A Challenge of significant proportions

Good for you....
I am glad you are happy at your location. I am not very happy at my location. But things will never be different.
Oh well, don't want to plagurize the thread,
Good evening!
Mind control? No way not me.....im totaly in control of every possible decision I make......:bugeye:....right:confused:

T.V. Itself is mind control....and its horribly obvious.... Thats the beauty of fkn with the subliminal conciousness.......no one knows.
The subconsious makes suggestions personal thoughts.......I believe that is why there is so much controversey over testimony given while under hypnosis.

NLP.......neural Linguistic Programing is a great example of this.

If you think you aren't influenced your beyond help....

If you know you can be influenced but you are in control and know when you are being influenced.......thats a pretty nieve thought.

When you tell someone that something they think is intimately their thought is in reality an implanted thought.....they almost fight vigorously against it. Its a form of mental rape or whatever you want to call it........its unbeliveable and horrifying.
Latest news.
Material supporting evidence has been secured....but unable to disclose the details at this time. Seeking permission first....[as the source would reveal the depth of the issue if revealed]
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Sorry guys, can't post any detail. The evidence is "material" and needs to be protected for legal and security reasons.

There is reason to believe however that the "disc" was used experimentaly for the treatment benefit of children suffering severe "Autism". Used also as a memory enhancer and has been experimented with, over quite a few years over differing applications.

So it is very important not to jump to any immediate conclusions about certain persons, organisations etc that may or may not be implicated in the topic of this thread.
"The disc can also be used purely for defensive reasons. protecting the wearer from mind manipulations."
If for example certain elements of a security organisation [ military, Inteligence etc] became aware of the existance of our "perps" then they would obviously seek to protect their investment in national security]

So you can see that it is getting "next to impossible" to continue posting any detail to this thread until the picture becomes clearer if one wishes to maintian integrity of those issues of national security.
Latest news:
It appears our main cuplrit has landed in Melbourne and is currently focussing his attention on the lady that first presented the evidence.

Her location is public and she is being psychically isolated for some reason. Maybe just to punish her and me...hmmm ....

I can sense him in the shopping centre but as yet have not had a visual.
So far I have counted over 8 persons [males] under influence.
Shall let you know and maybe provide pics when things evolve a little over the next few days.
The one problem with Mind Control is that when people attempt to identify what they've been made to do they tend to utilise their imagination to fill in all the gaps in the information they don't know. For the most part, they don't know alot, for instance you suggested further back in this thread about a ZPE theory however were you thinking of applying it to a Mind controller in hypothesis? I ask as it's likely you've fallen down your own rabbit hole.
He ain't holdin out on nobody.

What do you expect him to say. He's waitin on all you loser morons to give some response.

...afterall, what would he say. You know. I mean, for fucks sake, the damn thing has already been presented.