphat,

Jehosaphat begat Jehoram,

Jehoram begat Ahaziah,

Ahaziah begat Joash,

Joash begat Amaziah,

Amaziah begat Uzziah,

Uzziah begat Jotham,

Jotham begat Ahaz,

Ahaz begat Hezekiah,

Hezekiah begat Manasseh,

Manasseh begat Amon,

Amon begat Josiah,

Josiah begat ZEDEKIAH, (Blinded & Captive in Babylon, who was released)

ZEDEKIAH begat TEA TEPHI, (Ancestor of Irish & Scottish Kings)

TEA TEPHI begat Ugaine the Great,

Ugaine the Great begat Argus the Prolific,

Argus the Prolific begat Ferchard,

Ferchard begat Fergus I,

Fergus I begat Maine,

Maine begat Dornadil,

Dornadil begat Reuther,

Reuther begat Eders,

Eders begat Conaire the Great,

Conaire the Great begat Corbred I,

Corbred I begat Corbred II,

Corbred II begat Modha Lamha,

Modha Lamha begat Saraid Conaire II,

Saraid Conaire II begat Corbred Dalriada,

Corbred Dalraida begat Eochaidh,

Eochaidh begat Athirco,

Athirco begat Findachar,

Findachar begat Thrinklind,

Thrinklind begat Fincormach,

Fincormach begat Romaich,

Romaich begat Angus,

Angua begat Eochaidh,

Eochaidh begat Erch,

Erch begat Fergus the Great,

Fergus the Great begat Dongard,

Dongard begat Govran,

Govran begat Aydan,

Aydan begat Eugene,

Eugene begat Donald,

Donald begat Ethach,

Ethach begat Ethdre,

Ethdre begat Ethafind,

Ethafind begat Ethas,

Ethas begat Alpin,

Alpin begat Kenneth,

Kenneth begat Constantine,

Constantine begat Donald IV,

Donald IV begat Malcolm,

Malcolm begat Kenneth II,

Kenneth II begat Malcolm II,

Malcolm II begat Beatrix,

Beatrix begat Duncan,

Duncan begat Malcolm,

Malcolm begat David,

David begat Henry,

Henry begat David,

David begat Isobel,

Isobel begat Robert,

Robert begat Robert,

Robert begat Robert the Bruce,

Robert the Bruce begat Marjory,

Marjory begat Robert II,

Robert II begat Robert III,

Robert III begat James I,

James I begat James II,

James II begat James III,

James III begat James IV,

James IV begat James V,

James V begat Mary Queen of Scotts,

Mary Queen of Scotts begat James VI,

James VI begat Elizabeth,

Elizabeth begat Sophia,

Sophia begat George I,

George I begat George II,

George II begat Fredrick Prince of Wales,

Fredrick Prince of Wales begat George III,

George III begat Queen Victoria,

Queen Victoria begat King Edward VII,

King Edward VII begat King George V,

King George V begat King George VI,

King George VI begat Queen Elizabeth II,

Queen Elizabeth II begat Prince Charles of Wales

M*W: Well, I guess that let's both Bush and Osama off the hook. But Prince Charles isn't doing anything for world peace. .

Of course he is doing things for world peace. He is one of the prime movers in the dialogue for the bringing together of world cultures and understanding between world faiths.

I'm not anti-Semitic, but I think the USA's connection to Israel might not be a good thing, politically speaking. I know why we support them, it's because of the Jewish vote in America. Not that that's a bad thing. I wish everyone would vote. I just don't agree with political affiliation, even if it is a necessary evil.

No it is not because of the Jewish vote nor Jewish money. The USA is being used by the secret societies that run it to be the body guard of the deception that is modern Israel. Modern Israel has been set up as the final concentration camp for the Jewish people. satan must be seen as a friend of the jews a protector of the Jews to gain the trust of the Jews to put forward his false messiah for the Jews to bow down too. The USA is a Masonic run nation in service of satan playing its part in the biggest deception upon the descendants of Abraham ever carried out.
Oh and guess who is the leader of world masonry is? Prince Charles and 24 knights make up the Order of the Garter, which is head over Freemasonry

Can you recommend anything to read that might implicate Charles as the antichrist? I really don't have to worry, because I'm not waiting for an antichrist, since I profess to be one myself. You know.

Your estimation of yourself is far too high MW. An interesting book to read is "the antichrist and a cup of tea" by Tim Cohen.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I see. A sign for you to do what exactly?

What? It is one of the signs that acts as a indicator that the Messiah's return is near. For me it will not change a thing i will continue to do what i am doing as long as i am alive.

What is it you think it would cause us to do?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The anti-christ known as the little horn will rise up amongst 10 kings/Kingdoms and subdue 3 of them and use those the power of those kingdoms. Solana comes from Spain a nation that is a part of the central military organization that is exclusive to the EEC it is called the WEU and it has 10 members. These members include:

United Kingdom

You may say that NATO is the prime military organisation. That would change very quickly with the destruction of the USA. It is also interesting to note that Prince charles is the sole remaining ligitimate claimant to the thrones of England France and Germany. 3 of the nations. The big 3 in fact.

M*W: Prince Charles has more German Nazi Aryan blood than Semite blood. He may be a bumbling idiot, but he's no antichrist.

Prince Charles and the English royal family claim to be decendants of king David and therefore he has a claim t0 the throne of David. Think this is a joke? Nope here is the detailed family history that the english royal family lays claim too.

JUDAH begat Phares,

Phares begat Esrom,

Esrom begat Aram,

Aram begat Aminadab,

Aminadab begat Nashon,

Nashon begat Salmon,

Salmon begat Boaz,

Boaz begat Obed,

Obed begat Jesse,

Jesse begat DAVID,


SOLOMON begat Rehoboam,

Rehboam begat Abijah,

Abijah begat Asa,

Asa begat Jehosaphat,

Jehosaphat begat Jehoram,

Jehoram begat Ahaziah,

Ahaziah begat Joash,

Joash begat Amaziah,

Amaziah begat Uzziah,

Uzziah begat Jotham,

Jotham begat Ahaz,

Ahaz begat Hezekiah,

Hezekiah begat Manasseh,

Manasseh begat Amon,

Amon begat Josiah,

Josiah begat ZEDEKIAH, (Blinded & Captive in Babylon, who was released)

ZEDEKIAH begat TEA TEPHI, (Ancestor of Irish & Scottish Kings)

TEA TEPHI begat Ugaine the Great,

Ugaine the Great begat Argus the Prolific,

Argus the Prolific begat Ferchard,

Ferchard begat Fergus I,

Fergus I begat Maine,

Maine begat Dornadil,

Dornadil begat Reuther,

Reuther begat Eders,

Eders begat Conaire the Great,

Conaire the Great begat Corbred I,

Corbred I begat Corbred II,

Corbred II begat Modha Lamha,

Modha Lamha begat Saraid Conaire II,

Saraid Conaire II begat Corbred Dalriada,

Corbred Dalraida begat Eochaidh,

Eochaidh begat Athirco,

Athirco begat Findachar,

Findachar begat Thrinklind,

Thrinklind begat Fincormach,

Fincormach begat Romaich,

Romaich begat Angus,

Angua begat Eochaidh,

Eochaidh begat Erch,

Erch begat Fergus the Great,

Fergus the Great begat Dongard,

Dongard begat Govran,

Govran begat Aydan,

Aydan begat Eugene,

Eugene begat Donald,

Donald begat Ethach,

Ethach begat Ethdre,

Ethdre begat Ethafind,

Ethafind begat Ethas,

Ethas begat Alpin,

Alpin begat Kenneth,

Kenneth begat Constantine,

Constantine begat Donald IV,

Donald IV begat Malcolm,

Malcolm begat Kenneth II,

Kenneth II begat Malcolm II,

Malcolm II begat Beatrix,

Beatrix begat Duncan,

Duncan begat Malcolm,

Malcolm begat David,

David begat Henry,

Henry begat David,

David begat Isobel,

Isobel begat Robert,

Robert begat Robert,

Robert begat Robert the Bruce,

Robert the Bruce begat Marjory,

Marjory begat Robert II,

Robert II begat Robert III,

Robert III begat James I,

James I begat James II,

James II begat James III,

James III begat James IV,

James IV begat James V,

James V begat Mary Queen of Scotts,

Mary Queen of Scotts begat James VI,

James VI begat Elizabeth,

Elizabeth begat Sophia,

Sophia begat George I,

George I begat George II,

George II begat Fredrick Prince of Wales,

Fredrick Prince of Wales begat George III,

George III begat Queen Victoria,

Queen Victoria begat King Edward VII,

King Edward VII begat King George V,

King George V begat King George VI,

King George VI begat Queen Elizabeth II,

Queen Elizabeth II begat Prince Charles of Wales

Of course he is doing things for world peace. He is one of the prime movers in the dialogue for the bringing together of world cultures and understanding between world faiths.

No it is not because of the Jewish vote nor Jewish money. The USA is being used by the secret societies that run it to be the body guard of the deception that is modern Israel. Modern Israel has been set up as the final concentration camp for the Jewish people. satan must be seen as a friend of the jews a protector of the Jews to gain the trust of the Jews to put forward his false messiah for the Jews to bow down too. The USA is a Masonic run nation in service of satan playing its part in the biggest deception upon the descendants of Abraham ever carried out. Oh and guess who is the leader of world masonry is? Prince Charles and 24 knights make up the Order of the Garter, which is head over Freemasonry

Your estimation of yourself is far too high MW. An interesting book to read is "the antichrist and a cup of tea" by Tim Cohen.
M*W: I don't agree with the royal genealogy you listed. I believe Elizabeth I was begat by Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. Elizabeth I never married nor had children. They called her the "Virgin Queen," but she had many lovers but never any children.

Aminadab was also the birth name his mother gave Moses. He was renamed Moses after being pulled out of the river Nile by pharaoh's daughter. These people have many names and titles. The royals can say all they want to, but this list has been around a lot longer than the biblical scholars and archeologists who have confirmed the errors of the list.

Why do you believe I think too highly of myself? That was an odd thing to say. I was born a commoner, just like you, and I don't have much hope for being knighted or whatever it is they do to title women. However, I am the Queen of my own Universe, if that makes any difference, and I have 11 subjects who worship the ground I walk on, and another one is on the way. So I'm cool.
What is it you think it would cause us to do?

I dunno... change the face on the banknotes? Oh wait, can't - there wont be any. Poor old jesus. :D

Btw, what does "return is near" mean? "soon" is apparently thousands of years, so what timeframe are we looking at with near?
I dunno... change the face on the banknotes? Oh wait, can't - there wont be any. Poor old jesus. :D

lol Jesus was never big on money in any case. I just don't understand your thinking on this issue? Do you?

Btw, what does "return is near" mean? "soon" is apparently thousands of years, so what timeframe are we looking at with near?

Oh a good point. Something i can reply to. :)

I personally think that The Messiah Jesus will return within the next 30 years. But like my speculation on the candidates for the anti-christ i do not know when Jesus will return.

Point that lead me to think Jesus return is soon.

* Technology: The technology has become available to fulfil the prophecies relating to the end times. The Mark of the beast and instantaneous international communications are both technologies that have been achieved.

*Politcs: The globalisation of the World economy leading to the pressure from the elites for international unity leading to the need for an international philosophy for unity that suppresses anything that is a cause for disunity. The suppression of beliefs that are not modified to make them acceptable to the entire world will increase leading to the persecution of religion. This push is also causing an opposite reaction especially from the islamic world who interpret this movement as an assault upon islam and will resist it with great violence. Of cause true Christians will likewise resist to the death calls to modify their beliefs. But we differ from muslims in that we are not called upon to bring terror to unbeliever until all the world submits to the will of Jesus.

*Signs in the heavens: It will soon be the 2000 anniversary of the execution of the Messiah Jesus a pivotal moment in history. This will happen around the late 2020's and into the mid 2030's the exact date of the execution of the Messiah Jesus is still a hotly debated topic amongst believers. But the dates that i have mentioned covers most speculations as to this date. This also coincided with the arrival of meteor Apophis that will arrive in the year 2028 and will again arrive in the year 2036 ( from memory i believe that is the year of its second coming) Anyway initial reports that apophis would impact earth in 2028 are now hotly disputed by the authorities but as far as i know they are still very worried about its second visit in 2036. From the book of revelations i believe that a meteor impact will cause most of the great destruction that will befall planet earth just before the second coming of the Messiah Jesus. Aphophis (which is oddly named after an Egyptian god of darkness and destruction) fits into this very neatly. So from what i have said Jesus will return either sometime soon after 2028 or sometime soon after 2036. I will have to check again as to the correct date of Apophis second coming.

That’s just a few points. There are others. This is my favourite topic it is amazing to see the world heading in the direction just as it has been prophesised to head.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

PS: Correction The first arrival of Apophis is on Friday April 13, 2029. So that would leave 7 years between the first and the second visit of the meteor. 7 is a very biblical number don't you think. Also its arival of Friday the 13th is also intertesting isn't it LOL
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Here you go.


I had to pause it at 6 and 1/2 minutes because I'm at work but it is pretty intense so far.

*runs and grabs popcorn and awaits Christians/theists to post their various apologies/explanations*

Before watching this movie I understood that there wasn't much of a case for the existence of Jesus Christ, but I continued to believe anyway as I had yet to see a convincing argument against it. But after watching, I now have a solid doubt.

The movie seemed too conspiracy theory-ish/crazy, so I have to do some of my own investigating as obviously, until then, I won't take this movie as 100%truth, and see what the other viewpoints are, but at this point I'm pretty much in agreement as the coinscidences are pretty neat, but I can't cross Jesus off yet (no pun intended!)
You know, I don't see how anyone could want to or be expected to worship or love a being that intends to destroy the universe.

I remember the old Superman comics etc - meteorite heading to earth, Superman flies into space and knocks it off course, mankind saved. It's a noble story and one that I could be expected to appreciate. On the other hand we have jesus.. A dude that intends to let the meteorite crash land and kill most people, (indeed he pushed the meteorite in this direction), and then declare himself the man in charge.

I guess we just have a different notion of what constitutes a cool fictional hero.

I personally think that The Messiah Jesus will return within the next 30 years.

So, I should advise my children not to have children of their own?
Please allow me to introduce myself
I’m a man of wealth and taste
I’ve been around for a long, long year
Stole many a man’s soul and faith
And I was round when jesus christ
Had his moment of doubt and pain
Made damn sure that pilate
Washed his hands and sealed his fate
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
But what’s puzzling you
Is the nature of my game
I stuck around st. petersburg
When I saw it was a time for a change
Killed the czar and his ministers
Anastasia screamed in vain
I rode a tank
Held a general’s rank
When the blitzkrieg raged
And the bodies stank
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name, oh yeah
Ah, whats puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah
I watched with glee
While your kings and queens
Fought for ten decades
For the gods they made
I shouted out,
Who killed the kennedys?
When after all
It was you and me
Let me please introduce myself
I’m a man of wealth and taste
And I laid traps for troubadours
Who get killed before they reached bombay
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
But what’s puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
But what’s confusing you
Is just the nature of my game
Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails
Just call me lucifer
cause I’m in need of some restraint
So if you meet me
Have some courtesy
Have some sympathy, and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse
Or I’ll lay your soul to waste, um yeah
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guessed my name, um yeah :bugeye: