A Challenge of significant proportions

Read the bottom first. (very bottom)

i say
what is this challenge?

/deep...deep stuff :confused:

It is indeed.

Especially due to the fact that neither one person on this site has refuted any of QQs claims; particularly: the ability of the mind control.

First, Crunchy Cat has entirely dismissed QQs claim of mind influencing, or seperating etc. Which, of coure the truth is actually something ENTIRELY different.

QQ himself has titled it only .. i forget "premagination".
The idea seems certainly possible if we can concern any of his thoughts about it.

How is mind doing shit like that possible?

Imagine, as spidergoat says the human mind hasn't been entirely figured out.

Let me ask a huge, very huge question:

Who agrees with this statement?


I thought so. As history unfolds from the beginning of time to the end of time all we have is nothing but a repeating understanding and contemplation of the mind (obvious right?). Of course it's obvious.

My point is only that there is obviously still some dispute to what it is that the mind is capable.

Take physics. This study of physics will take us to a study of the mind, right?

Not to this day has physics studied the mind properly. Not a single god damn bit. It has

1: Never provided insight into the other peoples minds problem.

2: Never decided to explain what it is that causes the mind to die (rather, all of the sources of what such a thing would be like).

Physics is a halfwit science when we look at the current knowledge in it. And the orinazation of it itself, is most lacking (along with every single thing else; organization).

Irregardless it is obvious once again that CCs claim about the capability of the minds is entirely weak and false. Minds would not tear each other open. There are many ypossible senerios.

How do you feel when you think you feel anger in the room?

Imaginge! What is causing that?! Does ANYGBODY know? No. Nobody knows. Nobody will answer and, nobody could answer. That is the only fact that there is.

To expand on this nonsense idea, is only to say that when anger is expanded into the mind that experiences it, a mind could possibly collapse.

Is this possible using physics? To examine? I serously ******* doubt it.

The answer would lie in the fafct that a mind can be distorted and disformed at any possible means by other peopels minds. Thus other peoples minds must exist in some form.

This theory right here is enough to supply QQs evidence that minds can control one another; wills can effect one another; and psychic self determinations are in every form possible.

Read the bottom first. (very bottom)

It is indeed.

Especially due to the fact that neither one person on this site has refuted any of QQs claims; particularly: the ability of the mind control.

First, Crunchy Cat has entirely dismissed QQs claim of mind influencing, or seperating etc. Which, of coure the truth is actually something ENTIRELY different.

QQ himself has titled it only .. i forget "premagination".
The idea seems certainly possible if we can concern any of his thoughts about it.

How is mind doing shit like that possible?

Imagine, as spidergoat says the human mind hasn't been entirely figured out.

Let me ask a huge, very huge question:

Who agrees with this statement?


I thought so. As history unfolds from the beginning of time to the end of time all we have is nothing but a repeating understanding and contemplation of the mind (obvious right?). Of course it's obvious.

My point is only that there is obviously still some dispute to what it is that the mind is capable.

Take physics. This study of physics will take us to a study of the mind, right?

Not to this day has physics studied the mind properly. Not a single god damn bit. It has

1: Never provided insight into the other peoples minds problem.

2: Never decided to explain what it is that causes the mind to die (rather, all of the sources of what such a thing would be like).

Physics is a halfwit science when we look at the current knowledge in it. And the orinazation of it itself, is most lacking (along with every single thing else; organization).

Irregardless it is obvious once again that CCs claim about the capability of the minds is entirely weak and false. Minds would not tear each other open. There are many ypossible senerios.

How do you feel when you think you feel anger in the room?

Imaginge! What is causing that?! Does ANYGBODY know? No. Nobody knows. Nobody will answer and, nobody could answer. That is the only fact that there is.

To expand on this nonsense idea, is only to say that when anger is expanded into the mind that experiences it, a mind could possibly collapse.

Is this possible using physics? To examine? I serously ******* doubt it.

The answer would lie in the fafct that a mind can be distorted and disformed at any possible means by other peopels minds. Thus other peoples minds must exist in some form.

This theory right here is enough to supply QQs evidence that minds can control one another; wills can effect one another; and psychic self determinations are in every form possible.

Sisyiphus, I applaud your courage to state what you have.
It was not the purpose of this thread to do anything other than what it has achieved already.
My family and persons directly and some indirectly have since almost fully recovered from their ordeal. My grandson is now relatively healthy "normal" 10 month old, and my bestfriends two children have managed to stay out of hospital with undiagnosable gastro type complaints.
This is all I was primarilly interested in and that is basically it.
As to the evidence to somehow support all this in a sea or ocean of pure skepticism and ridicule I and all of you are going to have to wait.

We have recorded one hospital admission in the USA. The son of a retired USA Admiral. [the ladies father]
I am not going to present hard evidence here because I am uncertain at this stage whether he was being "used" or was actually "protecting"

And on top of that I am not the sort of person to launch an assault even with the benefit of anonimity on the USA governments Military credibility.

The lady in question is under our protection [as well ] even though she remains free to move around with her children.

She her self is not currently well and until we are confident in her security I am not going to entertain you guys just for the sake of it.

As to the situation regarding the lady in the shopping center the "perp" stopped influencing as soon as I published what I did.

"illusion"? Possibly. We are afterall dealing with masters of illusion.

So I am sorry CC you can snigger as much as you like and "no offence taken" but you are going to have to wait until the situation is totally stable and sustainably so. Re-emergence of the threat is still possible.

Sisymus is of course quite right when he mentions the limitaions of scientific understanding. The uncertainty principle proves this if I am not mistaken [ how the observer effects the observed]

Maybe CC and other serious skeptics would like to address the issue of how an observer can effect the results of "electron"? movement through a slit.
or even fully explain Cerenkov Radiation from a nuclear reactor?

And if he and they can't then I wait and snigger also....[ no offense implied]
You shall also note the immediate withdrawal from further comment by Spidergoat immediately after describing the disc in a post some pages back.
Possibly Spider goat woud like to explain what he knows about this disc and it's use in mind management experiments with children with autism, epilepsy and other such issues.

Maybe there is hard eveidence out there to show and prove th euse of similar devices even though the "how" they work is yet to be determined by the global scientific community.
You shall also note the immediate withdrawal from further comment by Spidergoat immediately after describing the disc in a post some pages back.
Possibly Spider goat woud like to explain what he knows about this disc and it's use in mind management experiments with children with autism, epilepsy and other such issues.

Maybe there is hard eveidence out there to show and prove th euse of similar devices even though the "how" they work is yet to be determined by the global scientific community.


[edit: sisyphus is existabrent... I hate that name]
As you often say,

"fuck the scientific community"

you say

"f*ck em!"

I wouldn't quite say that or if I did, I did it out of sheer frustration and apologise accordingly.

I actually have a great deal of respect for the scientific community. Come a long way since "the earth was flat." [ mind you I hope they will one day explain how the Earth suddenly became a spherical shape after thousands of years of being flat:D]

Which is what they are going to have to when they prove the non-existance of our mythical photon.....hmmmmm
[edit: sisyphus is existabrent... I hate that name]
So Super Man disguised as Clark Kent finally reveals what and who he is.... and loses any ability to do either role.:)
So I am sorry CC you can snigger as much as you like and "no offence taken" but you are going to have to wait until the situation is totally stable and sustainably so. Re-emergence of the threat is still possible.

You know that without evidence there's no truth value. If I were a betting man, I would bet we're never going to see the evidence... which is a shame because I went through the trouble of falsifying your associations early on by supplying feedback about your website.

Maybe CC and other serious skeptics would like to address the issue of how an observer can effect the results of "electron"? movement through a slit.
or even fully explain Cerenkov Radiation from a nuclear reactor?

An object that can accept information from another object can collapse a Schrödinger wave if it has a relationship with it; thus, forcing a probability to be realized. The strength of the relationship determines when / if the collapse will actually occur (btw an observer in this scenario does not imply consciousness... a block of cheese is an observer for example).

Čerenkov radiation is an EM burst released when a charged particle moves through an insulator at a speed faster than light.
Shut up CC.
I will stand up to you.

A block of cheese is not an observer... and besides, your entire post falls by the hand of mine....

You are on sissy court now CC; so stand up or shut up.
[edit: sisyphus is existabrent... I hate that name]
So Super Man disguised as Clark Kent finally reveals what and who he is.... and loses any ability to do either role.:)

Oh well.

It's sissy court now.

CC is a horrible basketball player.

And so is:

there is not one member on sciforums who can shoot on sissy court.
You know that without evidence there's no truth value. If I were a betting man, I would bet we're never going to see the evidence... which is a shame because I went through the trouble of falsifying your associations early on by supplying feedback about your website.

There is entire truth value.

baseless assertion.

You will lose the bet.
Now. Hand over my ration.

Falsifying your associations is not sissycourt.
Not one of his comments have been ebbliberated. Not one. And I don't reckon you have the balls to shoot this hoop, CC.

And I even say that on light ground, so bring it on, 3 points.

An object that can accept information from another object can collapse a Schrödinger wave if it has a relationship with it; thus, forcing a probability to be realized. The strength of the relationship determines when / if the collapse will actually occur (btw an observer in this scenario does not imply consciousness... a block of cheese is an observer for example).

Čerenkov radiation is an EM burst released when a charged particle moves through an insulator at a speed faster than light.

All sissy court is doing is making further discussion applicable to present standards of what QQ is discussing.

Waves traveling through space is not going to be dismissed so easily.
It's possible,
you haven't disproved any thing we are addressing currently (all you will do, is say it is false).

Which is the same thing as saying the whole premise is lost.

Which sadly for you CC, ... is not the case.

You haven't shot a single basket yet... where are you aiming?
You know that without evidence there's no truth value. If I were a betting man, I would bet we're never going to see the evidence... which is a shame because I went through the trouble of falsifying your associations early on by supplying feedback about your website.
and I stated amazement that you actually managed to do so....so maybe you would like to comment on the merit of the concept and not just the asthetics. In other words did you look at what the web site was actually supopsed to do and hwo it makes it's money? [ do you recall because the web site is under going a CMS conversion currently and not a lot of info is published now]

Evidence is only needed if you wish to prove to someone with out the experience that that something actually occurred. If you don't need to prove anything, given that the thread was addressed to those that were monitoring and not to any one else, then I only have your ridicule to deal with....which I might add is no problemo.... however I understand your point and actually agree with it....

An object that can accept information from another object can collapse a Schrödinger wave if it has a relationship with it; thus, forcing a probability to be realized. The strength of the relationship determines when / if the collapse will actually occur (btw an observer in this scenario does not imply consciousness... a block of cheese is an observer for example).

Čerenkov radiation is an EM burst released when a charged particle moves through an insulator at a speed faster than light.

I suppose you have hard eveidence that proves conclusively that theory being applied to explain something that can not be witnessed except by effect is not totally and utterly hog wash?

Also how much faster than the speed of light has our charged article travelling at? And given special relativity doesn't that put our partical behind us in time? [ in the past and not the present] and if it is in the [ our ] past how is it we can observe it's colour when we are in the present.

"hey man...that blue glow is actually happening yesterday or last year or last century or even a million years ago....talk about introspective hindsight....ha"
also any ideas why it is that particular shade of blue and not purple or red or green?
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Shut up CC.
I will stand up to you.

A block of cheese is not an observer... and besides, your entire post falls by the hand of mine....

You are on sissy court now CC; so stand up or shut up.

In information theory, an observer is any system which receives information from an object. Sorry Brent, but sissy court is out of its league when up against reality, science, and education.
You scored a half pointer :p

What a shitty throw!!!

CC, that's pathetic, it is obvious what I was addressing.

now Explain please how your post (other than this nonsense) is true. You can't.

Score chart next post.
And, your education is hogwash. I don't give a rats ass about what it is about physics that ******* has anything to do with information theory. Makes little sense to me, and I would dare to say also that it has little impact on too much of anything.
and I stated amazement that you actually managed to do so....so maybe you would like to comment on the merit of the concept and not just the asthetics.

Well to put it simply, the merit was demonstrating a relationship as being false.

In other words did you look at what the web site was actually supopsed to do and hwo it makes it's money? [ do you recall because the web site is under going a CMS conversion currently and not a lot of info is published now]

It looked like a place where businesses could advertize their services in a business and consumer community setting from what I remember. The cashflow appeared to be a result of subscription.

Evidence is only needed if you wish to prove to someone with out the experience that that something actually occurred. If you don't need to prove anything, given that the thread was addressed to those that were monitoring and not to any one else, then I only have your ridicule to deal with....which I might add is no problemo.... however I understand your point and actually agree with it....

Well that paragraph just went full circle :). I agree with everything that was stated and would also point out that there was at least one committment to providing evidence; hence, I now have expectations.

I suppose you have hard eveidence that proves conclusively that theory being applied to explain something that can not be witnessed except by effect is not totally and utterly hog wash?

Nope, not at all. Additionally, theories tend to make alot of predictions about other related causes / effects and if they pan out as true it strengthens the truth value of the theory. But you know this already :).

Also how much faster than the speed of light has our charged article travelling at?

Don't know. C + 1 should be sufficient.

And given special relativity doesn't that put our partical behind us in time? [ in the past and not the present] and if it is in the [ our ] past how is it we can observe it's colour when we are in the present.

My understanding is that the limit C only applies to a vaccum. Once mediums are introduced (such as insulators, gas, etc.), C can be exceeded.
In information theory, an observer is any system which receives information from an object. Sorry Brent, but sissy court is out of its league when up against reality, science, and education.
but CC can't you see the error in rational happening here?

The cheese maybe considered the observer yes?
What about the plate the cheese is sitting on? yes?

What about teh stand that is holding the slitted plate up? yes?
What about the room tha the expereimnet is being performed in? yes?

So tell me how can you test without an observer?
And if the answer is you can't then how the hell is the particle changing when you so called do?
If everything is an observer the you would not see any change according to what you have stated. yes?

The very air the particle travels through is an observer by this standard...sheesh!!
Well that paragraph just went full circle . I agree with everything that was stated and would also point out that there was at least one committment to providing evidence; hence, I now have expectations.

PLease rovide quotes that actually state that evidence will definitely be presented.

BTW it will be....so I wont waste your time.

"conclusively states:
evidence to support the global use of mind control techiques in the context discussed [ ie the threat to my family and others] will be provided if humanly possble to this forum. [ disclaimer: assuming an ongoing internet connection , an available library or internet cafe, in case that connection fails, staying alive long enough and other extreme global weather patterns:)]

and it will be provided to the general media as well
You scored a half pointer :p

now Explain please how your post (other than this nonsense) is true. You can't.


Shine a laser on a slice of cheese and look at it from the other side. If it is exclusively penetrating the cheese while its not penetrating the rest of the environment with equal intensity then the cheese collapsed the wave.
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