8 yr old now living as girl

Um i said its illegal to TRANSPLANT sex organs, ie you cant donate your overies but you can donate your eggs (the same with testicals and sperm).

However overies and testicals are not the important sexual organs for the sake of apearing to another person to be male or female. Breasts, vagina, penis, scrotum (and possably something inside it) ect are. Unfortunatly post op transgenders are infertile, the female ones dont have anything above the vagina i belive (i cant see why they would bother to manifacture a uterus when there will never be anything in it).

The second problem with this is that the sex organs (overies and testicals) are where the sex hormones are produced. This means rather than simply changing there gender giving them supliments for a little while and then letting the overies or testicals take over producing estrogen and testostrone in the right levels they have to be put on high dose hormone replacement theropy.
Cutsie do you know the answer to these questions:

Are they able to construct testes? And where do they get the sperm from?

Depending on what you want done. They can not of course construct functioning testes just a scrotum, I don't know what they put in it. But once you have this operation unless you want them to leave your reproductive organs intact you'll become sterile. They can't make sperm for you. They can save your sperm or your eggs, but that's about all.
oh and in relation to how they get a penus or a vagina (especially those 2) the nerves are already there, they just need to be carefully moved either inside the body and a cavity created or in the clit and they need to be streched and a penus made probably out of your thigh built underneath it
Depending on what you want done. They can not of course construct functioning testes just a scrotum, I don't know what they put in it. But once you have this operation unless you want them to leave your reproductive organs intact you'll become sterile. They can't make sperm for you. They can save your sperm or your eggs, but that's about all.

Well do the parts work? I mean are erections possible? I guess for the woman it the question would be can they create natural lubrication? Can they have orgasms? I guess I'm curious to know how far they can go in making one sex like the opposite sex.
i know for men becoming women sexual funtion is easy and organsium very possable. The other way around? i would assume so but i dont know how, the prostate is very involved in errection and as far as i know thats missing just like it is in prostate cancer pts which is what makes them iraversably impotent so i dont know how they get around that. It could be that the formerly female body is different in the way the arteries and vains run to the vaginal tissue and this could be utalised to make an errection but i just dont know
I do know that there is little sensation afterward, which is one of the reasons why many intersexual people are fighting to take away the parent's right to do reconstructive surgery on functioning ambiguous genitalia. A stretched clitoris and faked penis are not going to have the same sensation as a real one. Nor would an artificial vagina have the sensation that a real one does. But it's more about how the individual feels in their body even if they have to think of alternative ways to have sex.
Or maybe its YOU who are in season. Haha.

Really you would not be put off if someone told you they were once a woman and then changed? You're really open. I think I am pretty open too but I do think I would have a difficult time with that one. I'm not sure if I would be able to overlook it.

True a large penis isn't everything. Are they able to construct testes? And where do they get the sperm from?

They can construct very good-looking testicles! There are two "penis" surgeries: A metatoidioplasty and phalloplasty, whichlengthen the urethrea/clitoris and build a bigger penis, respectively. In a phalloplasty a rod is literally put in the penis about a year after for penetration to be possible. There's sensation both ways. Transmen have "dry" orgasms. No semen.
um cutsie i would dispute that at least in relation to male to female gender reconstruction. As long as the nerve endings are preserved there is no real reason they wouldnt be as or more sensitive vaginally than a natural womens body because thats where they are moved to (rather than sitting in the clit for a natural women)
Well do the parts work? I mean are erections possible? I guess for the woman it the question would be can they create natural lubrication? Can they have orgasms? I guess I'm curious to know how far they can go in making one sex like the opposite sex.

Yes they can have erections, but they aren't stimulated by the nerves in spine. So it's either always in a state of erection or they can use a pump. And artificial vaginas can not produce their own lubrication.
Transmen that haven't had a phalloplasty don't need a rod or pump, but penetration isn't possible.
cutise are you sure about the last bit? physologically it seems quite possable for the vagina to be lubricated (at least if i have the way it works naturally correct), increased blood flow causes leaky capilleries which because of the type of tissue leak out of the body rather than staying in the intersticial tissue which is lubrication. Why would that not be possable for a constructed vagina?
um cutsie i would dispute that at least in relation to male to female gender reconstruction. As long as the nerve endings are preserved there is no real reason they wouldnt be as or more sensitive vaginally than a natural womens body because thats where they are moved to (rather than sitting in the clit for a natural women)

Not according to people who've had their genitals reconstructed, that depends on the person only people who experience both would know. Few people have both a functioning penis and vagina. Sense the vagina isn't supposed to be there the body often tries to heal so the hole shrinks or develops excessive amounts of scar tissue. Which leads to more surgery. But whatever makes you happy.
Wow. So strange. Thanks for helping me understand. There is one more question though, when they put the rod in hte new penis are they able to be flaccid and then erect?

I know some work off a pump and some are permanently erect like Marie said, but nothing seems to work off the body's responses yet.
takandjive for that you would need to insert a funtioning prostate which would mean alot of surgical reconstruction for instance to reroute the urethra and blood vessals. The urethra would be complicated but rerouting the blood vessles would be very dangerious and there would be no garentie it would work anyway
God one would wonder if its really worth all the bother if they can't penetrate.

For a little itty bitty tiny peenie? :p

Heh. In all seriousness, I think it's very gratifying to men see that they can get an erection. Why else would Cialis and Viagra sell like hot cakes?
cutise are you sure about the last bit? physologically it seems quite possable for the vagina to be lubricated (at least if i have the way it works naturally correct), increased blood flow causes leaky capilleries which because of the type of tissue leak out of the body rather than staying in the intersticial tissue which is lubrication. Why would that not be possable for a constructed vagina?

I don't think so, it's not made out of vaginal tissue just skin. I could be wrong, but I know my vagina doesn't feel like my skin, so there must be a different component to the tissue.
takandjive not all men can and not all of the ones who cant can use viagra to fix the problem either (side note did you know that the creation of viagra was an acident, they were actually trying to make a drug which would have the effects of nitro). Men who have had there prostates removed because of prostate cancer CANT get hard and drugs wont fix the problem