8 yr old now living as girl

So you think you know what the child's motivation is?

For all practical purposes, one person can not know the exact motivation of another person. Knowing someone's motivation is not the issue here.

What is your point?
Would the body be the mere outward expression of the soul. The soul being the real self.

I mean to Catholics.

To some, certaintly. AFAIK Christianity, they don't have a very clear definition of what a 'soul' is, and between the lines, it is sometimes possible to conclude that they think the soul has a specific sex/gender, skin and eye color and so on.

But as far as the article goes, this is not the reason the church gave for their refusal to accept requests of the child in question.
But you miss the point, the child does not identify with the body at all, that is the issue.

If the child does not identify with the body, then how can he 'feel trapped in it', wanting to be a girl?

If the child wouldn't identify with the body, then there would generally be no problem with what the body looks like or how it is dressed.
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Its the girl inside who feels trapped in a male body. Imagine a scenerio where you woke up tomorrow in the body of the opposite sex, you would be you but you would not be able to identify with the body, you would not suddenly identify nor feel like the opposite sex just because that is the body you're in.
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Its the girl inside who feels trapped in a male body.

You're saying that the self has gender? That the 'who you really are' is male or female?

Imagine a scenerio where you woke up tomorrow in the body of the opposite sex, you would be you but you would not be able to identify with the body, you would not suddenly identify nor feel like the opposite sex just because that is the body you're in.

If the child does not identify with the body, then how can he 'feel trapped in it', wanting to be a girl?

If the child wouldn't identify with the body, then there would generally be no problem with what the body looks like or how it is dressed.

You're missing the point. The child is unable to identify with the body that she has (male body) because her brain identifies her as being female. So she is unable to identify or accept a male body for herself because she is female.
You're missing the point. The child is unable to identify with the body that she has (male body) because her brain identifies her as being female. So she is unable to identify or accept a male body for herself because she is female.

At 8 years old ? Might she be influenced or supported in thinking that ?
Environmental pressure to act like a girl perhaps ? HE is a middle child, what sex are the other two kids ?
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At 8 years old ? Might she be influenced or supported in thinking that ?
Environmental pressure to act like a girl perhaps ? HE is a middle child, what sex are the other two kids ?

So how often have you heard of little boys wanting to be girls because they have sisters?
So how often have you heard of little boys wanting to be girls because they have sisters?

Maybe at 2 but never by 8. 8 year old boys seem to love being boys. They think girls are gross and create "No Girls Allowed" clubs (and then the girls go beat them up because the girls are bigger and stronger :D) The last thing any normal 8 year old boy is thinking is how to become a girl. If your child is 8,9, or 10 (16,18, 23) and still wants to be the opposite sex, it might be time to stop brushing their feelings aside as childish nonsense. And get to the heart of the matter.
So how often have you heard of little boys wanting to be girls because they have sisters?
But what if the parents endorse it ?
Or insinuate that girls are better than boys, punish him for boyish behavior, or whatever. I think young children would be very sensitive to such social pressure.
Maybe at 2 but never by 8. 8 year old boys seem to love being boys. They think girls are gross and create "No Girls Allowed" clubs (and then the girls go beat them up because the girls are bigger and stronger :D) The last thing any normal 8 year old boy is thinking is how to become a girl. If your child is 8,9, or 10 (16,18, 23) and still wants to be the opposite sex, it might be time to stop brushing their feelings aside as childish nonsense. And get to the heart of the matter.

Yes, but he apparently said that he wanted to be a girl since age 4 (!)
Cases like these very strongly imply that the brain has gender from early in our development. And screw the haters.

Not in everyone. People are on a continuum there. Some people identify very strongly with their own gender from early on. Others aren't sure. I know I was one of the latter. I only got comfortable with the idea of being a female in my late teens. I recoiled at femaleness earlier in my life. The idea that my lean, wiry, functional body of pre-adolescence had been permanently taken away from me and replaced with what was basically an incubator, just made me horribly angry. I hated that I suddenly had boobs; as far as I could see they were just for feeding babies. I wanted them cut off, since by my reasoning then, they reduced me to just something for making babies with. I hated that my body was soft and relatively weak. I envied males my age for their thick skeleton and powerful muscles. I eventually decided about 17 that being female didn't necessarily equal being just a waterbag for incubating babies inside...

I didn't want to be a male either, though. I guess I associated being female with being weak, a victim, and just wanted to be an uber strong mutant version of a normal female....Go figure.
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gee what utter nonsense...he should be hypnotically induced to act like a boy as proper.

yah because we all know your position on woman draqon. Remember that thread of your something about how to "break" a woman? Or control a woman?

I am speechless.
But what if the parents endorse it ?
Or insinuate that girls are better than boys, punish him for boyish behavior, or whatever. I think young children would be very sensitive to such social pressure.

Then why did the parents take him to a therapist when he continued speaking of being a girl? :rolleyes: