Your time upon this earth is ending...

(Q) said:
Surely, this must be very good evidence to suggest all of them are living their own fantasies based on their perceptions of someone elses fantasy.

The only thing this proves is that even some Christians are yet like babes, but think they are fully grown. The time when a Christian ceases to learn more about being a Christian is when we die.

A true Christian listens to the scriptures, defining the difficult concepts with other defined concepts. Some have yet to learn a little, and some have a long way to go still.

The fact that they are in disagreement shows that they all have a different level of understanding. They will not learn if there is no debate.
jayleew said:
The only thing this proves is that even some Christians are yet like babes, but think they are fully grown. The time when a Christian ceases to learn more about being a Christian is when we die.

A true Christian listens to the scriptures, defining the difficult concepts with other defined concepts. Some have yet to learn a little, and some have a long way to go still.

The fact that they are in disagreement shows that they all have a different level of understanding. They will not learn if there is no debate.

You seem to be saying, jayleew, that you are almost at "perfect" while they still have a little ways to go. Am I hearing you right? And before you reply "no," you should reread what you just wrote. You should also re-THINK you're whole approach.
jayleew said:
The only thing this proves is that even some Christians are yet like babes, but think they are fully grown. The time when a Christian ceases to learn more about being a Christian is when we die.

It is when you die and are born again. Born into the real world.
The time when a Christian ceases to learn more about being a Christian is when we die.

One can dream, can't they? ;)

The fact that they are in disagreement shows that they all have a different level of understanding. They will not learn if there is no debate.

Yet, debate elludes them - in fact, they are vehemtly opposed to one another at this time, in very much the same manner they are opposed to atheists.

Why, if they all supposedly possess the 'knowledge' of god, which must be identical to all who profess to possess such knowledge, are their views so diametrically opposed?

Edit: My apologies SuperL, but I take offence to this litany of perversion wrapped up as a christian

None necessary! I already took him to task for this.

If Jadon is an adult, then he is a sleeze.

If he is a child (teenager) then I give him the benefit of the doubt as being an overzealous, misguided youth who dosen't know any better.

For some reason I respect you. You sound genuine and appear as though you would not evangelize. In fact I think you stated somewhere that finding Jesus was a personal journey and that anyone who would pound someone over the head with it was a "fuckhead", or something to that effect.

If you don't mind, I would like a simple response to this if you could.

You have a personal certainty that god exists and has brought you to where you are. You know the arguments we atheists have against faith and irrational acceptance of things.

Do you claim that you have rational, scientific (objectively provable) evidence that god exists as a real entity in the universe?

Or do you accept that your faith is based on tradition and hope only?

I'm very interested in your point of view. Thanks

Lori_7 said:
But it talks about appeals made to Jesus by people like you and many others, regarding their place in His Kingdom. Saying, "but we did this in your name, and that in your name, and followed your law, and blah, blah about all of their works". To which Jesus responds, "I never knew you".
There is also the following quote from Jesus which you should consider:

"Not all those who say LORD, LORD, shall enter the kingdom of Heaven"

"What sort of Man is this, whom even the winds and the seas obey?"

The day of thy reckoning is at hand. You WILL die the death:
Listen to the mourning song of thy relatives, thy spouse, or child:

Alas, my beloved, where art thou now? Only thy shell remains visible.
To what nether region hath thy ghost been ushered? Whither hast
thou fled and abandoned us?

Look what is writ on thy Tombstone:
"Here lay a proud disciple of Science who valiently refused
to worship the God of his ancestors. His beloved Science saved him
not from the final day, but while he lived he knew a few pleasures."

In the blink of an eye ye shall be swept up into thy Judgement.
Prepare thyselves to meet Him of the Holy of Holies,
The One who Exists, ALPHA and OMEGA
The Immense Glory of inutterable Majesty
He of the Ancientmost Uncreated Power,
Ye shall see thy entire life spread out before thee and ye shall
be intimate with newly found remorse:


This Judgement is much more to be dreaded by the unrepentant
than anything known in the universe.

Even the Devils believe...and they tremble!

Now the coldness of eternal death puts out
the last embers of the flame of love in my heart,
the joy of my youth and childhood.
Farewell holy God once beloved,
I could have loved thee but chose not,
I was made for you and thy eternal joys
I chose to betray thy Truth for short pleasures.

Please, consign me to the outer darkness for all time to
dwell in constant horror with the Devil and his Apostate Angels,
for thy mercy I rejected in life, and now in death thy justice I require!!

Do not think that you will escape the chamber of final truth-saying.
Repent of evil doctrines and learn sacred truths.
Render sorrow of thy sin to thy God and forgive one another.
this very day you can begin to change and come over to Him. Bend thy knee
now in joy, not later in tears...FOR Every knee in Heaven and Earth and beneath the Earth shall bend...

thats my work via the Spirit of God, only 3 quotes, the first and last sentences, +one bible quote, CAN YOU FIND IT????).

I am a writer/author.
I modelled the work after St. Ignatius' Spiritual Exercises.
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Its not spam, its just trying to keep folks on topic for this thread,
which is also part of the rules.
since that is the original quote

Lets try not to be rule-nazis.
I will not post it often, only when things get really off.
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Lawdog said:
Its not spam, its just trying to keep folks on topic for this thread, which is also part of the rules.
Very well. What about this story is it that you'd like to discuss?

superluminal said:

For some reason I respect you. You sound genuine and appear as though you would not evangelize. In fact I think you stated somewhere that finding Jesus was a personal journey and that anyone who would pound someone over the head with it was a "fuckhead", or something to that effect.

If you don't mind, I would like a simple response to this if you could.

You have a personal certainty that god exists and has brought you to where you are. You know the arguments we atheists have against faith and irrational acceptance of things.

Do you claim that you have rational, scientific (objectively provable) evidence that god exists as a real entity in the universe?

Or do you accept that your faith is based on tradition and hope only?

I'm very interested in your point of view. Thanks


I can't prove God rationally or scientifically, just as you cannot prove that we are the result of natural selection and macroevolution. You must understand the only way to prove it is to simulate it and observe it, which would take billions of years. Sure, you can prove that bits and pieces are obtainable naturally, but there is no scientific evidence (observations) for the whole account working together to result in sentient life. In other words, just because we exist doesn't prove any theory of how we came to be without observation of the phenomenon over billions of years.

So, to believe in random selection and macroevolution as the cause of sentient life takes a little faith as well. If you see me in front of a ball with an out-stretched leg and a ball moving toward you, you cannot say I caused the ball to move forward without seeing me kick the ball. But, you have faith using logic to say that I kicked the ball. Your belief that there is no God is logical, but that doesn't make it scientific fact.

A question I have for you is why do you think some animals have wings? Would it not have been more natural for nature to evolve a different creature that can carry out the same task as a bird? What influence could have caused the wings to form?

Was the first organism male or female? What influenece caused male and female anyway since we started as cells?
jayleew: ever seen a flying squirrel, hight influenced the wing, as animals when high for food, and lived higher to escape predators, moron.
Lawdog said:
Thats up to you.
Okay. I'll bite.

Reading this story it seems to me that you're consuming mega-doses of fear and insecurity. Are you really this afraid of life? Do you really feel that someone who loves you would subject you to so much terror and misery?

Ok, well, instead of making this about me and my psychology, lets examine why I have adopted thgis spirituality.
I have done so not on psychological grounds, but out of a realistic understanding of who God is, who and what Man is, and what God expects of Man.
What exactly in the passage suggests fear and misery for a believer? Nothing. only unbelievers inherit fear and misery after death, in this life they are free to enjoy themselves.

Some say that Religion is irrational, that there is no proof.

However, when the five rational proofs of the existance of God are presented to the Rationalists, they reject it, on invalid grounds. Scientists have no problem believing in atoms or oxegen molecules, though they have never seen any, on the grounds that they can observe their effects. Reasoning mathematic and logical proofs can be worked out on paper, and predictions confirmed in experiments.

The effects of God are also observable, logical proofs produced from perfectly formed self-evident principles of philosophy, confirmed by theologic Axioms, the results demonstrated on a cultural and personal level, but they reject this, not from a reasoning stand point, but because they know that they would have to change their lives if they admitted it.
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Lawdog said:
There is also the following quote from Jesus which you should consider:

"Not all those who say LORD, LORD, shall enter the kingdom of Heaven"

That's exactly what I'm talking about...directed at YOU. Jesus says what? THAT YOU HAVE TO BE REBORN OF THE HOLY SPIRIT TO ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM.

Thick...thick...thick...geez. *pounding head on desk*
Cottontop3000 said:
Oh, are you becoming another water? So sure of yourself? How do you know he is wrong?

Because God gave me the proof that he's inquiring about. And to that, he responds by calling me imaginative/delusional/lying. Which I think is worse than saying someone is wrong/mistaken. And soooooo...if he already wants to believe that there is no possible proof, then why in the hell is he inquiring of it????? Hmm....