8 yr old now living as girl


My mind would be violated too, because my self determination and dignity would have been taken away.

Interesting ... A common approach in counselling rape victims is along the lines of reasoning 'It wasn't you who was violated, it was just your body.'
Considering that we disidentify with our bodies on a daily basis (such as when pushing ourselves out of the bed in the morning, even though the body feels like more sleeping), I wonder how can you ask that question above ...

That's ignoring your body. I think you might have a strange definition of identifying with one's body. According to my definition of identifying we do it all of the time in every thing we say and how we describe ourselves. It's like saying I'm not a woman my body is a woman, or I'm not athletic my body is athletic, I'm not fat my body is fat. While all those things may be true, your body is you and you are your body. So I can't even imagine what it must feel like to not be able to identify with your body.
Interesting ... A common approach in counselling rape victims is along the lines of reasoning 'It wasn't you who was violated, it was just your body.'

I suppose it is a legitimate viewpoint; you can't actually shove your penis into someone's mind. However, your mind IS still violated. Your self determination is taken away from you. Your autonomy is taken from you; your power to decide if you want something or not is overridden; your dignity is taken from you. That violates your mind, not just your body.
Interesting ... A common approach in counselling rape victims is along the lines of reasoning 'It wasn't you who was violated, it was just your body.'

And that makes no sense. If someone had told me that "they didn't shoot you, they shot your body" I would say "duh" and then I wouldn't hurt them just their body and they could pick their body's teeth up off the floor. Body= me. I don't see how anyone can really separate themselves from their body. And say an experience their body had was not their own.
still the bottom line is: do you let an eight year old do whatever they want to? another question is: is it in the best interest of the child to go along with this?

kids are sometimes confused and what if this is just a period of uncertainty?

what if the child gros up and say: i cant believe you allowed me to do that.
Suppose you get assaulted and/or raped. Would you think that it was indeed you that was raped, and not just your body?

My body, my choice, my mind. Been assaulted, and trying to make my body do something against my will is a more officious assault on my mind.

You also don't understand rape counseling. It's widely recognized the mental scarring lasts longer than the physical harm.
still the bottom line is: do you let an eight year old do whatever they want to? another question is: is it in the best interest of the child to go along with this?

kids are sometimes confused and what if this is just a period of uncertainty?

what if the child gros up and say: i cant believe you allowed me to do that.

It's not about giving into the random whims of a child who for three days said they wanted to be the opposite sex and surgically altering them. This is a process of years. You can't just ignore someone's desires for years.
still the bottom line is: do you let an eight year old do whatever they want to? another question is: is it in the best interest of the child to go along with this?

kids are sometimes confused and what if this is just a period of uncertainty?

what if the child gros up and say: i cant believe you allowed me to do that.

Depends on circumstances. If it was a phase he suddenly went into, definitely not. But if that condition had been there all the kid's life, yes, I think they are genuinely transsexual, and coudl do with the treatment BEFORE puberty, to make things easier.
That's ignoring your body. I think you might have a strange definition of identifying with one's body. According to my definition of identifying we do it all of the time in every thing we say and how we describe ourselves. It's like saying I'm not a woman my body is a woman, or I'm not athletic my body is athletic, I'm not fat my body is fat. While all those things may be true, your body is you and you are your body. So I can't even imagine what it must feel like to not be able to identify with your body.

How do you know that your body is you and you are your body?
What proof do you have for that?
even that young you know whether you want to marry a boy or a girl when you grow up. of my few gay friends one said he'd decided he liked dudes by year 1 or something.

I don't deny that it is so for some people, but I strongly disagree, based on personal experience. I was "normal" in my attractions until roughly 14 years of age, where I abruptly started finding other boys very attractive. Most of my childhood saw me having typical crushes and thinking about getting married to girls (even my cousin once!).

Born "gay" is not my experience, and I don't accept it as a rule, but something that is merely a common occurrence in some individuals, not universal.
still the bottom line is: do you let an eight year old do whatever they want to? another question is: is it in the best interest of the child to go along with this?

kids are sometimes confused and what if this is just a period of uncertainty?

what if the child gros up and say: i cant believe you allowed me to do that.

No 8 year olds can't do whatever they want to. But this is in the child's best interest. If this is how she wants to live her life then her parents (who like most parents want their child to be happy) should comply. She didn't just wake up one day and decided she felt like this, she's been saying it for four years. How many years do I need to tell you I don't something before you really believe that I don't like it? I would not perform any surgical alterations on the child without them living this lifestyle for several years. How old do they have to be before they can be taken seriously. There are parents of 23 year olds who feel the way this 8 year old does and still insist its a phase. When can they be taken seriously?
How do you know that your body is you and you are your body?
What proof do you have for that?

When my brain is inactive so is my mind. When my body moves to the left I go to the left with it, I don't just watch it. How can you prove that what is happening to my body is not happening to me? How many people refer to themselves without referring to their body?
I don't deny that it is so for some people, but I strongly disagree, based on personal experience. I was "normal" in my attractions until roughly 14 years of age, where I abruptly started finding other boys very attractive. Most of my childhood saw me having typical crushes and thinking about getting married to girls (even my cousin once!).

Born "gay" is not my experience, and I don't accept it as a rule, but something that is merely a common occurrence in some individuals, not universal.

My brother says the same thing. I actually thought that was bullshit until he said that to me, because I was curious about same sex stuff very early. Do you think boys are more sensitive to socialized sexuality than girls? :confused:
When my brain is inactive so is my mind. When my body moves to the left I go to the left with it, I don't just watch it. How can you prove that what is happening to my body is not happening to me?

You were the one to state 'your body is you and you are your body'. It is up to you to provide some proof for that, not for me to prove it isn't so.

How many people refer to themselves without referring to their body?

I know some.
As far as I know, the bible says nothing about transgendered people. If we keep transgendered kids out of Catholic school, what about intersexual children who have both sets of genitals and aren't sure how they feel yet? Where's the line stop?

I've done some interesting reading on eunuchs in the Bible and in other parts of the world throughout history. Being a eunuch was not as simple as just being a castrated male. There were, if it can be believed, instances of non-castrated males being considered as eunuchs. Perhaps a more proper term would be third-sex or third gender.
There are such things, like the hijra. Biological males who dress and behave like females.
I think perhaps, Biblically, cross-dressing and transgenderism would fall under the category of eunuchism.

Yeah, exactly. Look, I appreciate that the Catholics have the Bible and I understand they're somewhat bound to it, it being the basis for everything they are and all, but you can't just tack stuff on because gender-bending seems a little odd. That's not how Christianity works.
Au contraire, ma soeur! Christianity SHOULDN'T work that way, but thanks to Puritans and holier-than-thou types, love of legalism gives way to stretching Biblical precepts and morality into a much wider umbrella than it should be in every case.

Why don't they just leave the ignoramuses behind and go to another church. That's what I would do. A new school and a new church where she'll be nothing but a little girl and no one will question it.

It's a good idea, but Catholics I think tend to be very loyal (fearful?) towards the Catholic Church in general. I'm guessing they'd have to change denominations to get any desirable results.
My brother says the same thing. I actually thought that was bullshit until he said that to me, because I was curious about same sex stuff very early.
What exactly did he tell you?
Do you think boys are more sensitive to socialized sexuality than girls? :confused:

Could you eleborate on your question a little, please?:scratchin:
I also am confused!
You were the one to state 'your body is you and you are your body'. It is up to you to provide some proof for that, not for me to prove it isn't so.

I know some.

Really so everything they do they say their body did it not them. "My body drove to the store", that's a weird thing to say, but I won't condemn your weird friends. I hate philosophy so this my personal belief and personal assessment of myself. It can not be proven either way with valid scientific evidence. This child obviously cannot identify with her body. Which I personally think is not a good thing.
I've done some interesting reading on eunuchs in the Bible and in other parts of the world throughout history. Being a eunuch was not as simple as just being a castrated male. There were, if it can be believed, instances of non-castrated males being considered as eunuchs. Perhaps a more proper term would be third-sex or third gender.
There are such things, like the hijra. Biological males who dress and behave like females.
I think perhaps, Biblically, cross-dressing and transgenderism would fall under the category of eunuchism.

Ah, the hijra! Love the subculture.

Wasn't aware of the eunich thing... I read the bible like a Southern Baptist. :p Sparingly and often incorrectly.

Au contraire, ma soeur! Christianity SHOULDN'T work that way, but thanks to Puritans and holier-than-thou types, love of legalism gives way to stretching Biblical precepts and morality into a much wider umbrella than it should be in every case.

More proof everyone should listen to me. My bike's ready at the shop, but I'll be back in an hour to tell everyone how to live their lives. :p