Your time upon this earth is ending...

Yorda said:
otherwise they couldn't spread so far, to islands and so on
Seeds float and drift in the wind. Fish swim, birds fly, animals walk.

This is how life came into being: water > wind > earth > fire (sun)

The balance of these 4 elements raised the fifth element
Did you just finish your degree in advanced alchemy or something? :bugeye:


"Moutains of evidence supporting evolution"????? You gotta be kidding me!!
Ha! ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!!!!!!

Where has the Fossil Record got you? What has Radiocarbon Dating got you?

Adaptive Radiation?!! The Fossil Record just don't support it!! Hello !! Is there any mature person out there? Is there anyone out there who can for once use his/her own Power of Reasoning?

I fear that you guys have become so caught up in your Evolutionary Idealogies that you are thinking as the Baboons that you 'originate' from!!

Anyone for bananas?? I've got a lot here - hoo! hoo! hee!hee!

Surely you should have realized by now that there a conspiracy against Christianity?

No offence but you are really a nobody when it comes Science. Perhaps more investigation on your part would reveal what the Who's Who of Science have been doing for over a Century now. This is the reason why I cannot help you, I need you to think for yourself!!

Stop telling me things I already know and have sensibly rejected because the Evidence has no Material or Mathematical Form.

...thinking as the Baboons that you 'originate' from...

Ok that's it.

Listen up all creationist/ID theists reading this. YOU ARE STUPID. By the technical and commonly held definition, you are STUPID.

Humans originate from Baboons? So, tell me Jadon, why would you make such a STUPID statement unless you were, in fact, STUPID?

I almost don't want to explain that species don't "originate" directly from other species. There is a common ancestor and new sprcies "branch" from that lineage. Our closest relative - the chimp - and us shared a common ancestor some 7 million years ago who was neither human OR chimp. Something (most likely a natural event) geographically isolated a group of our common ancestors (into two or more groups) and they evolved diffefently due to different environmental stresses.

I feel degraded having to explain fundamental evolutionary thought to someone so willfully STUPID.

I'm truly sorry for having offended you!

But tell me, that word you like to use so much - STUPID - is it part of your Babooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon Vocabulary?

How Sophisticated!!! Hmmm..

Or perhaps I should have said 'Chimp'.

Here Chimp, sit down, no - sit down!! Stop playing with yourself - I said sit down and behave!!


Perhaps I should speed up your evolutionary process, maybe you might come out like - guess who MR EVOLUTIONIST himself - Superluminal.
No, dimwit. Not chimp either. Wipe the drool off your face and pay attention. We shared a common ancestor 7M+ years ago and both diverged on our own paths. Come up with a name for the common ancestor if you're going to call me something.

"What sort of Man is this, whom even the winds and the seas obey?"

The day of thy reckoning is at hand. You WILL die the death:
Listen to the mourning song of thy relatives, thy spouse, or child:

Alas, my beloved, where art thou now? Only thy shell remains visible.
To what nether region hath thy ghost been ushered? Whither hast
thou fled and abandoned us?

Look what is writ on thy Tombstone:
"Here lay a proud disciple of Science who valiently refused
to worship the God of his ancestors. His beloved Science saved him
not from the final day, but while he lived he knew a few pleasures."

In the blink of an eye ye shall be swept up into thy Judgement.
Prepare thyselves to meet Him of the Holy of Holies,
The One who Exists, ALPHA and OMEGA
The Immense Glory of inutterable Majesty
He of the Ancientmost Uncreated Power,
Ye shall see thy entire life spread out before thee and ye shall
be intimate with newly found remorse:


This Judgement is much more to be dreaded by the unrepentant
than anything known in the universe.

Even the Devils believe...and they tremble!

Now the coldness of eternal death puts out
the last embers of the flame of love in my heart,
the joy of my youth and childhood.
Farewell holy God once beloved,
I could have loved thee but chose not,
I was made for you and thy eternal joys
I chose to betray thy Truth for short pleasures.

Please, consign me to the outer darkness for all time to
dwell in constant horror with the Devil and his Apostate Angels,
for thy mercy I rejected in life, and now in death thy justice I require!!

Do not think that you will escape the chamber of final truth-saying.
Repent of evil doctrines and learn sacred truths.
Render sorrow of thy sin to thy God and forgive one another.
this very day you can begin to change and come over to Him. Bend thy knee
now in joy, not later in tears...FOR Every knee in Heaven and Earth and beneath the Earth shall bend...

Lawdog said:
nice try, Medicine Woman.
You are an ex-Catholic, an Apostate from Truth and disciple of Judas.
You knew the Church was founded by God and you chose to follow your own way instead, for some lesser advantage.

You teach dark and sinister doctrines like your father the Devil.
You have been decieved by the powers of Hell, false heresiarchs, and feminism, gnoticism, historicism/rationalism and modernist philosophy.

I cannot communicate with you after this.

You are cut off from the Living Blood of Christ, you will be cast into the Outer Darkness, there to dwell with the Devil and his evil angels for all eternity.
Go to confession, Repent. God forgives any sin.
Are you for real?

I swear I haven't laughed so hard in a long time before I read this post of yours! Do you actually walk around and tell people in real life that they "teach dark and sinister doctrines like their father the Devil"? In all seriousness... do you?

Good grief!

You knew the Church was founded by God and you chose to follow your own way instead, for some lesser advantage.

No, the Church was founded by man who believed in God. Do you even know the history of Catholicism? The man who first founded the Catholic Church was in fact a Jew who simply decided to form his own cult based on his own beliefs. So in a way, that man chose to follow his own path for some lesser advantage to himself... after all, he was killed for it.

You teach dark and sinister doctrines like your father the Devil.

Ignorant peon! What right do you have to say that to any person? And you dare call yourself a Christian? Who are YOU to judge any person for their beliefs or lack thereof? You dare blame Lori for judging others who don't believe as she does but you go on like some freakish harpy telling people that they are the devil's spawn?

You have been decieved by the powers of Hell, false heresiarchs, and feminism, gnoticism, historicism/rationalism and modernist philosophy.

So therefore all men and women who live in the modern times and can read and form their own opinions have been deceived? Tell me, you don't think that women should have rights?

I cannot communicate with you after this.

You are cut off from the Living Blood of Christ, you will be cast into the Outer Darkness, there to dwell with the Devil and his evil angels for all eternity.

Who are you to cut her off? Who are YOU to cast her or anyone else for that matter into hell? Who are YOU to judge anyone? Again, are you God? Or put simply are you a mere mortal who has not removed his bible from his backside for the last 10 years?

i'm not being purposely judgemental, just a little angry, and you have heard God's warning.
So you're not being judgemental on purpose? Are you sure about that? And again, who are you to tell her or any one else that they have heard God's warning. Because from where I'm sitting, you're the only one spouting the warnings and last I checked, you are not God. It's people like you who make many people run from any religion or church. It's people like you who make me embrace agnosticism even more gleefully.

Are so certain that your ideas are not wrong? Reveal why you left the Church.
And are you so certain that your ideas are not wrong? Why should she or anyone else reveal why they left the Church? It's something that is personal to every individual. Do you want her to reveal so that you can get back on your high horse and be the judgemental prat you've been so far? Does it make you feel better to rant and rave like some lunatic as you judge others for what you perceive to be a sin?

Masturbation yes is a sin. i know, its hard to quit if youve grown up being told that its natural, (modernist brainwashing).

It can cause addiction to sex, even lead to homosexuality. Do everything you can to stay away from Porn. That will destroy your soul.
Not that you haven't been brainwashed by your Church at all. I just love it when the ignorant claim to know so much about things they clearly have no idea about. So do you smack a small baby who is exploring his/her own body as all babies do since babies are known to explore their own bodies even while in the womb? Or do you start praying over it because it could be masturbating? Masturbating is not learned behaviour doggy. It is quite natural.

You just have to keep trying to overcome your natural impulses. It could take years and years. perhaps its easier to just go get married, but that doesnt take away the problem. it doesnt always work either, since you should love the person you marry.
So what did you do? Turn to castration and a frontal lobotomy?

If youre a pagan thats reading this, please spare us the sick comments. thanks
I don't think pagans need to provide any sick comments. You're doing well on providing sick comments all of your very own.

Marriage: Caution, 50% chance of project failure.
sex-addicted society impact may give rise to difficulty.
Money-back guarantee not included.
Sexual Satisfaction not guaranteed.
May include a variety of side-effects including dysfunctions and mental trauma.
U.S. made female product-reliability not assured.
Not recommended without help from a Church.
You are a twisted little individual aren't you? Not only are you twisted but also a chauvinist to boot. You sure are a catch to all the brainless women out there.

If you're an example of what happens when you do fall into the hands of the living God, I think I'll pass.

I am sorry to tell you that you and I did not have the same ancestor 7 million years ago. Where do you get off thinking so highly of yourself so that you can sit there and tell me that seven million years ago today our ancestor was a baboon (why couldnt you say the word?)

You are just a dot in this amazing universe that The Creator has allowed you to live in, and will remove you once your time on this planet is finished. As for me, I have the Promise of Everlasting Life (It is more real to me then the 7M theory is to you), and I still extend my hand to you - Come!! Join Me!!
Jadon said:
As for me, I have the Promise of Everlasting Life (It is more real to me then the 7M theory is to you), and I still extend my hand to you - Come!! Join Me!!
Run Super! Run!!!

If Lawdog does not reply to your message, then I will:

I am a Christian, more qualified spiritually then you, more true to the Scriptures then you, and you want to know why I am sure?

It is because I live The Scriptures.!!!

I don't know about you, but my guess is that you just one of those emptyheaded vessels that do not know what they are Saying.

...tell me that seven million years ago today our ancestor was a baboon (why couldnt you say the word?)

Oh shit you are stupid. Take your extended hand and give yourself a rectal exam. :D

P.S. I don't think you are for real. I think you are an atheist posing as a christian zealot and screwing with our heads. Who are you? Really? You're good...

You are just like the devil, always causing Mischief.

Is there not a time for everything?

So it shall be for you - make as much mischief as you can, but remember, Your Time For Mischief Will End - Jadon.

Getting Confused????!!

Philosophy and Truth cannot mix. As a Christian, I am telling you The Truth. You are coming up with Philosophy.

When the two meet, The Truth will prevail, and Philosophy will be revealed for what it really is - words of men. Might I go abit further and state that for your case - the words of a baboon.

Happy bananas!! :)
Jadon said:

If Lawdog does not reply to your message, then I will:

I am a Christian, more qualified spiritually then you, more true to the Scriptures then you, and you want to know why I am sure?

It is because I live The Scriptures.!!!

I don't know about you, but my guess is that you just one of those emptyheaded vessels that do not know what they are Saying.
So living "The Scriptures" gives you the right to judge others and banish them to hell? Last I checked, that job was left to God was it not? Or do you now consider yourself above even your own God that you can take over for him on this earth because you assume that you live the scriptures?