Your time upon this earth is ending...

Hapsburg said:
No, it was simply an interesting-sounding plot device. Just like how you hear "once upon a time" at the beginning of nearly every fairy tale. It's a nice plot device, but didn't really happen.

Fairytales are allegorical but the story is still true. "Once upon a time" represents the beginning of life, and when "the hero saves the princess" it represents enlightenment, which is the end of "life".

Even "myths" can be true.

Parts of the Bible are also allegorical, like the story about the Garden of Eden. And animals, like the snake, often represent certain things, like aspects of human psyche. Light in religions often represent consciousness, like in the beginning of the creation story, the "days" represent the 7 different levels of consciousness up to "god-consciousness", which is the eternal rest state (on the 7th day, god rested)

The flood wasn't allegorical though, it was a real event which I have already told enough times, why, how and when it happened.

There are flood stories all around the world, you can't just say that they are all plagiarized from each other.
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Lies spread, it's simple. Now, there could've been various large floods way back when, but nothing on a global scale. That would requite massive polar cap meltings. The last time ice melted on that scale was about 25,000 years ago.
What? Stating the fact that the last time global flooding happened on the scale you are suggesting was the last ice age?
Why do you think that? Just because it is similar? Of course it's similar since they all talk about the same event!

As I have stated in the other thread, it is extremely naive to use the term "similar" in this instance - and, if they were indeed talking about the same event, then it becomes prevalent that the originals, (Sumerian stories), become the only ones really worth reading. If they are the same event then the Sumerians wrote about it 1,500 years before the jews did. As such they would get more details correct than the jews could ever even hope to do. Simply put it would be a case of: the Sumerians were there, the jews weren't even a sperm in their daddy's eye.
Lawdog, it's not very christian of you to proclaim somewhere "this is my last post on sciforums" and then still hang around. No wait, perhaps it is QUITE christian of you.
No no, wesmorris you are right. I will leave now. I will not post after tonight. seriously, you will be free of me. I did not mean to keep staying around.

Bye for now. Feel free to come back when you've calmed down a bit.
Lawdog said:
No no, wesmorris you are right. I will leave now. I will not post after tonight. seriously, you will be free of me. I did not mean to keep staying around.

You're no burden to me. I'm just calling you on your word.
Cris said:
wes - have you frightened someone away again?


Egads am I as horrible as you make me out?

I could have sworn I was bright, fairly well-spoken and insightful. Sure I'm harsh sometimes, but...

Okay then maybe yes.


Don't LOOK AT ME! I'm HIDEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!

(just ask that jadon punk)
Oh c'mon, the only "meat" we seem to be getting is rotten, fetid slabs that even the dogs wouldn't eat :D
My personal opinion is that if a rational theist(?) showed up, they would admit outright that their faith is not based on provable evidence, but on a certainty that they feel "inside" that the universe is governed by the divine, and that the bible is the inspired, not literal, word of god, simply because it makes ultimate sense to them. They 'feel' the spirit inside them. I know many devout christians like this. Some are avid evolutionists and science enthusiasts.

I think Lori7 may be one of these?

The rest, by default, are irrational and will spout the same crap that the current crop of theists here spout. And all you can ultimately do with them is tell them how stupid they are and drive them away.

Be gone evil theists! In the name of DARWIN, I command thee!

A rational theist - that is a wonderful oxymoron.

But we need strong theists here otherwise the debates would dry up and be boring.

And practicing how to be rude doesn't seem to me a worthwhile activity. I'd rather see how well we can use patience and reason to pursuade them of their errors.
There are some rational theists. I've met some, and they are very open and very friendly. Very.
They don't try to force thier religion on you, they just try to explain the universe with a deity existing, but usually kinda....stave away from the weird crap.
My friend, Lexi, from the Ky Opera Program, is one of these.
Believe me, they're out there.

And practicing how to be rude doesn't seem to me a worthwhile activity. I'd rather see how well we can use patience and reason to pursuade them of their errors.

I generally agree. That's why I will continue to debate with them. Sometimes however, ohhh... they make me sooo mad! Dumbasses! (Sorry, That was rude.) ;)
wesmorris said:
You're no burden to me. I'm just calling you on your word.

I have tried to leave sciforums.
But because you did not pray for me I was unable to overcome my natural obssession.

Therefore, on account of your lack of faith,
you are punished with my continued presence.