A Must see for all Christians


I can carry on match for match, but all I can say is, it doesn't hold water. The video should be titled instead, "The Babylonian Religions of the World and the counterfeit Jesus".

When we you look at two 100 dollar bills (one is fake), at first instance you wouldn't know which one is counterfeit until you look very closely and then you'll know which one is fake.

If someone wants to really discount Jesus, he must show a 100% match for match with all these ancient religions, not just cherry pick the ones he likes in order to disprove Christianity, but everything, chapter by chapter, from Genesis to Revelation.

Let him match it 100% positive, like fingerprint matching.

Ahh but if someone wants desperately not to believe in Jesus. Promoting the "The Babylonian Religions of the World and the counterfeit Jesus". as true Christianity would make their goal that much easier.

It would be the objective of satan himself to have everyone believe that "The Babylonian Religions of the World and the counterfeit Jesus" was true Christianity.

So take a pack of spiritual Harlots who value their lives over the Love of the Truth and give them power and influence in this world. Make the masses believe the twisted version is the real version and make a religious fall guy with inbuilt design faults ready to be destroyed at the desired time. Let the harlot dominate until the beast turns on her and rips her apart.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Ahh but if someone wants desperately not to believe in Jesus. Promoting the "The Babylonian Religions of the World and the counterfeit Jesus". as true Christianity would make their goal that much easier.
It would be the objective of satan himself to have everyone believe that "The Babylonian Religions of the World and the counterfeit Jesus" was true Christianity.
So take a pack of spiritual Harlots who value their lives over the Love of the Truth and give them power and influence in this world. Make the masses believe the twisted version is the real version and make a religious fall guy with inbuilt design faults ready to be destroyed at the desired time. Let the harlot dominate until the beast turns on her and rips her apart.

That's exactly what's happened & you fell for it.
That's exactly what's happened & you fell for it.

Then you believe in Jesus? If you believe there is a twisted version of the Jesus then you must believe there is a true version of Jesus. Therefore you must believe in Jesus.

Oh and how is it possable for me to fall for something that i have declared to be false? Weird logic you have there.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
All the Christians especially need to watch this Movie



If you don't watch it all the way to part three ...its everyones loss


It was a mess. But all I can say is that if humans lived according to the Ten Commandments, there would be no problems in the world. Nevertheless, humans think they know better than God does and our demise will be the result. :eek:
Nevertheless, humans think they know better than God does and our demise will be the result.

Which god? And if you mean Yahweh/El/Elohim, why that one? Why not one of the thousands upon thousands of other gods that have been created by people, just like yours, or the thousands upon thousands that will likely come after your god is long forgotten.

Oh. Because you were raised in a Christian culture. Not an ancient Greek, an Islamic, a Andean, or a Mesoamerican one.
Carico: all I can say is that if humans lived according to the Ten Commandments, there would be no problems in the world.

Because it sure has worked wonders for the jews, xtians and muslims
It was a mess. But all I can say is that if humans lived according to the Ten Commandments, there would be no problems in the world. Nevertheless, humans think they know better than God does and our demise will be the result. :eek:

What 10 commandments???

BTW, do you preach to animals?
Which god? And if you mean Yahweh/El/Elohim, why that one? Why not one of the thousands upon thousands of other gods that have been created by people, just like yours, or the thousands upon thousands that will likely come after your god is long forgotten.

Oh. Because you were raised in a Christian culture. Not an ancient Greek, an Islamic, a Andean, or a Mesoamerican one.

Sounds like you're confused about how many gods there are. I'm not. ;)
Carico: all I can say is that if humans lived according to the Ten Commandments, there would be no problems in the world.

Because it sure has worked wonders for the jews, xtians and muslims

And which Jews and Muslims have lived by the Ten Commandments? :bugeye: