8 yr old now living as girl

I don't know, alzheimers I think.:D Or some other kind of brain rot from spending too much time on this board contemplating boys wanting to be girls

sorry Enmos. I was trying to say you were innately crazy as opposed to anything your parents may or may not have done.;)
Her life was uprooted the moment he decided he was a she. I don't think that children would understand this situation easily, do you really believe that little boys at 8 are going to be 'kind' to a little boy dressed as a little girl? Do you think its fair for the child in question to be placed in a situation where he will suddenly be confronted with name calling and strange looks because everyone has known him as a boy for three years? Its distracting. A new school is not any more a disruption to a childs life than being in a situation where she would constatntly have to explain herself to people who knew the her as he.

Fair enough.

But the one in the OP is a male.

If anything, these transgender things only make people identify with their bodies even more. How can that be good?

No, she's a girl who had the bad luck to be born male.

I identify with my body very strongly. It's the means with which I represent myself to the world. It's the first thing someone notices about me. It better be accurate.
I don't know, alzheimers I think.:D Or some other kind of brain rot from spending too much time on this board contemplating boys wanting to be girls

sorry Enmos. I was trying to say you were innately crazy as opposed to anything your parents may or may not have done.;)

Nah it's alright. I thought you were comparing me to a testicle.. :eek:
You know seriously if you think about it, this must have been a real tough pill to swallow for the parents. I mean the most difficult problems you expect of your 8 year old boy is smearing their buggers or something or finger bowling their peas at the table and the next thing you know you have to buy hair clips and a tutu. These parents are way cool.
You know seriously if you think about it, this must have been a real tough pill to swallow for the parents. I mean the most difficult problems you expect of your 8 year old boy is smearing their buggers or something or finger bowling their peas at the table and the next thing you know you have to buy hair clips and a tutu. These parents are way cool.

But I still find it strange that a four year old is telling his parents that he wants to be a girl.
Do children that age have a reasonable understanding of the differences between the sexes ?
To an extent, they do. They know a girl has a vagina and a boy has a penis, and that when girls grow up they can get pregnant and give birth, where boys cannot.
But I still find it strange that a four year old is telling his parents that he wants to be a girl.
Do children that age have a reasonable understanding of the differences between the sexes ?

My niece is about that age and has a pretty good grasp on a lot of the differences, and although she's a rough little thing, she's all girl and likes her pretty hair and ponies, etc.
To an extent, they do. They know a girl has a vagina and a boy has a penis, and that when girls grow up they can get pregnant and give birth, where boys cannot.

My niece is about that age and has a pretty good grasp on a lot of the differences, and although she's a rough little thing, she's all girl and likes her pretty hair and ponies, etc.

Hmm ok.
Could the child just be gay ? (if that's a stupid question I'm truly sorry :D)
She might be gay. It's crossed her mom and dad's mind, which, no one cares. :)

I feel that there might be a danger of too much acceptance. It's still just an eight year old.
What if the kid ends up wanting a sex-change at 18 ?
He probably won't know what he's attracted to sexually until later. Boy becomes girl and likes girls, boy becomes girl and likes boys. I don't know maybe he'll be kind of gay no matter what s/he does.:p
I feel that there might be a danger of too much acceptance. It's still just an eight year old.
What if the kid ends up wanting a sex-change at 18 ?

Hm. Good question. I think this should probably be put off until just before puberty to be safe. Surgery is a big step.
Hm. Good question. I think this should probably be put off until just before puberty to be safe. Surgery is a big step.

Perhaps this will make me an asshole in some peoples eyes, but I think that the parents should have stimulated boyish behavior. I can't shake the feeling that they might have been too liberated in their parenting.
But what's wrong with him opting for surgery at 18? If he really is transgender then it would be good if he can be a full girl as soon as possible no? Why not?

Enmos how can you 'stimulate' boyish behaviour? No one needed to stimulate yours:D

Kind a just happened didn't it!
But what's wrong with him opting for surgery at 18? If he really is transgender then it would be good if he can be a full girl as soon as possible no? Why not?

What I meant was is that he might not really be a girl in a boys body, perhaps it's just some idea he got in his head (it's still an eight year old). Perhaps completely going along with it would be a mistake because it confirms his/her ideas.
Yes but all he's doing right now is exploring the other gender, surely this is ok. He isn't committing to something he cannot change if he so chooses. No one is stimulating him he's the one initiating all of this. He's the one who wants the change.
Heh. I have fully lost my ability for intelligent debate after Enmos' PM to me. Um.

I think if the child sticks with this for years, it's unlikely a phase.
Yes but all he's doing right now is exploring the other gender, surely this is ok. He isn't committing to something he cannot change if he so chooses. No one is stimulating him he's the one initiating all of this. He's the one who wants the change.

Hmm maybe.
I have the urge to say 'not yet', but I'll refrain :D
You're probably right though. These sort of things are just weird to me.