Your time upon this earth is ending...

Lawdog, pick up a copy of "Velvet Elvis" by Rob Bell. I think you could benefit from the book when dealing with other points of view, Christian or not, just as I have. If you are not familiar with Rob Bell's work, you need to be. He is a Christian with a lot of knowledge and is relevant to today and will challenge your faith and lead you to answers, which of course always brings more questions.
stretched said:
:D Yo Cotton,

Lot of fun around here lately eh mate? Good to still see you around. All care.

Thanks stretched. Yeah, I'm having fun. I do like this forum. How's the weather where you are?
Lawdog: I also hold a higher degree in ancient languages.
M*W: If you do hold a "higher degree in ancient languages," surely you would know that the bible is to be taken allegorically as you would have an understanding of the spellings and meanings of the ancient words as well as their common usage in that day. Yet, you still believe the bible literally, and you have a flawed understanding of its meaning and purpose.

Why don't you write your bullcrap on some Christian forums? They're stupid enough to believe you!
thats absurd. The bible in no way resembles the mythic lore of other mediterranian cultures. i would say that most scripture, especially beginning with the flood, is definitely literal, and that which is allegoric should be understood as if it were literal, like adam and eve, since it represents real events.
We always have the abilty to choose between good and evil. If we dont have the mental equiptment, then the choice does not exist.
Lapdog: thats absurd. The bible in no way resembles the mythic lore of other mediterranian cultures. i would say that most scripture, especially beginning with the flood, is definitely literal, and that which is allegoric should be understood as if it were literal, like adam and eve, since it represents real events.
M*W: It's absurd for YOU! You only show your ignorance and gullibility. Mythic lore is found in EVERY culture! These were all myths rewritten from earlier myths ad nauseum. None of them were real.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: These were all myths rewritten from earlier myths ad nauseum. None of them were real.

All of them were real. They were not rewritten from "each other". They just talk about the same truth.

If someone finds the truth, others will find it too. They don't need to rewrite it from earlier scripts. But of course it will resemble them.
Yorda: All of them were real. They were not rewritten from "each other". They just talk about the same truth.

If someone finds the truth, others will find it too. They don't need to rewrite it from earlier scripts. But of course it will resemble them.
M*W: If someone finds lies, others will find it too.
Lawdog said:
thats absurd. The bible in no way resembles the mythic lore of other mediterranian cultures. i would say that most scripture, especially beginning with the flood, is definitely literal, and that which is allegoric should be understood as if it were literal, like adam and eve, since it represents real events.
The flood especially was taken from mythical lore, Greek in specific, which existed LOOOONG before judaism and christianity.
Yorda: All of them were real. They were not rewritten from "each other". They just talk about the same truth.

If someone finds the truth, others will find it too. They don't need to rewrite it from earlier scripts. But of course it will resemble them.
M*W: If someone finds lies, others will find it too.
Yorda: If they were lies, they wouldn't rewrite them over and over again. The truth in them may not be so easily found though... not for the humans of today. I also used to think they were "lies". Parts of them are lies, but they are easy to recognize for everyone who hears "God's voice".
No, the flood myth and the majority of the OT was taken from the Sumerian culture - which was passed on to Babylonians, Akkadians and jews.
Perhaps you like to think of Christians as ignorant because their religion is 'unscientific". This is comforting to you, for you can easily therefore dismiss them.

Religioin IS unscientific, but that's not the only reason for dismissing it.

Ignorance is already prevalent in Christianity, as it tends to reject scientific findings that might be offensive to religious doctrine.

How can one be faithful to religious ideals that would dismiss those findings in favor of supernatural forces - dismissing fact in favor of fantasy?
SnakeLord said:
No, the flood myth and the majority of the OT was taken from the Sumerian culture - which was passed on to Babylonians, Akkadians and jews.

Why do you think that? Just because it is similar? Of course it's similar since they all talk about the same event!
There is a flood story in cuneiform of the Gilgamesh epic
which predates the Exodus account, as well as a Phoenician account of Xusithrus and many others...
Further proof that the flood actually occured,
which the man who discovered the clay tablets immediately proposed,
not being an modernist and deceived scientist like those of today.
Lawdog said:
There is a flood story in cuneiform of the Gilgamesh epic

Of course. It was a great event, so people in other cultures also wanted to write about it.
No, judaism and christianity ripped off the Romans, who ripped off the Greeks, who ripped off the Assyrians, who ripped off the Babylonians, who ripped off the Akkadians, who ripped off the Sumerians.
Meaning that christianity just a big rip-off.
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Well, if so many people ripped it off from each other, it must have really been something important and real.
No, it was simply an interesting-sounding plot device. Just like how you hear "once upon a time" at the beginning of nearly every fairy tale. It's a nice plot device, but didn't really happen.
How did the ancient native American indian accounts of the Flood get ripped off?