Woo-Woo Contest?

How many of you have this kind of resume yet were throwing stones at him. That's comedy.

like i said, George was pres!

did you not see the point?

credentials (accepted by 'community' ) don't make someone good; some think moses was infallible

some think osama bin laden is a saint

heck the chief of staff in the white house, rahm emanuel, his daddy; not even a generation between them, was a terrorist (bonafide)

does that make any of them definitive on any subject?

you can't put up someones "work record" and say; "what he says, i believe"

then whine about it like a 'woo woo'

credentials (accepted by 'community' )

Exactly, his wasn't accepted by community, he was hired by these companies not elected to office by a populace with a less than stellar record.

you can't put up someones "work record" and say; "what he says, i believe"

then whine about it like a 'woo woo'

First of all I am not whining about it Ass.

Secondly, I never said I agreed with his views, just pointing out that we tend to hold these people in high regard until they make a claim that is outside of our comfort zone. Then we throw them under the bus often without even examining the claims.

Next time you have a comment to direct at me do it with the same respect I have given you, thank you.
why? what difference would that possibly make?

It would be something that could be tested. You talk to God, he tells us when the world ends, it doesn't end , and then just maybe you'll question what you are being told. I'm sure God will tell you a new date, and we can repeat, and the world will not end at any given predicted date. Eventually, you will not co-operate and provide dates, because you will see constant failures to predict accurately will start eroding your faith, and cognitive dissonance will kick in, and you will be in denial.

But, you could try and prove me wrong.
you know what i think is woo woo? insecure, close-minded, egomaniacal people who are threatened by anyone who attests to different experiences, opinions, and beliefs than their own, and respond to their fear by dishing out hateful and degrading rhetoric. THAT is woo woo.

Usually, when people claim to talk with gods, or 8 foot rabbits, they are told to seek professional help. The Pope would probably make the same recommendation if someone told him they talk with gods.

The person who is making the claim that would react as you do is in denial.
there is no such thing as woo woos..only a minority intelligent enough to give the cornered majority a hard time..

in order for woo woos to be aknowledged and "exist" you need two things
1- ignorance from the majority towards what the woo woos build their POV upon..then they are like two goats smashing each other..with -of corse- the goat with the bigger ram winning.

2-rudness and ill manners enough to tell the otherside they are woo woos even though of the previous point.. (even though you don't see the matter through their pigeon hole)

3-if you did reach the point where you can see things from their eyes (understand their POV as if it was yours), then there is no need to call them woo woos..just put their POV as shared ground from where you will start off and show them where they are mistaken..

4-if you did (#3) many times and still no positive results (one of you adopting the others' view)..then you have the right to secretly think of them as stupid..but out loud leave it at being different...if you go about calling them woo woos then you have entitled them the right to do the same to you.. BY YOUR OWN STANDARDS.


if a selected correct few have been banished by the sheep majority because they are actually the ones cornering them......thn there should be no need for these selected few to woo wooize any body because they themselves have been woo wooized for being right..

the fact that even the woo wooized (originally) are woo wooizing others means nothing except that the woo wooers and the woo wooizd are the same..neither of them is special..and both of them are somewhere wrong..they are two halfs (in a manner of speaking, because it's more of a tenth and a nine tenths) of the same body..a body of logic and illogic..

what has happenned is that the part aknowledging both logic and illogic has rightfully kicked out a cancerized part which goes with only logic...remember: it's IN A BODY OF BOTH LOGIC AND ILLOGIC..(if you object then let me slap you with this; where is the logic in love?)

bottom line is:

theists are woo woos in sciforums community.
atheists are woo woos in earth community.

sciforums community is a woo woo in earth community.

being called a woo woo in a woo woo community means you're normal.

anyone feels more comfortable admitting he's a woo woo now?

there is no such thing as woo woos..only a minority intelligent enough to give the cornered majority a hard time..
Or someone so completely deluded they believe that their view, which contradicts everything known, is some how absolutely correct and that every single scientist in history (or whoever) was wrong/ lying.

in order for woo woos to be aknowledged and "exist" you need two things
1- ignorance from the majority towards what the woo woos build their POV upon..then they are like two goats smashing each other..with -of corse- the goat with the bigger ram winning.
Nope, in order for a woo woo to exist in requires merely that that person goes against the accumulated knowledge of humankind with no supporting evidence (or at least a complete misinterpretation of the evidence).

2-rudness and ill manners enough to tell the otherside they are woo woos even though of the previous point.. (even though you don't see the matter through their pigeon hole)
Or the arrogance to say "Hey EVERYBODY ELSE is wrong and always has been, I alone know the real truth".
the fact that even the woo wooized (originally) are woo wooizing others means nothing except that the woo wooers and the woo wooizd are the same

what has happenned is that the part aknowledging both logic and illogic has rightfully kicked out a cancerized part which goes with only logic...

Or someone so completely deluded they believe that their view, which contradicts everything known, is some how absolutely correct and that every single scientist in history (or whoever) was wrong/ lying.

Like Galileo.:rolleyes:
Like Galileo.:rolleyes:

Oh pish.
Who declared him a woo woo (ever)?
His "crime" was going against the scriptures, not being a woo woo. Most of the church (at least those at the top) agreed with his analysis, but it undermined the "authority" of the bible: that was why he was "tried" and kept under house arrest.
Oh pish.
Who declared him a woo woo (ever)?

The entire scientific community of his time, thats who. He never could be bothered to back up his theories with evidence, which he never did collect since he was too arrogant to open up Keplers book for the entire time it lay collecting dust on his shelves. Then there was Mendel, who was treated with contempt for his woo woo theories during his lifetime.
The entire scientific community of his time, thats who. He never could be bothered to back up his theories with evidence, which he never did collect since he was too arrogant to open up Keplers book for the entire time it lay collecting dust on his shelves. Then there was Mendel, who was treated with contempt for his woo woo theories during his lifetime.

Wasn't it a bit worse than calling him a woo woo ?
He was used to the rest of it. [The poverty and unemployment]. It was the woo woo stuff he could not get used to.
Entire community?
Never backed up his theories?
Er, published quite a bit didn't he?
Yeah, unfortunately, he was considered a woo woo and hence his profligate publications were only of interest to the church, which provided him with the funds to make them possible. But Galileo was not without woowooism

When Kepler suggested that the the tides may be due to the moon, he dismissed it as an "occult fantasy" :p
The entire scientific community of his time, thats who. He (Galileo) never could be bothered to back up his theories with evidence, which he never did collect since he was too arrogant to open up Keplers book for the entire time it lay collecting dust on his shelves.

While the church refused to look through Galileo's telescope, other people did, and began realizing the universe was not some unchanging thing, but instead revealed of many things everyone was completely unaware. Serious doubt was cast on the credibility of Aristotle and Ptolemy.

Indeed, the bright minds of that day were most certainly impressed with Galileo's evidence and his theories, it was Galileo's challenging of the church that got him in trouble.