A Must see for all Christians

er....um yeah, oh and maybe it is because these are aspects that are actually accurate...ok

Explain to me what a bird-man and Jesus have in common, please. I think that the 'saviour' being half-bird is a pretty big difference; one that couldn't be lost in translation.
i will have to download my sound card drivers to watch this piece of shit movies. Everyone wants to be a film maker, everyone want to have a web site, no one can accept that they really are just average.

oh, maybe this guy did not exist - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plato - And mikenostic when was his birthday?

I will make up a list later for you guys of people who could not have existed...LOL...fucking fools.

AND REMEMBER- all you geniuses were getting hard for that titanic guys crap 'documentary and i was the first to make any kind of argument (you can search it) as to how it was bullshit...i was the first anywhere as a matter of fact to point out specifics...before i even watched it. That would makeme superior, at least in some ways...ha ha ha.

Well, there's a clear example of someone on this thread that has watched the first part and realises it knocks his life long beliefs to shit.

"my fucking sound card, this fucking shit movie, you're all fucking fools......"

Lol, that's fucking funny.
What am I, the invisable man here? Everyone seems reved up and ready to go here. Anyone care to take a swing at explaining this amazing coincidence?

The third chapter is most interesting of all. The drive towards one world government and cashless society. Ironically the main climax of the most popular book in the bible “revelations” is all about an impending one world government and cashless society where no man can trade lest he have the mark of the beast. It begs the question –Do the authors of this film who bash religion at the beginning of it know that they are giving credence to that religion at the end of it? Or do they blame religion for creating a distasteful reality?
Anyone care to take a swing at explaining this amazing coincidence

Ya how about ....We Create our own reality ...

like...... thoughts .......become things

or ......are we helpless :rolleyes:
I think I would have to side with the “we are helpless” option.
I truly believe that a one-world government is inevitable and that cashless society is going to be part of the mix. But just like the authors of your movie I didn’t arrive at that conclusion because of some ancient text. It’s easier to just look around you and recognize that global problems will only be solved with global cooperation.
As for thoughts becoming things I’ve never been able to conjure up a pizza when I needed one. All kidding aside creating our own reality really is a misnomer. Every wildebeest in Africa may very well have it’s own quirky personality but ever year he will migrate across the Serengeti with the rest of them because the herd mentality of survival always takes precedence over his limited free will. Humans build cities, nations and governing systems. All of which evolve over time just like every other biological thing on this entire planet.
So the mystery remains, while it’s easy for us now to see where where’re going and why, how did someone six thousand years ago manage to see the same thing?
Curious to know what Skinwalker thinks of this.

Edit: Oh hell, they started out interesting with the religious stuff, but then it went straight into the crapper Loose Change style.
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This movie doesn't really get started till about ten minutes into it
the beginning needs a little editing for sure

It's to bad most will stop watching at about the 911 conspiracy

when Part three is what sheeple need to see

"Repo Man"

sounds like you never got to part three

the last forty minutes are worth seeing
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My gloves are already off. We'll have the octagon ready for you, knuckles cracked and all.

h ha m just kidding.

Explain to me what a bird-man and Jesus have in common, please. I think that the 'saviour' being half-bird is a pretty big difference; one that couldn't be lost in translation.

I am screwed i messed up USB sound on my system (edited registry:rolleyes: ) now my m-audio usb wont work.

Can someone explain this to me, about bird-man. M*W is it true? what is this bird-man stuff about...i need to know:p ...QUICK.

,,,,, fixed my souncard. - the hand of fate is on me now. he he he.

So far the CGI is gratuitous = george carlin has not been funny for 18 years. there goes the sun again *damn* -there was no t.v, people watched the stars?

First thing that comes to my mind is @ 11.51 - how does anyone know these figures were worshipped? how could one know that these objects were not entertainment\characters? THIS is very different than mapping constellations and trying to 'see' further. You may be seeing things meant to entertain children.

Well thats as far as i got...for now/ looks interesting but in many ways sad.

after being told about everyone telling us what the truth is i have to listen to someone tell me what the truthuth is:shrug:
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Wow, that was some movie. Under the assumption that all the information presented is accurate (skepticism momentarily put aside), doesn't it seem like the movie is trying to show that the Christian 'Elite' are purposefully manipulating people into making Revelations reality (i.e. the ultimate push towards an event predicted by the ultimate delusion)?
M*W: So true. We do create our own reality, our own life, and our own destiny. No gods need apply.
That is a nice sentiment M*W and I can appreciate your nurturing style there. The fact is your right to some degree. WE can make our own choices, you can choose to buy the hybrid Honda or the rumbling H3 hummer, you could choose to become a ballerina or a world-class pole-vaulter. Hell the sky is the limit…(but only because once you get beyond the sky you would suffocate in the vacuum of space).
And yes you could live your life free from the dominance of any theoretical God. Unless of course God turned out to be just a metaphor for the realities of Nature. Everyone knows that when nature calls you gotta answer because being too full of shit can cause real health problems. It’s kind of sad that once nature created us it put all those heavy restrictions and demands on us, like breathing and sleeping and eating and pro creation and then prohibits the right to fly, walk through walls or shape-shift into a fuzzy bunny. And then demanding our respect by creating hurricanes and forest fires, what’s up with that huh?
The fact is that there is something out there that is bigger than us. It did create us and it does control us as I’ve said before through herd mentality. And try as we might one person can’t start a fire that burns the whole world because there’s always some group of environment wacko’s rushing over to stomp it out. We are trapped here on this planet together and as a group our destiny is to do whatever nature has planned from the beginning.
The world is alive and it owns you!
Wow, that was some movie. Under the assumption that all the information presented is accurate (skepticism momentarily put aside), doesn't it seem like the movie is trying to show that the Christian 'Elite' are purposefully manipulating people into making Revelations reality (i.e. the ultimate push towards an event predicted by the ultimate delusion)?
If such is the case you really couldn't call it a delusion anymore could you, we wouldn't want that would we? :eek:
Did you ever consider that it might not be just a Christian terrorist plot but maybe it's a naturally occurring pattern of development that plays it self out through out the cosmos? After all the whole world seems to be participating.
h ha m just kidding.

I am screwed i messed up USB sound on my system (edited registry:rolleyes: ) now my m-audio usb wont work.

Can someone explain this to me, about bird-man. M*W is it true? what is this bird-man stuff about...i need to know:p ...QUICK.

,,,,, fixed my souncard. - the hand of fate is on me now. he he he.

So far the CGI is gratuitous = george carlin has not been funny for 18 years. there goes the sun again *damn* -there was no t.v, people watched the stars?

First thing that comes to my mind is @ 11.51 - how does anyone know these figures were worshipped? how could one know that these objects were not entertainment\characters? THIS is very different than mapping constellations and trying to 'see' further. You may be seeing things meant to entertain children.

Well thats as far as i got...for now/ looks interesting but in many ways sad.

after being told about everyone telling us what the truth is i have to listen to someone tell me what the truthuth is:shrug:

Well, I won't start to say anything until you've watched it all (or at least the religion part), so hurry up!
If such is the case you really couldn't call it a delusion anymore could you, we wouldn't want that would we? :eek:

You mean 'God'? Human action is not evidence of an omnipotent life form.

Did you ever consider that it might not be just a Christian terrorist plot but maybe it's a naturally occurring pattern of development that plays it self out through out the cosmos? After all the whole world seems to be participating.

My first consideration is skepticism of the information presented above anything else.