A Challenge of significant proportions

there is another fav. saying I like:
"The truth is not dependent on belief"
believe what you like as it means jack shit when it comes to the truth.
"Belief is only a way to hide from the truth"

Words are very rarely used to discuss the truth but more to distort it with belief and preconceptions. Not many listen to the truth anyways even though they claim to be seeking it. So dependant are they on what they believe rather than what they know as the truth.

Well, let's see that truth :D

Afterall you will only be using the means to convey the truth with words, not and not jack else.
If you can't show it here then it is false and fantasy, something that will never exist except in your own mind. I think this stands pretty clearly with me; I would have to agree with myself, : It stands clearly with everyone here listening to our discussion.

We all know that the truth is presented through the words that we are reading on the screen. If this were not true somehow, then well, we'd have nothing. It is not a matter of belief. To us (you knew that was comming), it doesn't exist if you don't show us how it exists.

Not to put you down, but that's how it is.
Just because you are poor at communicating what you wish to communicate doesn't mean that everyone else can't communicate what they wish to communicate as well....
Well, let's see that truth :D

Afterall you will only be using the means to convey the truth with words, not and not jack else.
If you can't show it here then it is false and fantasy, something that will never exist except in your own mind. I think this stands pretty clearly with me; I would have to agree with myself, : It stands clearly with everyone here listening to our discussion.

We all know that the truth is presented through the words that we are reading on the screen. If this were not true somehow, then well, we'd have nothing. It is not a matter of belief. To us (you knew that was comming), it doesn't exist if you don't show us how it exists.

Not to put you down, but that's how it is.
Just because you are poor at communicating what you wish to communicate doesn't mean that everyone else can't communicate what they wish to communicate as well....

well tell me what the truth is about this word "..............." note that it is underlined with dots and is expressed but not written.

Proving psychic pheno in words is a really funny way of looking at it.
but showing you can not be done with mere words but only with experiences that you can share with others. Other wise the experience can and most often is considered as self delusional which goes on to destroy teh persons faith in his own sensory integrity - paranoia sets in and blah blah blah... have said it all before...
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Well what's more funny, a mule or a horse?

I guess you can't prove the sort of stuff you're refering to without some highly detailed explainations in physics. If that fails, then well, I suppose it could fail?
If it exists it exists, you really can communicate if something exists or not. You could just say,

"I see the signature through means best left unsaid."
Then again I'm probably talking rubbish here.

Well what's more funny, a mule or a horse?

I guess you can't prove the sort of stuff you're refering to without some highly detailed explainations in physics. If that fails, then well, I suppose it could fail?
If it exists it exists, you really can communicate if something exists or not. You could just say,

"I see the signature through means best left unsaid."
Then again I'm probably talking rubbish here.
so I see his signature. So what? The amount of preconceptions that would have to be challenged to get a theory accepted is just not worth the bother.
This man by the way replicates other peoples signatures. He immitates their will so as to take control.

In my language he does what I call a "will supposition" or signature supposition. Similar to identity theft which is a common fraud.
In that by replicating he becomes..
you will notice in the pic supplied that it shows his right temple as smooth and no inidcation of a disc affixed under the skin.
His ability is innate and requires no artificial means.
Holy shit. You've just spooked me I think, talk about a total telepathic message!
I would believe he becomes them, he becomes untraceable, he becomes part and parcel with them. It is describeable, he becomes magnified by extents that are shown through psychic willing and ceased up into the air as through .............. magic.
Holy shit. You've just spooked me I think, talk about a total telepathic message!
I would believe he becomes them, he becomes untraceable, he becomes part and parcel with them. It is describeable, he becomes magnified by extents that are shown through psychic willing and ceased up into the air as through .............. magic.
Nothing magical about it...
He is just doing what many do as par of course but in his case he does it delberately with intent to sequester the persons autonomy.

He is an expert on human emmeshments, and how they occur.

He and I are very similar you see...
except for one major distinction...
I value a persons "will" integrity, self determination and autonomy very highly.
I would rather live in isolation with free willed people around telling me I am deluded than to have a society of robots under my control.
It is essential that I learn what I need to learn from this guy so that this can be guaranteed in the future.
I as well are pretty expert at human enmeshments and psychic ability but I take it for granted and despise it.
Otherwise what you've written is spooky.

Best of luck in finding out what the others are going to give you...
I as well are pretty expert at human enmeshments and psychic ability but I take it for granted and despise it.
Otherwise what you've written is spooky.

Best of luck in finding out what the others are going to give you...
Hate to say it but this is really shitty work to be doing. It is also extremely serious and extraordinarilly difficult to juggle all the fears and machinations that I inspire by doing what I do.

But ultimately freewill is guarranteed it is just a matter of how much it costs in suffering to get there.
There is no alternative but success.
A bit like this:
A man goes up to a unknown girl in a bar and says
"You are mine"
And the girl replies by taking his hand and says
"I am yours"
She wakes up the next morning wondering what the fuck has happened with out any memory of events the night before. Use your imagination to fill in the details.

Now show me a man who would not think that having that ability has great appeal.
But you know in the end it is a slimy path to self destruction because you gotta live with yourself for all the other times you are not using your power and deal with the knowledge that what you are doing is one of the greatest crimes against the universe and God that an individual can do.
Which is why this man in the pic has been the focus of my attention for nearly 6 months...now
So...at a psychic level I have drawn him out and am currently "negotiating his surrender and rehabilitation"....
because there is no better will replicator than me.
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originally posted by PJ:
Well, I would very strongly argue that a situation in which our minds were exposed wholly to others without a veil of secrecy would be undeniably intolerable. Furthermore, without a wall of privacy, we might as well be one being - a situation which also has many downsides. Collective minds are in no way preferrable - and indeed, in many ways to NOT be preferred - to individual minds.

I'd also argue that due to the existence of psychics, if the phenomenon is real, then it can exist side by side with secrecy. Furthermore, I'd also argue that imagination, fantasy, et cetera, can indeed be harmless and ought to remain so. We need catharsis. The oppression of such a stringent morality would be not unlike slavery.

So if telepathy was to ever become useful it must allow even in telepathic contact the usual secrecy or veil to a persons thoughts and feelings and etc etc etc as you get with normal conventional conversation.

You see how incredibly difficult it is to sustain a stable telepathic regiem when fears of identity theft, invasion of privacy, oppression due to exposure and revelation of deep secrets creates an enormous fear and paranoia.
Certainly any one even hinting at having telepathic ability is instinctively shutdown by the society at large due to this fear. Hence in the main the mental health issues we are confronting as global community.
The second lady involved with our man shown in the pic. teh one who had to deal with him turning up on her door after he tourched his house, is a gifted reader and has been all her 16 years. But ostracised by her family and community because she could not control her ability and she was accidently setting of alarm bells every time she looked at someone.
So her life was hell and so was every one she "contacted".
The one day I felt her footprint in my own mind and that was nearly 2 years ago. it took 12 months before she had the courage to approach me [ I rarely approach people and wait for them to approach me] and start the process of learning how to ask first before entering a persons thoughts. She now seems capable of attending school as a normal teenager and has a chance at a productive future not only as a telepath to be but also as a really nice person as well. She engenders respect where ever she goes because now she is able to ask and accept no for an answer. Instinctively people are not stupid I guess is the lesson.
Since the incident with our man she has taken time out to regain her composure and I have not talked with her since then and as usual patiently await decisions about what she wants to do.
due to other significant priorities and pressures we have not been able to demonstrate a predictable and scientifically provable telepathic relationship. This however is changing slowly ....
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Quantum Heraclitus:

So if telepathy was to ever become useful it must allow even in telepathic contact the usual secrecy or veil to a persons thoughts and feelings and etc etc etc as you get with normal conventional conversation.

Precisely, yes. Otherwise it would be better that we have none of that business to begin with.
Quantum Heraclitus:

Precisely, yes. Otherwise it would be better that we have none of that business to begin with.
Ok you can see why then society instinctively in a psychic sense shuts the door on growth of psychic ability?

We have mental institutions full of serious problems that society is attempting to shut down and will continue to do so as you would expect until serious change is made to the way people approach their own psychic abilities that are innate and mostly instinctive.
This is what the emmerging God so to speak is attempting to do and quite frankly is going to do whether we like it or not. Society is addicted to it's abusive ways in a very serious way and it is in the changing of that addiction that is the hard part without causing even more mental dysfunction than there currently is. There is nothing more addictive than the power of psychic ability [which is why compulsive "power" psychosis is so prevalent, re: the need for this thread]
Every one is born with the God complex. Some manage without a problem some don't.
Quantum Heraclitus:

Ok you can see why then society instinctively in a psychic sense shuts the door on growth of psychic ability?


This is what the emmerging God so to speak is attempting to do and quite frankly is going to do whether we like it or not. Society is addicted to it's abusive ways in a very serious way and it is in the changing of that addiction that is the hard part without causing even more mental dysfunction than there currently is. There is nothing more addictive than the power of psychic ability [which is why compulsive "power" psychosis is so prevalent, re: the need for this thread]

How will this be accomplished?
Ok you can see why then society instinctively in a psychic sense shuts the door on growth of psychic ability?

We have mental institutions full of serious problems that society is attempting to shut down and will continue to do so as you would expect until serious change is made to the way people approach their own psychic abilities that are innate and mostly instinctive.
I admit it. I didn't read the 214 previous posts. However this looks like a good starting point.

People's own psychic abilities ... like meditation, contemplation, prayer ... what are our psychic abilities that we should consider how we approach?
This is what the emmerging God so to speak is attempting to do and quite frankly is going to do whether we like it or not. Society is addicted to it's abusive ways in a very serious way and it is in the changing of that addiction that is the hard part without causing even more mental dysfunction than there currently is. There is nothing more addictive than the power of psychic ability [which is why compulsive "power" psychosis is so prevalent, re: the need for this thread]
Intelligent and mature individuals would come to the concept of God independently even if we weren't exposed to the concept from an early age. What the individual does inside themselves, i.e. mentally when awareness of the concept of God comes in place is decided by the individual. But the fact intelligent life has evolved to the point of such awareness can imply that there could be a God behind that awareness.
Every one is born with the God complex. Some manage without a problem some don't.
This is where coming in late makes a difference. Can you recap the issue about "managing without a problem" vs. it being a problem?
I admit it. I didn't read the 214 previous posts. However this looks like a good starting point.

People's own psychic abilities ... like meditation, contemplation, prayer ... what are our psychic abilities that we should consider how we approach?

When a person subscribes to the notion that nothing is secret. That they are prepared to stand "naked" and be judged universally for who they are and who they were and who they will be is when a person starts to realise that the reality is the same for every one else. As part of the maturing process of self acceptance and the removal of cancerous notions and thoughts a persons growth to psychic maturity is achieved.
When a person realises that every visualisation, every fantasy and every mental contstruction has a profound effect universally that may be experienced in changes to everyday activities [ in very small ways ] one can start to realise how self honesty and knowing your nature is liberating and allows the opportunity for a better existance.

Taking responsibility for the suffering your mental machinations inspires in those around you is the path to being responsible psychically. Tough road I can assure you, given that most people can be so abusive in their minds because they believe in the privacy and ineffectiveness of their thoughts and imagination.

As an example:

A terrific policy to have when conversing with people is always assume the people that you are discussing about are actually present for the discussion with out their material witness.

eg. John and Jim are discussing Julie's behaviour at the night club the night before. Julie is not present for the conversation.
If they were responsible they would show the respect to Julie as if she was sitting there listening to the conversation.
In most cases however John and Jim will not assume such a thing and yet they wonder why they have trouble meeting nice women....

If people adopted this principle in all aspects of their mental lives the issue of respect will become a focus and people will cease being abusive due to their ignorance of how privacy is an illusion that can be proved as such by the instinctive reactions of the victim.

So part of the journey to psychic maturity is to work and live on the basis of it's reality. The rest will come into place once responsible psychic behaviour is achieved. To be a good person in the inside as well as on the outside is what it is about I guess. Although just being true to your self will achieve similar results as the self is common to all.

Most people in the field of psychic endeavor have already arrived at this wisdom through normally "bitter" personal experience.

Intelligent and mature individuals would come to the concept of God independently even if we weren't exposed to the concept from an early age. What the individual does inside themselves, i.e. mentally when awareness of the concept of God comes in place is decided by the individual. But the fact intelligent life has evolved to the point of such awareness can imply that there could be a God behind that awareness.

well put!
In esio-metaphysical terms this is demonstrated by the maturing of the Pineal Gland [Crown Chakra ] found in the Human Brain.
The development of the Crown Chakra then aids the development of the commonly refered to as the 3rd eye [application of imagination and how you use your power to "will". Wisdom gained by the "Crown" guides the imagination.]
This is where coming in late makes a difference. Can you recap the issue about "managing without a problem" vs. it being a problem?
The issue of innate God Complex needs to be handled as a separate thread as it is a big and IMO worthy topic.
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Taking responsibility for the suffering your mental machinations inspires in those around you is the path to being responsible psychically. Tough road I can assure you, given that most people can be so abusive in their minds because they believe in the privacy and ineffectiveness of their thoughts and imagination.


If people adopted this principle in all aspects of their mental lives the issue of respect will become a focus and people will cease being abusive ...
You really have to put those who follow the path to the letter in the category of the mystics, the saints, and the enlightened who sign on to their spiritual view of the intention of God.

My view is that if you have an understanding of theoretical physics and can fill in the missing parts of quantum mechanics for yourself the best you will ever be able to do is say that physics can explain everything we observe, i.e. there doesn’t have to be a God but there is nothing that precludes God. Faith is an individual decision. I (aka Bogie) said it like this in a post on another forum (if I am allowed to link to it).
In esio-metaphysical terms this is demonstrated by the maturing of the Pineal Gland [Crown Chakra ] found in the Human Brain.
The development of the Crown Chakra then aids the development of the commonly refered to as the 3rd eye [application of imagination and how you use your power to "will". Wisdom gained by the "Crown" guides the imagination.]

The issue of innate God Complex needs to be handled as a separate thread as it is a big and IMO worthy topic.
That would be another challenge of significant proportions :).