8 yr old now living as girl

Heh. I have fully lost my ability for intelligent debate after Enmos' PM to me. Um.
I told you to put on your sunglasses. Don't tell me you didn't.. :eek:

I think if the child sticks with this for years, it's unlikely a phase.
Perhaps. But if the parents thought it was cute, for example, it might have stimulated this behavior. Remember that he was only 4 when he first spoke about it to his/her parents.
Here's a question for everyone. Say now you met a great guy or a wonderful woman and they were everything you were looking for. You date, you're having fun and falling in love. You engage in sex and its all cool, then they tell you they were formally male or female and had a sex change early in life because they were transgender? How much would it bother you? What would you do?

Or another scenerio what if you met someone you really really liked and they told you up front. Would you care if they had had a sex change?
Here's a question for everyone. Say now you met a great guy or a wonderful woman and they were everything you were looking for. You date, you're having fun and falling in love. You engage in sex and its all cool, then you they told you they were formally male or female and had a sex change early in life because they were transgender? How much would it bother you? What would you do?

I'd most probably break off the relationship.
Then I would go find a good psychologist.. lol
It would freak me out.
Don't feel bad I think I would have a difficult time with it too. But are you sure you would break it off? I mean if you were really caught up and in love and everything and they looked and behaved totally like a woman.
Don't feel bad I think I would have a difficult time with it too. But are you sure you would break it off? I mean if you were really caught up and in love and everything and they looked and behaved totally like a woman.

I'm pretty sure.. I'd look differently at him/her after he/she told me.
I wonder what they do after the sex change. I mean at some point they will have to confide in the other person. On the one hand they are a 'female' so what would the past life as a male really mean but on the other...

Well you get what I mean. They must have their heart broken a lot.
I wonder what they do after the sex change. I mean at some point they will have to confide in the other person. On the one hand they are a 'female' so what would the past life as a male really mean but on the other...

Well you get what I mean. They must have their heart broken a lot.

Yes, it's probably not the road to happiness for a lot of them.
Ah.. what do I know.. lol
Yeah just thank god we never had to have these issues. I have a lot of compassion for that little boy because he has a difficult road ahead of him, lucky for him the parents are so accepting and loving.
Yeah just thank god we never had to have these issues. I have a lot of compassion for that little boy because he has a difficult road ahead of him, lucky for him the parents are so accepting and loving.

Yes, if it's true I agree.. they'd be really cool parents :)
She is ? :bugeye:

Ehhh, gray area. ;)

Hot bro's knockin her door down my friend...droves of them.

Anatomically correct ones too.

Ehhh, he is hot. *Bites lip.*

I've been finding cute men in droves lately. It's like they're in season. Like melons.

Here's a question for everyone. Say now you met a great guy or a wonderful woman and they were everything you were looking for. You date, you're having fun and falling in love. You engage in sex and its all cool, then they tell you they were formally male or female and had a sex change early in life because they were transgender? How much would it bother you? What would you do?

Or another scenerio what if you met someone you really really liked and they told you up front. Would you care if they had had a sex change?

Mm. Let's take Pretty Boy Recent in stride. I don't care. Still gorgeous.

FTMs, even post-op ones, tend to have very small penises because the clitoris is drawn from the hood to make a penis, and because sometimes this reduces sensation, a lot of FTMs don't get this part done. There's a lot more to being a man than being born male and having a big swingin' dick.
I've been finding cute men in droves lately. It's like they're in season. Like melons.

Mm. Let's take Pretty Boy Recent in stride. I don't care. Still gorgeous.

FTMs, even post-op ones, tend to have very small penises because the clitoris is drawn from the hood to make a penis, and because sometimes this reduces sensation, a lot of FTMs don't get this part done. There's a lot more to being a man than being born male and having a big swingin' dick.

Or maybe its YOU who are in season. Haha.

Really you would not be put off if someone told you they were once a woman and then changed? You're really open. I think I am pretty open too but I do think I would have a difficult time with that one. I'm not sure if I would be able to overlook it.

True a large penis isn't everything. Are they able to construct testes? And where do they get the sperm from?
I wonder what they do after the sex change. I mean at some point they will have to confide in the other person. On the one hand they are a 'female' so what would the past life as a male really mean but on the other...

Well you get what I mean. They must have their heart broken a lot.

I can imagine. My co-worker who is transgender, she didn't tell, seeing as most relationships don't last forever. She said that she's been a girl for so long it seemed stupid to say otherwise. She started school as a girl and had the official sex change when she was 15. Aside from her masculine sounding voice you would never question the fact that she's a woman (even her voice isn't an indicator, it's just deep lots of women have deep voices). She is getting engaged to be married, but her boyfriend does know that she was born a little boy, but he didn't care because he's in love with her. Transgender people can't be termed as homosexual or heterosexual because it doesn't really make sense. They are considered either (bare with me I can't remember how to spell these) androphilic or gynophilic; man loving or woman loving.
Cutsie do you know the answer to these questions:

Are they able to construct testes? And where do they get the sperm from?

for your first watch sex in the city:p its called a testicular implant (similar i guess to breast implants)

for the second they dont, unfortunatly sexual organ transplants are illegal currently. Im not sure though about prostate transplants (now that would be an interesting one, must check that) because if you could transplant a prostate (funtionally) then there is no reason why a) the penis wouldnt respond naturally and b) semen (with no spermatoza ie the same as whats produced by a man who has had a vecetaomy) should be produced

for your first watch sex in the city:p its called a testicular implant (similar i guess to breast implants)

for the second they dont, unfortunatly sexual organ transplants are illegal currently. Im not sure though about prostate transplants (now that would be an interesting one, must check that) because if you could transplant a prostate (funtionally) then there is no reason why a) the penis wouldnt respond naturally and b) semen (with no spermatoza ie the same as whats produced by a man who has had a vecetaomy) should be produced

Ok now I'm confused. If its illegal to change the sex organs how are they able to become men and women anatomically through surgery?

I must have missed that SITC episode.