Your time upon this earth is ending...

Cris: wes - have you frightened someone away again?
M*W: How I so hoped it would have been me!
Hapsburg: What the flying fuck are you talking about?
M*W: Lapdog doesn't even know.
Lawdog said:

I have tried to leave sciforums.
But because you did not pray for me I was unable to overcome my natural obssession.

Therefore, on account of your lack of faith,
you are punished with my continued presence.

I have unbounded faith, just not in what you would have me place it in - antiquated, simplistic fantasies.

You are in no position to punish me.
Cottontop3000 said:
Kramer, from Seinfeld!? One of the best episodes ever, if so. Brown teeth, pasty face. Brilliant!!!!


Right on the money. Seinfeld occupies far too much of my cranial acreage.

MW wants me. I can tell.
superluminal: Hey! I had a dream about MW last night! And in it she clearly wanted me!
M*W: Down, boys.
Quote Lapdog;
I have tried to leave sciforums.
But because you did not pray for me I was unable to overcome my natural obssession.

Therefore, on account of your lack of faith,
you are punished with my continued presence.

Typical fundi, blame their short comings on others! :(

Lawdog said:

I have tried to leave sciforums.
But because you did not pray for me I was unable to overcome my natural obssession.

Therefore, on account of your lack of faith,
you are punished with my continued presence.
So, in other words, you're a jackass who now is hooked on foruming and thinks that repeating the same shit over and over again will get us to believe us, even though we have already said "we don't beleive it, and don't care".
You just don't get it that methods that your parents used to drill some bullshit ideology into your head aren't going to work on people that are absolutely sure that your god does not exist.
I came up with my ideas on my own, at least give me that.

THE REAL QUESTION: If I am so wrong, a jackass, fool, etc etc., Why are you bothering to discourse with me?
Because you are a fool. Fools like you should be ridiculed, pestered, and annoyed.
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Hmmm....good comeback, I'll give you that.
How about this:
provide accurate, irrefuteable, visible, tangible, and definite proof that your god and jesus existed AND are who they say they are, and we'll take your ideals into consideration. If you can't do this, then we have no choice but to look upon you and your religion with contempt and disdain.

I came up with my ideas on my own, at least give me that.
Not from the bible then? You invented all this Christian stuff all by yourself - curious - I've heard others preach the same stuff - were they copying you then?
Yo Cotton,

All good mate. Whether it rains, or whether it shines, were gonna have weather, whether or not! (apologies to Alfred E Neuman) Fair weather down South today Cotton, rain on the way in.

Hapsburg said:
Hmmm....good comeback, I'll give you that.
How about this:
provide accurate, irrefuteable, visible, tangible, and definite proof that your god and jesus existed AND are who they say they are, and we'll take your ideals into consideration. If you can't do this, then we have no choice but to look upon you and your religion with contempt and disdain.

No're full of it. Uh, choices, that is. I'll say it AGAIN. Proof of God's existence is provided to you by God Himself, not by another human being. God set it up that way on purpose. All you have to do is sincerely want to know, and He'll show you. Most people don't want to's too consequential...people are afraid. People being afraid of Jesus...not sure if it makes me want to laugh or cry. He's certainly nothing to be afraid of. But shhhh, don't tell Lawdog that...
All you have to do is sincerely want to know, and He'll show you.

Yet, your god has done no such thing, neither has the god of Islam or any other god on the market. For those who "really" want to know, they are left with nothing.

people are afraid. People being afraid of Jesus

Utterly ridiculous. Fear only comes to those who follows a god. No god = no fear.
Lawdog said:
I believe you. However i think its ridiculous that you say everyone must be born again. you cant be born again by your own effort, Membership in a Church causes people to be born again.

We do not say that non-members will go to Hell, only that they need us more than they think. You say non-born agains go to Hell.

Jesus did not say that. He only said that you need to be born again to enter the kingdom of Heaven, but Purgatory is near that place, and many will go there, not to Hell.

How can you trust in Jesus' Mercy if you think that
children who are not CONTRACTUAL 'born-agains" with God will go to Hell?

Our doctrine of purgatory is in keeping with God's Mercy.

Ok, I told you to read John 3, about Jesus and Nicodemus conversation. And you apparently either didn't read it, or didn't like what it said, so you choose to ignore it. Either way...

John 3:3 In reply (to Nicodemus) Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."

"How can a man be born again when he is old?" Nicodemus asked. "Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb to be born!" *typical idiot church person*

Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and of the Spirit. *that's twice for those who can't count* Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again.' The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear it's sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.

"How can this be?" Nicodemus asked.

"You are Israel's teacher," said Jesus, "and do you not understand these things?"

So Lawdog...this is the same Bible that you read right????? Do you understand that the Holy Spirit and the roman catholic church are not the same thing or are you retarded? This is not my opinion ok, this is scripture. The very same scripture that you attest to being the foundation of your so called church.

Purgatory, hell, who cares? I'm not going there. But the principle is the same as it is here on earth. And that is YOU GET WHAT YOU WANT. You want nothing to do with deny Him....then you consequently live without Him...having no relationship with Him. And so if you choose to not want anything to do with God, then when you die, you go to a place that is void of His presence and His Spirit. It's a choice, and it's only logical, and that's all you will ever hear me say about hell. It's you that goes around flaming about how everyone's going to hell, not me. I'm much more interested in telling people how amazingly wonderful God is, and how if they want to, they can know I do....and like you don't...cause you're too busy kissing some priests ass (and that's assuming the best of likely scenarios).
(Q) said:
All you have to do is sincerely want to know, and He'll show you.

Yet, your god has done no such thing, neither has the god of Islam or any other god on the market. For those who "really" want to know, they are left with nothing.

people are afraid. People being afraid of Jesus

Utterly ridiculous. Fear only comes to those who follows a god. No god = no fear.

You are wrong. I sincerely wanted to know, and He showed me. I am not the only one by a long shot.

I used to be afraid of Jesus...afraid that He would ruin my plans for the weekend, yo. Because I had been jaded by "church people" like Lawdog, I thought that if I actually knew the truth about God, it might mean that I'd have to quit smoking, drinking, drugs, cussing, and sleeping around, and that would suck, because those were all of the "fun" ways that I would appease my miserable flesh. And God help me if any of those things weren't around...then I'd just cry myself to sleep. I thought that I would have to turn into some goody-goody, holier than thou, boring as all hell, church person too. And that the most fun I would ever have again would supposedly be going to church once or twice a week or whatever, and listen to boring, no rhythm having, watered down, whitey, church music, and clap my hands out of time with a bunch of big haired fake people. Trust me, the thought of that scared me to death, and I know damn well that I'm not the only one.

I've never been so glad to have been soooooooooooooooooo wrong. :)

While I disagree with your assesment of the reality of god, you are just A-Ok! I really like you.

P.S. I really wanted to know - in the way back. It was very emotional.