A Challenge of significant proportions

Also take note I am prepared to accept I am incorrect if sound rational as to why this is the case can be agreed to.
Quantum Heraclitus:

You ever read "Space, Time, and Deity"? Your views seem similar, in the "awakening God" as the author of that.

But basically, you're saying an intelligent force is emerging to counterattack psychic abuses to force psychic forces to work for beneficial ends only?

This seems hard to reconcile, considering that nothing is done in this universe with such an aim to avoid harm. Supernovas cleanse countless planets of all life very possibly. Suns blow up. Et cetera, et cetera.

But by not human...than what? An alien? The technology would seem to be beyond the scope of what we have now.
The technology exists to do what you say...with out doubt in the universe. However the point you are trying to make is that "why would an entity emerge to rectify psychic abuse and not material abuse [ i.e. supernova ]?"
Why would a supernova be considered as abuse do you think?
Quantum Heraclitus:

Why would a supernova be considered as abuse do you think?

Suppose your planet was within say....5 or so lightyears of a supernova. According to current theories, the ionizing radiation from the blast would cleanse your planet of life. Leaving what was before the blast a fertile planet a barren, sterile wasteland.

Moreover, if reincarnation can remedy the ill of this humanoid losing his powers and potentially dying from the psychic shock, surely those who are psychically shocked could simply be reborn after things go South without "God's" intervention, no? This seems especially reasonable if physical death is considered remedied.
Suppose your planet was within say....5 or so lightyears of a supernova. According to current theories, the ionizing radiation from the blast would cleanse your planet of life. Leaving what was before the blast a fertile planet a barren, sterile wasteland.
Still this is a natural event and I would not consider nature in such emotional terms. is a billiard ball bouncing off another ball called abuse?

Moreover, if reincarnation can remedy the ill of this humanoid losing his powers and potentially dying from the psychic shock, surely those who are psychically shocked could simply be reborn after things go South without "God's" intervention, no? This seems especially reasonable if physical death is considered remedied.

a question of preconceptions and exactly what reincarnation is. From what I have come to learn it is far different that what any ideas I have seen so far from other ideologies and people.

Also it is a pre-existing science if you like, fully instinctive and automatic. "God" awakening is into this pre-existing state as he comes from pure "sleeping" instinct to volition.
But basically, you're saying an intelligent force is emerging to counterattack psychic abuses to force psychic forces to work for beneficial ends only?
Again preconceptions as to what God is or will be are strong here.

Instinctively the universe produces all the suffering and mankinds will to power is over that suffering and relief fo suffering.
Gods awakening would be no different except the depth that he can work at would be considerably more effective than the less awakened.
Basically the systems in place are actually very good so why tamper with them too much...with the view to sustainable success [ eternal ] takes a certain wisdom....
Quantum Quack:

Still this is a natural event and I would not consider nature in such emotional terms. is a billiard ball bouncing off another ball called abuse?

Then why speak of psychic phenomenon in emotional terms?

a question of preconceptions and exactly what reincarnation is. From what I have come to learn it is far different that what any ideas I have seen so far from other ideologies and people.

Also it is a pre-existing science if you like, fully instinctive and automatic. "God" awakening is into this pre-existing state as he comes from pure "sleeping" instinct to volition.

Define reincarnation, then. I am intrigued.

So wait. God is reacting to this suffering purely instinctively?

Instinctively the universe produces all the suffering and mankinds will to power is over that suffering and relief fo suffering.
Gods awakening would be no different except the depth that he can work at would be considerably more effective than the less awakened.
Basically the systems in place are actually very good so why tamper with them too much...with the view to sustainable success [ eternal ] takes a certain wisdom....

I am a bit confused. Let's clarify this whole matter more fully?
Then why speak of psychic phenomenon in emotional terms?
Well if I picked up this billiard ball and threw it at someones head just for the pleasure of it [ mental visualisation ] this would be considered as abuse would it not? Telling me from his hospital bed that it isn't and I'll throw it again..

You see people do not realise just how abusive they are because they discount the impact their abusive thoughts and visualisations have on them selves and others.
With evidence of telepathy this must change as all abuse can be described and exposed.

"There will be no place to hide your abusive conspiracies, no veil of ignorance as a defense to offer a plea of innocence when in fact you are guilty"

The world relies on ignorance and censorship to function due to it's abusive nature. It is this ignorance that allows a child molestor to fester his obsession believing that his abusive visualisations are undetected and have no consequence.
It is in fact the fear of loosing the protection of secracy and ignorance that inhibits the evidencing of telepathy and similar pheno. The fear of "judgement day" so to speak.
Define reincarnation, then. I am intrigued.

nope ....sorry!
suffice to say that knowledge and the truth of existance after death is big enough news as it is.....
So wait. God is reacting to this suffering purely instinctively?
Was but is slowly awakening to acting with volition as well.
I am a bit confused. Let's clarify this whole matter more fully?
A good starting point is the notion of SANSARA as per Buddhism and Hindi ideology.
The way it is seen is incomplete but it's a good starting point regardless.
Ok now we have a pic....

Quantum Heraclitus:

Well if I picked up this billiard ball and threw it at someones head just for the pleasure of it [ mental visualisation ] this would be considered as abuse would it not? Telling me from his hospital bed that it isn't and I'll throw it again..

You see people do not realise just how abusive they are because they discount the impact their abusive thoughts and visualisations have on them selves and others.
With evidence of telepathy this must change as all abuse can be described and exposed.

"There will be no place to hide your abusive conspiracies, no veil of ignorance as a defense to offer a plea of innocence when in fact you are guilty"

The world relies on ignorance and censorship to function due to it's abusive nature. It is this ignorance that allows a child molestor to fester his obsession believing that his abusive visualisations are undetected and have no consequence.
It is in fact the fear of loosing the protection of secracy and ignorance that inhibits the evidencing of telepathy and similar pheno. The fear of "judgement day" so to speak.

Well, I would very strongly argue that a situation in which our minds were exposed wholly to others without a veil of secrecy would be undeniably intolerable. Furthermore, without a wall of privacy, we might as well be one being - a situation which also has many downsides. Collective minds are in no way preferrable - and indeed, in many ways to NOT be preferred - to individual minds.

I'd also argue that due to the existence of psychics, if the phenomenon is real, then it can exist side by side with secrecy. Furthermore, I'd also argue that imagination, fantasy, et cetera, can indeed be harmless and ought to remain so. We need catharsis. The oppression of such a stringent morality would be not unlike slavery.

Was but is slowly awakening to acting with volition as well.

Then once again, I interject that God ought to have far beginner things on his mind than pety abuses. Supernovas extinguishing life on planets is a big one. ;)

A good starting point is the notion of SANSARA as per Buddhism and Hindi ideology.
The way it is seen is incomplete but it's a good starting point regardless.

So we are trapped in a world of suffering and require some means to avoid such?
I'm sorry. I've dipped into this thread from time to time over the duration of it's existence. I have certainly not read every post, so my awareness of all that has been said is limited.

I have one question: has no one bothered to say Quantum Quack, you desperately need professional help. You are delusional in a way that may constitute a danger to yourself and others. Please seek professional help. Has no one said this? If not, why not?

Very disturbing.
I'm sorry. I've dipped into this thread from time to time over the duration of it's existence. I have certainly not read every post, so my awareness of all that has been said is limited.

I have one question: has no one bothered to say Quantum Quack, you desperately need professional help. You are delusional in a way that may constitute a danger to yourself and others. Please seek professional help. Has no one said this? If not, why not?

Very disturbing.

ahh but there has been...not only by posts to this thread but also by PM.
and I expect publishing the picture is only going to intensify this opinion.
as this is the way it works.

And yes I agree under normal circumstances if I witnessed something similar to this thread I would have similar concerns.
However the issue is not of "normal circumstance"

The opinion has been raised that:

"You are delusional in a way that may constitute a danger to yourself and others."

therefore giving you the supposed right if you had the authority and jurisdiction to compel me by law to attend a psychiatric facility.
In what way do I constitute a threat to myself and others?
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The main reason for publishing the picture of our man is so that if in the eventuality he does what I thnk he intends to do in that he is successful in regaining the power he has lost he will not be able to just vanish into anonymity.
So far he as managed to take control of the lady in question [ the one that originated the exposure of the disc.]
As it stands he and she are unapproachable without claims that "You are deluded and would be considered as a threat to yourself self and others"

In similar circumstances cults are created. In fact the analogy of destructive cults creating behaviour is appropriate.

Have you ever been confronted with a son or daughter caught up in a cult situation? Where by the leader of the cult has organised a suicide pact or a serious demonstration of anti social behaviour?

Well what happens when parents approach their children with their concerns?
In some cases the children take out restraining orders on their parents!

So far he has only temporarilly secured one member to the rebuilding of his power base.
The other lady mentioned earlier has so far managed to avoid emeshment. But of course there are no thanks for helping in this.
Any ways, this will prove it self in time.....
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Not only are you right to state what you have, but there are many more claims to be made which would only suit another thread were QQ to participate. Which is to say, he is in danger to himself/others. However I think that the suitable debates to back this up are being done in distance/time thread, as well as zero deminsionality ala quantum quack also in psuedoscience. "If" his claims to support the universe and such are true, which sounds very far fetched.... "then" he isn't a real harm to anybody or is he?

For example. (at least!)

For example, being God, or, being able to claim that he is able to hunt down the traces, and saying to others that he is able to hunt down the traces and existences of others; while supporting them in that "the signature can be located durring meditative sleep guys!"; this is a huge, huge, statement to be sure.

It is statements such as these and countless others that would require some sort of undertaking.

But as of yet I don't see how we can really refute any of this, except to go even farther down into what CC has labled as "the rabbit hole goes" :D


Not only are you right to state what you have, but there are many more claims to be made which would only suit another thread were QQ to participate. Which is to say, he is in danger to himself/others. However I think that the suitable debates to back this up are being done in distance/time thread, as well as zero deminsionality ala quantum quack also in psuedoscience. "If" his claims to support the universe and such are true, which sounds very far fetched.... "then" he isn't a real harm to anybody or is he?

For example. (at least!)

For example, being God, or, being able to claim that he is able to hunt down the traces, and saying to others that he is able to hunt down the traces and existences of others; while supporting them in that "the signature can be located durring meditative sleep guys!"; this is a huge, huge, statement to be sure.

It is statements such as these and countless others that would require some sort of undertaking.

But as of yet I don't see how we can really refute any of this, except to go even farther down into what CC has labled as "the rabbit hole goes" :D

good post Sisyphus!

As some one onces said to me years ago:
"words are cheap and it is the proof in the pudding that matters"
I am not going to try and justify what I am doing in words as they are merely a way of attempting to explain away your fears.
Action and results is what counts and is the only evidence that has value.
I didn't launch this thread ever intending to prove any of it with just words and discussion.
The other threads you mention:
Zero dimensionality will be proven by acts that require it...not by theory or words.
Evidence is only valid if presented by what I refer to as "happenstance"
In other words actual results and outcomes.

so "yakity yak" has only limited value and is more for entertaiment than actual outcomes.
good post Sisyphus!

As some one onces said to me years ago:
"words are cheap and it is the proof in the pudding that matters"
I am not going to try and justify what I am doing in words as they are merely a way of attempting to explain away your fears.
Action and results is what counts and is the only evidence that has value.
I didn't launch this thread ever intending to prove any of it with just words and discussion.
The other threads you mention:
Zero dimensionality will be proven by acts that require it...not by theory or words.
Evidence is only valid if presented by what I refer to as "happenstance"
In other words actual results and outcomes.

so "yakity yak" has only limited value and is more for entertaiment than actual outcomes.

I like that quote....

But in my opinion words can count for just about everything. For example, if you are able to prove, valid proof, with words, on paper, you would be able to describe why your event wouldn't be able to take place.

You and I have had this discussion before; but we have never had the chance to finish it.

Words. I am really good with words sometimes. You can talk about anything. If I wanted to ask you about if you think that your theory on zero deminsionality is true or not, you would tell me yes it is true, I would ask you to back the theory up with some professionals. On this site.
If you fail to do it then I wouldn't believe that it exists.


It is the same with this thread.


A thread.

Nothing else.
I like that quote....

But in my opinion words can count for just about everything. For example, if you are able to prove, valid proof, with words, on paper, you would be able to describe why your event wouldn't be able to take place.

You and I have had this discussion before; but we have never had the chance to finish it.

Words. I am really good with words sometimes. You can talk about anything. If I wanted to ask you about if you think that your theory on zero deminsionality is true or not, you would tell me yes it is true, I would ask you to back the theory up with some professionals. On this site.
If you fail to do it then I wouldn't believe that it exists.


It is the same with this thread.


A thread.

Nothing else.
there is another fav. saying I like:
"The truth is not dependent on belief"
believe what you like as it means jack shit when it comes to the truth.
"Belief is only a way to hide from the truth"

Words are very rarely used to discuss the truth but more to distort it with belief and preconceptions. Not many listen to the truth anyways even though they claim to be seeking it. So dependant are they on what they believe rather than what they know as the truth.
also it would take a hell of lot more than agreement by the "professionals" on this board to accept something as valid or for that matter false...