Your time upon this earth is ending...


And I say that with the current evidence, all we are left with is to have faith in science or a god and that neither one is the truth until we make it the truth in our hearts.


Life does not end when you have faith in God. It is enhanced with peace and love as you strive to be a better you.

First, science requires no "faith" whether you understand the specifics or not. Which, I will grant, most people do not. Why should they?

Faith is an acknowledgement of a complete lack of physical evidence.

Even if you don't understand chemistry, you can still accept that someone does, enough to make the artificial chocolate flavoring in that doughnut that you enjoy so much. Do you have no physical evidence that the chemist knows some objective facts about sugar molecules? Sure you do. The doughnut. Without understanding any science specifics, I can research the objective evidence for any claims of science.
Faith is trust, and trust is based upon something...some evidence....some knowledge of the thing/person/God/institution that you choose to trust or not to trust and to what degree. My faith in God is based upon my knowledge of Him that I gained by interacting with Him, watching Him work in my life, and what He's taught me and how. I trust Him 100% and with my whole life.
Snakelord, you too...why do you feel like you have to be such an asshole?

You seemingly have this ongoing habit of calling me an asshole anytime I happen to debate your claims or disagree with you - and that's after ignoring my last couple of posts.

Even if you did have a god dwelling in your head, I personally fail to see the benefit of it.

A) It makes you come across like you're a drivelling nutcase.

B) You have been given time and dates and they have passed fruitless.You're still sitting there waiting for a voice in your brain to hand you some rockstar without realising that it isn't gonna happen - and would stand more chance if you actually used your own effort instead of relying on a space fairy to do it all for you.

C) Another reason for 'hoping' one doesn't become infected by the space fairy is because it is known to cause some real serious issues: Look at that woman a while back who got told by the very same brain dwelling sky fairy to stone her children to death. I'm concerned it might say something similar to you, and to be honest I don't want to see innocent children die. There are hundreds of cases similar to these - all dictated by the very same sky fairy.

You will undoubtedly try to deny the legitimacy of their claims, which is exactly why people here are doing the same to you.

It's people like you the world needs to keep an eye on lest some more abortion clinics get blown up, a few kiddies get stoned to death or you start crawling into lions cages at the zoo. Ok, you're admittedly nowhere near as bad as Yorda, yet, but his blatant insanity appears to be generally harmless whereas yours will most likely lead to death and destruction.

You know, I generally trust in a parent's ability to realise when their children have issues. Your parents took you to get a brain scan. That to me shows that your parents thought there was something wrong with you, not right with you - which indeed raises some questions. People who are well and in loving relationships don't look ill - they positively glow. They look vibrant and happy and healthy. You looked like you had a brain tumour. Work it out.

I would rather be wrong and have false faith in a piece of moral fiction than to be caught with my pants down and have science once again make observations that disproved yet another theory, and that is the theory that there is no God

Not only do I consider that the absolute pinnacle of cowardice, but I would question where it ends.. Given your above statement surely you believe in all of the millions of gods and beliefs incase you get caught with your pants down and end up in their particular versions of hell? Will you ask to have your brain put in a jar and be buried next to a boat just incase Egyptian beliefs are true so you can sail off to the next life? Will you blow a few people up just incase allah exists and you don't want to miss out on your chance of happiness with 70 virgins? So, why have you seemingly settled for one piece of fiction over others and how do you think doing so would leave you any less vulnerable to being caught with your pants down? There's 999,999 other gods you have neglected... Your odds don't look too good to be honest.


It's people like you the world needs to keep an eye on lest some more abortion clinics get blown up, a few kiddies get stoned to death or you start crawling into lions cages at the zoo. Ok, you're admittedly nowhere near as bad as Yorda, yet, but his blatant insanity appears to be generally harmless whereas yours will most likely lead to death and destruction.

To kotoko:


Some here think that "fundies" are the most dangerous creature on the planet. I don't agree. I feel that, while you may be a wonderful person and would never evangelize, your brand of subtle theism is the more likely to result in a theocracy (not that you would have it that way) than the ravings of Lawdog or Jadon.

Unfortunately, I think this is true.
Lori_7 said:
You guys post nothing but some whimiscal opinions that you would like everyone to take seriously, when in fact they are based upon nothing except what you've dreamed up in your mind.
And you have spent quite a bit of time posting what the voices (whom you believe to be God) has been telling you. Now I at least have merely been commenting on what YOU have posted. In all reality Lori, put yourself in my position. If a person comes to you and says God is speaking to them in their mind and at times yelling at them, you wouldn't raise an eyebrow? But then I guess I'm asking the wrong person such a question.

Lori, I speak from experience when I say that religious fervour can be detrimental to you. That is not something that I have dreamed up in my mind but something I've seen and experienced first hand.

You argue what you want to believe, which has no bearing on reality. Reality is that I'm honest and completely sane, and that you're dead wrong. But that's ok, because the truth doesn't matter to either of you in the slightest.
Wrong. What we argue has a bearing on our reality but sadly not on yours. I've never said that you were lying. I actually do believe that you do hear voices in your head and that you think those voices belong to God.

The way that you guys respond to me, you would think I did something to offend you or that I was trying to hurt you in some way.
Don't worry Lori, I treat everyone on here the same way.

You can have your own opinion, but you really have no right to say that I'm a liar or that I'm delusional or have mental problems.
I do have my own opinion and that opinion is based upon what I see with my own eyes or hear for myself. I didn't call you a liar. Lets look at the facts here shall we? You've said you have experienced God. Fine. But as Q has pointed out, you are unable to show any proof of said experience. All you are able to do is tell us that God speaks to you and made you stop drinking, smoking, drugs, etc. I tell you that you (as in yourself) did that on your own. You are the one who suffered the pain of stopping your addictions, not God, therefore you should take credit for that at least. As to whether you are delusional or have mental problems, hmmm... hearing voices in one's head usually indicates that something is not quite right. When others have made the same claim and I've asked them how they know it is God who is speaking to them, all they can answer is that 'they just know'. Again, we have the same situation... no proof.. It's a vicious circle isn't it?

Why? Because you don't rightly know that, that's why, and because you can not prove it.
Ok! Let me get this straight... We form an opinion based upon your ramblings in here and you make bold claims about God, etc and have yet to show proof of your claims. We formed the opinion based on your claim Lori. The proof we have is you and what you say in here.

None of you are in any position to make a judgement call like that here. Surely you must realize that.
Judgement or opinion? So when you say things against people like Lawdog and Jadon based on your opinion that's fine because you honestly see yourself as being in a position to make such a judgement. But when the same is done to you, you cry foul? LOL.. Lady get a grip of yourself.

Again, we are merely going on what you've posted in here. You've described some pretty wild things in here Lori and we are merely going on what you have told us about your life and what has happened to you.

You want to believe what you want to believe and so you just make the shit up. I don't make shit up about you.
Ok. I shall say it again. Our opinion is based on what YOU have told us in these forums. We haven't had to make anything up about you. I understand that you like to share and that's all well and good. But not everyone will view your "experiences" as you do. If you weren't aware of that before, be aware of it now. When you share such things about yourself, people will form opinions and will tell you what those opinions are.

Your "arguements", and I use that term loosely are old and tired. Get a new one. I mean, don't you find it a bit embarrassing that the best you can ever come up with is "liar" and "delusional"? It's so lame....
Would you rather we all put you on ignore and no one ever reply to what you post? Tell me something Lori, why do you share your "experiences" on here when you don't want people to respond as they are free to do so? Are you somehow trying to show us the light that you think you've found? You have said several times that you don't want to convert, so why do you tell us with such rapture how God changed your life etc? Is it with a secret hope that you'll turn one of the evil athiests and agnostics to believe as you do? Again Lori, I have not called you a liar. Delusional? From what you've said on here, I am quite free to form the opinion that you might in fact suffer from some form of delusions. But again, that's solely based on what you say in here and how you portray yourself on here.

I have repeated over and over to you...I have described my proof....which is in essence, my relationship with God. I've told want proof? Then have your own relationship with Him. Then you'll have proof like I do.
First off, I don't know about your childhood and frankly I don't really care. As to the rest, saying and explaining your experience with God is not proof my dear. As much as you can sit there and say it is, it's actually not. Describing your proof of God does not cut it. Saying it's so does not make it so. And frankly, I can't have an experience with something or someone I don't believe in. You have your own proof and that's fine. But do not expect everyone to believe you or to accept it.

You want evidence? It's everywhere. Take a look in the mirror to start. Atheistic scientists are even having to admit that there is an intelligent design to the universe nowadays. God is obvious and in your face. You go around with you hands over your eyes and ears hollaring "I can't see you, I can't hear you", and then try to say that I'm the dishonest one. You're blind because you want to be. It doesn't have anything to do with me, so quit insisting that I convert's not going to happen.
But you're trying to convert Lori. You're preaching your beliefs and when we say stop or we don't believe you, you keep going. You tell us we are blind because we don't want to see God and you can see because you've opened your eyes to God and can see God and you don't see that as an attempt to convert? LOL...

My story will be told. The evidence of what has happened to me will be shown.
Lady, do you hear yourself? Your story will be told? You sound as though you're trying to emulate Christ or something. Jesus Christ complex maybe? Hmmm...

Errr might I remind you that you've already told your story Lori and we've formed an opinion of you and your story based on what you've shared.

I don't know when. But I do know that when it is, you'll still say that I'm lying. Only then, considering many other people's corroboration, you'll have to turn it into some conspiracy.
Great Googally Moogally!! You just get better and better don't you? Is there no end to your Christ complex? We aren't after you and we're not out to get you. Conspiracy... LMAO!

Get a grip on yourself Lori, you're starting to sound like Lawdog, Jadon and LeoVolont all rolled into one.

You believe what you want to believe regardless of evidence. In other words, it's you, not me. So quit blaming me for your reluctance to know God.
Ermm evidence? Again I ask... What evidence?

And pray tell, now you think we're blaming you for not wanting to know God? Don't you think you're getting a tad too ahead of yourself? LOL.. Believe it or not Lori, my disbelief has nothing to do with you.

Oh, and I also wanted to mention that what I attest to is scripturally sound. The Bible is one account after another of people who hear God's voice, are counseled and led by His Holy Spirit, that knew Jesus personally, that had their lives turned absolutely upside down with this knowledge, that lived in faith, and that had mind-blowing miracles happen to them...oh yea, and let's not forget revelation of prophecy. What I attest to is in accordance with the Bible and is confirmed in scripture.
So what? Err Lori, in case it has escaped your attention, I at the very least do not believe the stories in the bible. So what's your point?
I drop-kicked the god that created hell right back into his hell, and I have been laughing ever since at all the gods
That break down doors
To give me their souls
So that they can then die laughing.
-- just words
Lori, can I ask you to describe the nature of this voice?
Has it any timbre or texture, is it deep or high pitched?
Is it a whisper? Can it's owner be identified by it's sound or just by it's meaning?

It might be a bit hard to describe.......But I would appreciate it if you could try.....
Quantum Quack said:
Lori, can I ask you to describe the nature of this voice?
Has it any timbre or texture, is it deep or high pitched?
Is it a whisper? Can it's owner be identified by it's sound or just by it's meaning?

It might be a bit hard to describe.......But I would appreciate it if you could try.....

Now this is more like refreshing....

There is no sound. I don't hear Him with my ears. It's a spiritual communication of some sort...spirit to spirit...telepathic...don't really claim to know how it works but...

You know how it is when you have a thought in your mind, you assign words to that thought, to describe it even to talking to yourself? Well, it "sounds" like that, only it's not your thought and you're not assigning the words. I noticed that when we have conversations that He's already given me His answer by the time I'm done mentally articulating the question. I remember trying to stop articulating to myself during a conversation with Him because I felt like I was slowing things down so much by having to use words. Ok, how weird did that just sound...even to me?

Anyway, there's no timber or pitch, and no volume. But, there is inflection, vocabulary, semantics, meaning, and intensity. He doesn't use vocabulary that I don't understand...not when speaking to me directly...but He has told me quite a few things that I did not understand until much later and by going through some experience. He doesn't speak the way I do though. He speaks perfectly and exaggeration whatsoever....not even to make a mincing talking in circles. He says things that I would never say to myself....things about which I am unfamiliar or incorrect, which is probably why He's talking to me about them in the first place. He's said things to me that seemed so strange, that even though I know His voice, I was scared for a minute...because I just didn't understand at all. But later, it was explained to me very well. Sometimes it's like an implanted thought or notion or inclination. Sometimes it's an answered prayer or an epiphany. Sometimes He uses other people, or all kinds of wordly sources to communicate with me art recently. He's done a lot of communicating though different kinds of art during this whole miracle thing that I've been through. There have been times that I've had rather lengthly conversations with Him. Other times when His voice is very intrusive and kind of "out of nowhere". And then that one time when he yelled at me. Yelling = urgency and authority in inflection and by intense, I mean most intrusive into my mind or "loud", even though there isn't really a "volume". It is hard to describe, but I hope this helps somewhat.
genep said:
I drop-kicked the god that created hell right back into his hell, and I have been laughing ever since at all the gods
That break down doors
To give me their souls
So that they can then die laughing.
-- just words

SnakeLord said:
You seemingly have this ongoing habit of calling me an asshole anytime I happen to debate your claims or disagree with you - and that's after ignoring my last couple of posts.

I called you an asshole, not because you disagree with me, as everyone does, but because you do it in an insulting, rude, and extremely belligerent way. Snake, I know a lot of really nice, pleasant, and polite people, who actually like me even...even though they disagree with me just as much as you do.

Upon consideration, I can be pretty brutal with people sometimes myself. Maybe you're a "what comes around, goes around" guy.

Truth is that it really bothers me that you hate me hurts my wittle feewings. Maybe I thought calling you an asshole would make you like me

I'm sorry if I missed your posts...I sometimes don't have time to read the ones who are not addressing me directly. So, what did I miss? I'll go back and look...

Even if you did have a god dwelling in your head, I personally fail to see the benefit of it.

As far as I can tell, you fail to see a lot of things.

A) It makes you come across like you're a drivelling nutcase.

No it doesn't. I come across as an extremely honest, unpretentious, sane, educated and rational woman who is saying something that you and many other people just don't want to hear. And you come across as the kind of person who feels better after they've made someone cry.

B) You have been given time and dates and they have passed fruitless.You're still sitting there waiting for a voice in your brain to hand you some rockstar without realising that it isn't gonna happen - and would stand more chance if you actually used your own effort instead of relying on a space fairy to do it all for you.

I was not "given" times and dates for anything. That happens to be the hardest part of all of this for me...waiting and not knowing exactly what it is that I'm waiting for or how long. I guessed at those dates on my own. And I should know better by now. I've never been able to anticipate God or His ways. It's stupid to try really. So your advice is to rely on my own effort?!?!? Wow, are you ever missing the whole point of this. lol...

C) Another reason for 'hoping' one doesn't become infected by the space fairy is because it is known to cause some real serious issues: Look at that woman a while back who got told by the very same brain dwelling sky fairy to stone her children to death. I'm concerned it might say something similar to you, and to be honest I don't want to see innocent children die. There are hundreds of cases similar to these - all dictated by the very same sky fairy.

You will undoubtedly try to deny the legitimacy of their claims, which is exactly why people here are doing the same to you.

There are also just as many, if not more, cases of life-saving interventions, miraculous healings, answered prayers, and other heart-warming accounts of victory...much like my own. There is a Holy Spirit and there are unholy spirits. Who a person listens to is up to them. Are they even listening in the first place? And if so, do they want the truth or a lie? And so they get what they want. I've told you that my ex husband has a voice driving him mad...convincing him of conspiracies against him...that people are spying on him....through the tv even. It tells him, "Go ahead and kill yourself."...over and over. He's been hospitalized three times, and is currently on anti-psychotic meds.

Ok, now compare that "fruit" if you will, to what has manifest in my life because of my "voice". What Jesus has done has saved my life. It's done more than's made it a life worth living. I'm healthier, happier, and more fulfilled now, and as a direct result of this "miracle", than I've ever been in my life. And like I said, the motherload hasn't even manifested for me just yet. It says in the Bible that you can recognize a spirit by it's fruit...good spirit, good fruit...bad spirit, bad fruit....I know, this stuff is rocket science, isn't it?

It's people like you the world needs to keep an eye on lest some more abortion clinics get blown up, a few kiddies get stoned to death or you start crawling into lions cages at the zoo. Ok, you're admittedly nowhere near as bad as Yorda, yet, but his blatant insanity appears to be generally harmless whereas yours will most likely lead to death and destruction.


You sound like some hysterical woman. What is wrong with you? What death and destruction?

So do you know what I find completely hilarious? The way you're always going on about "the children, the children, oh save the children"...well...

I would guess the average age of the fans of my rock star's band to be oh, about 16, maybe 17. All the millions of them...that hang on to his every word as if it were the gospel itself. To say that they idolize him doesn't even do it justice. They love him. And now, because of what has happened to him, they're all going to get to hear about Jesus from the man and the band that they practically worship. It's all so perfect, it's f'ing beautiful. When I think about all of those young people coming to know Christ..."saved by rock and roll" just blows my mind. And then I think of you Snake, and it makes me laugh.

You know, I generally trust in a parent's ability to realise when their children have issues. Your parents took you to get a brain scan. That to me shows that your parents thought there was something wrong with you, not right with you - which indeed raises some questions. People who are well and in loving relationships don't look ill - they positively glow. They look vibrant and happy and healthy. You looked like you had a brain tumour. Work it out.

Snake, I was glowing. That's actually a really good word for it. People have done nothing but tell me how good I look since this happened to me. All of the "fruit"...all of the changes were good changes. Honestly, my eating and "other" habits were so poor before this happened, that just about anything would have been an improvement. But the changes turned out to be extreme...but all good. The only negative thing that some people said was that I was too thin. I was 5'5", and a fit 120lbs. I think they were just used to seeing me fat is all. lol.

It wasn't how I looked, but what I said. It was obvious that something happened to me...all of the drastic changes...and gee, the fact that it was all I wanted to talk about. I told them everything...and they didn't want to believe it either. They told me that the reason they considered something physical was because the alternative was something mental, and in interacting with me, knowing me as they do, they just didn't see anything wrong at all. They had to admit that I was clearly happier, healthier, and more fulfilled and energetic than they had ever seen me. The only other alternative is to believe what I'm saying is the truth, and they're just not into it. Now they just try to ignore the subject, which is best I think. They tell themselves that I have a "fixation" because I'm lonely, which doesn't make any logical sense, but that's ok. It doesn't have to make sense, it just has to get them out of dealing with what I'm really testifying to.
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Yes, thats admittably a difficulty. The traditional answer, for as much as you deem it useful to settle thy mind, is as follows:

God created them so that we might have the opportunity to go beyond our tendency for shallow loving of others based on mere appearence. That it is a challenge for us. Even Christ did not heal all the hideous lepers.
ALSO: Some of these ugly folk are much more spiritually advanced than the rest of us, many of them eventually realize the ultimate truth; That it is greater to love others than to recieve love.
I called you an asshole, not because you disagree with me, as everyone does, but because you do it in an insulting, rude, and extremely belligerent way.

I'm sorry, where have I been insulting or rude to you here? Kindly point it out because I can't find it.

Snake, I know a lot of really nice, pleasant, and polite people, who actually like me even...even though they disagree with me just as much as you do.

I'm certain you do, but it's not of any real relevance.

Truth is that it really bothers me that you hate me hurts my wittle feewings.

I do not hate you in the slightest, indeed I feel deeply sympathetic to your situation. I speak to people in a similar position to you on a daily basis and have heard these kind of tales countless times. Do not think I hate you, but that I will try to help, or perhaps just debate against what you think is real - without having the slightest little way of being able to show it as such. You have manifested an inner person to 'aid' in your personal and somewhat scary 'needs', and that's pretty much all there is to it. The patient will rarely understand that, but perhaps one day with some serious work you can finally escape your prison and become a 'free' individual.

As far as I can tell, you fail to see a lot of things.

Slightly humorous, but also somewhat pointless.

No it doesn't.

Yes.. It does.

I come across as an extremely honest, unpretentious, sane, educated and rational woman

The clearest sign of delusion thus far.

who is saying something that you and many other people just don't want to hear.

This is simply a naive statement. My job is to hear this kind of stuff, and it doesn't phase me in the slightest - whether it's god, the devil or tinky winky you hear in your head.

And you come across as the kind of person who feels better after they've made someone cry.

Crying has many benefits. I have always thought people should do it more often.

I was not "given" times and dates for anything. That happens to be the hardest part of all of this for me...waiting and not knowing exactly what it is that I'm waiting for or how long.

Strange, given that the last time we spoke about this it was you telling me it would be halloween.. end of story.

I guessed at those dates on my own.

Based upon what exactly? You just picked any old number?
Lori_7 said:
Now this is more like refreshing....

There is no sound. I don't hear Him with my ears. It's a spiritual communication of some sort...spirit to spirit...telepathic...don't really claim to know how it works but...

You know how it is when you have a thought in your mind, you assign words to that thought, to describe it even to talking to yourself? Well, it "sounds" like that, only it's not your thought and you're not assigning the words. I noticed that when we have conversations that He's already given me His answer by the time I'm done mentally articulating the question. I remember trying to stop articulating to myself during a conversation with Him because I felt like I was slowing things down so much by having to use words. Ok, how weird did that just sound...even to me?

Anyway, there's no timber or pitch, and no volume. But, there is inflection, vocabulary, semantics, meaning, and intensity. He doesn't use vocabulary that I don't understand...not when speaking to me directly...but He has told me quite a few things that I did not understand until much later and by going through some experience. He doesn't speak the way I do though. He speaks perfectly and exaggeration whatsoever....not even to make a mincing talking in circles. He says things that I would never say to myself....things about which I am unfamiliar or incorrect, which is probably why He's talking to me about them in the first place. He's said things to me that seemed so strange, that even though I know His voice, I was scared for a minute...because I just didn't understand at all. But later, it was explained to me very well. Sometimes it's like an implanted thought or notion or inclination. Sometimes it's an answered prayer or an epiphany. Sometimes He uses other people, or all kinds of wordly sources to communicate with me art recently. He's done a lot of communicating though different kinds of art during this whole miracle thing that I've been through. There have been times that I've had rather lengthly conversations with Him. Other times when His voice is very intrusive and kind of "out of nowhere". And then that one time when he yelled at me. Yelling = urgency and authority in inflection and by intense, I mean most intrusive into my mind or "loud", even though there isn't really a "volume". It is hard to describe, but I hope this helps somewhat.
Thanks Lori.........

Even your sympathy is apparently kind of hateful. Hm...well, I'd like to try not to be so sensitive about it, but I am a girl. I really hate that sometimes, but wouldn't want to be a boy either.

And I love your idea about discussing with me under the assumption that what I am testifying to is the truth. I really don't think that it's fair for someone to be labeled a liar or delusional out here, unless it can be proven. I call Lawdog a liar, but only because what he says contradicts the Bible, which he claims to base his faith I can....I have proof. You don't have proof to determine that I'm lying or that I'm delusional. It is your opinion, and it's one that leads a discussion nowhere, and insults me at the same time, so...I won't miss hearing about it at all.

Crying sucks. Fuck crying....

And about Halloween....I told you about how devastated I was...I really thought it was Halloween. I remember that you said something nice to me after I admitted that I was wrong about the date. That really stands out in my was so unusual of you. You should have seen me and this place on Halloween...yea, I was sure....sure wrong. But I looked cute in my costume. I had come to my conclusion about that date based upon information that the band had released, through different media, regarding the holiday of course, and other things.
Bells said:
And you have spent quite a bit of time posting what the voices (whom you believe to be God) has been telling you. Now I at least have merely been commenting on what YOU have posted. In all reality Lori, put yourself in my position. If a person comes to you and says God is speaking to them in their mind and at times yelling at them, you wouldn't raise an eyebrow? But then I guess I'm asking the wrong person such a question.

Yea, you're asking the wrong person.

Lori, I speak from experience when I say that religious fervour can be detrimental to you. That is not something that I have dreamed up in my mind but something I've seen and experienced first hand.

Me too; I know.

Wrong. What we argue has a bearing on our reality but sadly not on yours. I've never said that you were lying. I actually do believe that you do hear voices in your head and that you think those voices belong to God.


Don't worry Lori, I treat everyone on here the same way.

Ok, that's cool. I seem to be a bit sensitive lately...

I do have my own opinion and that opinion is based upon what I see with my own eyes or hear for myself. I didn't call you a liar. Lets look at the facts here shall we? You've said you have experienced God. Fine. But as Q has pointed out, you are unable to show any proof of said experience. All you are able to do is tell us that God speaks to you and made you stop drinking, smoking, drugs, etc. I tell you that you (as in yourself) did that on your own.

No, I did not do it myself. I didn't do it at all. It was as if I didn't have a choice. It was as if I turned into someone who had never drank, or smoked or eaten meat, or drank coffee, for crying out was weird. And wonderful, because I didn't suffer one bit...

You are the one who suffered the pain of stopping your addictions, not God, therefore you should take credit for that at least.

Not one withdrawal symptom. It was a miracle, I tell you. And it was more than a lack of withdrawal symptoms too. It was as if I turned into a different person for about three months. There was a lot going on at the time on a spiritual level. The cessation of my addictions almost seemed like a side-effect to me. A wonderful one of that saved my life, I'm sure.

As to whether you are delusional or have mental problems, hmmm... hearing voices in one's head usually indicates that something is not quite right. When others have made the same claim and I've asked them how they know it is God who is speaking to them, all they can answer is that 'they just know'. Again, we have the same situation... no proof.. It's a vicious circle isn't it?

Well, you have to admit that it's consistent with scripture, which I would like to think, gives me some ground out here. Even if you don't believe in the value of the scripture, you know I do. Don't you have a conscience Bells? That small voice inside you? Usually makes you feel guilty when you do something "wrong"...makes you cry when you witness compassion.

Ok! Let me get this straight... We form an opinion based upon your ramblings in here and you make bold claims about God, etc and have yet to show proof of your claims. We formed the opinion based on your claim Lori. The proof we have is you and what you say in here.

A lack of proof does not prove the nonexistance of anything. At least I have something to offer to the conversation. :)

Judgement or opinion? So when you say things against people like Lawdog and Jadon based on your opinion that's fine because you honestly see yourself as being in a position to make such a judgement. But when the same is done to you, you cry foul? LOL.. Lady get a grip of yourself.

I don't know about Jadon, but I point out that Lawdog is in direct contradiction of the scripture that he says his "church" is founded upon, and wouldn't know Jesus if He slapped him in the head.

I post out here, what I do, because it really happened to me, and I want to tell somebody. All I'm asking for is a little respect. I know that what I attest to is a bit out of the ordinary, but so fucking what. Open your minds a little bit...or at the very least, don't be hostile. I'm not used to being the black sheep...I'm not used to being called crazy. How would you feel if this happened to you?
Lori_7 said:
No, I did not do it myself. I didn't do it at all. It was as if I didn't have a choice. It was as if I turned into someone who had never drank, or smoked or eaten meat, or drank coffee, for crying out was weird. And wonderful, because I didn't suffer one bit...

Not one withdrawal symptom. It was a miracle, I tell you. And it was more than a lack of withdrawal symptoms too. It was as if I turned into a different person for about three months. There was a lot going on at the time on a spiritual level. The cessation of my addictions almost seemed like a side-effect to me. A wonderful one of that saved my life, I'm sure.
You see Lori, the reason this actually makes me want to cry is because you're selling yourself short. You're not giving yourself the praise you deserve for having stopped. While you may say it was God who made you stop... in the end it was you who stopped, whether your God had anything to do with it or not. Why deny yourself the credit after having done something good for yourself? You see Lori I think you did it for yourself so you should take the praise for your strength in having done it. You may have just stopped all of your err addictions because subconsciously you knew your body could not take anymore... so you stopped. No withdrawal because you were so happy with having stopped that you didn't feel it. As you said, yourself, you had a lot going on at the time so your mind may have been occupied elsewhere. In short Lori, don't sell yourself short and don't assume that you aren't the one who stopped smoking, drinking, etc.

Well, you have to admit that it's consistent with scripture, which I would like to think, gives me some ground out here. Even if you don't believe in the value of the scripture, you know I do. Don't you have a conscience Bells? That small voice inside you? Usually makes you feel guilty when you do something "wrong"...makes you cry when you witness compassion.
You see Lori, I don't believe that it is God that gives me a conscience or makes me cry when I witness great acts of compassion. I don't see what the scripture has to do with how I live my life and treat others. Do I have that niggling voice in my head.. eg my conscience..? Yes. But I don't attribute that to any God. That's just my own mind at work. As for crying or being compassionate. I don't see that as being the work of God either. At the moment I'd probably say it was the pregnancy hormones working in overdrive before the impending birth of junior in 8 weeks time. When I wasn't pregnant I did have a fairly sensitive nature in regards to how I viewed things around me. I'd cry at movies etc. But that's not God's work as far as I'm concerned. That's just my emotions at play.

A lack of proof does not prove the nonexistance of anything. At least I have something to offer to the conversation.
Ah but for some lack of proof does prove non-existance. And yes, you do add something to the conversation. We don't agree on most things but you're also not as scary as some lol.

I don't know about Jadon, but I point out that Lawdog is in direct contradiction of the scripture that he says his "church" is founded upon, and wouldn't know Jesus if He slapped him in the head.
Ah but that's the thing. You have your belief and he has his. He probably says the same about you and Jadon, and Jadon probably says the same about you and lawdog. Each of you is interpreting your belief in a different way and living it a different way. Personally and I'm being honest here, I'm not a big fan of evangelical behaviour or of people who live solely by what the bible says. I find it dangerous and I've seen it lead to the mental destruction and also the destruction of the relationships and lives of many people. One can become so obsessed with God and all it entails that they forget the important things in their lives.. ie. their jobs, spouses and partners, children, friends and family, etc.

I post out here, what I do, because it really happened to me, and I want to tell somebody. All I'm asking for is a little respect. I know that what I attest to is a bit out of the ordinary, but so fucking what. Open your minds a little bit...or at the very least, don't be hostile. I'm not used to being the black sheep...I'm not used to being called crazy. How would you feel if this happened to you?
I understand your wish and need to share. But again, you need to keep in mind that not everyone will agree with or believe what you say. You need to respect the people who disbelieve and are atheists for example and you're right, you do deserve respect because we each demand it of each other and we deserve it of each other. But sometimes in the heat of the argument, respect can sometimes go out the window and all sides are guilty of this.

As for how would I feel if this happened to me? LOL.. Lori it has and still continues today with most of my family. Because many members of my family are so deeply religious and live so deeply by the scripture that they've labelled me as insane, crazy, a heathen, devil worshipper (which still amuses the crap out of me I must say), whore, to name a few. I am the black sheep of my family because I don't believe. Thankfully some members of my family aren't so deeply entrenched that they see some sense and luckily for me lol, my parents are amongst the ones who aren't so into their 'belief' that they have lost all sense of reality and they respect my beliefs (or lack thereof). The one's who are still sensible people in my family don't expect me to believe as they do and they know what kind of person I am and they're proud of who I am and how I turned out.. even though I don't believe as they do.
Welll hey Lori, I was a pot smoker, crack addict, alcoholic, and that was when I was a christian, soon as I stoped, and started educating myself, I became an atheist. Atheism saved my life. :eek:

The decision was not overnight, it was well thought out in several years time, what you feel is a remnant of those days, you only feel that god is speaking to you, not that you hear him, in audible voice. This is good a sign, othewise I'd say If you "hear" god you are going schizophrenic.

When I decided to be an atheist I had withdrawals feelings of missing god within my life, but in time I healed from this delusion also. I'm 43 years old I've been an atheist for apx 22 years and never felt hapier and sure of my abilities and myself.

There is no sound. I don't hear Him with my ears. It's a spiritual communication of some sort...spirit to spirit...telepathic...don't really claim to know how it works but...

Very nice, but your story in no way indicates you're speaking and listening to a god. You cannot explain any of it but instead merely assume a god is speaking to you. In fact, what you have described is schizophrenia.

If you have concluded this to be a god, it is because you WANT it to be a god.