Your time upon this earth is ending...

Cris said:
Hoping that a belief in many fantasies will prevent you going to a fantasy realm – hmm, a fascinating and peculiar mind you have.

Do you really hope that? How nice you are :) Anyway, I don't just believe in all religions, I also believe in atheism!

Name at least a single truth derived from any religion.

One thing was when Jesus said something like: "Love others as yourself." It was also true when Moses crossed the Red sea and when someone else crossed the Jordan river. It is true in the Quran when they said that God has sent messengers all over the world. It is true in the Vedantas when they said that bakteria causes many diseases especially if we breath through our mouth. Well... most of the things in religions are true if I think about them for a while, so I don't want to mention them all, since it would take much space and time.

What I read from that is that religions contain God inspired untruths – hmm, fascinating.

I also used to think that everything in religions were ridiculous. Then I learned more about myself and realized that religion is different from science and that you have to think differently when you read about religions.

I believe that is called paranoia.

Thank you for informing me about your belief, but I don't know exactly what that word means.
Cris said:

But these are all myths - when in comes down to facts and historical evidence we can't even determine whether a Jesus ever existed let alone what he might have done..
They are not myths. They have no resemblence to Greek Myth or any other myths. No one in the ancient world considered them myths, like they did the fables of Egyptians, Persians, or Greeks.

At best your only argument could be that they were fabrications...

...and then you have to explain why so many cultures adopted the faith so quickly after Christ died, after all, its much easier to remain pagan and have your delightful myth-tellings and feasts and sex orgies. Becoming christian is easy, staying christian is extremely vexing and difficult.
Cris said:
I fully realize that you have been conditioned to believe otherwise but I challenge you to produce a single shred of independent verifiable evidence that shows that Your Jesus ever existed.
I'm not going to bother and do that, because even if I showed you Christ himself and He demonstrated miracles before your eyes, like the Pharasees you would still not believe. It would be useless, afterall, Christ is not going to grant you the power of Faith if you demand proof, that's the opposite of faith.
Lori, I shouldnt bother replying to you because you treat other christians with contempt, claiming to be your own Church and taking the rightful place of God.

I abjure you to cease from your falsehoods and relinquish your false sense of religious freedom. You rage like an untrained beast, giving no heed to true doctrine.

You talk humility but you will not accept the ancientmost teachings of the HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH, and not even the derivitive teachings of any other traditional BIBLE-christians, but you make yourself your own arbiter of what doctrines suit you, giving proof of St. Paul's words "they follow whatever doctrines their itching ears wish to hear'

You have yourself up as judge of me and judge of God's Church. Shame! This will be one only of but few of message to you. Stop hindering my work here.

Oh, so I dont swear like you and use the F word, I use simple argumentation, and stories like the Savior did, that makes me a kid?
Lori_7 said:
And by the way, you fucking moron, what Jesus meant by "entering the kingdom like children", was a humble perspective, and in relation to Him, seeking to learn everything from Him as a child looks to a Father. He didn't mean immature and uneducated.
We are all immature and uneducated in comparison to Him. My doctrines are drawn from the Church fathers. Do you claim to be wiser than they?
Lori_7 said:
When you're born again, you do feel like a child, no matter how old you are. Because it's like you learn how to live all over again with a brand new perception and perspective. Knowing God and interacting with Him your changes everything
Yeha, and then you create your own bogus theology and do whatever you want,
claiming to be the Church itself, rationalizing your behavior.
That is not christianity.

You MUST, if you wish to be considered christian,
submit to a higher human authority than yourself and
your own version of God, (an idol fashioned from scripture quotes),
one appointed by God, as St Paul says,

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Mutation cannot be traced through several species. There is just no evidence!

Scientifically speaking, it is just a Theory, which is why I said earlier, if you have some background in Statistics, apply that, and find out what the chances are that what you are saying can be remotely true.

These same mathematical rules can be used to test the Accuracy of the Scriptures - which is why I said that it will be found to be 99.99% Accurate.

Works have already been done on the above statement, but it is unclear why the Scientific World is Extremely Hesitant on revealing the Facts and apllying the Law of Fairness in Science which says that if the Findings lean towards a certain Conclusion then that Conclusion must be Supported!!

Obviously, the Tests must be done by as many Independant Peoples as possible.
Lapdog: They are not myths. They have no resemblence to Greek Myth or any other myths. No one in the ancient world considered them myths, like they did the fables of Egyptians, Persians, or Greeks.
M*W: All religions are myths. One descended from the other. The first religious myth was sun and element worship. From there, all other religions evolved.
Lapdog: At best your only argument could be that they were fabrications...
M*W: Myths... fabrications... outright lies... whatever people felt the need to believe at the time.
Lapdog: ...and then you have to explain why so many cultures adopted the faith so quickly after Christ died,
M*W: It's called "fear." More specifically, "fear of the unknown."
Lapdog: after all, its much easier to remain pagan and have your delightful myth-tellings and feasts and sex orgies.
M*W: Are you saying that there are only two pathways to religion? Pagan or Christian? You need to do some research on the ancient Essenes. I just answered a reply to Jadon, I believe, explaining some of the sexual ritual customs of the group Jesus belonged to. You might want to check out those web sites I referenced. You are arguing from a place of ignorance.
Lapdog: Becoming christian is easy, staying christian is extremely vexing and difficult.

M*W: I didn't find that being Roman Catholic was difficult. I quite enjoyed the ritualism and the empowerment I felt. It gave me the purpose of traveling to holy shrines all over the world. Glad I went -- but I won't go back!
Lapdog: I'm not going to bother and do that, because even if I showed you Christ himself and He demonstrated miracles before your eyes, like the Pharasees you would still not believe.
M*W: I guess you could say that I've seen miracles before my own eyes, but I still would not believe Jesus had anything to do with them. Well, I would find it rather impossible, because I know that Jesus never existed as a dying demigod savior.
Lapdog: It would be useless, afterall, Christ is not going to grant you the power of Faith if you demand proof, that's the opposite of faith.
M*W: The opposite of 'faith' is 'truth.' I've found 'truth.' You're still 'hoping.'
nice try, Medicine Woman.
You are an ex-Catholic, an Apostate from Truth and disciple of Judas.
You knew the Church was founded by God and you chose to follow your own way instead, for some lesser advantage.

You teach dark and sinister doctrines like your father the Devil.
You have been decieved by the powers of Hell, false heresiarchs, and feminism, gnoticism, historicism/rationalism and modernist philosophy.

I cannot communicate with you after this.

You are cut off from the Living Blood of Christ, you will be cast into the Outer Darkness, there to dwell with the Devil and his evil angels for all eternity.
Go to confession, Repent. God forgives any sin.
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Quantum Quack (or Wacko) and (Q),

Are they the same person?,

Firstly, when I said that "ladies melt like butter in my hands," and "it's hard being a Christian", I did not mean to say it in a sexually impure way.

I was implying that I don't masturbate, I just don't (it's Unchristian) - Superluminal was referring to me as a teenager and I think to him, teenager means Masturbator - , and I was trying to say that if I wanted to, I could be invoved in a Sexual Relationship with any Woman I want, but I will not because, my Christian Principles within me, tell me that it is a Sin to have sexual relations outside the bounds of Marriage (Adulter) or when still Single (Fornication).

Part of the Lesson of The Light, is that we do let our Urges be no different from that of Animals (Every which way but goes)

As a Christian it is a Daily Battle to fight against the Urges of the Flesh - we are Human Beings after all!!!

can I make a correction to my previous statement?

It is supposed to read - "... that we do NOT make our urges be no different from that of Animals (every which way but goes).
Lapdog: Stop hindering my work here.
M*W: What kind of work do you think you are doing here? I don't recall seeing any job postings.
Lawdog said:
No one in the ancient world considered them myths, like they did the fables of Egyptians, Persians, or Greeks.

They are not fables. But because of you are so proud of yourself (and your Christian beliefs) you consider all other religions wrong without even thinking about them!

My doctrines are drawn from the Church fathers. Do you claim to be wiser than they?

Do you think their "wisdom" (which is nothing but an alternate perspective) comes even close to the wisdom of God? No one can have anything unless God gives it. No one IS anything unless God makes you something. So none of us are wise.

That is not christianity.

Correction: It is not YOUR Christianity (belief, religion).

Yeha, and then you create your own bogus theology and do whatever you want,
claiming to be the Church itself, rationalizing your behavior.

Your own beliefs are also created by yourself (or at least by some humans)
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Lapdog: nice try, Medicine Woman. You are an ex-Catholic, an Apostate from Truth and disciple of Judas.
M*W: Your take on catholicism sounds more like protestant fundamentalism. I'm proud to be an ex-catholic. I've been saved from catholicism, xianity, and religion in general. I'm a disciple of myself -- not Judas, who may or may not have been an historical character. I suggest you do some reading about Judas and who he was supposed to be in relation to Jesus. I suggest Laurence Gardner's book, Bloodline of the Holy Grail: The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed.
Lapdog: You knew the Church was founded by God and you chose to follow your own way instead, for some lesser advantage.
M*W: The RCC wasn't founded by God. In fact, when the RCC was founded by the early church fathers near 400 AD, Jesus had not yet been declared as being divine! I understand where you learned about this, because I learned the same lies, but they couldn't fool me forever.
Lapdog: You teach dark and sinister doctrines like your father the Devil. You have been decieved by the powers of Hell, false heresiarchs, and feminism, gnoticism, historicism/rationalism and modernist philosophy.
M*W: The history of the RCC is dark and sinister. In fact, it is the home of the Devil and you live in his dominion. It was right there in St. Peter's where I discovered the church's propagation of lies.
Lapdog: I cannot communicate with you after this.
M*W: Then get the hell of this forum if you think you're too good to communicate with the rest of us. There is no one here who desires to be converted to xianity. For the most part, this is an atheistic/scientific forum where the members don't believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny or your fantasy God.
Lapdog: You are cut off from the Living Blood of Christ, you will be cast into the Outer Darkness, there to dwell with the Devil and his evil angels for all eternity. Go to confession, Repent. God forgives any sin.
M*W: I don't want anyone's blood on my hands, least not some ancient mythological character who breeds fear. Neither do I feel concerned about eternity. The time I've spent on this Earth has been plenty. If your God forgives sin, can he forgive you for being judgmental? You're an ignorant representative of xianity.
Lapdog: nice try, Medicine Woman. You are an ex-Catholic, an Apostate from Truth and disciple of Judas.
M*W: Your take on catholicism sounds more like protestant fundamentalism. I'm proud to be an ex-catholic. I've been saved from catholicism, xianity, and religion in general. I'm a disciple of myself -- not Judas, who may or may not have been an historical character. I suggest you do some reading about Judas and who he was supposed to be in relation to Jesus. I suggest Laurence Gardner's book, Bloodline of the Holy Grail: The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed.
Lapdog: You knew the Church was founded by God and you chose to follow your own way instead, for some lesser advantage.
M*W: The RCC wasn't founded by God. In fact, when the RCC was founded by the early church fathers near 400 AD, Jesus had not yet been declared as being divine! I understand where you learned about this, because I learned the same lies, but they couldn't fool me forever.
Lapdog: You teach dark and sinister doctrines like your father the Devil. You have been decieved by the powers of Hell, false heresiarchs, and feminism, gnoticism, historicism/rationalism and modernist philosophy.
M*W: The history of the RCC is dark and sinister. In fact, it is the home of the Devil and you live in his dominion. It was right there in St. Peter's where I discovered the church's propagation of lies.
Lapdog: I cannot communicate with you after this.
M*W: Then get the hell of this forum if you think you're too good to communicate with the rest of us. There is no one here who desires to be converted to xianity. For the most part, this is an atheistic/scientific forum where the members don't believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny or your fantasy God.
Lapdog: You are cut off from the Living Blood of Christ, you will be cast into the Outer Darkness, there to dwell with the Devil and his evil angels for all eternity. Go to confession, Repent. God forgives any sin.
M*W: I don't want anyone's blood on my hands, least not some ancient mythological character who breeds fear. Neither do I feel concerned about eternity. The time I've spent on this Earth has been plenty. If your God forgives sin, can he forgive you for being judgmental? You're an ignorant representative of xianity.
I enjoyed your post.

i'm not being purposely judgemental, just a little angry, and you have heard God's warning.

Are so certain that your ideas are not wrong? Reveal why you left the Church.
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Mutation cannot be traced through several species. There is just no evidence!


I will not tolerate such stupidity. What makes a new species? Adaptive mutations. Closely related species share most of their DNA sequences and differences in genes (say that code for pigmentation) can be pinpointed and studied.

Please, if you are going to post against an accepted scientific theory (oh, and look up the definition of a theory) then post some links to support it.

I was implying that I don't masturbate, I just don't (it's Unchristian) - Superluminal was referring to me as a teenager and I think to him, teenager means Masturbator - , and I was trying to say that if I wanted to, I could be invoved in a Sexual Relationship with any Woman I want, but I will not because, my Christian Principles within me, tell me that it is a Sin to have sexual relations outside the bounds of Marriage (Adulter) or when still Single (Fornication).

If you are a male, then you are lying.

And what kind of statement is that (in red)???

Could you please point out where in the bible it says masturbation is a sin?
Masturbation yes is a sin. i know, its hard to quit if youve grown up being told that its natural, (modernist brainwashing).

It can cause addiction to sex, even lead to homosexuality. Do everything you can to stay away from Porn. That will destroy your soul.

You just have to keep trying to overcome your natural impulses. It could take years and years. perhaps its easier to just go get married, but that doesnt take away the problem. it doesnt always work either, since you should love the person you marry.

If youre a pagan thats reading this, please spare us the sick comments. thanks

Marriage: Caution, 50% chance of project failure.
sex-addicted society impact may give rise to difficulty.
Money-back guarantee not included.
Sexual Satisfaction not guaranteed.
May include a variety of side-effects including dysfunctions and mental trauma.
U.S. made female product-reliability not assured.
Not recommended without help from a Church.
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Jadon said:
Mutation cannot be traced through several species. There is just no evidence!
Yes, they can. For instance, the Homeobox sequence:

In fact there's an entire science dedicated to the study of it. It's called Evolutionary Developmental Biology (Evo-devo, for short):

In short, you're quite wrong.

Scientifically speaking, it is just a Theory
That you use this phrase strongly implies that you do not understand the scientific method and that you do no know what a scientific theory is. A scientific theory is an explanation that fits all the available facts and is contradicted by none. Evolution meets these criteria. It is supported by mountains of evidence without a single contradictory piece of evidence.

which is why I said earlier, if you have some background in Statistics, apply that, and find out what the chances are that what you are saying can be remotely true.
I understand statistics quite well thank you. Hypothetical odds can't hold a candle to a single hard fact.

These same mathematical rules can be used to test the Accuracy of the Scriptures - which is why I said that it will be found to be 99.99% Accurate.
Show me then. Demonstrate the accuracy of the Bible without the fudge factor of selective interpretation.

Works have already been done on the above statement, but it is unclear why the Scientific World is Extremely Hesitant on revealing the Facts and apllying the Law of Fairness in Science which says that if the Findings lean towards a certain Conclusion then that Conclusion must be Supported!!
What the heck are you talking about?

Obviously, the Tests must be done by as many Independant Peoples as possible.
At this point I have no idea what you are referring to. Tests on what?

superluminal said:
Closely related species share most of their DNA sequences and differences in genes (say that code for pigmentation) can be pinpointed and studied.

Just because they share DNA and genes doesn't mean that they somehow evolved from each other. How did trees evolve? Did one single tree grow somewhere and then all the other trees came from it? No, trees grew everywhere around the earth, otherwise they couldn't spread so far, to islands and so on. This is also how "living creatures" came into being. Countless organisms were born in countless places on earth, and they were formed according to circumstances (environment)

This is how life came into being: water > wind > earth > fire (sun)

The balance of these 4 elements raised the fifth element
Lawdog said:
Masturbation yes is a sin. i know, its hard to quit if youve grown up being told that its natural, (modernist brainwashing).
as opposed to religious brainwashing, stop taking the drugs.
Lawdog said:
It can cause addiction to sex, even lead to homosexuality. Do everything you can to stay away from Porn. That will destroy your soul.
again, and hopefully you'll take note stop taking the drugs.
Lawdog said:
You just have to keep trying to overcome your natural impulses.
now why would any normal red blooded person want to stop the natural instincts, stop taking the drugs.
Lawdog said:
It could take years and years. perhaps its easier to just go get married,
or live together
Lawdog said:
but that doesnt take away the problem. it doesnt always work either, since you should love the person you marry.
it would deftly stupid to marry someone you hate now would'nt it.
Lawdog said:
If youre a pagan thats reading this, please spare us the sick comments. thanks
not pagan, ok.
lawdog said:
Marriage: Caution, 50% chance of project failure. sex-addicted society impact may give rise to difficulty. Money-back guarantee not included. Sexual Satisfaction not guaranteed. May include a variety of side-effects including dysfunctions and mental trauma. U.S. made female product-reliability not assured. Not recommended without help from a Church.
wow, I never new that the church can cure VD.
what about delusion, can you cure that, I dont think so.
and please refrain from the drugs and booze.