Your time upon this earth is ending...


Did I say you were going to hell?
And what? Take the easy way out?

Wherever you are going, you should know, but if you are going somewhere that is a start.

Words of Caution: Do not presume to believe your thoughts because you have been contaminated by the hands of the devil.
Keep on searching for The Truth and you Shall Find It. :cool:
Jadon said:
Where has the Fossil Record got you? What has Radiocarbon Dating got you?
The fossil record clearly describes the evolution of life. The progression of forms was identified even before Darwin came up with the concept of evolution.

Radio carbon dating isn't used on fossils but it's an excellent method for dating biological material. A fact checked and rechecked against alternative forms of dating as well as against objects whose date is known.

Adaptive Radiation?!! The Fossil Record just don't support it!!
Adaptive Radiation? Do you mean adaptive mutation? There's evidence all over the place supporting the concept. It has been observed in living animals as well as being evinced in the fossil record. It is actually a tremendous problem for medical science as bacteria grow resistant to antibiotics.

I fear that you guys have become so caught up in your Evolutionary Idealogies that you are thinking as the Baboons that you 'originate' from!!
Fortunately for us no one believes humans originated from baboons.

Jadon said:
Surely you should have realized by now that there a conspiracy against Christianity?
Okaaay. Yeah. Right. Thousands of scientists across dozens of disciplines all across the world have been conspiring against Christianity for the last hundred years... even though a large number of them are Christians. :rolleyes:

No offence but you are really a nobody when it comes Science.
You're quite correct, I am a layman when it comes to science. But I sure as shit know more than you.

Stop telling me things I already know and have sensibly rejected because the Evidence has no Material or Mathematical Form.
"Material or Mathematical Form"? The more you write the less sense you make. Put down Gish's books and Hovind's videos (they're not good for your mind) and get back to the classroom.

Lawdog said:
Lori, I shouldnt bother replying to you because you treat other christians with contempt, claiming to be your own Church and taking the rightful place of God.

You treat everyone with contempt, especially Jesus Himself. I am not my "own" church, but part of "the" Church, the bride of Christ, the group of individuals who are born again of the Holy Spirit and into His eternal Kingdom. When I say that I am the Church, I am not implying that I am alone, but that my body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

I abjure you to cease from your falsehoods and relinquish your false sense of religious freedom. You rage like an untrained beast, giving no heed to true doctrine.

You talk humility but you will not accept the ancientmost teachings of the HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH, and not even the derivitive teachings of any other traditional BIBLE-christians, but you make yourself your own arbiter of what doctrines suit you, giving proof of St. Paul's words "they follow whatever doctrines their itching ears wish to hear'

The Bible is the Word of God, despite the works of the Catholic Church to control/censor/edit/shit, own the copyright of it. Everything that God has ever taught me in my life experience, He has also confirmed in His Word. I have had the Holy Spirit bring the Bible to life in my is my life. I live the Word....I walk, talk, eat, shit and breathe it...It is alive inside of me. And if you knew for a second what that felt like, you would not be out here spewing your filthy, self-serving propaganda.

You have yourself up as judge of me and judge of God's Church. Shame! This will be one only of but few of message to you. Stop hindering my work here.

I'm not judging you, I'm vehemently disagreeing with you and exposing you as a liar, and doing so in accordance with the Word of God, and in the name of Jesus Christ. And this is not my opinion either, because it is the Holy Spirit that teaches me about your kind.

Hindering your've got to be kidding. And what is the purpose of your "work" here exactly Lawdog? To turn as many people off to Christ as possible? People who don't know Jesus listen to you and know that you can't possibly represent God...not one that they would want to know anyway. Good job...

Oh, so I dont swear like you and use the F word, I use simple argumentation, and stories like the Savior did, that makes me a kid?
We are all immature and uneducated in comparison to Him. My doctrines are drawn from the Church fathers. Do you claim to be wiser than they?
Yeha, and then you create your own bogus theology and do whatever you want,
claiming to be the Church itself, rationalizing your behavior.
That is not christianity.

Wow, no. I would say that I'm being immature by swearing at you. You seem immature because you're so blindly and profoundly indoctrinated, and apparently erroneously at that....not that you would even give a rat's ass. Your ideologies are not logically sound...and you present yourself to have an immature mentality. The point being made was not that you were immature and uneducated in comparison to Him, but to your peers and those to whom you're speaking with here.

The Holy Spirit interprets the Bible to me. God teaches me through my experience, and then confirms it with scripture. That's the only reason that I understand anything about the Bible. It's the only way I want to understand. The Holy Spirit is definitely wiser than your "church fathers" *eye roll*...after all, He is the author...again, despite the intentions/egos of your precious "church fathers".

You MUST, if you wish to be considered christian,
submit to a higher human authority than yourself and
your own version of God, (an idol fashioned from scripture quotes),
one appointed by God, as St Paul says,


I gave up my entire life to God in the name of Jesus Christ a long time ago. It's the only reason that I'm alive. He owns me and my life, and that is the only way I will have it.

Read John Ch3. You are a pharisee. I am born again. Notice that in verse 3 it does NOT say "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is a member of the Roman Catholic Church."

It talks about your kind in the Bible somewhere else too....I can't remember where or what verse exactly...maybe someone could help me out. But it talks about appeals made to Jesus by people like you and many others, regarding their place in His Kingdom. Saying, "but we did this in your name, and that in your name, and followed your law, and blah, blah about all of their works". To which Jesus responds, "I never knew you".

you claim to be a scientist and yet you do not know how the Scientific World works!!

Reality Check!!- It is not the work of thousands of scientists but rather the work of a few demonistic atheists who decide what goes in the scientific world today.

Not surprisingly your baboon instincts are making you go - lets play the clever game.

You just did not get what I was saying- stop quoting the works of science that have been "allowed" from your demi-gods and use your own Power of Intuition.

That is unless you really have the brain of a baboon!! :cool: :cool:

if you do have connections in the Scientific Community - word is that the fossil record is to be declared a Total Failure.

Wake up!! The words Fossil records has as much significance as the words Unidentified flying objects.

Unlike you, I think carefully about the words that I wish to associate my name with.

And the professional word for it is Adaptive radiation- it describes much more. It is no longer adaptive mutation. Nevertheless, it is a figment of the Imagination.

Finally, let me tell you that Charles Darwin was a Christian, and to his death he always maintained that Evolution was to always remain a theory.

I guess your so called demigods decided they could use this as a way to turn people away from the Truth.

It is working - people like you!!

But you can still embrace the Truth. Be not Afraid!!!
:) :)
Jadon said:
you claim to be a scientist and yet you do not know how the Scientific World works!!
When did I claim to be a scientist? I'm a team lead for IBM.

Reality Check!!- It is not the work of thousands of scientists but rather the work of a few demonistic atheists who decide what goes in the scientific world today.
Ahhh... yes the pentaverate. Oooh, I hate the Colonel with his wee beady eyes and that smug look on his face, "Oh, you're gonna buy my chicken".

Just so you know; you're a loon. No offense.

I'm curious. How is it that these few demonisitc atheists (a term which makes no sense what so ever, btw) control the results of thousands of independent researchers? Did they raise Beelzebub to skew their test data?

You just did not get what I was saying- stop quoting the works of science that have been "allowed" from your demi-gods and use your own Power of Intuition.
I prefer reason. Intuition is too easily swayed by emotion and desire.

Jadon said:
And the professional word for it is Adaptive radiation- it describes much more. It is no longer adaptive mutation. Nevertheless, it is a figment of the Imagination.
No. Adaptive radiation is relatively quick and is therefore unlikely to be as well recorded in the fossil record, this is why I asked. We can/have observe adaptive radiation occur in living species as it takes advantage of existing variation and is not necessarily reliant upon successive mutation.

Finally, let me tell you that Charles Darwin was a Christian, and to his death he always maintained that Evolution was to always remain a theory.
And once again you demonstrate that you haven't a clue what a scientific theory is.

I guess your so called demigods decided they could use this as a way to turn people away from the Truth.
I understood that evolution was accurate long before I ever even doubted the existence of God. The two are unrelated.
What made me question God's existence was the Church and the Bible.

But you can still embrace the Truth. Be not Afraid!
I already have and am not afraid.


Fear is the opposite of faith. Do you hear that Lawdog? Faith is a belief in what you know to be true, not what in you don't know to be true. Faith is trust, and I trust Him because I know Him. I demanded proof and God gave me proof. God wants you to want to know Him and to have a relationship with Him. He will give you more proof than you know what to do with if you really want it.

You don't have to be so defensive. If I am wrong about you, then I am simply wrong.

Your reactions are undoubtedly typical of a LIAR - and learn to rely on Intuition because your data can be skewed or biased.

So you're at IBM? If this is true, then all the more disapointing that you claim to believe in things even a young child would laugh at.

Note: A child needs no explanation that he has a FATHER in heaven, but he will certainly need alot of explanation if he is told that he descended from baboon like creatures.

Come on, if it is drawn like a baboon, has the body features of a baboon, walks like a baboon, then it is a baboon!!!!!

As a team leader which you so vainly told me, I suggest you distribute some bananas to your team and ask them what animal they associate the fruit with - yeah, baboons!!! BOOM< BOOM

:) :)

Fear is the opposite of faith.
Faith is the delusion that there is nothing to fear.
Faith is confusing a fantasy for reality.
Faith is used to avoid the fear that truth is not always pleasant.
Faith is the course taken by the lazy to avoid finding truth.
Faith is used by those frightened of truth.

I trust Him because I know Him.
No, you only trust what you have imagined.

I demanded proof and God gave me proof.
No, you merely convinced yourself of what you wanted to feel.

God wants you to want to know Him and to have a relationship with Him.
No – that’s just another of your fantasies.

He will give you more proof than you know what to do with if you really want it.
I did and nothing happened.

Sorry Lori but God is purely a figment of your overactive imagination.
jaded said:
I am a Christian, more qualified spiritually then you, more true to the Scriptures then you, and you want to know why I am sure,It is because I live The Scriptures.
I am an atheist, I am more qualified morally then you, more true to humanity then you, and you want to know why I am sure, it is because I live for humanity.

You don't have to be so defensive. If I am wrong about you, then I am simply wrong.
Yes you are wrong. Make an effort to read some of Raithere’s past posts – you might learn something.

Your reactions are undoubtedly typical of a LIAR - and learn to rely on Intuition because your data can be skewed or biased.
He stated he used reason and that intuition was unreliable. You appear to call everyone a liar who does not agree with you. Consider the possibility that you might be wrong.

So you're at IBM? If this is true, then all the more disapointing that you claim to believe in things even a young child would laugh at.
But then young children also do not understand scientific theory, like yourself.

Note: A child needs no explanation that he has a FATHER in heaven,
Yes he does – it is called religious indoctrination and it totally reprehensible. But then children often prefer fantasies since reality is often harder to understand, hence the reason that children are told fairy stories when they are young. Religions are just another set of fairy stories.

but he will certainly need alot of explanation if he is told that he descended from baboon like creatures.
Yes of course since a great deal of science has taken place to discover that and there is much to learn.

Come on, if it is drawn like a baboon, has the body features of a baboon, walks like a baboon, then it is a baboon!!!!!
So what’s your point? Humans didn’t evolve from baboons they had a parallel path to us. Here is a site that might help your training –

As a team leader which you so vainly told me,
Why is it vain to state a fact?

I suggest you distribute some bananas to your team and ask them what animal they associate the fruit with - yeah, baboons!!! BOOM< BOOM
You need to learn something about the facts of evolution as well as the theories if you wish to not look as foolish as you do at the moment.

Start here this will introduce you to some facts that you need to understand if you want to continue to debate here and maintain some degree of credibility and perhaps eventually some respect.
Posted by Jadon

Firstly this:
No, I dont loathe you, Superluminal. I feel Sorry for you. I want to help you so that you dont pass on this culture of hatred to your Three Beautiful Daughters!
then this:
Don't tell me that you are one of those extremely shy misled ones who hide away from the real world. Now stop being a shy person, come out of your shell, and start being a proper example of a Dad to your Beautiful Daughters.Coz, you know, I care about them too.
then this:
Thats cute, the way you spend time with your family!! (I don't really care much for movies though). Perhaps I could join you guys someday. I'm sure your Beautiful Daughters would enjoy my company.
then this:
Oh and I dont know who will be doing the 'ripping'
then this:

And by the way, Ladies Melt Like Butter In my Hands.

It is Hard being a Christian!!!

It is obvious that a veiled threat against SuperL and his daughters was intended.
The issue of Jadon's credibility is now clarified.....he has none what so ever.

Edit: My apologies SuperL, but I take offence to this litany of perversion wrapped up as a christian
Quantum Quack :D


That was beautiful and absolutely brilliantly well spotted. I bow down to you Sir..

We are not worthy... we are not worthy..

Jadon said:

You are just like the devil, always causing Mischief.

Is there not a time for everything?

So it shall be for you - make as much mischief as you can, but remember, Your Time For Mischief Will End - Jadon.
Really? When will it end? How will it end? With my death maybe? I don't need to remember that I will one day die. We will all become worm fodder one day. So what's your point?

Jardon, you can preach as much as you like but it doesn't mean that I will take you seriously. Personally I find evangelical and fundamentalist people such as yourself as annoying as a mosquito buzzing in my ear when I'm trying to sleep.

Note: A child needs no explanation that he has a FATHER in heaven, but he will certainly need alot of explanation if he is told that he descended from baboon like creatures.

Come on, if it is drawn like a baboon, has the body features of a baboon, walks like a baboon, then it is a baboon!!!!!

As a team leader which you so vainly told me, I suggest you distribute some bananas to your team and ask them what animal they associate the fruit with - yeah, baboons!!! BOOM< BOOM
What is this obsession of yours with baboons? Do you even know anything at all about evolution? Anything? If you do not know a particular subject or are ignorant in regards to something, the last thing you should do is try to pass yourself as having any form of knowledge or understanding of it by continuously referring to baboons. By doing so, you're making yourself look like one. Nor does it help your case or cause when you sit there and scream 'liar' at anyone who disagrees with you. All that does is further the notion that you are in fact ignorant.
Cris said:

Faith is the delusion that there is nothing to fear.
Faith is confusing a fantasy for reality.
Faith is used to avoid the fear that truth is not always pleasant.
Faith is the course taken by the lazy to avoid finding truth.
Faith is used by those frightened of truth.

No, you only trust what you have imagined.

No, you merely convinced yourself of what you wanted to feel.

No – that’s just another of your fantasies.

I did and nothing happened.

Sorry Lori but God is purely a figment of your overactive imagination.

You're wrong.
Jadon said:
You don't have to be so defensive. If I am wrong about you, then I am simply wrong.
I'm not defensive, I am simply irritated with you. You have been wrong about me several times now, demonstrating quite nicely why intuition is a poor substitute for reason when it comes to determining truth.

Your reactions are undoubtedly typical of a LIAR - and learn to rely on Intuition because your data can be skewed or biased.
Data can be skewed or biased but intuition will never help you determine whether this is so. Only logic and rigor (mathematical, scientific, experimental) will help you there.

So you're at IBM? If this is true, then all the more disapointing that you claim to believe in things even a young child would laugh at.
Children are not known for their immense scope of knowledge and advanced thinking. This is why we send them to school, to teach them facts and how to think.

A child needs no explanation that he has a FATHER in heaven, but he will certainly need alot of explanation if he is told that he descended from baboon like creatures.
" When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things."

Even the Bible sometimes has some good advice.

I suggest you distribute some bananas to your team and ask them what animal they associate the fruit with
My team prefers pizza.

What's with your obsession with baboons and bananas anyway?

lori sez to lawdog:

I'm not judging you, I'm vehemently disagreeing with you and exposing you as a liar, and doing so in accordance with the Word of God, and in the name of Jesus Christ. And this is not my opinion either, because it is the Holy Spirit that teaches me about your kind.

This is priceless!

We have one theist (lawdog) and another theist (lori) who claims to be "the bride of Christ," both vehemently disagreeing with one another. To top it off, we have (jadon) who "lives the scriptures" disagrees with both of them.

Surely, this must be very good evidence to suggest all of them are living their own fantasies based on their perceptions of someone elses fantasy.