Your time upon this earth is ending...

The miracles were the proof to people back then that he was of God. Not everyone believed right away that he was God's son.
Well, in the case of the loaves and fishes, he actually just fed hundreds of people who had only enough food for a few. ahe healed people of Leprosy, So they really believed. Of course a demon could probably do these too. They also saw him walk on water and cast out demons.

In the case of one healing he healed a man blind from birth. A demon could not do this, only a creator. The miracle was attested by all. Such a thing couldnt be faked back then, because in those small towns everyone knew the local blindman.
So, how do we know that the apostles weren't just making this up to make their leader seem much more than he really was? A power play?
Well, you could read any account of history written by the conquerors and say, make their leader seem more than he was, for their own sake.

The Apostles did not do this. They were spat upon by their own relatives, exiled by their homeland, and everyone thought that their Jesus was a heretic-freak.

Also, the Apostles did not try to make themselves look good in their accounts. They ran away, and then they didnt believe that he resurrected, they fought with each other, and in every way acted poorly as christians do today.
Well, I suppose its negative. The positive side is that He fulfilled the old testament prophesies in a startling way.
But what did he gain from being a politician and con artist? Not riches, for sure.
He taught controversial things that made him famous, and got him in trouble.
No honour from the established priests and kings.
No, he was crucified, treated like a common criminal.
No thats not the cause of him being God's Son,
but a result of Him being God. What else would you expect of humanity?
I mean, just look at us, look at the human condition.
Look at the world, the Horror. The evil in Men's hearts.
If God came down to us and tried to lift us up with new insights and teachings, OF COURSE WE WOULD CRUCIFY HIM.

i must sleep, good man....
superluminal said:

You have made some statements here that I suspect you think are facts.

Will you tell me that if I open my heart and mind, and ask, truly ask, for the inspiration of which you speak, that I will receive it?


Yes, I will tell you that. That's exactly what's happened to me, and that's what it says in scripture.
(Q) said:
Lawdog did not get that sentiment from Jesus.

Oh, but he did! And he would most likely call you a blasphemous liar to your face for even suggesting such a thing. And he will just as fervently state that it is in fact YOU who did not get any sentiment from Jesus.

One thing for sure is that one of you is going to hell - I wonder which?

lawdog appears more pious with his convictions than you. I think he is right and you are wrong.

By all means, whatever rationalizes the lies that you want to believe...
Yes, I will tell you that. That's exactly what's happened to me, and that's what it says in scripture.

Well Lori,

I went through quite the phase in my early-mid twenties. Let's just say I have asked, and came away with nothing. I was an atheist, questioned my atheism, and have been a proud atheist ever since.

So where does this leave one in the eyes of your god?

Well, in the case of the loaves and fishes, he actually just fed hundreds of people who had only enough food for a few. ahe healed people of Leprosy, So they really believed. Of course a demon could probably do these too. They also saw him walk on water and cast out demons.

In the case of one healing he healed a man blind from birth. A demon could not do this, only a creator. The miracle was attested by all. Such a thing couldnt be faked back then, because in those small towns everyone knew the local blindman.

But these are all myths - when in comes down to facts and historical evidence we can't even determine whether a Jesus ever existed let alone what he might have done.

I fully realize that you have been conditioned to believe otherwise but I challenge you to produce a single shred of independent verifiable evidence that shows that Your Jesus ever existed. You won't be able to though, many have been trying for a long time and have failed. So where does that leave Christianity? It is just an interesting collecting of fairy stories. However, the idea that we should all be nice to each other is probably worth salvaging from the other superstitious gibberish.
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After reading the above conversation, I figured that you must be a kid...and was relieved by that assumption quite a bit, and actually felt kinda bad for calling you a fucking moron. So I decided to look at your profile to see how old you are, and saw that you are my age. I'm once again horrified. Drat.

And by the way, you fucking moron, what Jesus meant by "entering the kingdom like children", was a humble perspective, and in relation to Him, seeking to learn everything from Him as a child looks to a Father. He didn't mean immature and uneducated.

When you're born again, you do feel like a child, no matter how old you are. Because it's like you learn how to live all over again with a brand new perception and perspective. Knowing God and interacting with Him your changes everything.
superluminal said:
Well Lori,

I went through quite the phase in my early-mid twenties. Let's just say I have asked, and came away with nothing. I was an atheist, questioned my atheism, and have been a proud atheist ever since.

So where does this leave one in the eyes of your god?


Be humble and open to the truth no matter what it is. Be sincere and don't be afraid. You have to sincerely want it, and if there's one thing I know from experience is that God is not on your schedule. You can't anticipate Him or what He has for you...I find it entirely impossible. But rest assured that He is God and is perfect and all knowing...and that everything happens for a reason. So if you're still alive, then He's apparently not done with you yet. And He knows the perfect way to present Himself to you, that is, if you're not done with Him yet. It's definitely up to you...He's all about what you want. I find waiting on God to be excruciating at times, but I also see (in hindsight mostly) that it is entirely necessary, and ultimately, freakishly rewarding.
I have read superluminal's posts, before, so feel, I know a little of his train of thought.
but you, what are you on, are you an addict, of something.
the man tells you he's a proud clear thinking atheist, and you proceed to tell him he needs to be delusional to find god. how fucking stupid can you be.
Lori_7 said:
superluminal said:
Well Lori,

I went through quite the phase in my early-mid twenties. Let's just say I have asked, and came away with nothing. I was an atheist, questioned my atheism, and have been a proud atheist ever since.

So where does this leave one in the eyes of your god?
well duh of course, (with or without a deity)
Lori_7 said:
Be humble and open to the truth no matter what it is. Be sincere and don't be afraid.
which all atheist are, more so then any christian.
Lori_7 said:
You have to sincerely want it,
no you have to be off your head.
Lori_7 said:
and if there's one thing I know from experience
this is impossible, it is only in your mind, therefore cannot be objectively experienced.
Lori_7 said:
is that God is not on your schedule. You can't anticipate Him or what He has for you...I find it entirely impossible. But rest assured that He is God and is perfect and all knowing...
of course he's not he's in your mind not superliminal's
Lori_7 said:
It's definitely up to you
if you believe in a fantasy figure, how can it be up to you, your not in control of you mind, you've given it up to a fantasy.
(Q) said:
whoever doesn't follow Their religions goes to hell!

Then YOU will go to hell since you do not follow their religions. Are you prepared for an eternity of fiery damnation, in which demons with sharp little teeth knaw at the soft dangly parts of your netheregions?

Truly I tell you, I believe in all religions, so I will not go to hell. All religions have truth in them: Christianity, Islam and Hinduism... but there is also things in them which are not true, naturally, since they are written by people (and God "inspired" them) Atheists call me a theist and theists call me an atheist, but only I know who I am.
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I believe in all religions, so I will not go to hell.
Hoping that a belief in many fantasies will prevent you going to a fantasy realm – hmm, a fascinating and peculiar mind you have.

All religions have truth in them:
Name at least a single truth derived from any religion.

but there is also things in them which are not true, naturally, since they are written by people (and God "inspired" them)
What I read from that is that religions contain God inspired untruths – hmm, fascinating.

Atheists call me a theist and theists call me an atheist, but only I know who I am.
I believe that is called paranoia.