8 yr old now living as girl

Au contraire, ma soeur! Christianity SHOULDN'T work that way, but thanks to Puritans and holier-than-thou types, love of legalism gives way to stretching Biblical precepts and morality into a much wider umbrella than it should be in every case.

I should add that most conservatives and fundamentalists consider it a sin to cross dress because God wants the distinction between the genders to be polarized. And that goes for women wearing pants most of the time. And men having long hair. Apparently any other adoption of physical characteristics "belonging" to the opposite gender is not only confusing and degrading to one's gender, but disdainful of God's plan and design for humans.
Which is why He wisely made it biologically impossible for men to grow LONG hair. :rolleyes:
Really so everything they do they say their body did it not them. "My body drove to the store", that's a weird thing to say, but I won't condemn your weird friends.

They usually don't say that, but from conversations with them I know that they do not uphold such an identification with the body as you.

I hate philosophy

How come?
They usually don't say that, but from conversations with them I know that they do not uphold such an identification with the body as you.

How come?

There is nothing I hate more than a question with no answer, never has had an answer and never will.
I think the child was abused. I've heard of a few insane cases of infant molestations... people who molest infants must have been born in a dungeon of some kind. :shrug:
How do you know that your body is you and you are your body?
What proof do you have for that?

I would love to meet this 'me' who is separate from my physical brain, muscles, skin etc. I hope she's six feet tall, nice and athletic, with permanently shiny hair that never gets greasy and never needs washing.
I should add that most conservatives and fundamentalists consider it a sin to cross dress because God wants the distinction between the genders to be polarized. And that goes for women wearing pants most of the time. And men having long hair. Apparently any other adoption of physical characteristics "belonging" to the opposite gender is not only confusing and degrading to one's gender, but disdainful of God's plan and design for humans.
Which is why He wisely made it biologically impossible for men to grow LONG hair. :rolleyes:

Oh, I grew up around those sorts of Christians. I pretty much stand for everything they hate, which is fun.

They usually don't say that, but from conversations with them I know that they do not uphold such an identification with the body as you.

How do you know that?

I think the child was abused.

Where are you getting the idea the child was abused?
I've never been abused, but I still went through the phase I described earlier in this thread of not being fully comfortable with being a female. What's your take on that, Signal?
When my brain is inactive so is my mind. When my body moves to the left I go to the left with it, I don't just watch it. How can you prove that what is happening to my body is not happening to me? How many people refer to themselves without referring to their body?

You're right Cutsie people who do have this experince are generally called 'shizophrenic'
I think the child was abused. I've heard of a few insane cases of infant molestations... people who molest infants must have been born in a dungeon of some kind. :shrug:

And you glean this how? Doesn't the fact that transgender especially in children this young is relatively rare and that children being molested is not? I mean based on that statement a great majority of molested children would want to be the opposite sex.

...and according to Wise acre be prostititutes too. So you would have a great many formerly sexually abused transgender prostitutes running around.
It seems many people think if your problem isn't physical then it doesn't exist and therefore not a problem and nothing a good dose of brainwashing can't fix :rolleyes:
It seems many people think if your problem isn't physical then it doesn't exist and therefore not a problem and nothing a good dose of brainwashing can't fix :rolleyes:

Actually I think there are probably other reasons why John and Signal object. I mean the parents are fine with it and the child is happy. Their is no long term comittment, I mean if the child decides to change its mind in a few months which is doubtful there would be no problem. So what exactly is the problem?
Does anyone know of a biblical reason why the Catholic Church would frown upon this and not allow her to attend?

Young Boy To Publicly Live Life As Girl

OMAHA, Neb. -- An Omaha couple is allowing their 8-year-old son to openly live life as a girl. It’s a decision that means the child is no longer invited to attend Catholic school.

Therapists and the child’s parents say the second grade student is transgender, a medical condition where a person’s inner sense of identity doesn’t match their biological gender. Some gender experts say as many as one in 500 people may be transgender or carry significant traits of the opposite sex.

“It’s kind of like you’re trapped somewhere and you can’t get out,” said the child, whose name and face are not being made public to protect the family from potential harm.

“She’s been a girl since the beginning, everything about her, the way she dances and skips around and the things she’s attracted to. It’s more than toys and clothes,” said the child’s mother.

The mother said the child has consistently asked to be called a girl since she was 4 years old.

“One night, she said ‘Every night when I go to bed, I pray my inside will match my outside. But it never happens,'" the mother said, recalling the words of her middle child....

its to bad that this child goes through this gender confusion

genetics , nothing is for sure , unfortunately
It just kills me when people say "god doesn't make mistakes" Really!!! Apparently they have never seen conjoined twins.
What exactly did he tell you?

Don't worry. No secrets of the Secret Society of Boys that Like Boys. :p

Rather, that he wasn't sexually attracted to boys/men until he was in his late teens.

Could you eleborate on your question a little, please?:scratchin:
I also am confused!

I guess my question is that, as a man who didn't feel sexually attracted to men as a preteen, do you think who you're sexually attracted to is more the result of socialization/how you interact with others?
I guess my question is that, as a man who didn't feel sexually attracted to men as a preteen, do you think who you're sexually attracted to is more the result of socialization/how you interact with others?

I would have to answer that in the affirmative. Gay twin studies show a correlation of roughly 50% between the sexuality of identical twins, which suggests that homosexuality may be about half genetics, and half social/psychological.
It's a little too hard to guess at it, but in my case I would have to say it was more sociological than biological.

"gay" brain studies suggest an innate difference in certain areas of most homosexual males' brains. However, it is hard to see how the structure or behavior of a brain could suddenly flip like that, and someone who was attracted primarily to the opposite sex somehow becomes primarily homosexual.
Though, admittedly, I believe there is some debate about whether the certain structures of the brain involved are immutable, or whether preference can influence the structures to alter themselves. I know the brain is turning out to be less rigid than once thought.
I would have to answer that in the affirmative. Gay twin studies show a correlation of roughly 50% between the sexuality of identical twins, which suggests that homosexuality may be about half genetics, and half social/psychological.
It's a little too hard to guess at it, but in my case I would have to say it was more sociological than biological.

"gay" brain studies suggest an innate difference in certain areas of most homosexual males' brains. However, it is hard to see how the structure or behavior of a brain could suddenly flip like that, and someone who was attracted primarily to the opposite sex somehow becomes primarily homosexual.
Though, admittedly, I believe there is some debate about whether the certain structures of the brain involved are immutable, or whether preference can influence the structures to alter themselves. I know the brain is turning out to be less rigid than once thought.

Is it that you reached puberty and realized you were gay? Maybe before the crushes you had were not sexual in nature, like when little boys pick flowers for a woman they like. Also how was your being gay sociological? Were you around many gay people, I don't quite understand. I know this is off topic but I just wanted to clear up what you meant.
They usually don't say that, but from conversations with them I know that they do not uphold such an identification with the body as you.

How do you know that?

See bolded part.

It seems many people think if your problem isn't physical then it doesn't exist and therefore not a problem and nothing a good dose of brainwashing can't fix

Is this aimed at me?
There is nothing I hate more than a question with no answer, never has had an answer and never will.

Well, that is some great certainty about the poor power of philosophy that you have there. :rolleyes:

that's bullshit. :mad: That is NOT a common approach at all.

Oh? Do they tell raped women that their dignity was taken away, that they are damaged forever and that they should just live with it?