A Challenge of significant proportions

A man fitting the description has turned up at the work place mentioned earlier in this thread with significant cohersive powers.
The originator of the evidence that generated the start of this challenge is now having to deal with his manipulations. She has indicated fear of harm.

A second lady has also been significantly compromised. His behaviour is unstable and unpredictable an doutwardly violent.
Currently word is that he is suffering acute abdominal pain and is vomiting blood and has attended the local hospital on two occassions.
He is of Middle Eastern appearance claiming to be from Oman.

More to come tomorrow....
A string of data is emerging....and pics to be published soon if necessasry and appropriate
Quantum Heraclitus:

This thread reminds me of a torture scene in Star Trek. Where the captors attempt to force someone to say there are five lights when there are clearly four.

I can see where such denial of reason and such would prove remarkably destructive of the psyche.
Quantum Heraclitus:

This thread reminds me of a torture scene in Star Trek. Where the captors attempt to force someone to say there are five lights when there are clearly four.

I can see where such denial of reason and such would prove remarkably destructive of the psyche.
incredibly so...

Normally this relates to the usual mental health of persons globally and normally this is intractible as society itself is generating these issues, however when this "normal" instinctive behaviour becomes deliberate and organised we have a significant global potential.

The issue is that an organised group of males have deliberately taken advantage of what is normal instinctive behaviour. This is not normally discernable as it fits the "norm" however because it is deliberate and not instinctive it can be evidenced in certain behavours of persons who know themselves really well, such as the originator of the evidence that has led to this confrontation.

People in the field of genuine psychic endeavour and research are well aware of what "possession" feels like and how it manifests in the human psych.
They do not advertise their understanding a this would only be discredited.
However in this case possession is almost impossible to detect because of the methods used.
The last person to experience an attack yesterday has complained of an electrical buzzing sound between her ears and towards the frontal lobe. She found herself in a compromising situation with this man going against all normal and strongly held behaviour patterns. This provided the clue to just this one cohercion.

this in itself is not enough evidence to act upon.
However when I met the man my self yesterday evening his deliberate attempts to coherce are obvious to me. Not only on me but the ladies in question. The details of which I shall refrain from explaining for now.
Do you imagine this man is using the electromagnetic means you were referencing earlier? Or simply employing the "possession" of which you spoke of before?

The idea of possession predates, after all, quantum theory. It would thus stand to reason that if possession, as a serious psychic phenomenon, is real, that it would also work outside of the method of electromagnetic quantum whatever.

One could possibly relate this to hypnosis as well.
Do you imagine this man is using the electromagnetic means you were referencing earlier? Or simply employing the "possession" of which you spoke of before?

The idea of possession predates, after all, quantum theory. It would thus stand to reason that if possession, as a serious psychic phenomenon, is real, that it would also work outside of the method of electromagnetic quantum whatever.

One could possibly relate this to hypnosis as well.
definitely quantum entanglement process. His signature is unmistakable.

And yes in a sense it is a very invasive form of subliminal manipulation using quantum or zero point mind connections done in a way that is almost perfect.
the issue is "possession of will" and this would have to be throughly defined first before it is compared to the type of possessions of biblical proportions.
Quantum Heraclitus:

And yes in a sense it is a very invasive form of subliminal manipulation using quantum or zero point mind connections done in a way that is almost perfect.

Explain how these methods work. I am intrigued.

Give me a brief sketch of the science that you think backs this up.
Quantum Heraclitus:

Explain how these methods work. I am intrigued.

Give me a brief sketch of the science that you think backs this up.

There is a need to clarify a little first.

The original "disc" wearers the ones that had these amplification discs fitted to their right temples appear to have been thoroughly neutralised.
However the leader of this organisation does not use a disc and is innately "gifted" in this way. In fact he would have been cohercing his followers as part of his role. Having lost that power the disc wearers have been neutralised leaving this man to his own devices.

This I believe is the "man" that has now appeared here chasing the lady that revealed his secret.
I tend to believe at this stage that he is the one that provided the technology of the disc to begin with. Although this of course needs to be confirmed.

I should be able to get pictures today and actually talk to him about the details if he has returned to a sane position which he was as of yesterday way from being.

Psychology assessment
When you are used to power and that power is a part of who you are [innate]and your self esteem and it [the power] is taken from you or you are disempowered, anger, hostility and obsession can be the result.
He is attacking the lady in question because he wants to get his power back.
The question is really whether he controls the power or whether the power controls him?
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Quantum Heraclitus:

Explain how these methods work. I am intrigued.

Give me a brief sketch of the science that you think backs this up.
It is based on the principle , that distance is an illusion of time.
This of course is contra to currently held scientific opinion given their worship of photon theory.

What this means simply is that distance only exists if time is available or present for that distance to have value.
To entangle an object over vast distances without any material contact is achieved by removing the need for time to do it.
The illusion of distance is sustained by our perception of mass or matter. With out mass or matter to give space value space looses it's dimensionality and becomes zero dimensional. [mind analogue : unconsciousness]

Put the mass and matter back into the picture and you have an illusion of distance yet the zero dimensionalism is still the reality.
So simultaneously we have 4 dimensional space [ mass space ] and zero dimensional space [ nothingness]
In this case the nature of the pychic mind is that all minds are connected through zero space [consciousness] thus all minds are entangled until the mind in question decides to partially disentangle and tangle with someone else. Minor/major disentanglement is sleep, Major disentanglement is normal mortal death. However total disentanglement is only available to absolute universal nhilism. [ the cessation of existance universally] The essence of inertia can now be derived.

Normally what happens and why psychic pheno is so hard to manage is that once a person becomes aware of a psychic entanglement [ as a psychic pheno] they instinctively disentangle out of fear. Which means that this can only be proved in hindsight and very rarely in the present moment and that the operator needs to be innately entangled and not deliberately entangled.

To deliberately entangle immediately causes the entanglement to cease. [ because to apply energy "effort" is to apply time thus forcing the mind back into 4 dimensional space]
For mass to travel through hyperspace or zero space to any destination you want it to, one only needs to recalibrate the innate frequency synchronisation of the mass in question with the destination mass. No effort or energy needs to be applied to travel through zero space only skill so to speak. Perfect synchronisation leads to instantaneous dimensional collapse and travel whilst imperfect synchronisation leads to what is commonly referred to as a "worm hole"

"a safe with a door on it that locks itself every time someone attempts to open it"
you may recall this thought experiment sometime ago I posted here at sciforums.
And now you know why my posts have been subjected to heavy monitoring.
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It's 8.42 pm here in Melbourne and the police have been notified that the man in question is a potential and real threat. He has stated to the young lady he compromised earlier that his house has been burnt to the ground indicating that he didn't care about it. This has happened after she rejected his advances over the telephone after seeking advice from me. He wanted to meet her privately late at night in the CBD city contra to her normal behaviour. Originally she agreed but had the sense to call me afterwards.

She is only 16. and an amazing person. I wish her the best as I can not interfere at this point other than work with police.
9.04pm have received word that he is at her door ringing her on his mobile phone. She is justifying not ringing the police herself yet saying that she fears he is going to seriously harm her.
[cohercion at work again...] [I contacted police earlier on my own inniative]
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I am posting this publically because:
1] This thread is being monitored by those who may be able to help.
2] The cohercion is only effective if kept secret and outside parties are not involved. [ a child molestor always threatens harm if the victim exposes him] thus publishing heightens public awareness in a psychic and conventional sense.]
Last phone call from lady in question suggests that she is safe and situation has stabilised...find out more tomorrow
Okay now that P_J is here I can post something that might shead some meaning.

QQ I believe, is talking about a power difference in the universe above correct? Oops, anyway, if I mention it he might too: there is also a power complex in the universe.

I myself am probably the cause of the shift in power.

Why am I posting this?
Because I feel that I should have enough courage to post something like this. There is a power complex in the universe that is changing and I think that I am causing it or have caused it.

As I posted in another thread, "the importance of psychic endeavoure", there is a such thing as an individual taken apart and examinend. Upon such critical examination of the psyche instead of stryders subjecting them to caves underground and extensive lonleyness etc, by means of ... various things. First of all you can take him apart and subject him to God soul, or destruction instead of lonlyness. God soul, or the individuals feet.

All of these things are important to the individual. The individual has the capicity in itself to show the qualities which are being examinend on this forum. Qunatum physics and things like this are usually scholarly debates and things.

More often than not anyway.

So like I posted before all of this stuff is possible (I posted a simiialr post eariler on in the thread). And I think that I am causing a power shift in the universe.

QQ, you think that's any importance to this thread, haha.
Maybe people won't just consider this as serious. Great.
Okay now that P_J is here I can post something that might shead some meaning.

QQ I believe, is talking about a power difference in the universe above correct? Oops, anyway, if I mention it he might too: there is also a power complex in the universe.

I myself am probably the cause of the shift in power.

Why am I posting this?
Because I feel that I should have enough courage to post something like this. There is a power complex in the universe that is changing and I think that I am causing it or have caused it.

As I posted in another thread, "the importance of psychic endeavoure", there is a such thing as an individual taken apart and examinend. Upon such critical examination of the psyche instead of stryders subjecting them to caves underground and extensive lonleyness etc, by means of ... various things. First of all you can take him apart and subject him to God soul, or destruction instead of lonlyness. God soul, or the individuals feet.

All of these things are important to the individual. The individual has the capicity in itself to show the qualities which are being examinend on this forum. Qunatum physics and things like this are usually scholarly debates and things.

More often than not anyway.

So like I posted before all of this stuff is possible (I posted a simiialr post eariler on in the thread). And I think that I am causing a power shift in the universe.

QQ, you think that's any importance to this thread, haha.
Maybe people won't just consider this as serious. Great.
You have asked for this to be taken seriously and I shall and do so as honestly as I can ok? and in a language and imagery that hopefully makes sense to you and others.
As to your specific individual contribution to what is going on and in the context that you are suggesting, you are only experiencing consciously what everyother individual is experiencing at a deeper subconscious level.

There is a power re-configuration taking place as we speak and has been under way for nearly 20 years. The discovery of our disc weilder grouup is only a small part of the re-configuration that is occuring apparently in a universal scale.
But what is power any way?

Power is the ability to "will". Power is the ability to effect change in your self and your environment including other people. Power is intrisically linked to self esteem and how the ego is productive in pursuing it's own vested self interests.
Every self animated life form acheives power through self empowerment. That is to say "you wake up in the morning from unconsciousness by empowering yourself to do so. You draw energy from the source of that power and you simply "wake up". So in this sense we are all prodicts of a single power source and our will to self determination is the outcome of utilising this source as the energy that drives wills into action.
Essentially the universe or "God" if you like is waking up from a deep slumber. God is becoming self empowered as we humans are.
He "for want of a better way" is starting to see how his power is being abused by those who have aspects of it and is attempting to cope with the suffering this abuse has and is generating.
The issue of the disc weilders considered in this thread is an important showcase of what "God" or the universe at large is no longer going to tolerate.
In the past people who psychically abused their power were automatically destroyed by society, crucification, burning at the stake, hangings, marginalisation, institutionalisation, discrediting, defamation, flamming etc etc....social isolation and deprivation. From a God perspective this is an instinctive destiny. From a mankind perspective this is a destiny of volition. [we think we have control but really we are responding mainly to our instinctive fears and paranoias.]

However with Gods awakening this is starting to change and even though the instinctive base remains with integrity it is being fine tuned one could say. Adjusted so that the attrocities mentioned in this thread as one example do not re-occur.
In this case humanity is being used as an example for the rest of the universe. The power we all have to effect change and be productive is being re-configured to be more effective and less self destructuive.

The "man" [ I am not even convinced he is "human" anyway certainly humanoid but not necessarilly human] that is currently the focus of attention here in this thread is apparently a remnant of a very old system. He is suffering terribly as his once considerable godlike power to effect change is being re-configured. If he cannot tolerate it he will die and that is all there is to it. From a God perspective this is no big deal as he will be cleansed upon death and set to another life to try again.
From a human perspective he probably deserves to die any way but the notions of rehabilitation are strong. Certainly I advocate rehabilitation as I dislike seeing wastage of potential and know that his behaviour is symptomatic of considerable change in his ego and self esteem due to "Gods" awakening. Therefore he has limited culpability and would be considered as a person of very limited responsibility due to the mental health issues he is currently facing. [ innocent due to insanity ]
And God himself has to take responsibility for the suffering his awakening inspires as well. [ even though he was awaken by the abuse of his will - which caused a major disaster and tragedy of universal proportions - occured around 1985]
If one wants to ground this story one could do some research into Yoga concepts of "awakening" and enlightenment. The Yoga analogue is the awakening of the serpent coiled at the base of the spine. Once awaken this serpent than takes an individual on a life journey that either ends with the "Crown" chakra and achieves immortality and God like abilites or he dies. And it is the "godlike abilities" that the universe, God, is mainly concerned about as this area of human endevour is an area wide open to abuse. [ as demonstrated by the topic of this thread and mainly due to our ignorance of our own power ]
To pre-empt the question that is inevitable:
Human psychic development can not be allowed until the potential for self abuse [ therfore the abuse of others] is contained and managed at a subconscious level. This is an absolute requirement and not subject to negotiation. The universe, SELF or GOD is acting ruthlessly in this regard as it is afterall HE that is suffering the abuse.
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Quantum Heraclitus:

I will address everything more in depth later this evening, but from a theoretical point, let me ask one question:

Your central claim is that zero-dimensionality is produced by elliminating time, therefore space and matter, yes?

That is to say, infinite (instanteneous) speed (which would be implied by an absence of time) would make the notion of distance (and its corresponding aspects of space and matter) irrelevant, correct?
Quantum Heraclitus:

I will address everything more in depth later this evening, but from a theoretical point, let me ask one question:

Your central claim is that zero-dimensionality is produced by elliminating time, therefore space and matter, yes?

That is to say, infinite (instanteneous) speed (which would be implied by an absence of time) would make the notion of distance (and its corresponding aspects of space and matter) irrelevant, correct?
Close I think....
The gendanken that leads to this was:

"If we take all the mass and matter out of the universe what do we have left?"
Normally one would think there would be a void of vacuum, a state of nothingness as even vacuum is a relative term. {low pressure compared to high pressure}

So really with nothing present to offer relative values then one could surmise that nothing exists if one takes all the matter and mass out of the universe.
Is this a fair assumption do you think?
the human anologue is :

A key philosophical point could be raised as:
"without relative values only zero or nothingness can be true"
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Quantum Heraclitus:

"If we take all the mass and matter out of the universe what do we have left?"
Normally one would think there would be a void of vacuum, a state of nothingness as even vacuum is a relative term. {low pressure compared to high pressure}

So really with nothing present to offer relative values then one could surmise that nothing exists if one takes all the matter and mass out of the universe.
Is this a fair assumption do you think?

Does the fabric of space time count as mass/matter? If not, then yes that is a fair assumption. If yes, then no it is not a fair assumption.

the human anologue is :

That depends on whether the "fabric of mind" is to be counted. It is difficult to claim "nothing is there" in an unconscious person who is not dead.
To get the picture about zero point theory one has to allow certain preconceptions to be put aside and dealt with later. Pre-conceptions about space time for example are similar to preconceptions about our photon.
If we have to dismantle every preconception along the way this discussion will never end or reach a conclusion.
However it is worth noting where conflict with those pre-conceptions occurs but carry on regardless.
I am not suggesting changing those pre-cnceptions but merely setting them aside to allow the jigsaw puzzle to take shape.
That depends on whether the "fabric of mind" is to be counted. It is difficult to claim "nothing is there" in an unconscious person who is not dead.
No I am not claiming nothing is there for a unconscious or even a dead person I am claiming that nothing + potential are there for both an unconscious and dead person... [ although talking about dead persons suggests priviledged [ contraversial and precarious] knowledge ]