8 yr old now living as girl

You're missing the point. The child is unable to identify with the body that she has (male body) because her brain identifies her as being female. So she is unable to identify or accept a male body for herself because she is female.

Yes evidently this can and does happen though it be rare. I'm not sure if they know fully why as yet.

No, she's a girl who had the bad luck to be born male.

I identify with my body very strongly. It's the means with which I represent myself to the world. It's the first thing someone notices about me. It better be accurate.

The self has gender and is either male or female?

of corse, thats what gender MEANS.

sex refers to the physical sex of the person, ie do they have a pinus or vagina, are they xx or xy. now this can be complicated in that you can have xy with female genitalia, xx with male, xxy xxx ect ect however this isnt what transgender means.

gender refers to the identity of the person and how sociaty views that. for instance girls wearing dresses has nothing to do with sex, its a gender issue. not to mention the conection between blue and boys, girls and pink is gender

transgender means that the persons biological sex doesnt match intentified gender.
of corse, thats what gender MEANS.

sex refers to the physical sex of the person, ie do they have a pinus or vagina, are they xx or xy. now this can be complicated in that you can have xy with female genitalia, xx with male, xxy xxx ect ect however this isnt what transgender means.

gender refers to the identity of the person and how sociaty views that. for instance girls wearing dresses has nothing to do with sex, its a gender issue. not to mention the conection between blue and boys, girls and pink is gender

transgender means that the persons biological sex doesnt match intentified gender.

Leaving aside the gender vs. sex issue -

Do you really think that at the end of the day, the be-all-and-end all to you is whether you are male or female?
That maleness or femalness is something intrinsic to a person?
of corse, why do you think that mental illness (specifically depression) goes up when people are forced to have sex organs, penises or breasts removed because of truma, illness cancer ect. why do you think insults tend to compare somone to the oposite gender
Signal, you're missing it or you're being purposely obtuse.

I'm a woman. Nothing compromises or changes that, ever. Not my outside. Not your opinion. Insulting those who identifies with their gender does not change that, and it doesn't make anyone less "enlightened" than you. Identifying with one's gender does not equate to sexism.
Huh ? How can you not identify with your own body ? :bugeye:

Yeah, I would be seriously freaked out if I woke up flat chested with a penis. I can't even begin to imagine how it would be for a guy to wake up with a vagina
Yeah, I would be seriously freaked out if I woke up flat chested with a penis. I can't even begin to imagine how it would be for a guy to wake up with a vagina

Probably about as freaky. On the other hand... there are probably guys around that would welcome it :D
You know what some guys say: "I'm a lesbian trapped in a male body." ;)
Yeah, I would be seriously freaked out if I woke up flat chested with a penis. I can't even begin to imagine how it would be for a guy to wake up with a vagina

I'm told weird, but liberating. :shrug: Of course that's probably if you knew it was going to happen. If it was a surprise... I am sure there would be different emotions.
Then another day is no big deal! :p

I'd do okay with being a guy for about a day. Then I'd be sick of it.
Perhaps this will make me an asshole in some peoples eyes, but I think that the parents should have stimulated boyish behavior. I can't shake the feeling that they might have been too liberated in their parenting.

It sounds like they initially DID stimulate boyish behaviour, without much effect.

Also, I don't think there's anything wrong with being liberated. Both sexes should be given all range of toys, and allowed to choose. (though obviously actually FORCING a boy to play at putting baby dolls to bed or a girl to play with Action Man dolls is a step too far)
Huh ? How can you not identify with your own body ?

Considering that we disidentify with our bodies on a daily basis (such as when pushing ourselves out of the bed in the morning, even though the body feels like more sleeping), I wonder how can you ask that question above ...
Signal, you're missing it or you're being purposely obtuse.

I'm a woman. Nothing compromises or changes that, ever. Not my outside. Not your opinion. Insulting those who identifies with their gender does not change that, and it doesn't make anyone less "enlightened" than you. Identifying with one's gender does not equate to sexism.

Suppose you get assaulted and/or raped. Would you think that it was indeed you that was raped, and not just your body?