Your time upon this earth is ending...

Someone who calls themselves a christian, yet wouldn't know Christ if He were standing right in front of them...out here turning people off to Jesus.

And so I asked, would that person be you? Why or why not?

Do you ever wonder why there are so many interpretations of the bible? Resulting in uncounted different "sects" and chaos?

And why there is only one interpretation of F = ma, agreed to by all? The answer is, of course, simple.

You or anyone can go out and confirm F=ma in your own backyard. But the bible is extremely vague, to the point where there are hundreds of interpretations! Who's correct? How to tell? No one! And you Can't!
Here's the thing guys...I only know and witness to what Jesus has shown me of Himself. I know the way He has been with me personally. I know the nature that He has shown me. I understand some of His law and word because He has taught me. He's even revealed some prophecy to me, which has absolutely blown me away. Everything that He has shown me and taught me is confirmed in scripture.

And based upon what I know of Jesus, He would never, ever, in a million years, no, in all of eternity, say to anyone, "Love me or else", which is basically the sentiment that Lawdog is representing. What I'm saying is that Lawdog did not get that sentiment from Jesus.


It says in the Bible, and I attest personally, that scripture is interpreted to you personally by the Holy Spirit. It's about being born again spiritually...and having a relationship with God Himself. You can interact with Him, and He teaches you whatever you want to know.

As opposed to it being about attending mass however many times a week and saying however many "hail mary's"...whatever that's supposed to mean/do.
Lawdog did not get that sentiment from Jesus.

Oh, but he did! And he would most likely call you a blasphemous liar to your face for even suggesting such a thing. And he will just as fervently state that it is in fact YOU who did not get any sentiment from Jesus.

One thing for sure is that one of you is going to hell - I wonder which?

lawdog appears more pious with his convictions than you. I think he is right and you are wrong.


It says in the Bible, and I attest personally, that scripture is interpreted to you personally by the Holy Spirit. It's about being born again spiritually...and having a relationship with God Himself. You can interact with Him, and He teaches you whatever you want to know.

You have made some statements here that I suspect you think are facts.

Will you tell me that if I open my heart and mind, and ask, truly ask, for the inspiration of which you speak, that I will receive it?

(Q) said:
One thing for sure is that one of you is going to hell - I wonder which?

remember, there's also other religious people with different religion... they also think they're right. all of them think they're right. and whoever doesn't follow Their religions goes to hell!.... but i know that there's many paths to heaven and hell.
whoever doesn't follow Their religions goes to hell!

Then YOU will go to hell since you do not follow their religions. Are you prepared for an eternity of fiery damnation, in which demons with sharp little teeth knaw at the soft dangly parts of your netheregions?

but i know that there's many paths to heaven and hell.

That does not matter for their religions demand your explicit devotion, which you do not nor will not provide. Therefore, you will go straight to hell. You cannot escape this fate.
Those who are not Catholic we commend to the grace of God, provided that they not knowingly reject Christ. As I said before, Hell accepts only those who knowing, willingly reject Christ, provided that He has been properly represented by His messengers, and still rejected.

It would be contrary to God's Mercy to claim, for example, that someone would go to Hell simply for having a different theology. For example, an 19th century native American Indian, whose contact with Christ's messengers would have most likely been distorted, would go to Hell. This would only happen if the Faith were fully and genuinely represented to him and he still rejected it.

Born Againers and other Protestants should not criticize the Church so much, after all, we gave the Holy Scriptures, our monks preserved it, as well as many pagan writings.

Those who never had heard of Christ, and have commited serious evils, such as the old pagan Romans might have, would go to Hell, but perhaps not a very hot level.

Most folks go to Purgatory because their just stupid. Its unbearibly hot down there too.
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I dont care. It is written "You must become as these little children if you wish to enter the Kingdom of Heaven"
It was writ down by one of the Apostles. I could find the exact location if you like, but it will take time.
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superluminal said:
Who wrote it? Did they say how god communicated it to them?


Lawdog said:
Most folks go to Purgatory because their just stupid. Its unbearibly hot down there too.
I take it you're getting ready for a nice tan at the Purga resort then if stupidity is the passport needed for entry.
No, that's ok. It's Matthew 18:3

And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

So this was told to Matt by Jesus, yes?
Well, perhaps it was told to many in a group, folk that Jesus was teaching.
And they believed him because he said he was the son of god, and all the miracles he did, and stuff, right?