A Challenge of significant proportions

but CC can't you see the error in rational happening here?

The cheese maybe considered the observer yes?


What about the plate the cheese is sitting on? yes?


What about teh stand that is holding the slitted plate up? yes?

Another possibility.

What about the room tha the expereimnet is being performed in? yes?

And yet another possibility.

So tell me how can you test without an observer?

You can't of course. You can however choose the observer's strength which of course determines if an observer (or system of observers) are geared to observe waves or particles. After all, if all observers caused collapse then we would never be able to observe waves in a double slit experiment (for example).

And if the answer is you can't then how the hell is the particle changing when you so called do?
If everything is an observer the you would not see any change according to what you have stated. yes?

The very air the particle travels through is an observer by this standard...sheesh!!

Hehe, I guess my last response kind of invalidated this text.
PLease rovide quotes that actually state that evidence will definitely be presented.

BTW it will be....so I wont waste your time.

"conclusively states:
evidence to support the global use of mind control techiques in the context discussed [ ie the threat to my family and others] will be provided if humanly possble to this forum. [ disclaimer: assuming an ongoing internet connection , an available library or internet cafe, in case that connection fails, staying alive long enough and other extreme global weather patterns:)]

and it will be provided to the general media as well

I love it when you do the work for me :).
Sissy court is fair game to everyone. But the rules are that everyone loses except sisyphus... So... I win. Good tries, though, cc, but your reasoning is flawed compared to the might of the grand SISYPHUS.

Good night folks, that's all she wrote ;)
You can't of course. You can however choose the observer's strength which of course determines if an observer (or system of observers) are geared to observe waves or particles. After all, if all observers caused collapse then we would never be able to observe waves in a double slit experiment (for example).

and well done you see my point....:)

Hehe, I guess my last response kind of invalidated this text.
exactly the opposite....it only proves it....
Good God; if I would dare to say it I would be in violation... Ego alert!

Interesting possibilities though; perhaps the debate should rest for an actual thread ...
Are we ever going to see this; you think?
I have an idea.

Since QQ has revealed himself,

he can simply say,

"I am god and I can show you all what it means to have power over the universe."
Like he did in his angry response to GB ... page 5? or 6...
It was amazing. He was frightening everything in a very productive way. Like holy shit! This has to exist!

QQ page 5 to CC's "Any updates QQ?" said:
Sorry to confuse if I have.

Indeed. You haven't... hehe...

Anyway. I would guess myself that the thing is quieting down a little bit; but I was embarassed to hell to see that you was effected as well.

And you are saying psychics are also in the area; correct? This is a very big story I do understand that.

So, QQ, I wish that you can destroy them hehe. And then this whole thing could be put to rest; the rest of the people are still looking for "evidence."
to the best of interests...
Seriously QQ. Sorry for destroying yet another of your threads but what is your opinion of the thread as ofhe time being.
Seriously QQ. Sorry for destroying yet another of your threads but what is your opinion of the thread as ofhe time being.
Still waiting for a corpse(s) to turn up....


The situation has settled down remarkably however people being people took on a "copy cat" style of reaction and that needed dealing with. However the organised version mentioned in this thread has virtually ceased to exist.
All family members and friends abroad and interstate have reported no hospital admissions for quite a few months now. And apart from the usual type seasonal illnesses seem to be in reasonable health [ as you would anticipate]
All in all I am happy with the improvements regarding family and as yet to see a spin off in society in general.
We seem to be in a "holding pattern" waiting for the global energy balance to be stabilised I guess.
The intense monitoring of my posts has virtually stopped and has become more casual and honestly motivated.
I am also starting to see statistically acceptable visitations to my web sites. [ very small download rates as to be expected]
All commercial sites are starting to see traffic and enqury. Given the onground marketing this is about normal....[ a little under but this could be allowed for in market fashions etc etc...

Test case:
"When you publish a website that has desrcriptions of 18 businesses from a shopping precinct and then inform all 18 businesses of the site you would anticipate that they would out of suspicion or curiocity, take a look even if it is to relieve their fears of a looney doing shit...."

But not one single business has visited this site until yesterday about 2 months after it's launch.
So even the threat of malicious publication failed to stir activity. Which I find incredible [ possible but very incredible ]

Any ways, the point being that the frustration block on my activities seems to be lifting slowly...

There is also an internal investigation into security compromise at this shoppig plaza, with possible IIU intervetion with local police. Regarding the assault and threats [ since launching this thread ] made by the guy impersonating a poilce officer and threatening to charge me with false child molestation. [ stating of course that it is a fabricated charge ]

So things are moving I guess but I still require a corpse to turn up before I am satisfied.
The local shopping plaza has at peek times about 1000 shoppers so it is not small but it aint that big either by worlds standards.
The security systems inplace woud be considered to close to state of art and the centre employs a significant number of secutrity staff on any given shift.
On two occassions [ the ones during the two assualts] the security systems had failed, in that constant video surveilance stopped functioning. On the first occassion for 60 minutes and the second for approx. 45 minutes.
Routine patrols by security staff had also been interupted. So in effect there was a security "blind spot" created for those times mentioned.
This is the issue in review at present. Nearby "Chub" cash ATM and bank deliveries and local major bank are present within this blind spot.

So the issue is being investigated and to be honest I do not expect to see a result of any value...
What about the other issues under concern? Are there any besides this, can this thread contain as well, a "existence of the universes harmony" for example?

If this is the case then we could have and I deem myself acceptable to whatever claims it is spoken in, a trail for the existence over the universe as I feel this is relevant to this thread.